This is a project report about the Digitalisation in the Fashion industry & the project was named as Digital Nostalgia. This project basically targets the students from the fashion industry who participated in this project to collectively deal with the client. The client was the Coventry University London, not only from this university also students from other universities also joined. The project was conducted by the students who are divided into two parts one who worked as the marketing team and the other was the creative team. I worked as a part of the creative team in the project. In the second part, an individual reflective blog is also written to share my persona views & thoughts.
In this project, a game has been created & introduced where people can be able to create their virtual avatars and can also try fashionable clothes according to their choice & taste. Also this game was made to create an e-commerce platform for enhancing and upgrading the future of digital fashion. This project was conducted mainly for the purpose of understanding the sustainability in the fashion industry at present and in the coming future (, 2020).
The project was collectively done by the fashion university students from the Coventry University London & from other universities also. Together all the participants were classified into two teams where one is the creative team and the marketing team. First the client’s brief was drafted by the client through various communication mediums. This project was mainly conducted in terms of the future possibilities of the fashion industry and the consumers in it (Boardman, , Henninger, , & Zhu, , 2020). This gaming project was covering the experiences of the consumers about what they think of fashion clothing and what they would like to prefer in current scenario & in coming future also. The project included many educational topics regarding fashion clothing, brand philosophy which the fashion brands share and appreciate (, 2021). This gaming project will bring up ideas of what type of fashion sense are people trying to put in a playful manner.
Both the marketing team and creative team completed all the tasks ensuring that the posters must be finished within time schedule by teaming up all the university students. The marketing of this project were given the responsibility to place the poster for this project. And we the creative team started to design the step by step procedure of the project so that it could be ensured that no task can be left behind ( , 2020). The marketing team and the creative team both kept regular communication and coordinated with each other about all the details of the project so they no fact was missed to acknowledge about the project.
All the tasks enlisted for completion of the whole project were divided among both the teams according to their areas. The most crucial tasks distributed among the two teams includes –
All these steps were conducted with proper care and effort so that the project could be done successfully.
I was selected to join the creative team so our team work was mainly focused to organise the poster and the project event organisation so that when the guests will come to join there must not be any loopholes. I along with my team scrolled many creative ideas so that the project must attract most of helped the guests and participants. After selecting from lots of ideas I with my team came up with some of the best creative ideas for decorating the project event place in the campus. I helped my creative team with choosing the layout of the project event. I also contributed my team with fixing the props to make the place look beautiful.
My full attention was to my creative team but at sometimes I also helped with the marketing team to choose the promotional ideas, because of my creative skill they wanted my help in finalising how to make instant attention catching ideas for the social media platforms. I helped a little bit also for designing the posters of the project. We, both the teams applied the Scope Triangle to execute the project determinants that includes project time, project cost and the project quality for measuring the success of this project.
The communication of both the marketing and creative team with the client was in a good motion. All the drafting communicational directions for the project were significant so that no mistakes will be there. The marketing team was good in their work but our creative team had effective communication with the client. All the details which need to be focused on for the project event, we first noted them as lists and followed them accordingly. The marketing team was basically responsible for communicating regarding the project promotional development works and coordinating with the client so that each of their ideas can be accommodated (Gazzola,, Pavione, , Pezzetti, , & Grechi,, 2020). After moving towards every step improvement conversations through email drafts, messaging chat were informed to the client. The emails drafts were prepared in advance so that person responsible for coordinating or the main coordinator could get enough time to do the inspections and suggest improvements if needed. Every progress was keenly inspected by the coordinators of both of our teams. Each team discussed in group messages about the progress and every team member informed in the group regularly when the assigned task to them was finished completely (, 2020). During the process all the on-going situations in real time were updated to the clients also so that if they also wanted any change can be done within time.
Issues or conflicts are unavoidable & inevitable when there works a group of people so it was there in our teams also. The marketing team saw conflicts in their team members in context with the best promotional platform for the project event. The main problem identified was coordination within the teams working on any project which is a must for every work to accomplish successfully. In our team as I identified there was a gap of communication between the marketing and the creative team which should be filled (, 2020).
