Managing Care for the Older People during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Week 4: Reading for Study

During your studies you will need to identify how and where to locate literature to read using skills learnt last week . Your seminar lead will provide you with different texts. Use them to answer the questions that follow:

Text 1

What is the topic of this paper?

Managing care for the older people in such a pandemic era of COVID 19: a plea to protect the older population

What is the issue or problem that is being discussed?

Complications in managing quality of care and maintaining availability of the health care services for the patients in the society

List 3 things that the author views as important?

1. Developing patient centred care

2. Managing capacity of the health care institutions

3. Maintaining quality of care

Select one of your answers above and say why you think the author views it as important

The authors view about managing capacity of the care institutions is important to provide the best quality care to all the patients in the society for maximising the wellbeing of the individuals.

Who is the author of the paper?

Daniele Carrieri1, Fedro Alessandro Peccatori2* and Giovanni Boniolo3

Week 4: Reading for Study (continued)

Text 2

What is the topic of this paper?

Improving the care of older patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

What is the issue or problem that is being discussed?

The major issue is lack of capacity to provide high quality treatment and care to the older individuals in the society.

List 3 things that the author views as important ?

1. The National Government and the different Regional Health Systems tried to mitigate the spread of infection among the societies.

2. Mainly the acute medical units and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity significantly increased


3. There is collaborative practice in health care by increasing efficacy of the acute care units, long term care, nursing home, and primary care

Select one of your answers above and say why you think the author views it as important

There are increasing capability of the medical team to improve their capacity and manage patient care through vaccination and medication.

Who is the author of the paper?

By Angelo Bianchetti, Giuseppe Bellelli, Fabio Guerini, Alessandra Marengoni, Alessandro Padovani, Renzo Rozzini & Marco Trabucchi published in July (2020)

Week 5: Precis/summary writing, referencing and using quotations

You will be given two pieces of text to read.


Step 1 is to read the first text and to make some notes in your own words.

Step 2 from your notes in your own words summarise text 1

Step 3 you must use one quotation from the text in your summary

Step 4 provide the appropriate reference at the end of the summary.

Summary of text 1

The article is effective to analyse the relationship between child welfare and policy framework

The policy development and ethical practices are effective to maximise child welfare


Berridge, D. (2012) entitled Reflections on Child Welfare Research and the Policy Process: Virtual School Heads and the Education of Looked After Children. The article can be found in volume 42 of the British Journal of Social Work


Step 1 is to read the first text and to make some notes in your own words.

Step 2 from your notes in your own words summarise text 2

Step 3 you must use one quotation from the text in your summary

Step 4 provide the appropriate reference at the end of the summary.

Summary of text 2

Through person centred approach, it is possible to treat the dementia people.

Personal aspiration and collective identity can be maximised by supporting the people

Continuous support, medical care and encouraging the patients, it is possible o treat the dementia people and help them to lead a normal life.


Journal article: Charlotte Clarke, Jo Alexjuk and Catherine Gibb., 2011. Information in dementia care: sense making and a public health direction for the UK? The article can be found in volume 6, the International Journal of Older People Nursing.

Week 6: Essay writing


An introduction is to show your reader what you are doing, why you are doing it and how you are doing it. It should attract readers’ attention.

In general, the following three parts of information should be included in an introduction However they are in the wrong order:

Task 1 Now rewrite the following three points in the correct order:

Main topic, purpose, rationale, or your point of view.

Most general or broad background information. It needs to be brief and clear enough for your reader to understand your area

Outline/structure of your essay or report. Which clearly demonstrates how you are going to organise the rest of your essay.

1. Outline/structure of your essay or report. Which clearly demonstrates how you are going to organise the rest of your essay.

2. Main topic, purpose, rationale, or your point of view.

3. Most general or broad background information. It needs to be brief and clear enough for your reader to understand your area

Task 2 Answer the following questions:

a. What percentage of the total length of your essay should your introduction be?



10% R

b. Can you include references in an introduction?

Yes= true;


Task 3

Your task is to read the sentences and to place a number in the sentence number box from 1 -3 with 1 being the first sentence that you think should appear in an introduction, 2 the sentence that you think should appear next and 3 being the last sentence.



A conclusion is to show your reader that you have achieved your aim at the end of your writing.

