Nursing Assignment Sample

Nursing is an integral profession focused on providing individual, family, and community care. Nurses play an essential role in offering both physical and emotional support to patients; often working in hospitals, clinics or home care settings. Nurses assess patient needs before administering treatments and advocating for the most beneficial results possible - an extremely rewarding profession that makes significant contributions towards overall patient wellbeing and recovery.

Post Operative Complications In Total Knee Surgery

  • Course Code: SPW26693
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 10-07-2024

This essay will look at a 76-year-old patient suffering from the post-operative complications of the total knee surgery (arthroplasty) in an orthopaedic ward under the care of a non-medical prescriber.

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Optimizing Academic Research Titles: Clarity, Specificity, And Credibility

  • Course Code: SPW24583
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 01-07-2024

Aveyard (2014) suggests that researchers should be responsible and assure the acceptance and the clearance of ideas presented in studies through their topics or titles. However, through the title ‘Nursing students’.

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Reflective essay on valued based health care and nursing service

  • Course Code: SPW24248
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 13-06-2024

The health and social care service is one of the most important public service that is required for the wellbeing of the individuals where the health care professionals and social workers provides efficient care and quality treatment to the patients of overcoming their health and mental issues so that they can live a normal life like others and imporve their standard of living.

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Working With Mrs Jones And Her Caregivers To Ensure Support

  • Course Code: SPW23915
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 03-06-2024

This essay seeks to discuss how the voluntary sector can be engaged to provide active support to persons with long term conditions. It is based on a case study of Mrs Jones, a 75-year-old adult with congestive heart failure.

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Formative Assessment

  • Course Code: SPW23793
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 6
  • Published On: 30-05-2024

The case study to be presented here is of the patient who is suffering from Pyelonephritis that is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI). As mentioned by NMC (2015)

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  • Course Code: SPW24163
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 30-05-2024

As mentioned by Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), mentorship is qualified midwife and nurse who are accountable for enabling performance evaluation.

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Reflections on Nursing Responsibilities in a Surgical Ward

  • Course Code: SPW28388
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 30-05-2024

In my placement in the surgical ward, I am mostly allocated to care for patients with bowel obstruction surgery. After the surgery, during recovery phase, stoma is attached to the patients as their intestine and stomach require some time for regaining normal activity. I had the responsibility to manage and replace the stoma bags on intervals to ensure effective care of the patients.

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Why You Think This Patient Case Is Important

  • Course Code: SPW23557
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 24-05-2024

Patient’s case is important for the physiotherapist as through identifying the background of the patient including medical records, past medication, family environment and social factors of the patients

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promoting language learning and cultural exploration in esol education: a creative approach

  • Course Code: SPW16044
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 03-10-2023

My educational setting is ESOL (English to Second Language Speakers). I teach students from all walks of life with diverse backgrounds. The age range of my learners is from19-65 years.

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Diversity in Healthcare: Intercultural Care

  • Course Code: SPW17867
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 01-11-2023

The emergence of intercultural care has been linked to interactions among persons from varying socio-cultural and economic backgrounds

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Data Analysis in Nursing Research

  • Course Code: SPW18125
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 04-11-2023

Research study on improving the safety of caregivers when they are turning and repositioning patients was formulated with objective of establishing how new the method of turning and repositioning patients reduced the occupational musculoskeletal risks faced by the caregivers and patient outcome. This paper outlines the element of data collection as applied in the methodology section of the study.

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Providing Holistic and Person-Centered Care for Keisha

  • Course Code: SPW28817
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 07-11-2023

The role of the nurses is leading and managing care for the service users which is important as in most cases the service

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Newly Qualified Nurse Socialization

  • Course Code: SPW28838
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 17
  • Published On: 07-11-2023

Professional socialisation includes novices of a professional group trying to get immersed in the culture of their profession

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leading and managing nursing care

  • Course Code: SPW29134
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 15
  • Published On: 10-11-2023

Strong as well as effective management and leadership framework are crucial for modern nursing care that

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  • Course Code: SPW29184
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 16-11-2023

The skills for effective nursing practise include providing attention to details in care, professionalism,

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Exploring Child Nursing Themes

  • Course Code: SPW29190
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 16-11-2023

In the study, to find an article for the chosen theme that is child nursing certain keywords are used.

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Benefit of the health promotion for COPD

  • Course Code: SPW19041
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 08-11-2023

Health promotion is referred to the process of allowing people to enhance control on their health and its determinants to ensure improvement in health. The five approaches to make health promotion include educational, societal, medical and behavioural change along with client-centred care. In Australia, it is found that effective health promotion regarding the awareness and prevention of risk factors regarding chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) is needed. This is because COPD in Australia has currently become the fifth common cause of death among the population (AIHW, 2020). In this respect, the study is going to inform the aim, objectives and target group for the health promotion regarding COPD in Australia. Moreover, the benefit of executing the health promotion along with the way it is to be executed through health promotion activity is to be discussed.

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Nursing practitioners and health practitioners manage

  • Course Code: SPW29058
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 09-11-2023

The involvement in reflective practice is important as it allows nursing practitioners and health practitioners manage their personal as well as professional effect on addressing fundamental health well-being of patients (Jacobs, 2016). In this study, reflection regarding use of Sepsis management skill is to be made. For this purpose, rationale of selection of the clinical skill is to be presented along with Gibb’s reflective cycle is to be used as model to present the reflection of the skill in a systematic way.

