Strategies For Fairer Society

Inequality and Financial Resources

Inequality is a pertinent issue in the modern society, which needs to be handled due to the different consequences that it brings along. The various forms of inequality affect the community and growing differences have worked to make some sectors of the society to seem inferior to the others. The need to handle disparities in the communities is a joint project that helps in discerning whatever moves and motives one could have towards changing the phase of the community. Therefore, there are different and diverse selections of inequality that one needs to consider them to work well in attaining the best solution for the issue (Shilling, 2017). The lack of financial resources and economic incentives brings about a healthy way to relate to inequality in the society, and this encourages the use of incentives that could enhance the chances of an organization becoming better (Dorling, 2015). Therefore, goals and policies could help in the tackling of inequality to prevent the consequences, which are dire for the society, such as poverty, and rising criminal activities in a country. social work dissertation help can be crucial in addressing these disparities and developing effective strategies. The difference also increases the chance of corruption in government coffers and institutional levels within the nation (Atkinson &Bourguignon, 2014). These reasons show that inequality is an issue that deserves a high tackle from the community, and the proper attention to inequality will lead to the discussion of better channels to make the society a right place.


The concept of social exclusion provides different ways to look into poverty within the community. Poverty works to satisfy specific description within the society, as well as bring in diverse models that can assist in reading out the problems, that influence the community. The social exclusion perspectives look into poverty as a way to relate to three different angles. Poverty could be described regarding an income perspective, whereby a poor person is defined as that who does not have the sufficient income as required by the country, and their income is below the set poverty line by the state. The basic needs perspective offers a meaning of poverty as the failure to address basic core needs that a human needs for them to exist within the community (Reid, 2017). This means that one cannot carry out their activities about identification of better needs and handling of the emergent issues. Hence, the basic needs perspectives look at how one comfortably handles the basic needs of the community. The third perspective on poverty that offers another meaning is the empowerment or capability poverty. This type of poverty signifies the lack of power to carry specific actions out. One who has empowerment poverty does not have the drive, or the ability to carry out certain activities that are of importance to their development.

In this case, poverty and inequality are inextricably linked to one another. Poverty presents one with the inability to carry out specific functions, and this marginalizes them from the rest of society. The social exclusion of poverty also contributes to their economic exclusion and ability to carry out specific functions. Therefore, poor people cannot afford standard levels of comfort within the nation. For instance, a poor person will not have adequate housing to cater for their shelter needs. The inequality that is set in this instance is that where they cannot deliver to the housing needs of the society, thus distancing them from the others who can carry out such an activity (Augsberger et al. 2018). Poverty contributes to inequality, and this indicates that, rather than the usual points of inequality in the community, poverty is a significant point to show how unequal society is.

Inequality in society is also experienced regarding the human and social capital levels. The human capital looks into the skills that a person has, which makes them knowledgeable and appropriate in the activities that they carry out. The social capital, on the other hand, works towards the development of a way to define the events in the society, with relation to acute factors that bring about better purpose for the community (Smeeding, 2017). Social capital also looks into the networks within the society and their role in making an individual a better statement for their community. The lack of human capital and social capital contribute to significant portions of inequality in the community. A low chance of social capital and human capital makes a community have lower chances of significance to grow and model their ways into active growth (Farkas, 2017). On the other hand, the social exclusion of low social capital regions work towards the growth of economic inequality since those with high social capital will relate with one another and leave behind those that have weaker social capital. These links work with one another to bring out proper management of the issues within the community and better attention to factors relevant to inequality.

Social Inclusion is the enhancement of participation of various groups in the governance of the community and the provision of incentives that would improve the status of the less privileged people. Therefore, the policies of social inclusion work towards the identification of measures that could ensure the development of the community from all fronts. The poor people and the rich are included in the drive towards a better society and moves that could manage to make proper value for the organization (Poy & Sepulveda, 2018). Thus, the use of the social inclusion policies and management activities ensure that the community is led towards the right front. The provision of social inclusion in the modern governance has been instructional in bringing together groups and creation of lobby committees that will see towards the fostering of better management of the services in the community. The government has set aside different segments to ensure that social inclusion and understanding of the pertinent challenges for the low-income earners are provided to help with the development and determination of a proper future for the society. Therefore, concerning the creation of a better organization, social inclusion has worked in appropriate ways to ensure the growth of the community towards the right levels.

