Leadership and Management


In the 21st century, the leader and managerial practice has been changing throughout the era in order to enhance the organisational performance and creativity. The organisations in the recent years try to be innovative and the leader and managers are the major initiator of the institution to achieve the future success. The leadership is about getting the people to comprehend and believe in the organisational mission and direct them to fulfil the organisational objectives. On the other hand, the management practice is about administrating and making the rules and working practice in the workplace, so that they can protect the participants and handle their performance in long run. The study is about leadership and management where the leaders and managers are responsible for developing creative organisation to provide high quality educational services to the students. Through this study, it is possible to identify the extrinsic factors that influence the leadership and management style in the organisation including the policies, social and environmental and others as well as the study also provides a scope to evaluate the roles and responsibilities of the leader and managers in the educational institution, which can be further explored with management dissertation help, to lead the students towards achieving the personal and professional growth.


In the next part, the approaches to problem solving will be illustrated where the leader and the managers aim at exploring the organisational innovation and managing change at the classroom for better educational programs. The importance of reflexivity in developing the transformational leadership skills will also be evaluated further in order to understand the leadership and managerial practice in the organisation and the skill set required to become a successful leader. In this study, the leadership and management practice of the own workplace will be evaluated where I work at college as a ESOL or an English as a Second Language teacher instructing English to the non-English speaking individuals in the institution. Through evaluating the leadership and managerial style as well as reflexivity of the leadership skill, I would be able to develop the leadership skill set which would be beneficial for the college to provide a structure educational program, to the students for better understanding of English and enhancing their English speaking skill.

Impact of the broader political and social, environment on organisations

There are external factors that have crucial impacts on the leadership and management style in the organisation. the political environment, such as stability in local government, cooperation with the educational authority of the country as well as getting effective support to run the institution have positive impacts on the college for better management of the staff and the students successfully (Hassi, 2019). The national policy of education, equality and diversity practice as well as safety and security management in the educational institution further enhance the leadership style, where the leader is responsible to manage their followers and create evaluates for them in long run. The socio logical factors is also another major extrinsic factor in managing the leadership in the educational institution, in the recent years, there is social development and rise in concern about education in the social communities. The participation rate of the individual in the educational program is increasing rapidly and it further influence the leaders to adopt transformational leadership style for better management and motivating more students to improve their education. On the other hand, the leaders also focus on riving additional training and professional skill developmental programs, as per the socio economic factors, there is requirement of efficient professional training for fulfilling the career objective of the students. This is also influencing factors for the leader to develop suitable leadership style so that it would possible to lead the students towards achieving success in the educational institution,

On the other hand, technology plays a crucial role in managing the educational programs and in the recent era of globalisation, all the students prefer to attend in the online educational courses. The leaders are also influenced by such program, where they focus on creating online and distant ESOL educational program and this technology and socio economic factors of the students are playing crucial, role in managing the students and maximising the performance of the colleges in providing high quality educational programs (Hassi, 2019). On the other hand, there are some intrinsic factors such as organisational culture, resources and presence of teaching professional, IT framework and capacity of the college, which also affect the leadership and management style in the college, where the leaders aim at creating efficient ESOL training program for the students and support the teachers in the ESOL department for better management so that the teachers can arrange training program by implementing the ethical code of conduct and utilising the latest technology.

Analysing roles and responsibilities of leader in college

The management style is also important for the college to run their activities and the managers are responsible for developing internal polices and practice where the educational rules and legislations as well as the ethical practice and corporate activities are well implemented by the management team (Adams and Velarde, 2018). The managers are also responsible for power and control management and have their subordinates who are able to manage the educational program for better performance. The managers try to focus on educational activities and develop the educational program related to ESOL to achieve the organisational vision. On the other hand, maintaining the stability, developing suitable institutional culture, honesty and dignity management, respect and mutual trust and developing understanding are also the roles of the managers in the college, who are trying their level best to manage all the students under ESOL program and lead them efficiently towards achieving their future success. Maintaining the status quo and giving the right directions to the students is also effective so that they can perform better. The managers and teaching professionals are also responsible to share the educational activities, adequate information and arrange training and developmental program for the students (Adams and Velarde, 2018). Hereby, the managers of the college and the leader are contributing efficiently to run the institution and fulfil the strategic vision of delivering quality ESOL programs to the students. Hereby, the leadership style and managerial practice have crucial impacts on institutional performance and student’s success. These above mentioned activities are effective for me to run the ESOL department and engage the professionals and students to make the ESOL program successful.