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Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences

  • Course Code: SPW29060
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 28
  • Published On: 09-11-2023

Childhood emotional abuse has a strong association with depressive symptoms in young adulthood Kisely et al (2018). Different themes also developed for the purpose of highlighting the impact of emotional abuse and depressive disorder among young adult

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Oral Hygiene Instructions for Patients with Removable Acrylic Partial Denture

  • Course Code: SPW29194
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 02
  • Published On: 17-11-2023

An adult who is fitted with an upper removable acrylic partial denture, which is replacing three missing incisor teeth.

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Nursing and Academic Practice

  • Course Code: SPW29304
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 17-11-2023

In modern nursing practices, nurses need to have good academic knowledge, professional skill and performance standard to perform manifold tasks with perfection and efficiency. In the modern nursing field, the main problem is that most of the

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Challenges and Compassionate Care

  • Course Code: SPW29346
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 18-11-2023

Paediatric nurses face severe challenges in terms of providing compassionate and person-centred care

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Enhancing Nursing Practice: Leveraging Digital Portfolio Management

  • Course Code: SPW29408
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 6
  • Published On: 18-11-2023

Digital portfolio management is important for showing the information and represents it in a synchronized way, the study is about representing the digital portfolio, which provides a scope to represent the data by charts, tabular formation and pictures so that the layout is good for the readers to understand and the information further.

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Reflecting on the Journey: A Three-Year Nursing Degree Experience

  • Course Code: SPW29263
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

Reflection is important for people to evaluate their past experiences and actions. Reflection in nursing is highly important

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Person-Centered Care at Home

  • Course Code: SPW29264
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

The article by Lee et al. (2017) mentions that increase in the elderly population who require long-term care has led the

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Communication and counselling

  • Course Code: SPW29409
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

Communication and counselling skill set are important for the nursing and health care industry, where the health care professionals and the nurses are collaborating with each other for serving the patient with high quality care and treatment (Lavoie, 2020). Counselling is necessary to treat the patients with continuous support and social skill development and in this context,

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Personal and Academic Development in nursing

  • Course Code: SPW29606
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 05
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

The reflective assessment is one of the effect way to review own skill and capabilities for further personal and professional development (DeCoux, 2016). It is beneficial for the individuals, working in the nursing care and health department to review own technical

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Vital Role of Urgent Care Nurses in Addressing COVID-19 Patient Needs

  • Course Code: SPW29646
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

The urgent care nurses are registered nursing practitioners who are responsible in providing care to the patients who do not require care in the Intensive care Unit but needs constant care observation and health monitoring (da Silva Santana et al., 2019).

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Critical assessment and comparative analysis of phenotypic

  • Course Code: SPW29656
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 20-11-2023

The present essay, has conducted a comparative analysis on the different methods of bacterial strain identification, taking in consideration the molecular methods of PCR and gene sequencing, the conventional phenotypic methods and the MALDI-TOF-MS method.

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Examining the Role of Healthcare Managers in Nursing Homes

  • Course Code: SPW29647
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 21-11-2023

In the field of medical services, the healthcare environment is always considered as a major concern as it is the area where health care services are to be provided to the service users or patients to ensure their enhanced health and well-being.

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Examining the Role of Healthcare Managers in Nursing Homes

  • Course Code: SPW29647
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 21-11-2023

In the field of medical services, the healthcare environment is always considered as a major concern as it is the area where health care services are to be provided to the service users or patients to ensure their enhanced health and well-being.

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A Holistic Approach for Elderly Patients

  • Course Code: SPW29747
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 21-11-2023

Palliative care is associated with improving the quality of life of patients suffering from preventable or chronic illness. this care approach is widely used by modern health

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Independent and Supplementary Prescribing For Nurses and Midwives

  • Course Code: SPW28887
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 38
  • Published On: 08-11-2023

Several consultation models were employed in prescribing practice but widely applied one in acute care was Calgary-Cambridge model. It complemented practitioner’s traditional holistic assessment approach to demonstrate proficiency in

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Orthopedic Patient Care: Case Study on Left Arm Pain in Edward Lewis

  • Course Code: SPW29787
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 22-11-2023

Orthopedic conditions are injuries and diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. This body system includes the muscles, bones, nerves, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues.

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Assisting With Personal Hygiene

  • Course Code: SPW29965
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 22-11-2023

In the field of medical services, the healthcare environment is always considered as a major concern as it is the area where health care services are to be provided to the service users or patients to ensure their enhanced health and well-being.

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An In-depth Analysis of Behaviorism and Constructivism

  • Course Code: SPW29873
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 23-11-2023

The two key learning theories in nursing are behaviourism and constructivism. The behaviourism explains that learning is achieved through enhanced interaction with the environment in the process of conditioning.

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Planned and Unplanned Learning Worksheets

  • Course Code: SPW29971
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 23-11-2023

In medical practice, accuracy is of great importance. I am planning to best this skill at the community pharmacy. With this kind of knowledge, I will provide patient care that would ensure optimal medication therapy outcomes.

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Self-Awareness and Leadership in Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW29837
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 24-11-2023

In nursing, self-awareness and leadership are two vital aspects considered that assist in developing

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The Role of The Student Nurse in Medicine Management

  • Course Code: SPW30315
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 27-11-2023

In medical practice, accuracy is of great importance. I am planning to best this skill at the community pharmacy. With this kind of knowledge, I will provide patient care that would ensure optimal medication therapy outcomes.