Inequality in the community seeks to address through different models that attempt to look into a series of ways to match to the standards that are set in the community. The aspect of inequality within the human labor level comes through the lack of relevant skills that are needed to make one capable of jobs and activities within the community. Therefore, human labor inequality, achieved through the lack of adequate education to handle the provided situations, comes because of lacking the financial incentive to drive educational needs (Blau, 2017). The lack of educational incentives that can encourage one to handle their activities in a positive manner pushes them to a level where they will have to put up with jobs that have low skill requirement. For instance, in the educational segments, one has to pay for the tuition and other programs that relate to the disciplines that one has to concentrate on. Vocational programs and training on the relevant regulations require money, and in most cases, the poor people in the community will not have the ability to afford education in such selections (Goldthorpe, 2017). These are therefore the most effective ways to look into the human capital differences within the community and the needs that distinguish how they carry out their activities. Thus, by determination of the financial inequalities, one has to work towards the development and determination of values that influence their core mentions towards attaining a better platform of living.

The policies that have been formed in the community to help with handling such issues relate to the creation of specific selections that deal with the lack of capital to manage the educational programs to empower one to work in the provided segments (Mingione, 2018). The use of tuition programs and free educational programs help to make a student to have the ability to learn and leverage the inequality within society. Therefore, by providing free tuition and activities, the students do not have to spend so much on education, but they get loans that help in the course of their study sessions, and this increases the chances that they have to handle the modest activities that are brought to them (Boliver, 2017). This means that the policies work in attention to the inequality which exists between the parents, and makes the bridge between those who cannot pay for their tuition and those that pay for the education to be closer. Therefore, the policy has helped to create a selection in the community whereby the students can learn from one another with much ease and acquire a greater instance of knowledge. The human capital inequality is therefore tackled through the precise allocation of student loans in relevant fields, and use of the best training programs to ensure that there are better and more effective ways to handle the unequal distribution of jobs within the society (Kluegel & Smith, 2017). These practices have therefore helped to make the educational and human capital inequality a less efficient factor.

Cultural capital stems out of different economic issues within society. The lack of a definite economic incentive in the community and financial resources makes one have a specific cultural capital that leads them to behave in particular ways. The aspect of cultural capital defines the groups within the society and bespeaks of the segments of the community that have been integrated to help with the enforcement of actions that are relatable to their measures (Farkas, 2017). Thus, the cultural capital of an individual institution influences how they carry out their activities and the beliefs that they have in the systems. The societies that have limited financial resources will have cultural capital that is limited due to the limiting interactions that they have (Augsberger et al. 2018). A lack of financial resources to help one carry out their activities and interact with the other segments of the communities makes them have difficulty in presenting their actions and carrying out the right discourse to contain their cultural relations. In the communities with limited financial resources, diversity appeal is lower compared to those that have better attention of the different cultural heritages and groups that exist within the community. The exposure of a community is therefore entirely dependent on whether they appeal to various aspects of the community needs and their level of acceptance for the new objects that they bring into the community (Grusky, 2018). Therefore, the use of the cultural capital to look into inequality explains the differences between the diverse communities and the limited communities. Interactions in the culturally rich societies are between different cultural groups, and they work to help one another with encouraging the growth and development of their segments. Therefore, the aspect of culture works to define the measures that have to be included within the community to make a better understanding of one another.

Social inclusion policies help in handling the inequality of cultural capital. The social inclusion policies advocate for the development of societies that interact with one another and can borrow different values from one another. The appeal to diversity at all levels of the organization ensures that there are cultural developments in all segments of the community and that the right course of activities will determine the value that a member of one community provides to another culture (Farkas, 2017). Hence, inclusiveness helps to make better attention to the differences between communities and making them work with one another towards the identification of critical issues that influences their growth (Azzarito et al. 2017). The determination of measures to relate within the society helps to point out the best matters that can bring inequality to a stop in the community. When all of the cultural groups within the community are provided with the right incentives to interact with one another and encourage peaceful dissemination of value between them, better points of importance are realized, and it helps with the identity of key benefits to assist in establishing aspects of interaction. The social policy, therefore, influences how they carry out their activities and relate to one another to bring out the critical value generation actors.

Social exclusion and marginalization occur within the community to different groups that have infringement of their rights and capabilities to live healthy lives (Walsh et al. 2017). The inequality in the provision of rights to these groups in the community also come out because of the financial activities in the said communities (Hurst et al. 2016). These are appropriate models that help with the discussion of specific steps to assist in bringing into perspective better ways to deal with one another. The policy of social inclusion works to include the marginalized groups to interact with the other members of the community and make a significant impact on whatever levels of growth they can offer to the community.