Another issue that I identified is that the team members of both marketing and creative group had disagreements with the team heads. In our creative team some members did not agreed to follow the team head’s directions because they thought that would not be appropriate but our team leader thought the decided things will be appropriate for the project (Hänninen, , 2020). There rose tension situation in between the team, though we all made that disagreements come to end by talking with both the members and made them understand that what the head decided that will be the correct choice for the project event. And finally the issues went down in the team and resulted in a successful project event.
There are few specific skills that I personally developed while doing this project. First of all I got knowledge about working in team and how can proper communication be established in a group so that all the tasks can be completed without issues. A proper communication is the key element in every team work and without that there will be no sync within the members which will result in lagging the project progress (MacArthur, , 2017). Still issues will arise in every place so we, the team tried our best that all the issues could be solved within us without hindering the project progress. This can be termed as conflict management.
Another skill that will probably help me in my future professional career is self-awareness. The self-awareness skill will be helpful in handling individual projects where every nook and corner will be managed by me (, 2020). I handled the creative areas but also helped in many marketing tasks also, so this gave me knowledge of every aspect of project management.
The conclusion of this individual project report says about the project event of fashion digitalisation proved to be very beneficial for the participants and provided lots of information and knowledge about fashion industry, the customers’ preferences, project management knowledge and lots more. Few issues were raised during the project completion but they have been resolved with skilfully. So I can recommend that all the fashion student participants who joined this event of Digital Nostalgia must have acquired huge scope of knowledge which will help all of them in their professional future to work skilfully and gain best possible benefits.
There is no doubt that my role in this project was to develop unique and creative ideas along with the creative team to make the event successful for ourselves and for the clients also. My specific role in the team was basically to think new ideas and then we all discussed about that so that if any modifications or improvements needed can be done. I personally gave my full support to the other team members as well as helped a little bit to the marketing team also. In marketing team I helped in making promotional ideas which also needed creative thinking. In order to present a detailed reflection about what I felt, how I worked and what I thought about the project process, the Gibbs Reflective theory model can be used here. This reflection model is a sequential structure of steps or questions that will be answered by writing down about the person’s experience (Mukendi, & Henninger, , 2020). The reflective report here will represent that what assignment says and how the whole process of writing the assignment made me feel, what experiences I faced and how I tackled the problems and brought the solution plans to that. The Gibbs reflection cycle model in introduced by Graham Gibbs in the year 1988, this model is a structural method to express the learning from the experience s and to make a plan about the issues and solutions to that, so that whenever next time any such experience occurs then the process can be leaned in a better way (Ranfagni, , Lancaster, , Ozuem, , Willis, , Howell,, & Helal,, 2021).
Continue your exploration of Individual Coaching in an Outplacement Project with our related content. (2020). Retrieved December 17th, 2020 , from Drapers Sustainable Fashion Conference 2020 : (2020). Retrieved December 18th, 2020, from FASHION AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY: . (2020). Retrieved February 13th, 2021 , from Creating trust in the circular economy: (2020). Retrieved January 5th, 2021 , from Fashion : (2021). Retrieved January 11th, 2021 , from SUSTAINABLE FASHION :
Boardman, , R., Henninger, , C. E., & Zhu, , A. (2020). Augmented reality and virtual reality: new drivers for fashion retail?. In Technology-driven sustainability (pp. 155-172). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Cuadros, , n. (2018). Bremaining in Vogue: The Impact of Brexit on the Fashion Industry. Am. U. Bus. L. Rev., 7,, 129.
Gazzola,, P., Pavione, , E., Pezzetti, , R., & Grechi,, D. (2020). Trends in the fashion industry. The perception of sustainability and circular economy: A gender/generation quantitative approach. Sustainability, 12(7),, 2809.
Hänninen, , M. (2020). Supply chain transparency in sustainability reporting: fashion industry perspective.
MacArthur, , F. E. (2017). A new textiles economy: redesigning fashion’s future. Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
Mukendi, , A., & Henninger, , C. E. (2020). Exploring the spectrum of fashion rental. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal.
Ranfagni, , S., Lancaster, , G., Ozuem, , W., Willis, , M., Howell,, K., & Helal,, G. (2021). Effects of online brand communities on millennials' brand loyalty in the fashion industry. Psychology & Marketing.
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