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Impactful Nursing Practices

  • Course Code: SPW29999
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 8
  • Published On: 27-11-2023

Effective and systematic nursing management is important for providing compassionate and holistic care to patients

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Marketing and Communications

  • Course Code: SPW30002
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 27-11-2023

Marketing mix strategic planning is important for the organisations to manage their operations in the market

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  • Course Code: SPW30020
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 27-11-2023

The caring is referred to the practice of looking after individuals who are unable to take care of themselves due to

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Balancing Duty and Public Interest

  • Course Code: SPW30365
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 05
  • Published On: 28-11-2023

Jackie, as a medical professional, owes a legal duty of confidentiality towards Darren. Lord Phillips MR ruled that there is a duty of confidentiality between a doctor and their patient in regard to their condition and treatment.

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Reflective Essay On Diabetes

  • Course Code: SPW30375
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 28-11-2023

Jackie, as a medical professional, owes a legal duty of confidentiality towards Darren. Lord Phillips MR ruled that there is a duty of confidentiality between a doctor and their patient in regard to their condition and treatment.

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Person Centred Therapy: Dealing with Negative Emotions

  • Course Code: SPW30377
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 28-11-2023

Jackie, as a medical professional, owes a legal duty of confidentiality towards Darren. Lord Phillips MR ruled that there is a duty of confidentiality between a doctor and their patient in regard to their condition and treatment.

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Unveiling the Hybrid Consumer: Navigating the Intersection of Price, Quality

  • Course Code: SPW30027
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 30-11-2023

There has also been a need to improve on the kind of services and delivery models being offered in this industry to meet the new consumer expectations that keep on evolving. The brand of hotel is one of the most significant perception values to modern consumers.

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Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in the Medical Device Industry

  • Course Code: SPW30072
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 30-11-2023

The decision-making in nursing or clinical judgement by nurse for the patient is made by considering the health status and history of the patients and making needs assessment. The clinical decision-making in nursing is important

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Fundamental Ways of Knowing and Caulfield's Pillar of Accountability

  • Course Code: SPW30077
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 30-11-2023

The importance of health research and practice is that it helps to develop better understanding of the trend of disease, outcome regarding complex treatment for public health issues, functional abilities, modified pattern of care, way to reduce healthcare cost and other (Frohard‐Dourlent et al., 2017).

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Children Nursing Assiment

  • Course Code: SPW30388
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 29-11-2023

Jackie, as a medical professional, owes a legal duty of confidentiality towards Darren. Lord Phillips MR ruled that there is a duty of confidentiality between a doctor and their patient in regard to their condition and treatment.

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Complexities in Mental Health Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW30395
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 29-11-2023

The mental illness is referred to health condition which includes emotional changes along with changes in thinking and behaviour due to distress and problems in functioning in social, work and family-related activities (Druss, 2020). In this study, the mental

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Hospitality Distribution Channels Management

  • Course Code: SPW30374
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 30-11-2023

The mental illness is referred to health condition which includes emotional changes along with changes in thinking and behaviour due to distress and problems in functioning in social, work and family-related activities (Druss, 2020). In this study, the mental

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Care of Patients With Complex Condition

  • Course Code: SPW30570
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 26
  • Published On: 01-12-2023

People with complex health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are more vulnerable to mortality and morbidity as compared to healthy people. This is because the complex health condition not only

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Analysis of Nursing Behaviour

  • Course Code: SPW30735
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 05-12-2023

People with complex health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are more vulnerable to mortality and morbidity as compared to healthy people. This is because the complex health condition not only

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Critical Appraisal of 'An Exploration of the Hydration Care of Older People

  • Course Code: SPW30741
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 05-12-2023

People with complex health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are more vulnerable to mortality and morbidity as compared to healthy people. This is because the complex health condition not only

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Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights in the Medical Device

  • Course Code: SPW30072
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 30-11-2023

The decision-making in nursing or clinical judgement by nurse for the patient is made by considering the health status and history of the patients and making needs assessment. The clinical decision-making in nursing is important

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Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) Code: Safeguarding Standards

  • Course Code: SPW30528
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 05-12-2023

The UK parliament developed the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) code for regulating the nurses as well as midwives in the UK and nursing associates present in England.

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Clinical Significance of Survivin, BAP1, and Ki-67 in Distinguishing Epithelioid

  • Course Code: SPW30633
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 08-12-2023

Epithelium mesothelioma (EM) is a mutated epithelial cell that has malignant characteristics. When the healthy epithelial cells undergo mutation and then develop cancerous cells these cells are called epithelium mesothelioma (EM).

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Holistic Nursing Care for Ischemic Heart Disease

  • Course Code: SPW30634
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 08-12-2023

In nursing, the case study analysis acts as evidence-based framework for the nurses to help them understand the way of evaluating and examining complex health issues of the patient so that holistic care can be provided to the individual

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Effective Communication in Healthcare: Mitigating Errors, Enhancing Teamwork

  • Course Code: SPW30556
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 06-12-2023

The UK parliament developed the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) code for regulating the nurses as well as midwives in the UK and nursing associates present in England.