In general, the following three parts of information should be included in a conclusion However, they are in the wrong order:

Task 1 Now rewrite the following three points in the correct order:

Explain the overall significance of the conclusion

Recall the topic / purpose of your writing

Synthesise the main points that you made in the main body of your text

1. Recall the topic / purpose of your writing

2. Synthesise the main points that you made in the main body of your text

3. Explain the overall significance of the conclusion

Task 2 Answer the following questions:


Task 3

Your task is to read the sentences and to place a number in the sentence number box from 1 -3 with 1 being the first sentence that you think should appear in a conclusion, 2 the sentence that you think should appear next and 3 being the last sentence.


Week 7 Academic writing and referencing portfolio tasks

1. Read the following excerpt and mark with an X where you think a reference should appear in the following text:

Beveridge thought that after World War II men would return to work and, if they were married, their wives would stay home and take care of the house (X). Whilst earning an income, the husband was expected to make contributions to the national insurance scheme (X). However, should he be unable to work for any reason he was then entitled to state support but, as he was the one who had made insurance contributions, the money would be paid directly to him and not his wife. Thus, because all money went to husbands, married women were dependent on their husbands for financial security , both during their husbands working life and after retirement (X). For those studying this historical context and seeking in-depth understanding, history dissertation help can provide valuable insights.

How would you reference the sources on the handout provided for you:

a) Only authors surname is cited in the hand-out

b) After the surname of the author, there will be a comma and then mention the year of published journal

c) For two authors, it is important to use and, between the authors surname

d) For three authors also, it is mandatory to use and then comma and date

e) For four authors, it is necessary to use the surname of the first author and then use et al., and then date

3)Read the following statements and circle whether they are true or false:

Book titles form part of the in text reference. False

Authors initials always form part of the intext reference. False

Whenever you are you are using a quotation in your text you should cite the page number where the quotation can be found. True

The way that you reference in your text must be the same as the way it appears in your reference list. False

You should only use ‘et al’ whenever there are 3 or more authors. True

Week 8 : Pulling things together and avoiding plagiarism

You will be given two short abstracts about a contemporary topic. Your task this week is to use both of these abstracts to write a short essay . You must reference both sources correctly using Harvard Referencing.

Step 1 Read the short abstracts that you have been given and take notes in your own words

Step 2 Think about the following:

how will you structure your short essay?

how you will structure your paragraphs?

will you use a quotation?

How will you reference in your text?

How will you reference at the end of your text/in your reference list?

Step 3 write your short essay

In the recent pandemic situation of Covid 19, the USA and UK face difficulties to reduce the death rate of the old people, though the countries are developed and technologically advanced. It becomes high concern for the health care workers to manage the health and wellbeing of the elderly people due to lack of immunity power and spread of virus across the countries. The health care givers try to arrange hospital beds and the ICU beds are also arranged well to provide critical care to the patient. The nursing home and primary care units are collaborating with each other’s for supporting the people across the countries and protect the wellbeing of the individuals in such a critical situation. The care professionals are also efficient to maintain hygienic factors, wearing the PPE kits, gloves and masks in order to serve the patients safely and create safe circumstances for the people to fight against the virus and stay safe.

As per the WHO report, over 90% deaths of the people across the European countries due to Covid 19 are aged above 60 years. The health and social care workers face difficulties to protect huge numbers of people as virus is spreading rapidly among the individuals. Due to lack of immunity power and other health issues, the old people across the social communities are affected for this virus. It is hereby important to protect the old generation through medication, vaccination and maintaining hygienic factors in order to reduce the numbers of death each day. The health care organisations are cooperating with other for managing the patients and arranging beds to treat them critically. By maintaining dignity and autonomy, as well as managing transparency, the health care workers try to cooperate with social workers to protect the wellbeing of the old generations by providing them suitable care, medications and continuous supervision.

Reference list

Angelo Bianchetti, Giuseppe Bellelli, Fabio Guerini, Alessandra Marengoni, Alessandro Padovani, Renzo Rozzini & Marco Trabucchi., (2020). Aging Clinical and Experimental Research volume 32.

Carrieri, D., Peccatori, F.A. and Boniolo, G., 2020. COVID-19: a plea to protect the older population. International journal for equity in health, 19(1), pp.1-4.


Feedback (your tutor will complete the following section)

I tried to follow the essay structure and utilise the information for developing the essay. There are proper reference list and citation to maintain authenticity of information and avoid the issue of plagiarism.

How can you improve your performance in future tasks?

I would like to improve my performance in future, by developing critical analysis and decision making skill, which further help me to critically analyse the content and develop new creative content with in-depth evaluation.

