Cricketer must have the following competence

Muscular strength:

Cricketers must have good muscular strength which will enable them to cope up with any acute or chronic injuries in the field (Mandrekar, 2017.). For increasing muscular strength cricketers perform different exercise such as weight lifting, lounges, presses and squats.

Balance and coordination:

Cricketers must have good balance and coordination which will enable them to prevent them falling while hitting the ball or running in the field (Kathayat and Kumar, 2019). Coordination is the physical ability that each cricketer must have to place two or more body parts together at a balanced position to prevent any injurie, fall or shock. For achieving this physical competency, each cricketer must do different exercises such as twist jumps, balance beam exercise and complex one balancing.



Cricketers must have high speed which will assist them to run a long yard without feeling breathless or exhausted (Kumar, 2019). A good speed is associated with proper muscular strength and good body balance. The exercises that are essential in increasing muscular endurance are, push press, push up, superman and kettlebell swing.


Flexibility can be referred as the maximum range of motion or movement the joint and muscle can perform. Cricketers must have maximum flexibility which is strongly associated improving the agility, muscular endurance and speed (Shukla et al. 2020). Each cricketer needs high level of flexible body which will enable them to prevent any kind of injuries and falls in the field.

Physical competencies tests for cricketer:

Different tests that are performed to check physical fitness of cricketer are:

Yo Yo test:

To check the ability of cricketer to perform repeated activities without feeing breathless or tired (Sivakumar, 2019)

2 km run test:

This test is performed to check the speed and muscular endurance of cricketer (Shukla et al. 2020).

Sit and teach test:

This test is performed to check the body and muscular flexibility of cricketer (Kumar, 2019)

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1 rm test:

1 repetition maximum test is performed to check that how much maximum weight a cricketer can lift in one repetition (Mandrekar, 2017). Through carrying out this test it is possible to check cricketer’s muscular strength, body flexibility and aerobic strength.

Reference list:

Kathayat, L.B. and Kumar, A., 2019. Comparison of Cardiac Output of Cricket Players before and after Step Test according to their Playing Positions. Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy Vol, 15(1).

Kumar, S., 2019. Analysis of relationship between motor fitness and sports performance among high performer cricketers.

Mandrekar, S., 2017. A comparative study on selected physical fitness variables of inter collegiate cricket and football players of Goa. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 2(1), pp.430-433.

Shukla, A., Dogra, D.K., Pant, M. and Chakraborty, G., 2020. Comparative study on selected physical fitness variables among different team games players.

Sivakumar, M.D.N., 2019. Effect of yogic practices and physical exercise on performance variables among male cricket players.

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