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Utilizing Rolfes Reflective Model A Personal Account in the Urology Department as a Student Nurse

  • Course Code: SPW30848
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 07-12-2023

People with complex health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are more vulnerable to mortality and morbidity as compared to healthy people. This is because the complex health condition not only

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A Looming Threat for Pregnant Women

  • Course Code: SPW30875
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 08-12-2023

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is caused by the female anopheles mosquito. It is a disease that is not transmitted from one person to another; these symptoms present themselves in form of high temperatures, painful joints and fever. Malaria is very common

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The Heart of Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW30791
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 9-12-2023

I have always wanted to see people happy and in good health. I have personally experienced occasionally

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Meeting Healthcare Demands of an Aging Population

  • Course Code: SPW30835
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 12-12-2023

The field of nursing to be focused in the study is Adult nursing which the field were nurses mainly provide

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Crucial Role of Nurses in Responding to Patients' Acute Needs

  • Course Code: SPW30756
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 12-12-2023

Nurses are the pillars of the healthcare framework who play crucial roles in providing high-quality care and support to patients thereby promoting their health and wellbeing. Nurses play manifold roles in their practices such as observing patients,

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  • Course Code: SPW30943
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 14-12-2023

An effective as well as systemic nursing care plan is important for providing high-quality care to patients

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Oral Health Advice for a Nursing Mother

  • Course Code: SPW30882
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 15-12-2023

A 26 years old lady, who is a nursing mother, was referred to me for providing effective Oral Health Advise for preventing the root caries.

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Comprehensive Study on Venous Leg Ulcer Care

  • Course Code: SPW31234
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 14-12-2023

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is caused by the female anopheles mosquito. It is a disease that is not transmitted from one person to another; these symptoms present themselves in form of high temperatures, painful joints and fever. Malaria is very common

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Nursing Reflection on Complex Care in Mental Health

  • Course Code: SPW30898
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 18-12-2023

Complex care can be referred as the person-centred approach that is designed to manage the symptoms of more than one chronic health conditions in a patient. In mental health nursing the complex care is widely used

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Addressing Tooth Erosion in a 10-Year-Old

  • Course Code: SPW31088
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 19-12-2023

A 10 years old boy with his mother has been referred to me for providing them with necessary oral health advise

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Effective Communication Techniques for Nurses Interacting with Dementia Patients

  • Course Code: SPW31390
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 18-12-2023

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is caused by the female anopheles mosquito. It is a disease that is not transmitted from one person to another; these symptoms present themselves in form of high temperatures, painful joints and fever. Malaria is very common

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  • Course Code: SPW31196
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 8
  • Published On: 20-12-2023

Palazzo Versace is a luxury hotel that is located near Southport Broadwater in Main Beach, and Marina Mirage shopping

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Clinical Pathway and Nursing Intervention for Type Diabetes

  • Course Code: SPW31402
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 19-12-2023

Long term health condition is also called chronic health condition in which the illness cannot be permanently cured but the health implications of the illness can be managed by following the effective medical regimen (Chaudhury et al. 2017). This study will discuss the clinical

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Reflective Journey of a Student Nurse Expansive Learning

  • Course Code: SPW31537
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 20-12-2023

In nursing, expansive learning is important for student nurses to improve their professional knowledge and skill throughout the nursing practice. Throughout the training, student nurses pass through several learning processes that shape their existing skill and develop new

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Developing Nursing Knowledge in Mental Health Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW31541
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 20-12-2023

The mental health nurses are responsible for planning and providing support and medical and nursing care to the people who have mental health issues along with physical illness. There are several mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, personality issues

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Alcohol Consumption and Health Outcomes

  • Course Code: SPW31550
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 03
  • Published On: 20-12-2023

Smyth, A., Teo, K.K., Rangarajan, S., O'Donnell, M., Zhang, X., Rana, P., Leong, D.P., Dagenais, G., Seron, P., Rosengren, A. and Schutte, A.E., 2015. Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective

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Adhering to NMC Guidelines and Promoting Patient Safety

  • Course Code: SPW31045
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 20-12-2023

In modern nursing practice, nursing professionals must adhere to the NMC (2018) guidelines to not only provide safe and high-quality care to patients but also promote their professional accountability and integrity throughout the professional practice [NMC, 2018].

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  • Course Code: SPW31053
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 21-12-2023

An effective as well as systemic nursing care plan is important for providing high-quality care to patients (Mościcka et al., 2019). For treating a venous leg ulcer, care professionals need to follow the systematic care pathway which is associated

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  • Course Code: SPW31169
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 09
  • Published On: 22-12-2023

“Martin-Ferreres, M.L., Pardo, M.Á.D.J., Porras, D.B. and Moya, J.L.M., 2019. An ethnographic study of human dignity in nursing practice. Nursing outlook, 67(4), pp.393-403”.

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Mental health nursing is a nursing practice sector

  • Course Code: SPW31170
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 22-12-2023

Mental health nursing is a nursing practice sector that offers care to people with mental health disorders to assist them improve their lifestyle or recover. Mental health nurses are required to have advanced knowledge of mental health diagnosis, assessment, and treatment.