Week 9 : Working with others

You will be given a scenario from a group task about working in partnership. Listen to the scenario carefully and undertake the following tasks

Task 1

If you were in this situation, explain in the space below how would you manage the disagreement and still ensure the outcome was met?

Task 2

List 5 positive things about working with others?

1) Good behaviour

2) Open discussion

3) Emotional intelligence

4) Equal scope to participate

5) Collaborative practice

Task 3

List 5 challenges of working with others ?

1) Lack of communication

2) Misunderstanding

3) Internal conflicts

4) Lack of trust

5) Poor cooperation

Week 10 Presentation skills

Task 1 this week is to plan a presentation on how you would structure an essay.

Step 1 Find one of the articles that you read in week 4 and re read the article

Step 2 Now take some notes in your own words about the key points from the article

Step 3: using the notes that you have made in your own words plan in the following presentation slides how you would structure a presentation on this topic

Improving the care of older patients during the COVID-19 pandemic


Up to day, Italy is the third country for confirmed cases of Corona Virus DIsease 19 (COVID-19) after the United States and Spain and the leading country in terms of deaths related to the virus. By May 14th reported cases and deaths reached 222,140 and 31,106, respectively [1]. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic led to a dramatic crisis of the Italian Health Care System, either in primary, long term, and acute hospital care.

Main body 1

Much effort has been devoted to face the acute phase of the disease and its complications. In the Lombardy Region, about 50% of hospital beds have been repurposed to treat patients with COVID-19 related pneumonia, mainly in acute medical units, and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity significantly increased in one month, almost doubling the number of ICU beds for critically ill patients which were active in the pre-COVID-19 era [3, 4].

Main body 2

The highest lethality of COVID 19 has been reported among older people. However, it is unclear which role is played by the conditions afflicting older people, such as frailty, multimorbidity, disability, dementia in determining this outcome [5,6,7].


Specific recommendations have been released both at the International and National level, regarding the diagnosis and the management of SARS-CoV-2 disease in the elderly [8,9,10]. However, little has been proposed for the appropriate care for older, frail and multimorbid patients in different settings of care (acute care units, long term care, nursing home, and primary care) and for the management of geriatric syndromes (i.e., delirium, sarcopenia, falls) [11].


By Bianchetti et al. (2020) In Aging Clinical and Experimental Research volume 32,

Task 2 List 4 points that make a good presentation

1) Concise title

2) Short paragraph writing

3) Clear introduction

4) Subheading

Task 3 List 4 points that make a bad presentation

1) Long paragraph writing

2) Lack of clarity

3) No introduction

4) No subheadings


Feedback Your tutor will complete the next section

How well did your work meet the stated assessment criteria?

I tried to follow the essay structure and utilise the information for developing the essay. There are proper reference list and citation to maintain authenticity of information and avoid the issue of plagiarism.

How can you improve your performance in future tasks?

I would like to improve my performance in future, by developing critical analysis and decision making skill, which further help me to critically analyse the content and develop new creative content with in-depth evaluation.

Week 11: Learning from feedback

Task 1 Look at the feedback that you have been given by tutors so far on your weekly tasks. Take a few minutes to think about this. Think about what you have done well. Now look at the feedback of what needs to be improved . Take a few minutes to think about this.

Task 2 Now answer the following questions

1)Why was the feedback helpful?

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For future improvement in academic knowledge and skill set

2)What was not clear about the feedback ?

Lack of exact comments

Task 3 List in the box below three things the feedback suggests that you need to work on to improve future assignments'

Task 4 In the box below outline the support you would need to help you to improve those things you identified in task 3.

Week 12 : Numeracy and Understanding statistics

Use the graphs provided to answer the following questions.

1. Express the number of females killed in England as a ratio to the number of males killed in England in the age range 25-34

2. How many more males were killed in the 18-24 group when compared with males in the 45-64 group?

3. What group of children and adolescents are most likely to experience extreme obesity?

4. What is the total percentage of all children and adolescents who are extremely obese in the US?

Hester et al (2015) investigated the experience of domestic violence among Men attending a general practice in Southwest England. They recruited 1403 patients from 16 GP surgeries and got 1368 to complete a questionnaire about their experience of Domestic violence. 35% of those who completed the questionnaire reported experiencing negative behaviour from a partner.

5. How many men were recruited on average from each practice ?

6. How many men reported experiencing negative behaviour from a partner

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