SWOT analysis is effective in this regard, for better sill analysis of the teacher under ESOL program, where the leadership skill, educational knowledge and people management skill will be reviewed in order to understand the capability of the teacher (Diamond and Spillane, 2016). The major strengths are such as, time management skill, punctuation, self motivation and management; good communication skill, cooperative skill and creativity, which further help me to work in the ESOL department and review the educational program for providing quality education to the students. The communication skill and cooperative manner further provide me a scope to run the ESOL department where I focus on engaging all the students and other teaching professionals for developing the ESOL program and provide a structured learning and training model for the benefits of the students. Creativity and innovation is also helpful, where I would like to improve my activities in arranging training program related to ESOL, so that the students would be interested and incresae their participation rate in the college. For the college, the leadership and managerial practice are effective which help me to manage the departmental performance and improve productivity in long run. The transformational leadership style is being adopted, where the leaders try to cooperate with the teaching professionals and direct them efficiently. Continuous motivation and encouraging the creativity of the staff are the major characteristics of such transformational leadership style, in which the leader aims at managing good corporate relationship with all the teaching staff at the department and manage them efficiently (Diamond and Spillane, 2016).

There are certain weaknesses for which I can face difficulties in long run to provide high quality ESOL educational training programs to the students and manage other teachers in the department. I would like to improve my leadership and managerial style so that it would be possible for me to run the department efficiently and lead the teachers and students towards achieving the future success. In this regard, the leader develops the strategic vision of maximising the institutional aim by strengthening their tactics in providing the best quality ESOL training program to the students. The organisational leader also focuses on creativity and innovation in managing the students with quality educational program and it is my duty to participate in the college and develop good ESOL programs for the benefits of the students. The leader tries to encourage the teaching professional’s creativity to manage their operations and motivate them by providing monetary strong support, safe workplace and flexibility. The leader of the college also develops the strategy of managing the teaching professionals and empowering them efficiently during the decision making practice of the college to create values for them. I would like to follow the leadership style of the college and develop the skill set of the transformational leadership style for better management and conducting the educational activities in the ESOL department. Additionally, lack of problem solving skill and critical analysis skill are also other major weakness, which further influence to increase creativity and innovation so that the existing problems can be analysed and innovation decision would be made in long run for the benefits of the teaching staff in the ESOL department and maximising the values for the students by providing them quality ESOL training and development programs.

Additionally, the organisational leader is also efficient to manage the students, where there is incentives structure and effective salary for the teaching professionals as per the job responsibility and position in the college. The leader of the college is hereby efficient to manage the activities of the educational program and ensure that the performance can be enhanced in long run by handling the teaching staff and encouraging them to provide high quality ESOL program to the students. The major responsibility of the strategic leader is to run the educational operations in a unique way and in this regard, IT innovation and creativity Is effective to manage the ESOL program and deliver the best educational program to the students. In the transformational leadership style, the leaders are also able to lead the followers and create values for them through engagement and motivation. It is also possible to develop strong corporate relationship with trust and respect where mutual understanding at the department with cooperation and communication among the teaching staff, institutional principle and other management team. In this context, the major opportunities of the business are such as, IT framework and technological innovation to provide the best educational program related to ESOL, managing the teaching staff successfully through incentives and rewards, developing good team work, managing students and strengthen their student base in long run to make the institution successful. In the recent years, the teaching professionals are efficient to utilise the latest IT innovation, implement the digital technology in the college campus for better management of the students and developing good ESOL program (Renz, 2016). This is one of the major opportunities for the college as well as the teachers in ESOL department to perform efficiently and create values for the students in long run. Good bonding with the teachers, student management, safety and security in the college and providing quality personal and professional development program related ESOL are also the other opportunity through which I as a teacher in ESOL department can contribute in the college for achieving the future success.

