IT Computer Science Research Proposal Example

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Gamification And Game Based E Learning In The Field Of Information Technology

  • Course Code: SPW23820
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 30-05-2024

Over a significant period, researchers have attempted to get the exact meaning of gamification. Some of them have referred to it as making use of the game design elements, as well as the game mechanics across the non-game contexts.

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Regular expression

  • Course Code: SPW30417
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 2
  • Published On: 25-05-2024

Regular expression is a sequence of characters that are effective to define a search pattern. Through the search pattern, it is possible for the users to identify the string searching activities of the algorithms for find or find and replace

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Business Continuity Planning for the Banking Sector- The Case of a Qatar Central Bank

  • Course Code: SPW16031
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 28-09-2023

The banking sector works in a very volatile and uncertain environment. Various problems and challenges such as financial situations and economic turmoils could put their impact at the working and sustainability of the organization

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Examining the Factors Influencing Adoption of Cloud Computing

  • Course Code: SPW29447
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 17
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

Governments are always trying to find ways to improve their services to citizens; and in order to achieve this they need to restructure their

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Smart homes to improve Quality of Life of disabled

  • Course Code: SPW30085
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 15
  • Published On: 25-11-2023

Technological improvement has had a significant influence of the daily way of life not just for in communication, commuting, entertainment, but also going further into education and information outreach. Historically,

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Biomechanical Principles and Measurement Techniques

  • Course Code: SPW30130
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 2
  • Published On: 28-11-2023

An athlete’s performance is influenced by an array of facets which can be categorized into the wider dimensions of biomechanical

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Embracing the Digital Era: The Influence of Computers on Modern Society

  • Course Code: SPW27433
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 18-3-2024

The computer age characterised extensive use of computers and computerised devices and extending to the development of supporting structures coupled by influence on aspects of humankind living. Computers have developed to being core part, if not influencing every aspects, of lifestyle ranging from sporting world, social, entertainment to business.

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Digitizing Saudi Flower Shop Operations

  • Course Code: SPW22471
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 11-8-2024

The research will develop a website for a flower shop known as Pance. Notably, most businesses are now online and this has enabled them to have a bigger market share and lesser administration costs. By developing a website and a software to manage the shop remotely, it will be possible to expand the business beyond its physical reach. The project will benefit my father who lives in Saudi Arabia. He owns the flower shop and even though it is doing well right now, I believe that there is a big chance for improvement and this will increase his satisfaction and that of his customers.

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Cyber Bullying in UK Children

  • Course Code: SPW22611
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 12-8-2024

Barnados (2013) defines bullying an act of aggressiveness repeatedly and intentionally performed against an individual who is less powerful than the aggressor. Bullying can take place either physically (e.g. spitting, shoving, or hitting), verbally (e.g. threatening, taunting, name-calling), or socially (e.g. spreading or rumours); also known as traditional forms of bullying that take place face-to-face.

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Internet-Based CBT for Tinnitus

  • Course Code: SPW28957
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 15
  • Published On: 02-10-2024

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) can reduce tinnitus distress but is not available for most patients. Therapist guided, internet-based CBT (ICBT) increase availability and has been shown to be effective. However, the initial positive results need to be replicated in larger samples, and treatment dropout has not been thoroughly studied. Moreover, it has not been evaluated if a low-intensity version of ICBT without therapist contact could be an alternative for patients who do not need or are able to manage the full ICBT-program.

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The IT field of the sector is a devasting area where high technologies are learned and explored and are mostly utilised based on experience and knowledge. Here, the field is learned so thoroughly that it divines new concepts that require prior ideas and thorough searches and findings. If we talk about the computer science segment it carries hi-tech technologies which are used for finding out irrelevant questions or finding a way out of it.

This field of study requires immense effort and time and the individual who is obtaining it should develop a sharp mind which on the other hand is useful for its kind of success. But the main problem arises in dealing with both the learning part and dealing with the document sections, every stage of the higher degree of study now requires a filed Word document based on the specialization that the student has opted for at the beginning of the academic year. This has now been mandatory for all the students to work on the assignment essay section so that they better learn about the specific area more clearly and concisely.

To meet the written work altogether with the study process the students seek the service dealers who work based on student’s instructions to meet their assignment or dissertation journey. Likewise, in the field of the IT sector, there arises the computer science dissertation help that helps the students in preparing the opted documents. The Home of Dissertations is an online platform that renders out the services and another sort of helping hand that the students require during their institutional period regarding the assignment part. The board of the academic authorities have sanctioned out the guidelines and protocols based on which they have to work and outline out the asked document.

Here, the writers undertaken are highly professional and hold the capability to adhere to the needs of the students professionally whereby covering the entire area that must be mentioned in the written work. One is required to pay full attention and deal with thorough research to articulate the information and data that is required when presenting, along with the length and the formats that should be seen and must be applied. To sanction out the computer science dissertation ideas all by themselves or with the help of the experts should deliver uniqueness and transparency, as this is the most important focal area where mainly the attraction is based. Remember if the title head is different and eye-catching then it makes the reader read the entire document with full interest.

For the benefit of the students our writers have adhered to various sample examples for the understanding of the students which helps them in interpreting how their asked written work will look, and accordingly, the computer science dissertation examples are also mentioned for the field of the computer science students. It is thereby necessary to update the samples so that they help out the students as per the reference purpose and also seek trust in us with full faith regardless of other helping sides delivered from our side.

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Research Proposal Samples