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Mental health nursing is a nursing practice sector

  • Course Code: SPW31282
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 21
  • Published On: 23-12-2023

The case studies of patients provide invaluable record of different clinical practices executes to care for their health by healthcare professional and nurses. It acts as guidance to develop effective management of similar patients in a successful manner and the records help in framing key clinical studies. Thus, in this assignment,

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Oral Health Guidance for Angular Cheilitis in a 7-Year-Old Boy

  • Course Code: SPW31302
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 23-12-2023

A 7 years old boy with her mother has been referred to me by the dentist for providing them an effective as well as clear oral health advice on angular cheilitis. After assessing theoretical health of the body, it has been seen that the body needs an effective oral heath guidance for

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General Practice Surgery

  • Course Code: SPW32735
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 01-11-2023

In healthcare, consultation is the key opportunity in which the clinicians and nurses are able to explore the problems of the patients and their concerns leading them to identify the cause of their illness. It helps in determining the nature of intervention to be provided so that effective clinical governance can be reached (Ahmed et al., 2018). In this study, initially the consultation process of the patient is to be analysed. Thereafter, the pharmacological actions of the drug and clinical governance in care is to be analysed and discussed.

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Enhancing Mental Health Nursing Practice

  • Course Code: SPW31475
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 6
  • Published On: 25-12-2023

In nursing, reflection is important because it assists nurses to recognize their strength and limitation that is used to guide their

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Understanding Nurse Burnout in Dementia Care

  • Course Code: SPW31726
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 24
  • Published On: 23-12-2023

Nurse burn out in the dementia setting is a matter of great concern in modern nursing field. PHE (2019) mentioned that, many cases of nurse burnout have been registered in the NHS hospitals in which nurses experience several factors that lead to their burnout

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Developing Expansive Learning

  • Course Code: SPW31851
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 23-12-2023

Model for Critical Reflection and Action Plan template (the word counts are just to give you an idea of where to focus – you have 1500 words in total) School of Health and Education - Assessment Submission Sheet

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Integrated Nursing Care of the Adult Patient

  • Course Code: SPW31852
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 23-12-2023

Integrated care in nursing is organising care delivery process for the patient to achieve improved care for the patients through enhanced coordination of support provided to the patient (Song and Tang, 2019). In this assignment,

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Understanding Play Therapy as an Intervention for Autistic Children

  • Course Code: SPW31892
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 25-12-2023

Young children use play as a means of learning. As they play, they build both their social and physical skills to try on different characters and personalities (Hillman, 2018). however, research evidence (Phytanza and Burhaein 2019) show that autistic

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Enhancing Nursing Care through Patient Assessment and Intervention

  • Course Code: SPW31894
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 25-12-2023

In nursing care, the nurses are to show empathy and develop a collaborative relationship with the patients so that they can identify the root cause of health problem and explain reason behind the symptoms been raised along with ensure appropriate

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A Patient with Alcohol-Related Liver Cirrhosis

  • Course Code: SPW31416
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 25-12-2023

This essay illustrates the understanding of nursing skills required to assess a patient's individual care needs. The paper provides a critical analysis and evaluation of clinical reasoning and decision-making to make informed, evidence-based decisions when diagnosing a patient's condition.

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William's Complex Health Condition and Multidisciplinary Approach

  • Course Code: SPW31425
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 25-12-2023

For the last decade, multidisciplinary healthcare bodies have embraced the 'complex patient' model more often because there has been a rise in hospital

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Understanding Patient Health through Case Study Analysis

  • Course Code: SPW32040
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 26-12-2023

The analysis of case study of patients is important to develop range of perspectives regarding the disease which the patient is suffering from opposed to single view of the individual or patient during the initial

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Critically analyse the contribution of leadership relating

  • Course Code: SPW32148
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 22
  • Published On: 27-12-2023

In nursing, the handing over of care is the process of transferring professional accountability and responsibility for some aspect or part of care of a patient by one nurse to another. The handing over in nursing

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Function of the Brain and Nervous System in Human Physiology

  • Course Code: SPW31591
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 28-12-2023

The brain acts to control the way a person feels, think, learn, remember, mover talk and perform other physical as well as psychological action through the help of the nervous system.

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Knowledge and Care

  • Course Code: SPW32192
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 29-12-2023

This is your individual workbook which is to be completed as part of the summative assessment for 6HSK1078. The workbook is intended to be completed as an individual piece of work and University rules on plagiarism and collusion must be adhered to.

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Skill Integration in Nursing Education

  • Course Code: SPW31822
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 24
  • Published On: 2-1-2024

The transferability skills in nursing are referred to as skills that are required to be present among nurses to make them successfully deliver

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Ethical Compassion in Nursing Practice

  • Course Code: SPW31830
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 3-1-2024

An integral part of the healthcare system is nursing which encompasses the promotion and prevention of health and illness for people

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Community Care for Individuals with Long-Term Neurological Conditions

  • Course Code: SPW31785
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 03-01-2024

Long-term neurological conditions are a group of disorders that develop due to nervous system damage or disease that lasts a lifetime. These illnesses substantially impact an individual's profession, family, and society as a whole.

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Understanding the Components and Functions of the Respiratory

  • Course Code: SPW32556
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 05-1-2024

This is the beginning of the upper respiratory tract which opens towards the face through two nares anteriorly. Posteriorly the nasal cavity opens to the nasopharynx by two choanae (Peate, 2018).

