A Comprehensive Exploration of Personal Efficacy


This assignment entails discussing the personal efficacy and self-assessment components that give direction to a person in life. Leadership styles are encouraged in order to generate adequacy of learning and managing the work done by a person in the field of nursing. As a nurse how the self-lead assessment is going to work out is thoroughly discussed in the assignment. It is also going to highlight what steps can be undertaken to ensure that a huge number of people are benefited and all services are up to the mark. For those seeking healthcare dissertation help, understanding these aspects is crucial for effectively addressing the challenges and opportunities in nursing leadership and self-assessment. “The Leadership Self-Assessment is a series of statements and reflective questions that offer insight into leadership style to help a person identify strengths and opportunities for growth.” Self-awareness is about developing your capacity to sense whatever elements are coming across.

This essay is structured in two parts. While one part gives an idea on self-awareness and leadership, the other part highlights the self-awareness component by reflecting on a discussion. The definition comprises “concepts of self-awareness and self-leadership, leadership, values, professional behaviors, professional responsibility, and accountability". The roles are going to be defined in terms of managing the activities as a student nurse and how as a future nurse the people will be qualified.

The topic under consideration has its significance since "leadership assessments will usually evaluate both the individual's inherent personality traits and his or her situational responses and abilities." This is also going to significantly highlight professional behaviorism and responsibility and accountability. As a part of creating relevance to the professional attitude of nurses, it becomes necessary to ensure that they are committed to their duties and effectively manage professional and personal lives. The significant plans and goals are going to be discussed inside an appendix that contains an effective analysis of the situation using Johari’s window module.


Part 1-Definition of self-awareness and leadership

a) “Self-awareness is the ability to focus on a person itself and how the actions, thoughts, or emotions may or may not align with internal standards”. Merriam-Webster defines self-awareness as "an awareness of one's personality or individuality (Badrov, and Jurković, 2017)." According to experts, it takes a lot of hard work and willingness to recognize that self-awareness is a constant effort that focuses on reality components to manage the emotions of people. Self-awareness is defined by a key-term emotional intelligence that refers to the person's ability to manage emotions and influence others' emotions. Building and maintaining a robust network is essential to gain access to important information. Connecting people in organizations with different skills, perspectives and contexts is important for the self-assessment process. The leadership approach is taken towards the gain of better command of emotions. 90% of the top performers in the workplace are obsessed with answering questions with honesty and nursing practices are also the same. Building a foundation for the leadership approach requires authenticity, humility, and faith within team members.

Acting on the components of professional responsibility and accountability is highly associated with nursing practices. Nursing practice includes important policies that underpin strengths and opportunities to develop professional knowledge and understand what goals are associated within. Emotional intelligence is managed in order to make leaders more cognizant of their actions, emotions, and biases. "Self-awareness is considered as an important tool to develop a therapeutic relationship with patients for therapeutic healing. Nurses need to know themselves well and it ultimately helps them to build a therapeutic environment of caring and healing (Blomberg, Lindwall, and Bisholt, 2019)." For a future qualified nurse, the necessary step is to understand their patients' issues and provide treatment according to their needs. There are relevant policies that encourage emotional and social competency inventory and create personal values questionnaires. Observing oneself is also important to influence the team members.

As a part of taking accountability and responsibility, a nursing staff needs to incorporate certain policies that no one is hurt. The culture of continuous improvement does not allow one to take things personally. “Regular check-ins with team members and self-reflection to help them become more self-aware (nmc.org.uk, 2021)". The leaders need to work along for recovering the constant challenges upcoming in the pathways of the patient community. Recognizing and inclusive components of diversity need to be incorporated within health organizations for health and wellbeing support. Practice confidence according to the code influences the nurses to act on how the conditions influence people's health. The NMC code of practices includes an understanding of nurse roles and responsibilities. It also encourages fully developed functionalities within people to meet their needs. Professional behaviorism is working along to find out areas of further investigation. Managing risks and promoting health and well-being empowers choices of self-care and safety within patients. A holistic, non-judgmental, and caring attitude supports social inclusion. Under necessary situations challenging inequality, discrimination, and exclusion from social care should be challenged by the nurses. Nurses should take up the ownership and support dignity of people, groups, communities, and populations (Dubé et al. 2018).

