Strategic Integration in Health and Social Care: A Business Plan for Collaborative Excellence


Collaborative working practice is one of the latest strategies in the health and social care sector, in order to maximise business excellence and run the organisations with efficiency and appropriate resource utilisation (Khatoon, 2020). The health and social care organisations try to corporate with other institutions, like NGOs, social worker group, government and national health care organisation for providing the best care services and satisfying the service users with best quality care and treatment. The doctors, general physicians, social workers are also working actively with cooperation and communication for better patient care and in this regard it is the responsibility of the health and social care providers to treat each patient carefully with the best quality health care equipment and treatment so that they can maximise their wellbeing in future by overcoming the health issues.


This tender document is effective to develop the business plan for integrated working practice, where the organisations is able to collaborate with other health and social care providers to ensuring the best quality care and services with latest equipment. The organisations in the recent era of globalisation utilise the latest technology and resources of the institutions for treating the patients with quality care and in this regard integrated working practice will provide a scope to manage the working activities and secure future sustainable development. Through this tender document, it is possible to develop the business planning, create budgetary plan for upcoming years and critically evaluate the practice of integrated working activities in the health and social care sector as well as Service User Engagement and involvement, which are essential for the business plan to be successful for meeting the organisational objectives.

Business plan for collaborative working
Case study evaluation for integrated care

The organisation Marigold Nursing Home is situated in the UK and it offers 24/7 residential care, elderly care, end of life care, respite care and general nursing care, as well as dementia care. The team of nurses at Marigold Nursing home, the care workers, kitchen staff and assistants work hard to create a safe, comfortable and enjoyable place for residents to live. The organisation provides secure and safe place to live healthily and maximise the standard of living of the individuals in the UK. It mainly focuses on older generations who need intensive care and treatment. The registered care categories at the nursing home are dementia, physical disability, old age care and sensory impairment. The organisation needs to expand their services with extensive care and treatment for maximising the wellbeing of the individuals. It has been seen that, the staff members, including social workers, nurses, pharmacists and other service providers doctors, general physicians, psychiatrics and surgeons.

The organisation aims at collaborating with National Health Service or NHS UK for better management of the patients with ethical code of practice and partnership working, so that it would be possible for the nursing home to take care of the patients efficiently and maximise the wellbeing of each patient through providing the best treatment and medications. This tender document is effective for the local nursing home in the UK Marigold, to develop partnership working practice with NHS, which would be beneficial for the old age care home to take care of the people, who are suffering from health issues and mental illness (Fascia and Brodie, 2017). Through treatment, raising awareness campaign and continuous support, Marigold nursing home focuses on managing their quality of care and ensure patient care in long run where they try to provide continuous support to the patients, effective treatment, counselling and medications, where all the service providers such as doctors, general physician, surgeon, psychiatrists, nurses and social workers try to collaborate to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals. The objectives of the Marigold nursing home behind the new business plan for collaborative working practice with NHS are such as,

To maximise patient care

To develop partnership working practice for supporting the old age generations who are suffering from obesity and their physical and mental health issues

To create values or the patients by develop patient centred care plan

Problem statement

Obesity is one of the major issues among the adults and there are increasing numbers of cases in the Marigold nursing home, where the older generations are suffering from overweight and obesity. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among the adults, if the BMI is having 30.0 or more, the person is recognised as obese. According to The Health Survey for England, 28% adults are obese in England and more than 32.2% people are suffering from overweight. There are many health implications of obesity, for which the individuals are suffering to lead a normal and healthy lifestyle. Around three quarters of the adult population aged between 45 and 74 is England is overweight or obese. In 2018, the obesity rate was 63% and in 2020, it has been raised to 67% in this year. Hence, it becomes a high concern of the Marigold nursing home to tackle the issue and mitigate the problem among the individual, who are suffering from obesity. It is important for the nursing home to take initiatives for collaborating with NHS UK to manage the old age individuals and also follow the government program to support the old aged people to overcome the stage of obesity and live a normal life (Fascia and Brodie, 2017). There are many individuals who are suffering from serious health implications, as obesity raises blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol, which are serious for the old aged people. In addition to this, obesity among the individuals leads to mental health problems, lack of stress management, anxiety, sleeping and eating disorders and depression. Serious health consequences are such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon). It is hereby a high time for the Marigold nursing home to develop partnership with the NHS for accessing the government program to eradicate the issue of obesity and improve healthy living activities among the individuals, so that the old aged people can get support and overcome their issues related to physical and mental health.