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Post cardiac arrest

  • Course Code: SPW31994
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 5-1-2024

Systematic post–cardiac arrest treatment following return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is becoming more widely recognized as a way

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Enhancing Hand Hygiene Practices Among Young Nurses

  • Course Code: SPW32111
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 26
  • Published On: 6-1-2024

The process of handwashing is an essential part of the daily routine of life. It is also important to prevent the infectious spread and

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Critical Appraisal Of A Primary Research Paper

  • Course Code: SPW32124
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 8-1-2024

This essay is about to present a critical appraisal of the selected primary research paper in terms of evaluating the validity, authenticity

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Professional Development Plan: Strengthening Core Nursing Skills

  • Course Code: SPW32056
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 08-01-2024

In this PDP I would like to discuss my weaknesses that I have identified during reflecting on my placement. The areas of improvements are the written communication skill, task delegation skill, risk management skill nursing leadership and management and medicine management skill and safe medicine administration skill.

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Nursing Practice Through Reflective Analysis of SBAR Communication

  • Course Code: SPW32076
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 09-01-2024

In nursing, reflective practice helps the nurses in making sense of their actions to learn and improvise their skills in enhancing their strength and resolving identified weakness. SBAR is one of the key communication frameworks been used to make meaningful communication by the nurses with the doctor.

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Managing Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Type-2 Diabetes

  • Course Code: SPW32079
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 09-01-2024

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the build-up of plaque in the arterial wall which supports blood supply to the heart and the plaque causes narrowing of the arteries resulting to limit blood flow to the heart (Tayefi et al., 2017). As per reports in 2021,

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Patient Care Through Effective Teamwork in Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW32217
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 10-01-2024

As mentioned by Hastie (2018), teamwork skill is fundamental to the dynamics of nursing that potentially influence the quality of care, safety of patients, workplace culture and behaviour of nursing staff. In this context the topic, “team working in nursing” is highly

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Patient Confidentiality and Addressing Domestic Abuse

  • Course Code: SPW32219
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 10-01-2024

The NMC Code of Conduct mentions that confidentiality and privacy of the patient are to be ensured (NMC, 2018). The pseudonym M is used to indicate the patient. M is a 78-year-old female suffering from lung cancer who lives with her married son. M has been a smoker for 20+ years.

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Analysis of Nursing Care Challenges in Managing a Complex Patient

  • Course Code: SPW32253
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 19
  • Published On: 10-1-2024

The delivery of effective nursing care is important (van Belle et al., 2020) because as it helps in providing enhanced treatment to the

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Reflection Regarding Dementia Care

  • Course Code: SPW32256
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 8
  • Published On: 11-1-2024

In the workplace, I was responsible in delivering care to dementia patients to ensure their enhanced health outcome. It was mentioned

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Accountability And Professionalism In Nursing Associate Practice

  • Course Code: SPW32265
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 19
  • Published On: 12-1-2024

In nursing practice, nursing professionals must uphold their moral and ethical values, professional accountability and integrity

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Reflective Practice in Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW32268
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 12-1-2024

In nursing, reflective practice is important because it enables the nurse to determine the impact of their care procedure

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Professional Values In Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW32379
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 04
  • Published On: 12-01-2024

Professional values in nursing can be defined as the moral principles that nurses need to implement in their practices to uphold their professional accountability towards their patients and colleagues (Alligood and Fawcett, 2017).

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Assessing And Planning Patient Centred Care

  • Course Code: SPW32277
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 8
  • Published On: 13-1-2024

In nursing, record keeping of patient’s care and others helps in creating proof of care provided (Thupayagale‐Tshweneagae et al., 2020).

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Accountability And Professionalism In Nursing Associate Practice Module

  • Course Code: SPW32283
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 13-1-2024

Self awareness is an essential part of nursing activities. The essentiality of certain values, principles, and professional behavioural

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Foundations of Nursing and Evidence Based Healthcare

  • Course Code: SPW32425
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 17-01-2024

According to the recent reports it is seen that today's healthcare system are generally made of based on technological skills or are multigenerational and have a work force which is diverse culturally. After all these the speciality have always focused on specific things that is there is a common goal.

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Exploring the condition of Overflow Incontinence

  • Course Code: SPW26257
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 18-1-2024

Urinary incontinence is a condition characterised by the disorders in the management of the urinary function in the human body. The Incontinence is characterised into many types which differ in the manifestation of the disorders in the performing the urinary function.

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Enhancing Professional Development and Patient Care

  • Course Code: SPW32611
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 19-01-2024

As mentioned by Hastie (2018), teamwork skill is fundamental to the dynamics of nursing that potentially influence the quality of care, safety of patients, workplace culture and behaviour of nursing staff. In this context the topic, “team working in nursing” is highly realistic as well as relevant that will present an evidence-based discussion on how teamwork

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Promoting Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare Education: A Systematic Critique of Research on Older Patients

  • Course Code: SPW28881
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 07-11-2023

According to an undergraduate program in the field of healthcare and other related subjects, students need to illustrate their capabilities to read, understand, and review research reports, as do many different instructional disciplines. Seckam and Mercer (2018), stated about the in the current journal entitled “Older patients’ experiences and perceptions of having their wounds treated with medical-grade honey

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Exploring the Significance of Nursing Care: Person-Centered Approaches, Roles, and Accountability in Modern Healthcare

  • Course Code: SPW28871
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 07-11-2023

Nursing is one of the most important professions in healthcare that plays a crucial role in satisfying the major objectives of healthcare such as providing compassionate care to patients, determine patients’ health needs

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Revolutionizing Hospitality: Exploring Innovation's Impact on Business Objectives

  • Course Code: SPW32495
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 30-1-2024

Self awareness is an essential part of nursing activities. The essentiality of certain values, principles, and professional behavioural

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Transformational Leadership in Nursing Practice

  • Course Code: SPW32655
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 31-1-2024

In this study I will present a critical appraisal of my personal leadership and management skill as a student nurse. In this assignment

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Concepts Of Interprofessional And Collaborative

  • Course Code: SPW322184
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 7-02-2024

Reflection is regarded as an analytical practice where one is required to describe an event, a real or imaginary scene and interaction that adds meaning to life (Husebø et al., 2015). In this work, I was tasked to reflect on the experience and interactions I acquired when working in the.