NMC code for nurses includes the following aspects such as:

Prioritizing people

Respecting people's right to privacy and confidentiality

Acting in the best possible interest defining at all times

Treating people as individuals for upholding dignity is essential

Responding towards the preferences and concerns within own health and well being

Practice effectively

Being accountable for the decisions undertaken (nmc.org.uk, 2021)

Delegating tasks and duties within other person scope of competence and ensuring that the other person fully understand instructions

Indemnity arrangement provides appropriate cover practices for managing nurse duties and contributes to the research findings

Sharing skills, knowledge, and experiences to deal with professional challenges are important

Preserve safety

Raising immediate concerns in case a person is at risk and needs extra support or protection

Keeping the relevant laws and policies about protecting and caring for people updated is important (Hadid, 2017)

As a nurse and human being it is essential to manage the victim, detriment, and unwarranted treatment against the patient in need

Taking account of current evidence, knowledge, and developments in reducing mistakes in nursing practices are essential

Acting promptly towards public safety and patient monitoring

Promoting professionalism and trust

Upholding the reputation of the profession all times while being in a position of registered nurse-midwife or nursing associate

Upholding the standards and values to set out the code

Being aware of the situational integrity and cooperating with all types of documentation aspects (nmc.org.uk, 2021)

Responding to any of the complaints made against a person professionally

Become an excellent person in terms of protecting common people’s wellbeing and health management

Improvement of practices through keeping the knowledge updated is also important

Standards for competence that applied to all fields of nursing are as follows:

Professional values: All nurses are supposed to be acting first and foremost for the safeguarding of the public. Taking self-assessments helps in the understanding of evidence-based nursing that acts upon the management of dignity and human rights (nmc.org.uk, 2021).

Social values: Recognizing the limits of safety and quality is highly associated with collaborative benefit management. Working independently for people as well as working inside a team for patient safety is important to become accountable for effective nursing practices.

As a student nurse, several steps can be followed for managing health improvement components. Enabling people and the communities for health and wellbeing through addressing wider determinants of health protection is essential. Protecting people from environmental hazards and promoting resilience to future risks is also important in this field. A student nurse is responsible for taking care of patients' needs while managing all the rules and regulations of hospitals and clinics (nmc.org.uk, 2021). Clinical instructors gain practical experiences by taking protective measures and being compliant with HIPAA rules and regulations. Explaining consent and health information promptly when asked. Typical duties of the job include administering medication and protecting patients from intravenous infusion by taking sanitized samples and pulses.

The roles and responsibilities of a student nurse help to find out the right directions in life while the actual situation arises. In an emergency, it becomes important to organize the patient-related queries and clarify them from senior doctors. It is essential at an elementary level to stay protected against fungal infections and non-infectious hazards to participate in the management of mistakes by working on patient injuries. Many of the nurses in the UK have shown nursing adequacy to promote safe and secure care (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021). Nursing leadership skills are identified to be helping the people through actively listening to peers, patients, and administration. While working is done to encourage communication skills, it becomes essential to influence others to pursue their goals in life. Some ways student nurses can d

evelop their nursing leadership skills are as follows:

“Nurses develop leadership skills by working on strength and weakness

Being positive and enthusiastic

Maintaining the morals and values

Developing excellent communication skills

Continuous expansion of knowledge

Joining professional and community-based organization on nursing"

Student nurse becomes a leader by showing tactful communication, consistent membership, skill-based delegation, and informed administration (Kajander-Unkuri et al. 2020). Nursing leadership is an important tool for improvement in patient care and health sectors in general. Student nurses are also required to follow typical traits so that they perform leadership duties promptly.