The organisation Marigold focuses on collaborating with NHS which is the best health and social care service providers in the UK and it is the role of the CEO of the nursing home Marigold to develop joint agreement with NHS to cooperating with each other for old age care and treatment. Marigold nursing homes focuses on cooperating with the NHS for utilising their health and social care programs and also follow the government intervention planning to support the patients with obesity (Estacio et al., 2017). The business plan is fruitful for Marigold to ensure high quality patient care and good treatment to overcome their health issues due to obesity and also improve their state of mind to stay healthily and maximise their wellbeing. Public Health England’s ‘Better Health’ campaign is one of the strategic interventions to raise awareness among the individuals to stay healthy by leading healthy lifestyle with good dietary practice an healthy food habits (Thompson and Steel, 2017). Marigold tries to adopt this practice for providing dietary planning and helping the patients with good food habits, so that they can choose the healthy food. The major data required for this business plan are the percentage and numbers of people suffering from obesity in the UK as well as the nursing annual data for the patient care and treatment (Westwood et al., 2018). The quantitative data is hereby beneficial to understand the problem in the society and develop good quality treatment and care plan to support the individuals. Moreover, the qualitative data are also essential for conducting the study, where annual report of the nursing home, strategic intervention of the NHS and identifying their values are effective to develop suitable business plan, where Marigold nursing home can utilise the strategy of NHS and follow the health and social care standard to maximise patient care.

Additionally, the organisation tries to cooperate with NHS for utilising NHS plan of free consultation to the adults, providing the dietary plan with daily allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals, and protein and free NHS 12 week weight loss management plan application. These are effective for the Marigold nursing home to manage their quality of treatment and support the patients cooperatively so that they can overcome the issue of obesity and reduce the negative health implications (Schot, Tummers and Noordegraaf, 2020). These are the major strategic intervention of the NHS, through which Marigold aims at expanding their services and promote healthy lifestyle in the social communities across the UK so that the patients suffering from Obesity can overcome their health and mental issues and stay healthy. There are increasing numbers of patients mainly from the age group 45-75, who are suffering from obesity, an there are critical health implications, such as lack of physical inactivity, mood swing and mental stress, eating and sleeping disorders and diabetes, for which they need intensive care and quality treatment. Marigold ties to expand their services through this partnership working practice with NHS so that they can treat each patient with high quality care and support them to improve their physical activities, developing healthy food habits and raising concern among the individuals. The business plan would be beneficial for Marigolds nursing home to access the data related to obesity in the UK and promote healthy lifestyle (Williams et al., 2020). Through the business plan, the nursing home can maximise wellbeing of the target service user group, the patients between the age group 45 and 75, who are suffering from obesity. The NHS and UK government intervention are crucial for enhancing daily exercise, good food habits, dietary planning and social inclusion through sports and other programs, for which Marigold nursing home aims at developing collaborative partnership working practice with NHS to enhance standard of living of the invidiously by supporting the with treatment and quality care.

Budget plan
Budget plan

As per the budget plan, it is possible to identify the activities over the three year plan, where the organisation would be able to develop quality care and treatment for the patients, who are suffering from obesity. In this case, the target group is the services users, mainly the old aged people in the social communities. The organisation focuses on the age group between 45 and 75 years, where the people are suffering from obesity, physical inactivity and lack of movement. There are increasing numbers of people in the UK who are suffering from the disease and in this regard, it is the responsibility of the care home to protect the individuals and develop healthy lifestyle so that they can overcome their disabilities and lead a normal life like others. Due to excessive weight gain for obesity, the patients are suffering from several health issues, such as lack of movement, Pain; Joint stiffness; Swelling (medical), Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis as well as high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol, which deteriorate the quality of life in future. The old aged people seek help and continuous support for such health issues and it is hereby important for the Marigold nursing home to arrange the health care equipment and treatment for maximising the wellbeing of the individuals.