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Overview and Treatment in Women

  • Course Code: SPW27737
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 13-2-2024

Breast cancer is abnormal growth of cells in the breast which is usually expressed in the form of tumour or felt as a lump. The presence of breast cancer is rare in men with 350 cases reported each year in the UK compared to 55,000 cases reported among women in the country

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Exploring Non-Clinical Prescribing in Primary Care

  • Course Code: SPW26417
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 19-2-2024

The objective for this task is to examine a non-clinical recommending scene dependent on a genuine clinical situation of a patient

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Pursuing Excellence in Dental Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW26555
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 2
  • Published On: 21-2-2024

From my childhood, I have always been fascinated to pursue a career in the healthcare sector. My interest has been in helping and protecting

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Communication Strategies and Challenges

  • Course Code: SPW28510
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 20-2-2024

During advocacy for patients, the nurses require to avoid creating and discrimination towards the patients. The nurses are required to control their emotions and self-belief so that they remain above unequal thoughts and actions to deliver care with compassion and respect,

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Research and Evidence Based Practice

  • Course Code: SPW28669
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 03
  • Published On: 21-2-2024

The NMC Code of Practices informs nurses to use evidence in delivering care to service users to ensure their enhanced health (NMC, 2018). In the UK, the sources of evidence used by nurses in assuring patient safety and enhanced health outcomes come from Royal

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Implementing Person-Centred Care in Mental Health

  • Course Code: SPW25012
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 22-2-2024

The Person-centred care is referred to the approach where the individuals involved in utilising healthcare services are kept in the centre while making care plan and healthcare decision by the nurses and health professionals.

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Patient-Centered Care: Ethical Reflections on Autonomy, Disclosure, and Family Involvement

  • Course Code: SPW26727
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 24-2-2024

Nurses are often faced with a dilemma in the course of their practice to disclose sensitive information to their patients. Nevertheless, they should protect human rights by upholding

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Medicines Optimization in Healthcare

  • Course Code: SPW26742
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 24-2-2024

It is term coined by the United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agencies (MHRA) which denotes the following – “The clinical, cost-effective and safe use of medicines to ensure patients get the maximum

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Nursing Reflective Model

  • Course Code: SPW25152
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 23-2-2024

I have undertaken a reflection of professional values and parameters of practice. Professional nursing values are characterized by integrity, human dignity, professional practice and evaluation, justice that serves as a framework for standards and altruism.

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Applying Driscolls Model

  • Course Code: SPW25215
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 23-2-2024

I have undertaken a reflection on nursing skills that I pursued during my placement practice applying Driscoll's model reflective cycle. Driscoll's model is a recognized reflective framework that demonstrated

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Depression in the UK: Prevalence, Demographics, and Treatment Approaches

  • Course Code: SPW26770
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 27-2-2024

Depression is referred to mood disorder in which the individuals develops feeling of dejection and despondency, difficulty to concentrate, disturbance in sleeping hours

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Communication in End of Life Care

  • Course Code: SPW25186
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 27-2-2024

The identification and understanding of the factors that indicate an individual is in their last hours or days of life are subtle and complex. However, the nurses are obligated to identify them and provide care to such patients in such a way so that it promotes comfort,

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Barriers to Nutritional Care for Undernourished Elderly Patients

  • Course Code: SPW25389
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 28-2-2024

The older adults are seen to require effective care support from nurses and carers as due to old age and health complications they are unable to take their own care. The nurses require being efficient in offering proper care to elderly individuals so that dignified

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Strategies for Effective Nurse-Patient Communication in Managing Type-2 Diabetes

  • Course Code: SPW27136
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 9-3-2024

The nurses during care offer required treatment and intervention by the patients to treat their physical ailments and accomplish emotional needs. Thus, the delivery of appropriate nursing care is required for ensuring quality health and well-being of the patients.

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Importance and Implementation of Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW25541
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 13
  • Published On: 9-3-2024

Pressure Ulcers which are also known as bedsores which are the localised injury to the underlying tissues or skin usually due to long-term pressure or shear friction occurring over the bony prominence (Edsberg et al. 2016). The prevention of pressure

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Humanistic Assessment In Mental Health

  • Course Code: SPW23329
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 12-03-2024

Nurses execute their duties within a nursing process that begins with patient assessment, then diagnosis phase, planning phase, implementation phase and evaluation/assessment phase (Howatson et al, 2013). Here, we are interested in the assessment phase, where we will conduct

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Fundamental Aspect Nursing Care

  • Course Code: SPW23416
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 14
  • Published On: 14-03-2024

Fundamental aspects of nursing care promote the foundation for all types of nursing care, that enable nurses to provide the high-quality care and support to patient in terms of conducting their sooner recovery. This essay is going to discuss the fundamental aspects of the nursing care

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Nursing Care Strategies for Managing Paranoid Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse

  • Course Code: SPW27411
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 11
  • Published On: 15-3-2024

The presence of proper nursing care is essential as it helps to treat physical health complications of the patients as well as their psychological needs. (Nash, 2014). In this assignment, the key purpose to determine the nursing care of John McDermont who is currently suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and substance abuse issues.

