Impact on Consumer Online Behavior and Privacy Considerations

The purpose of this researchis todefine the communication massage across an online channel “Facebook” and how optimizing media strategy affect consumer online behaviour without preaching privacy concerns.

Internet advertising is being an important tool for companies to reach and deliver its massaged across the net, it accounts for 40% out of all types of advertising. This percentage is expected to keep growing overtaking paid search ad spending (eMarketer, 2012), this increaseis related to the wide range of benefits this advertising format offers online, including building awareness and recognition, forming attitudes, and generating direct reactions such as website visiting and downstream purchasing (Hoban and Bucklin, 2015). For those involved in this field, seeking marketing dissertation help can be essential to understanding and leveraging these trends effectively.

Thousands of websites and social platforms have been available for advertising asbuying opportunities grows and advertising automation become available through multi-channel platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, and many others.

Consumers have been targeted by customized online ads based on their personal information, this technique and strategy is successful for advertisers to increase massively advertising massage effectiveness, but also causes privacy concerns.

Johnson, (2014) mentioned that social media platforms are saturated by advertising massages, consumers tend to notice a very few amounts of these advertising. For example, a person had been exposed to an average of 5,000 ads and brands per day, but the person had recognized only 86 ads and only 12 impressions.


Consumers might see personalized advertising content as an appealing and aligned with their preferences (Anand and Shchar2009; Lambrecht and Tucker 2013).But on the other hand, others may view it as both creepy and annoying and may have the feeling that the websitehas violated their privacy (Stone 2010). These privacy concerns may lead to “reactance,” such that consumers resist the ad's appeal (White et al. 2008). Reactance is a motivational state in which consumers resist something they find coercive by behaving in the opposite way to that intended (Brehm 1966, 1989; Clee and Wicklund 1980).

2.The central constructs whose relationship I will explore in this research are…consumers who respond to advertising ads in term of cognitive, affective, and behavioural aspects. And advertisers who push advertising massages, where relevant ad massages have an increase persuasive effects on consumers (Escalas, 2007; Markus, 1977).

Koetz, C (2017) pointed out that during product evaluation there is an interactive effect between consumer perception mood and the level of advertising spending. When consumers are at high level of positive mood, they will have a better perception of the product quality than when they have negative perception.

Zhu et al, (2012) and Niven et al (2015) discuss that negative user reaction to online advertising reside in the fact that current online community advertising focus on utilitarian rather than emotional strategies.

3.My key research question(s) is (are)(3&4, 200 words):

How should communication message differ across formats (e.g., text and video)?

How should campaigns and messages be integrated across platforms and devices?

How will changes in ad pricing models – for example, pay for exposure – influence advertising spends?

4.The primary source in the digital marketing and literatures that address these topics are:

Consumer behaviour to online advertising massages:

Online massage format.or (Social media Ads format)

Lee, J., Kim, S. and Ham, C.-D. (2016) ‘A Double-Edged Sword? Predicting Consumers’ Attitudes Toward and Sharing Intention of Native Advertising on Social Media’, American Behavioral Scientist, 60(12), pp. 1425–1441. doi: 10.1177/0002764216660137.

Voorveld, H. A. M. and van Noort, G. (2014) ‘Social Media in Advertising Campaigns: Examining the Effects on Perceived Persuasive Intent, Campaign and Brand Responses’, Journal of Creative Communications, 9(3), pp. 253–268. doi: 10.1177/0973258614545155.

Fisher, E. (2015) ‘‘You Media’: audiencing as marketing in social media’, Media, Culture & Society, 37(1), pp. 50–67. doi: 10.1177/0163443714549088.

Bruce, N. I., Murthi, B. P. S. and Rao, R. C. (2017) ‘A Dynamic Model for Digital Advertising: The Effects of Creative Format, Message Content, and Targeting on Engagement’, Journal of Marketing Research, 54(2), pp. 202–218. doi: 10.1509/jmr.14.0117.

