Introduction To People Manager


People management is set of practices which surrounds end-to-end processes of talent acquisition, talent management, HRM dissertation help talent retention and talent optimisation while delivering on-going assistance for the business and guidance in the organisation for the employees to work with productivity. The people management cover subset of human resource management and thus it surrounds in determining the way people work, engage an behave in the working environment. In this assignment, the people management in the National Health Services (NHS) is to be discussed. For this purpose, people management in key areas such as leadership and management, training and development and talent management which underpin performance management at the organisation is to be explained.

Leadership and Management


In the National Health Services (NHS), UK, the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model is followed to dictate the knowledge, skills and behaviour needed in leadership and management by the people’s manager for operating performance management of the employees in the organisation. The NHS Healthcare Leadership Model mentions people’s manager to follow nine key dimensions which are leading with care, sharing vision, influencing results, engaging team, evaluating information, inspiring shared decision-making and purpose, developing capability, connecting services and holding account for leading and managing the performance of the staffs in the organisation (NHS, 2018). As mentioned by Leigh et al. (2017), leaders who lead their staffs with care express that they value the individuals and wish to assist them in performing working activities. This makes the staffs overcome unsettling feelings and problems at work which eventually helps them to focus their energy in delivering greater services. Thus, leading with care skill in the NHS is followed as it provides the people’s manager with the skill to lead high performing staffs who work with greater zeal and productivity out of value of care (Thusini and Mingay, 2019).

The sharing of vision by the leaders helps them to educate their subordinates and staffs regarding the ideas and concepts to be followed in reaching the business goal. This in turn inspires the workers to perform more effectively as they feel well-directed and knowledgeable of the actions to be performed in their work to meet the business goal (Harris and Mayo, 2018). Thus, the NHS leaders follow the behaviour of shared vision for leading performance management as it helps them to motivate employee to work with greater zeal to meet work goals. The influential leaders act to create powerful impact on the employees which allows them achieve enhanced results as the people who are influenced by the leader develop trust and belief in following the guidance strictly provided by the leader at their work (Issam et al., 2020). Thus, the leaders at the NHS use the skill of influencing results as the mode to achieve effective performance management among the employees. This is because it helps them to make the workers obey their guidance with belief and avoid diverting from the guidance out of trust which averts error at work or hindering productivity, in turn, establishing effective performance management.

The leaders require having effective knowledge about the way to engage workers as a team in the organisation. This is because working as a team creates collaborative approach of using varied skills by all the workers along with shared decision-making in overcoming problems at work by the staffs that intend to enhance their performance (Drew and Pandit, 2020). It is evident as issues at workers are more effectively resolve and collaborative approach helps the workers in overcoming skill barriers to be faced while working alone (Hargett et al., 2017). Therefore, the people manager at the NHS uses the knowledge of supporting teamwork at the organisation for leading performance management of the employees as it helps them to resolve employee’s complication and skill barriers at work to be experienced without complexity. As argued by Till et al. (2020), without analysing information at work the leaders are unable to determine in which aspect and root causes that are making the employees face hindrance in performance. Thus, failing to evaluate information at work by the leaders makes them incapable to effectively lead performance management of the employees. Therefore, the people manager in the NHS to lead performance management of the employees thoroughly analyse and assess information at work to determine which causes and aspects are to be focussed for modification so that enhanced productivity and performance of the employee can be supported (NHS, 2020).

The shared purpose at work is to be supported by leaders to manage enhanced employee performance as it acts as a catalyst to connect each employees to work in a unified manner with enhanced zeal to meet the specific goal provided to be accomplished (NHS, 2018). However, failure to create shared purpose makes the leaders manage the employees in disoriented fashion who executed duties in disrupted manner out of presence of a common mission to be accomplished (McIntosh, 2017). Thus, the NHS leaders perform the skill of creating shared purpose at work as it eventually leads them to make the workers perform task in unified manner showing enhanced performance to meet the destined goal in the organisation (NHS, 2018). The NHS leaders to lead enhanced performance management at work ensure supporting each staffs in developing own capability in accomplishing their duties and resolve skill gaps to be faced during working (NHS, 2018). This is because without enhanced capability the workers would lack knowledge and skill in performing their task, in turn, making them show hindered performance at the work. The NHS leaders to lead effective performance management of the employees makes the staffs hold accountability of their task and connect each other's services to create collaborative working nature in accomplishing the goal (NHS, 2018). It is effective because accountability makes the employees perform their role with responsibility and connecting their service with other employees creates shared workload. This in turn leads the employees to feel ease at work and show enhanced performance in turn making the leaders accomplish managing proper employee performance (NHS, 2018).