There are certain threats for the college which includes intense competition in the educational industry, where there is increasing number of institution providing the ESOL training and development programs as well as strong ethical code of conduct and organisational rules, which are mandatory to be resolved in long run (Renz, 2016). For running the college in a sustainable way, it is mandatory for the leader and managers to follow the ethical rules and practice so that the students and teaching professionals in the ESOL department will be managed well. The managerial style is also important where the management team, is responsible to create good working practice by implementing rules and ethical code of conduct so that the teaching staff in the college can lead the students towards achieving the future success. The general functions of the managers are planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling, the whole process is review and controlled by the management team where they create friendly atmosphere to develop good team work and lead the team members successfully (Bhanot, 2018). The ethical code of conduct such as respect and integrity in the institution, mutual trust and understanding, equality and diversity management, non discrimination policies and practice and managing transparency and accountability are designed and maintained by the managers. The managers of college are hereby playing a crucial role to run the institution ethically and manage the students for better productivity. It is the role of the managers to create good corporate culture for better team management where they are concerned about creating values for the students giving them effective ESOL training and development program, good environment for learning and handling them equally. In this regard, managing safety and security in the ESOL department as well as the organisational rules and legislations must be managed efficiently by the teachers. The managers are also efficient to restructure the educational activities and provide clear role and responsibilities so that the students can perform efficiently and increase their participation in learning ESOL.

Evaluating approaches to problem solving for innovation and change

The leaders in the recent years try to focus on problem solving activities in order to manage organisational innovation and creativity. Through solving the existing issues, developing risk assessment planning and running the operations in a creative ways, the institutions can maximise their performance and ensure high productivity. The colleges also focus on problem solving activities, where the leader tries to manage the students and gather feedback from the teaching staff for successful problem solving tactics (Car, Kyaw and Atun, 2018). The problem solving approaches include the stages such as identification of the existing issues, defining the problems in the department, evaluation the problem, generating alternatives, selecting the best alternative, implementing the solution and evaluating the organisational success after adopting the strategic changes in the college. In the ESOL department of the college, the leader focuses on identifying the issues and in this process, the leader tries to enhance internal communication and cooperation with all the teaching staff so that it is possible to talk with each member personally and understand their issues. Gathering feedback and collaborative working practice are also effective for the leader in the ESOL department to engage the staff members and identify the existing issue in managing (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). The leader of the college is also efficient to analyse the risk factors and identify the existing issues through gathering feedback from the senior management team. Additionally, the leader also tries to manage the problems by creative problem solving tactic where the alternative solutions are developed in the department for better educational practice and management of the students. The leader and the teaching staff including me try to collaborate with each other during the problem solving phase and in this regard the teachers are also empowered during this process, so that they can share their strategy and tactic to handle the student and provide them high quality ESOL training. In this regard, as a teaching profession in the ESOL department, it is a great opportunity for me to discuss the alternative solution and express own thoughts in front of others for developing a cooperative decision to support the students with quality English educational programs and communication training practice.