Effectiveness of online Campaign integration.

Danaher, P. J. and Dagger, T. S. (2013) ‘Comparing the Relative Effectiveness of Advertising Channels: A Case Study of a Multimedia Blitz Campaign’, Journal of Marketing Research, 50(4), pp. 517–534. doi: 10.1509/jmr.12.0241.

Stephen, A. T. and Galak, J. (2012) ‘The Effects of Traditional and Social Earned Media on Sales: A Study of a Microlending Marketplace’, Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), pp. 624–639. doi: 10.1509/jmr.09.0401.

The theoretical implications for this research are (5, 6 & 7, 600 words):

In the recent era of globalisation, the multinational corporate firms move towards digitalising their business and utilising the online media platforms for better promotion of the organisational products and services (Khan and Iftikhar, 2017). The organisations try to develop effective marketing strategic planning for promoting the brand and sharing the organisational information across the social communities around the globe (Jung, 2017). It is possible for the organisations to represent the firm in the international market and ensure string customers retention. Through developing pictures and clear content for representing the products and services in the market further influence the customers, where the consumers gain proper media about the products quality of its, reliability and durability as well as its prices (De Pelsmacker, Van Tilburg and Holthof, 2018; Makwana, Sharma and Pathak, 2019). The customers feel it easier to make proper decision about the purchase of the particular products. The online media activities through promotional campaign, advertisement, creating short media and uploading clear and concise content and pictures will be influential for the consumers to make effective decision (Tucker, 2014; Banerji, 2018). It is also beneficial to influence their purchase intention and retain them for long run. The social media activities are also advantageous to enhance communication between the firm and the customers where trust and loyalty can be improved (Stephen, 2016).

.The results of this research will enable me to

The results of this research will be helpful for the researcher to gain in depth understanding about the social media activities, where in the recent era of digitalisation, all the firms are trying to move towards online media advertising strategy for promoting their business successfully on the international level. The results will be effective for the researcher to analyse the research topic by conducting in depth research, and evaluating the gathered data and information (Paulson, Luo and James, 2018). The research purpose will also be fulfilled well by analysis and evaluation. Apart from that, the results enable the researcher to identify the strategic planning to utilise the online media including Facebook, where it has crucial impacts on the customer’s decision making process. In addition to this, the researcher will be enabling of developing proper tactics for online media advertisement and recommend some suitable suggestions to the multinational firms to make effective marketing planning for successful expansion of the brand and retention of the customers. The researcher may develop effective planning to utilise Facebook and enhance communication with others for sharing organisational information across the different social communities. The analytical skill and evaluation skill of the researcher will also be developed where the researcher will be enabling of creating innovative decision for the business purpose.

The key difference between my research and previous research are:

There are differences between the previous research and this research, where the previous researchers try to identify the social media activities and advertisement technique which are adopted by the organisations for promoting the organisations in the market. In this particular research, the researcher will try to investigate particular strategic planning of the organisation, in promoting their business. The researcher also tries to conduct interview with the managers of multinational corporations about their strategic planning which helps to improve understanding on use of social media platforms. The researcher also will aim at identifying the role of Facebook in the recent years, where the organisations aim to promote their brand through Facebook, which is also an effective online Medias to enhance communication with the customers (Buchanan et al., 2018). In this regard, the researchers will also able to identify the impacts of the online media activities on the customer’s purchase intension. The previous researchers are related to the customer behaviour, but in this research, it will be able o analyse the effects of online media which influence the customers to make effective purchase decision. Hereby, it is possible to conduct the research in a unique way by identifying the Facebook activities for social media advertisement and acknowledging the firm’s strategy to strengthen their customer’s base by influencing the online purchase decision making behaviour of the consumers.

he best method(s) that best enable me to address this (these) research question(s) is (are) (8 & 9, 400 words):