Training and Development

The manager in the NHS to improve and manage enhanced performance of people at work executes different training and development processes. This is because training and development make the employees and new staffs develop potential skills and knowledge which makes them motivated and creative to overcome barriers towards their performance (NHS, 2020). In order to develop effective training and development programs in the NHS for managing enhanced employee performance, the manager uses the ADDIE process (NHS, 2020). The ADDIE process is a five-step approach in developing training and development which are analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (Meinert et al., 2018). As mentioned by Thompson et al. (2017), prior to initiation of training program it is essential to analyse the exiting skills of the employees and current situation in the organisation. This is because it makes the manager aware of the points to be focussed in the training along with nature of training methodologies, media to be used and nature of employees to be included in the process for its success in promoting enhanced performance by the employee. As argued by Begley (2020), lack of effective analysis of environment before developing training leads the manager unable to determine the need to be fulfilled through it to promote employee performance. Thus, the NHS manager to develop training in promoting employee performance executes effective working environmental analysis and assessment of exiting skill of the employee to determine the aspects to be educated and resources to be involved in the program so that it eventually leads to create success (NHS, 2020).

The NHS manager on the basis of the analysis designs the training and development program for enhancing performance of the employees. In this process, the NHS manager develop appropriate strategies to be used, training delivery methods, structure of training, duration of training, assessment and feedback accessing ways (NHS, 2020). The training design required to be appropriate in covering all the exiting skill gaps identified so that on its completion the employees can have better knowledge to improve their existing performance to show greater productivity and accomplishment at work (Darongkamas et al., 2020). The development step in training and development is identifying and selecting key elements required for its successful implementation on the employees. It is followed by evaluation in which the impact of the training on the employee's performance is assessed. This is to determine whether or not the training goals are met and possible changes along with additional training required by the employee to show better performance at work with enhanced knowledge (West et al., 2020). The NHS manager evaluates the training accomplishment in enhancing performance of the employee by using survey questionaries' and interviews as it provides proper feedback and information of the extent of success of the program in enhancing employee performance.

The NHS manager arranges training and development for performance management of the employees in various aspects. One of the aspect includes training and development of the employee in using digital and technological equipment with efficiency at work to perform work with improved capability, in turn, delivering quality care to the public and patients (NHS, 2020a). This is because with the progressing digital health condition in the UK, there is increased demand for medical care and services by using technological equipment among the public. Thus, effective training is this regard is delivered to employees so that they can perform with enhanced ability in meeting the needs and allow the NHS manager prove their efficiency in leading effective performance management (NHS, 2020a). In the NHS, the training and development program with respect to promoting safety and protection of the service users are provided to the employees by the manager. This is because it helps the manager to lead employee's performance in showing effective safeguarding and protection of vulnerable service users (HEE, 2018).

Talent Management

The contemporary issues faced by the line manager in the NHS regarding talent management include hindrance to attract and retain enough talented employees at all level of the organisation (Jones-Berry, 2017). It is evident as 270 doctors along with 2,910 nurses are found to leave NHS in the 2017-18 (theguardian, 2019). The inability to attract and retain required talent in the NHS has led the line manager to create hindered performance management within the organisation. This is because lack of talented and skilled people at work makes the line manager experience inability in meeting the set activities that covers organisation’s goal in turn promoting performance at work that are inefficient and ineffective to meet particular task in a qualitative way within the organisation (Jones-Berry, 2017). The line manager in the NHS in respect to talent management is experiencing issue with creation of value proposition that can appeal to generation and detainment of talent (Buchan and Seccombe, 2018). This is evident as NHS is struggling to create employee experience where their diverse demands, needs, assumption and preference are met. It eventually is creating hindered value proposition to be shown in attracting new talents in the organisation (Hamad, 2020). The lack of value proposition for the employee in regard to talent management has also led the line manager in the NHS fail to execute effective performance management. This is because without value creation the line managers are failing to make employees comply in performing in an effective and enhanced way to meet care objectives (Jones-Berry, 2017).

The unappealing work culture in the NHS has led the line manager fail to execute effective talent management that underpins to promote enhanced performance management at work. It is evident as, in 2019, nearly 40.3% of NHS staff reported facing extra workload that has created stressful condition for them. Moreover, 71% of the nurses reported that their ill-health condition is partially or entirely due to working nature and management in the NHS (, 2020). Further, it is reported that 40% of the employees in the NHS earns lower that £24,000 a year is below average pay in the UK (, 2020). Thus, it indicates that in the NHS, out of low pay and stressful working condition the line manager is failing to manage talent which in turn also affecting their ability to manage performance at work. This is because without talent and presence of stressed employees, the line manager is unable to promote enhanced way of working to deliver quality care to the service users (Nadeak et al., 2019).

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The above discussion informs that the line manager in the NHS follows the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model in executing leadership and management duties to promote performance management at work. This is because the model provides effective guidance about the knowledge, behaviour and skills to be used and managed by the line manager in accomplishing their duty of leading effective performance management. In training and development, the line manager uses ADDIE process to develop training program so that they are effective to promote and manage enhanced performance of the employees in the end. In talent manage, the line managers mention facing issues with attracting and retaining talent out of hindered value creation and negative work culture in the organisation which, in turn, has affected their ability to promote effective performance management.


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