There are three years budgetary plan, where for the first year, the activities are such as arranging 50 beds and other essentials for the patients, hiring quality nursing staff, maintaining hygienic factors at the nursing home, recruiting more dieticians and staff and developing training program for the staff. Arranging the beds for the patients, as well as maintaining hygienic factors at the nursing home are mandatory to protect the patients under suitable environment, where the patients can stay healthily and freely (Kelendar and McIntosh, 2017). Moreover, within the first year, the organisation must recruit the dieticians and staff and developing training program for the staff so that the dieticians and general staff members can take care of the patients in the nursing home, and create values for them through continuous support and guidance. Hiring experienced nurses and arranging essentials for the patients are also effective to develop the strategy of maximising the patients care with collaborative working practice with the NHS UK.

In the second year, the strategies of the nursing home would be appointing experienced doctors in obesity and diabetic care, appointing general physicians for old age care, retaining social workers, technological advancement through ICT implementation and managing the pharmacists. In this regard, the organisation must invest in appointing the best doctors and experienced physicians and psychiatrics, who can take care of the patients. It is one of the important factors in this organisational planning, where presence of experienced doctors is mandatory for supporting the patient with the high quality treatment and care (Checketts et al., 2021). The patients seek effective treatment and care and for this, retaining the experienced doctors is essential, so that it would be possible for the doctors and physicians to work collaboratively and develop good patient care plan after suitable diagnosis and evaluation of the health condition of the individuals. In addition to this, retaining social workers is important where marigold nursing home focuses on retaining the social workers, who can identify the patients and the old age individuals, suffering from obesity and other health issues across the social communities.

Partnership working practice with the social workers would be beneficial for the nursing home, where the social workers can inform he care home about the patients and the service providers at Marigold nursing home can manage the patient with high quality treatment and care. The social workers are hereby playing an efficient role to identify the patients suffering across the social communities as well as el them to seek the best quality care and continuous support. On the other hand, technological advancement through ICT implementation is also another major activity at the nursing home, to control the service providers and develop integrated system of communication and collaboration (Conway and Hyde, 2020). For developing the business planning and enhancing working cooperation with NHS, the organisation Marigold must invest in ICT which is an integrated software system for enhancing internal and external communication. The health and social care practice is a complex task, where cooperation among the service providers is mandatory. The stallholders like doctors, physicians, psychiatrics, counsellors, surgeons and others medicine doctors, nurses, social workers must work as a team to serve the best quality care of the patients.

In the third year, there is huge investment for expanding the Marigold care home across the UK so that it would be possible to raise awareness about the patient care and the health issue of obesity, as the numbers of individuals suffering from obesity is increasing at a rapid rate in the country. Hence, the organisation aims at expanding their services across the social communities, so that the patient can seek the appropriate treatment and care to overcome their health issues and mental illness to maximise standard of living. In this year, the major activities are such as partnership with NGOs in the UK, arranging health care equipment, and partnership with NHS, investment in developing online application for managing obesity and investment in organisational website for patient management. Investment in the latest health care equipment such as online screening, patient diagnosis, digital database management system and others are important for patient management (O'Driscoll et al., 2018). Additionally, partnership with the NGOs and NHS is the major strategic planning of the nursing home, where the partnership working practice will provide a scope to enhance the quality of treatment and adopt different intervention planning for patient care and supporting the vulnerable people in the society.

There is requirement of huge investment for investment in developing online application for managing obesity and investment in organisational website for patient management, where Marigold nursing home can develop online database management system for patient handling, where the patient’s data are handled through online system and the organisational website is also managed well to support the patients. The patients can seek service through online consultation as well as they can appoint doctors through organisational website (Elkomy, Murad and Veleanu, 2020). With collaboration with NHS there would be online mobile application for free exercise and health care management planning through which the patient can overcome their physical inactivity, engage more in social program and perform better by overcoming their physical health and mental illness. These are the major three year strategic planning with the activities of the Marigold nursing home, through it aims to fulfil the objective of supporting the old age people, who are vulnerable and suffering from the health issues and obesity. The total allocated budget for the whole business plan is two million pound in order to hire the best doctors and service professional team and arrange equipment to maximise patient care.