The best method enabling for meeting the research questions is to gather primary and secondary data so that it would be possible to identify the advertisement campaign and promotional activities through online media for influencing the customer’s purchasing behaviour. The researcher will choose the primary data collection method to gather first hand information. It is essential to conduct survey among the customers about their purchase behaviour and influence of social media advertisement on their purchase decision making practice. On the other hand, the interview will be arranged with the managers of multinational corporations where they focus on marketing strategies and investing social media promotional activities for better retention of the customers. Hereby, the primary data collection is mandatory to fulfil the research questions after gathering relevant and important information. On the other hand, it is also necessary to gather secondary information by reviewing the secondary sources including journals, online media activities, and articles, books on marketing and business letters, which provide a scope to the researcher to improve understanding about the social media marketing and online activities which have curial impacts on the customers in the recent era of digitalisation. Hereby, both the primary and secondary method is applied here to collect a vast range of information and fulfil the research questions.

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The methodology of the research is mixed method, where the researcher will select both the qualitative and quantitative data analysis technique. Through the quantitative data analysis technique, the researcher will be able to analyse the primary findings from the customers, where the graphical representations, charts are effective to represent the perception of the customers and their online purchase intension. The survey questionnaire needs to be developed efficiently to inspire the customers and encourage them to provide relevant information and share their perception. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis technique is also applicable here, to review the interview transcript, collected directly from the managers of the multinational corporations by applying the secondary information, where they are able to share their strategy to retain the customers in the market. The research is about to identify the influencing effects of social media advertisement on the customer’s online purchase intension and in this regard, both the qualitative and quantitative data analysis method would be helpful to fulfil the research purpose. Hereby, mixed methods are applicable for conducting the research and achieve the purpose and aims of the research successfully.

Define your title in no more than 9 words (it should be catchy and illustrative of your research)

Impacts of social media advertisement strategy mainly the online channel “FaceBook’ on the consumer online purchase behaviour without preaching privacy concerns


Bachman, K. (2013, April 18). Targeted advertising is not the bogeyman. Adweek. Retrieved from

Banerji, J., 2018. Impact of digital marketing on consumer behaviour. Mangalmay Journal of Management & Technology, 8(1), pp.65-71.

Buchanan, L., Kelly, B., Yeatman, H. and Kariippanon, K., 2018. The effects of digital marketing of unhealthy commodities on young people: a systematic review. Nutrients, 10(2), p.148.

De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S. and Holthof, C., 2018. Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, pp.47-55.

Johnson, S. (2014, September 29). New research sheds light on daily ad exposures. SJ Insights.

Jung, A.-R., 2017. The influence of perceived ad relevance on social media advertising: An empirical examination of a mediating role of privacy concern. Computers in Human Behaviour, 70, pp.303–309.

Khan, I. and Iftikhar, F., 2017. The Impact of Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Retargeting on online Consumer Buying Behavior.

Koetz, C., Santos, C. P. and Cliquet, G. (2017) ‘Advertising Spending, Mood and Level of Product Information on Quality Perception’, Managerial & Decision Economics, 38(3), pp. 314–325. doi: 10.1002/mde.2778.

Makwana, K., Sharma, P. and Pathak, A., 2019. Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior-A Comparative Study on the Gender Basis. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(16), pp.478-490.

Paulson, C., Luo, L. and James, G. M. (2018) ‘Efficient Large-Scale Internet Media Selection Optimization for Online Display Advertising’, Journal of Marketing Research, 55(4), pp. 489–506. doi: 10.1509/jmr.15.0307.

Stephen, A.T., 2016. The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, pp.17-21.

Tucker, C. E. (2014) ‘Social Networks, Personalized Advertising, and Privacy Controls’, Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), pp. 546–562. doi: 10.1509/jmr.10.0355.

Zeng, F. et al., 2017. How Social Communications Influence Advertising Perception and Response in Online Communities? Frontiers In Psychology, 8, p.1349.

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