On the other hand, the management teams in the department are also efficient to develop collaborative decision, where sharing each other views, discussion over the problems among the students and exploring the alternative solutions are mandatory (Oplatka and Arar, 2017). The managers and leaders in this process utilise their critical analysis skill and develop unique strategy to tackle the students and develop ESOL training by including all the necessary information and skill development program. In this context, the managers and leaders try to manage change in the institution so that they can lead the teachers towards achieving the future success. the leadership style and managerial practice are hereby effective for better management of the students during change and the managers try to share all the necessary information about changed strategy, existing issues, benefits of the strategy and organisational vision with the etchers and students, so that each member can get clear ideas about change. The managers also try to convince the teachers to adopt the changes as the changed strategy would be beneficial for the organisation as well as all the stakeholders (Car, Kyaw and Atun, 2018). As a teaching staff in the ESOL department of the college, I also get proper support and direction from the leader and managers, where the leader tries to develop strong bonding and improve trust and loyalty which help me to work with them and provide quality educational training program to the students. The leader is also efficient to fulfil the commitment towards the teaching professionals and this further influence the staff members to rely on the decision of the leader and accept the change in the college for maximising the performance of the whole ESOL department.

Importance of reflexivity in developing transformational leadership skills

The above mentioned analysis and evaluation are effective for me to develop reflective practice where I can review own capabilities as a teacher in the ESOL department of the college. I try to review my own skill and abilities in doing job in the ESOL department of the college. As per the SWOT analysis, my major strengths are such as time management, student management, creativity and innovation and communication and cooperative skill. These skill sets and practice knowledge of ESOL are effective for me to arrange quality ESOL program for the students for their personal and professional development. The reflexivity practice is hereby beneficial for me to evaluate my capabilities in riving the educational program to the students, where I try my level best to design the program for the students and communicate with them for successful learning and developmental session. As per my weakness, I am not efficient in leading the people in the institution, and thus lack of leadership and problem solving skill are the major weakness. I would like to improve my skill set in leading the students in the ESOL department as well as manage the other teaching professional to provide good educational program related to ESOL. I try to improve my leadership skill for my future career success and thus this reflexivity learning is beneficial for me to understand my own skill and capabilities. The leadership and managerial practice in the college campus are beneficial for me to acknowledge the leadership style to handle the other teaching professional and lead the students towards achieving the career success. I would like to improve my understanding in change management and innovation skill, so that I can convince other teaching staff in the ESOL department and lead them towards achieving success.

Through enhancing internal communication and collaboration, I would like to develop strong bonding with the staff and develop good ESOL program for the students. The leadership skill also includes the planning and delivery skill, where I would also like to develop my problem solving and critical analysis skill, where I can participate efficiently in the discussion and empower all the teaching staff for better management of the students, during the change management in the college, I would like to follow the ethical code of conduct and provide equal opportunity to all the teachers and students to share their feedback so that the collaborative decision can be made in order to achieve the objective of the college in delivering high quality ESOL training program to all the students. Hence, people management skill is mandatory for me to develop in order to work with others in the ESOL department and lead the people in the workplace successfully. In try to develop understanding and emotional intelligence skill in order to acknowledge others erection which help me to develop bonding and trust in the department so that each member can rely on other member. Additionally, good personality, positive body language as well as high internal communication further help me to improve my leadership skill in managing the students in the department as well as convince the other teaching professional for change management practice so that the institutional objective can be achieved further.

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The leadership and management practice are effective in personal and professional studies, where the individual can understand the good leadership skill set and managerial practice in leading the followers in the organisation. I as a teaching professional in the ESOL department of the college focus on conducting SWOT analysis for reviewing own skill and abilities, weakness and future opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is fruitful for me where I understand that, my strengths are time management, communication skill, cooperative practice, polite behaviour and managing the people. On the other hand, lack of leadership skill, problem solving and decision making skill are the major weakness, where I would like to develop my leadership skill in order to promote good institutional environmental where I would be able to lead the other teaching staff in the ESOL department as well as manage the students for providing them, high quality ESOL program. The reflexivity assessment is hereby beneficial for me to develop leadership skill, where I try to improve transformational leadership with continuous motivation and individualised creativity. I try to motivate the other teaching staff and students and improve their creativity and innovation in making a successful ESOL education program, where continuous inspiration, highly communication, support and direction will help them to increase their participate and fulfil the objective of the department which is to provide high quality ESOL program to the students for better performance and communication skill enhancement.

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Reference List

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