Collaboration of NHS for integrated working practice

Collaboration with NHS is the best strategic planning for the Marigolds nursing home, where it would be possible to follow the code of practice and develop patient care for maximising the wellbeing of the individuals. The NHS legislations are effective to guide the nursing home for treating the patient with high quality treatment and case. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 is effective to maintain the quality standard of care, where the nursing home develops good care plan for the individuals after patient diagnosis. The Equality Act 2010 is also effective to ensure that the patients are treated equally irrespective of their cultural background and other differences. The organisational representatives and services users provide equal treatment and care to all the patients, irrespective of their health condition and medical history. All the individuals are treatment with best care plan, treatment and medications; so that they can overcome their health issues and lives a normal healthy life. Social Value Act 2012 is also there to ensure that the health care providers can create values or the individuals across the social communities. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is effective support the patients with counselling, communication planning and continuous support (Grant et al., 2021). In addition to this, there is Data Protection Act 1998 and general data protection guidelines 2018 in order to protect the data and information. Patient confidentiality is maintained under this act where the health care providers maintain data security and protect the personal information successfully. It further helps the patients to share their personal information, health issues, mental illness and medical history in order to get the best care plan for improving their wellbeing (Banerjee, Drumright and Mitchell, 2018). The Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974 is also effective in this case where the nursing home must provide safety measures, maintain hygienic factors at the premises and improve security for both the service providers and the patients in the care home.

There are freedom to speak and Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 are effective which provide freedom to the patients to share their personal preferences and needs so that the health care provider can acknowledge their expectations and develop the care plan for further cooperation and continuous support to the patients. NHS constitution and department of health constitutions are working cooperatively for better management and supporting the patients with high quality treatment and care (Day and Goswami, 2020). Marigold focuses on develop partnership with the NHS in order to patient care and management and in this regard the guidelines of Care Quality Commission or CQC. The guidelines of CQC are such as managing transparency and accountability, maximising patient care, respect and integrity management, equality and diversity, partnership working practice and patient centred approach. The nursing home also focuses on integrated working practice, where the purpose of integrating health systems is to provide the seamless services; easy to understand and use, make them more accessible and lead to better overall patient health. Through community-based health centres and empowering the social workers, are effective to develop integrated working practice, where the doctors, physicians, nurses and social workers are working collaborative to help the vulnerable people in the society (Cobourne, Irving and Seller, 2020). This strategic planning is hereby beneficial for the nursing home to serve the patients in the society who are suffering through obesity and related health issues during the age between 45 and 75. The integrated working practice is hereby beneficial for managing the patient with high quality care. The primary care units, specialised medical settings such as rehabilitation units, cardiology and surgical centres are working together with partnership working process, so that they can diagnose the patients efficiently and acknowledge the health issues and mental illness.

Service User Engagement and involvement

Developing patient centred care is the guidelines of NHS and CQC in the UK and the nursing home is able to cooperate with NHS and follow the rules for empowering the patients. The service professionals including the doctors, nurses and other staff members try to enhance communication and cooperation with the patients, so that they can interact positively and share their information and personal illness with the professionals (Percival and Best, 2019). Moreover, the staff members try to create friendly environment and empower them to share their medical history and personal preferences, so that they can acknowledge the expectations of the individuals. It is effective for the nursing home to support the vulnerable people in the society and retains them for the best quality care, so that it would be possible for the service providers to continuously provide effective treatment and care to the patients and maximise their standard of living. Continuous collaboration and internal communication help to develop trust and bonding between the service providers and the patients (Goff et al., 2021). It further helps the individuals to feel free to share their information as well as stay fearlessly in the nursing home for accessing all the facilities and treatment. Hence, the patient centred care is beneficial to empower the patients and maximise their satisfaction as well in the care home. the practice of patient confidentiality management, respect and integrity as well as maintaining transparency further help the patients to feel free and stay healthily with all the treatment and care facilities.

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It can be concluded that, Marigold nursing home focuses on creating values for the patients, who are suffering from obesity and related health problems. There is increasing numbers of individuals aged between 45 and 75 years in the UK, who are facing issues to lead a normal healthy lifestyle due to the problem of obesity and overweight. They are suffering from physical inactivity, lack of movement, mental illness, depression as well as high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. Hence, the nursing home aims at collaborating with NHS to protect the individuals by providing the best quality treatment and care. The allocated budget for the three year planning of the nursing would be 2 million pound and it has been estimated that, the organisation will be able to maximise their return on investment to continue the operations across the social communities of the UK. The NHS guidelines and cooperative working practice further helps the nursing home to develop infrastructure and technology to improve the quality of the patients care and ensure continuous support to the service user group in the society.

Reference List

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