3 Basic Language Rules to Improve Your Academic Writing

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During the early days of your academic career, you might feel pressured due to academic writing. You can easily prepare your dissertation or thesis writing when you know the right rules to scribe your paperwork. Basically, the first step to starting any writing is to learn grammar. Grammar for academic writing is a special subset of the English language.

There could be various grammatical conventions you will see in all the academic written papers that you also need to follow while writing your paper. So this article is basically for beginners who want to ace their academic writing. Here we will suggest using some conventions and rules to make your academic writing more attractive and impactful.

Top 3 Basic Language Rules to Improve Your Academic Writing

1. Language Rules for Academic Writing

Before we start, let's shed some light on the writing points that make academic writing worthy. Academic writing is the arrangement you use when you are writing for scholarly purposes. It is importantly a way of writing that follows definite rules and regulations concerning the use of language, tone, writing style, writing structure, and so on. It has fixed goals, clear structure, focused concepts, and logical argumentations. Here are some characteristics of academic writing that will help you understand it:

  • Make use of a formal tone & approach.
  • It should be well structured and formatted.
  • Collect information on the topics from different platforms.
  • It should be logical to attract the audience.

Hence, there is nothing to fear, because it is not as difficult to create as it seems. There are only some important rules that need to follow to make your readers understandable. With practice, academic writing is an easy art to master, when you follow the correct rules. Here you can formulate some easy ways to make a better writing schedule for yourself.

2. Language Rules for Formatting Sentences

Structuring sentences is not as complicated as it seems, there is no hard and fast rule to complete your writing. You want your readers to rigorously understand what you would like to deliver, not have them solve word complexity. So, you need to mix in different lengths of sentences to make sure that your piece is stabilised. Here are the points that you should avoid:

  • Run-on sentences
  • Unusually long sentences
  • Misplaced modifiers
  • Fragmenting sentences
  • Dangling modifiers

3. Guidеlinеs for Word Sеlеction in Languagе Usagе

In thе rеalm of acadеmic writing, it is impеrativе to scrutinisе both thе contеnt of your writing and its dеpth of mеaning. Numеrous linguistic rulеs oftеn nееd clarification by studеnts and profеssionals alikе, such as thе impropеr usе of pronouns, incorrеct prеpositions, and thе frеquеnt misusе of words with unintеndеd mеanings. Consulting with Dissertation Writer Service will serve as perfect foil for students to ensure the word selection is coherent.

(i). Punctuation

Punctuation plays a crucial rolе in grammar, yеt it is a facеt that is frеquеntly undеrеstimatеd. Many individuals tеnd to ovеrlook common misintеrprеtations or thе impropеr placеmеnt of punctuation marks. It is еssеntial to mеticulously rеviеw such sееmingly trivial еrrors, as thе misplacеmеnt of punctuation marks has thе potеntial to altеr thе intеndеd mеaning of a sеntеncе еntirеly. Thus, it is paramount to grasp thе purposе of еach punctuation mark and undеrstand whеn and whеrе to incorporatе it appropriatеly.

(ii). Capitalisation & Verbs

For academic assignment help, the use of capitalisation is mostly for transforming proper nouns. Therefore, make sure that you do not capitalise as and when you see fit but instead focus on the rule mentioned above. Also, make sure you are consistent with how you capitalise your titles & headings. Also, you need to pay attention to the verbs used in your sentences.

  • Generalisation
  • Describing Content
  • Explaining Details That Have Ongoing Relevancy.
  • Reporting Finished Efforts
  • Stating Facts

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ's)

1. What are the Basic Rules of Academic Writing?

It is seen that the basic rules of academic writing are to maintain clarity and conciseness as these are the two most essential elements to be in writing. There is the use of the formal language in order to avoid colloquialisms. Follow all the specific guidelines of the formatting. The citation of all the sources should be done accurately. At the end, revise the written document.

2. What are the 5 Important Features of Language Used in Academic Writing?

Clarity, precision, objectivity, formality, and coherence are the five features of the language that are used in academic writing. It is said that the incorporation of all these features helps in strengthening the effectiveness of academic writing.

3. How Do You Improve Academic Writing?

In order to excel in academic writing, the student needs to focus on research and language. Make sure that you understand all the requirements of the assignment and develop an impressive thesis statement along with having the arguments with the help of the evidence collected from credible sources.

4. How Can I Improve My Academic Writing?

In terms of improving academic writing, make sure that you practice regularly, take feedback, and learn. Make the habit of reading texts in order to understand writing conventions. In short, it is said that Consistent effort is going to help in learning academic writing.

5. What are the 7 C's of Academic Writing?

In context, to 7 C's of academic writing are clarity, coherence, conciseness, correctness, completeness, consistency, and credibility. All these features are essential to academic writing as these are the principles that help in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of online academic writing.

 Make your academic writing perfect


This blog will help you with the basic rules of language. It will be beneficial for you, especially for assignments. Your remembering power improves with practice. If you can’t finish your assignment, you can take the help of an expert, senior and others. You can read more blogs on our portal to learn about the methods of writing and perfecting assignments.

Theodore Mon, 11 Mar 2024

Great breakdown of academic writing basics! Clear and concise guidance for beginners. Thank you for simplifying the process! Excellent work!

Aaron Mon, 11 Mar 2024

Thank you for emphasising the importance of grammar in academic writing. Clear explanations make it easier to understand. Much appreciated!

Asher wade Mon, 11 Mar 2024

This article provides valuable insights into structuring sentences effectively. The tips on punctuation are particularly helpful. Thank you for sharing!

Leo Mon, 11 Mar 2024

Appreciate the focus on word selection and its impact on coherence. Consulting Dissertation Writer Service seems like a wise choice. Thanks for the suggestion!

Carter Mon, 11 Mar 2024

Thank you for this informative piece! The tips on generalisation and describing content are very useful. Looking forward to more content from you!

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