Some of the majorly marginalized groups in the community include minority racial groups, the LGBTQ members of the community, drug users and disabled people. These groups of individuals are marginalized from accessing social services, and they do not live the right model of life as the other members of the community (Blau, 2016). Therefore, social exclusion occurs to distance them from norms and customs that have been established in the community to help drive them towards the right level of attending to the required factors in an appropriate model. The lack of an appeal to the social values required of the marginalized groups has led to the creation of certain incentives that can help in tackling the needs of these members of the community and development of how to target their integration into the provided system (Mingione, 2018). Therefore, social policies work to reduce the extent of social exclusion for the marginalized personalities of the community (Atkinson &Bourguignon, 2014). The use of critical indicators that contribute to marginalization and working towards breaking the ties between these individual indicators and the development of the society, the members of the community grow towards the right direction of attending to all of the factors as provided. For instance, in the segregation of the LGBTQ members of the community, different religious factors act as indicators, and they contribute to the significant seclusion of the people from accessing social amenities and how they are treated within the community. These factors are therefore dependent on the outcome of activities within society.

Social inclusion through the establishment of affirmative action has provided the right model to work with the members of the community to improve on the extent of exclusion. The aspect of affirmative action ensures that members of the marginalized groups can be provided with equal opportunities like the rest of the members of the community. In the workplaces, the members of the marginalized groups have a similar right to work and equal pay about how their mates are paid by the firms (Azzarito et al. 2017). The use of affirmative action has therefore aided in the creation of a better way to handle the factors relevant to social exclusion and integration of the members of the community to ensure that they drive the best activities to manage the different groups within the community (Guan, 2017). Therefore, in relating to the members of the community and how they perceive growth of their systems, the different legal statutes have helped to break the barrier of marginalization and established a community whereby every member has the rights to serve in all capacities and have equal chances.

Creation of national initiatives to help tackle the needs of the marginalized communities also induces an inclusion for the community. The use of incentives to ensure that the lower level members of the community such as the homeless are provided with services that help in sheltering them ensures that they are taken to an extent where they can handle the activities in the company from a definite standpoint (Augsberger et al. 2018). The use of incentives such as the shelter provision models makes a great statement to ensure that the members of the community will manage to provide better ideals and work towards the provision of an income earning activity for them. Provision of jobs and training activities for the homeless people also ensures that they can get into roles that enhance their financial statuses and in long-term help to bring them out of the seclusions that have been established for them. Therefore, these incentives work to deconstruct the levels of segregation and marginalization within the community.

Health inequality is a significant factor in the provision of equal care to the citizens of the country. The healthcare sector is mandated to provide care to all members of the community; however, its services are interrupted by the different factors of marginalization and unequal income distribution in the countries (Beneke et al. 2017). The lack of proper attention to the healthcare centers and belief in medical systems, therefore, creates the healthcare inequality within the community. While relating to the different issues in the community, healthcare inequality stems out of income inequality, social inequality, and cultural inequality. In the societies that lack enough human capital to fill in the spaces of healthcare practitioners, healthcare provision is to the low levels. However, in organizations with high education levels and income earning capacities, healthcare practitioners are available and help the community by engaging in research activities to unveil new ways to treat emerging issues in the community. Therefore, health inequality is affected by the economic levels of the community and social acceptance of the services offered. For instance, in the regions with low-income earners, they will be limited to the affordable services as per their income limitations. Therefore, healthcare inequality is a real factor due to the lack of financial resources to leverage the community on different levels.

Food poverty is a kind of inequality in the nutrients and dieting of specific groups within the community. The restriction that people from low-income earning groups have on food affects their health and nutritional provision (Ravallion. 2017). The aspect of food inequality is, therefore, an issue that gets to influence the health statuses of the members of the community (Atkinson &Bourguignon, 2014). For social inclusion, food poverty is tackled through the rolling out of programs to assist in the production of better foods and a wide range of diet products for the low income earning societies. Application of the right steps helps to ensure that the members of the community can be committed towards a great dieting schedule that also helps in making them healthier (Morelli et al. 2015). Hence, the social inclusion policy of remitting relief foods and welfare foods to the poor in the society has helped in tackling the inequality and bringing a significant advantage to helping address the issue, which has a substantial influence in the community.

In conclusion, inequality in society exists in various ways. From social inequality to economic, cultural, human capital health and food inequality, the community experiences these levels of difference due to their financial power. The poor in the organization has an odd way to approach their activities compared to the rich in the community. However, the use of social inclusion policies has helped to leverage the inequality in the society by ensuring that the marginalized segments of the community get to experience changes in how they carry out their activities. The social inclusion policies have therefore been appropriate in handling the financial resources factor in contributing to inequalities within the society.

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