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Observation And Evaluation Nct

  • Course Code: SPW23532
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 15-03-2024

In my first time attendance of the NCT Signature and breastfeeding course, I did not know what to expect and it has been quite a great experience to observe both due to their diverse layout. Both signature and breastfeeding had the same aim of empowering new parents and their setup

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Delegation And Patient Management

  • Course Code: SPW23547
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 07
  • Published On: 15-03-2024

In this critical reflection essay, the challenges experienced during an incident while managing a group of patients as student nurses in my third-year placement is discussed. The essay is going to explore the impact of delegation and poor handover of nursing duties

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Health Assessment and Nursing Intervention for Patient Sharon

  • Course Code: SPW25944
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 18-3-2024

The health assessment of the patient helps to ensure safe and effective nursing practice as it informs the nurses regarding the risk to be faced by the patient, in turn, making them take steps to implement effective medical

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Maintaining Professional Nursing Standards

  • Course Code: SPW23649
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 20-03-2024

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the professional body which sets out standards and guidelines to regulate the nurses to work professionally to ensure effective care to the service users (, 2018). The NMC Code of Conduct is seen to support

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Empowering Healthcare Through Compassionate Leadership

  • Course Code: SPW27502
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 2
  • Published On: 21-3-2024

Since childhood, I always wanted to pursue a career in the healthcare sector. My fascination has always been in protecting and assisting patients in and around the society. To me, general nursing and mental health nursing is all about working respectfully and diligently and being able to charge as a leader in a high pressured surrounding to deliver the best.

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Patient Needs And Nurse Concerns

  • Course Code: SPW23683
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 21-03-2024

The establishment of effective communication in nursing is essential for ensuring patient safety as well as their improved health and well-being. This is because the nurses who are at the centre of the patient care through communication are able to share information regarding

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Navigating Vulnerability: Strategies for Compassionate Nursing Practice

  • Course Code: SPW27646
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 23-3-2024

Nursing care involves assessment, diagnosis, evaluation and planning of care for the patients by the nurses through autonomous and collaborative action taken with the inclusion of patients, their family members, expert health and nursing professionals (Adam et al. 2017). The key aim of nursing care is to prevent deterioration of the health of individuals and control as well as manage the illness so that better health and well-being can be assured to the patients.

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Optimizing Care for Fatima

  • Course Code: SPW27663
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 7
  • Published On: 27-3-2024

This case study will examine Fatima’s current health condition regarding her obesity and difficult sleeping. The nurse will assess the patient’s physical, psychological and sociological needs whilst using the Roper et al. (2000) model. This model allows nurses to assess patients holistically. Roper et al’s. (2000) framework contains the twelve-activity daily living assessment which is widely used to assess patients a cross the UK. Roper et al. (2000).

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Gardening Therapy for Mental Health

  • Course Code: SPW27689
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 26
  • Published On: 4-4-2024

The NHS services are struggling to ensure high standard of care are maintained in the wake of financial and operational drawbacks it is experiencing. In order to achieve quality care the leadership of the NHS both at local and national levels must focus on service improvement and clinical excellence. The NHS needs to redesign its services in a way to ensure there is safety, savings on cost, effectiveness, streamlining of services and improved experience of care. Service improvement will also help remove the negative connotations people have on nursing (Craig, 2018). NICE offers guidelines which are supposed to ensure excellent standardised care is achieved across all NHS facilities.

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Reducing Elderly Falls in Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW25347
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 17
  • Published On: 29-06-2024

The elderly due to their illness as well as deteriorated physical health condition such as heart diseases, poor vision, vertigo attack and others are unable to have proper strength to move alone and balance their body making them be at risk of experiencing falls (Giordano et al. 2016).

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Clinical Judgment in Nursing Care

  • Course Code: SPW25486
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 18
  • Published On: 29-06-2024

This essay will explore how the nurses make judgments regarding Mr. Singh’s clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Clinical reasoning describes the techniques that the nurses use to gather ideas, develop it, to help understand the patient’s health condition and execute interventions (Barker et al., 2016).

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NMC Code and Compassionate Nursing

  • Course Code: SPW25802
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 17
  • Published On: 6-07-2024

The nurses have the key duty of assessing and planning care for the service users to ensure their effective health and well-being. They also have the role to manage records, monitor patient’s health, administer medication, supervise care and others. The NMC Code of Conduct is developed to mention series of statement and guidance to be followed by the nurses while offering care to the service users so that professionalism and safety are maintained along with high-quality care can be provided.

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Impact of Early Healthy Eating on Child Development

  • Course Code: SPW25834
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 17
  • Published On: 8-07-2024

Healthy eating from an early age is a subject that has attracted studies to examine the various issues associated with healthy living. A healthy and balanced diet from childhood provides the necessary nutrients for the growth of the children.

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Government Influence on Nursing Development

  • Course Code: SPW26011
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 9
  • Published On: 9-07-2024

Nursing is an important profession as the nurses by consulting with the health professionals uses best healthcare products for the patients as well as refine the process of support towards the patients to improve their health condition. In this assignment, the developments of nursing over the years are to be discussed.

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