Part 2-Reflective account on self-awareness

The importance of self-awareness in my opinion is quite relevant in student nursing practices. I believe that it helps in the management of continuous and challenging situations. Mostly it provides culturally competent care to patients coming from various cultural and regional orientations. I find it important to develop skills in self-directed learning and improve motivation. Gaining self-awareness helps student nurses to develop constant empathy. Jack and Smith (2007), explored self-awareness and concluded that methods that enhance the nurses' levels of self-awareness are beneficial for personal and professional growth. I am having lack of advanced technology as a main challenge and advancing myself as a plan, which I came across after analysis.

The Johari window tool works by helping individuals visualize the difference between analyzing the situation. Week 1 activities were understanding Johari’s window tool of self-awareness in this module. Here is a representation of my understanding of Johari's model:

Low external

The questionnaire was to identify a person's leadership style. In that case, I'm choosing Democratic leadership. I find it quite encouraging to discuss the questionnaire where business settings are well established. I found myself to be the best in the grades of becoming an appropriate person. The situational aspects are supposed to be found out to identify how a balance can be created in family and work-life (Roper et al. 2018). My chosen leadership style works on personality traits, habits, and abilities to affect the interactions with people around me specifically in the workplace. Some of the deep questions to ask me are how competent I am in handling emergencies while keeping myself safe. I also came to know the facts that a person could live anywhere and work if they possess mindfulness meditation. It is quite important for carving out some time to see myself in the position of a leader. While changing the roles from student nurse to head nurse, it is necessary to take consent from patients before taking action on them.

I also came across the facts on handling a failure. Life is an ever-changing challenge that should be managed considerably. “I consider myself a leader because I am confident in my own decisions. I believe that I know enough about the job that I make good decisions and my opinion is valued. I also like to help others and work towards our common goal, so we all succeed (Saeedi et al. 2021).” My choice of democratic leadership style is justified since I will be judged based on my actions. I also like to send feedback on peer performance since it is important to be judged for the work done at an early level so that I will be capable of accepting professional criticism later (trainingindustry.com, 2021).

I learned my strengths in the ability to accurately judge performance and behaviorism. My core competency is found out to work out on things together as a team and teach about emotions. Healthy self-esteem works on awareness skills and portrays a concept of individual awareness management within students. My learning capacity has been developed with healthy practices of self-acceptance. Encouraging myself to push the boundaries, I believe to be my best strength of mine. I also find that a rewards system consideration is important to improve my performance and generates a sense of improved self-esteem. Embracing a growth mindset is essential to the sense of ownership and reflecting on their learning components. I follow up my learning with the usage of thinking routines and helping myself to find my right passion. Brainstorming and participation in the decision-making process are identified to be my strength. Although I had scored low when it came to influencing others and making good communication with patients (Schneider, and Good, 2018). Considering them to trust me as their career has scored low while time management capability is also identified to be low in my case.

Peer performances are observed to be motivating me throughout my career as a student nurse. Taking adequate time to share important events and talk about differences with fellow performers gives an idea of whatever needs to be improved in performances. Limiting stress in my opinion helps the students to foster growth and complete their goals. I believe that leadership is important within the nursing profession since the democratic style discusses the capacity of being one of the common men and solving issues. I strongly believe nurses are required to be considered as leaders to ensure advancement in future learning and provide quality care.

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As a student nurse, if the protocols are followed then it becomes a practice for the people to take charge of their future duties. The nursing team is designed to supervise the patient care and deliver self-engagement components. Facilitating work conditions as a student nurse helps in the management of enabling patients with taking overall control over many situations. In my opinion, the democratic style of leadership helps in “improved patient outcomes, reduced medical errors, and improved staff retention, benefiting the healthcare workplace as a whole (Taylor et al. 2020)”

Opportunities to develop professional knowledge and skills are to ensure how self-awareness and self-leadership are developed. This can be discussed in terms of compassion which is inclusive of developing situations within a student's life. As a student nurse, I should start thinking critically so that it benefits me in my later life and take the best healthcare possible (nmc.org.uk, 2021). Communication development is essential which ensures that patients understand what the nurse is saying adequately. Staying calm and cool in every situation is essential within an organization to achieve success while being a nurse. Some of the nurses are seen to be advancing their career and professional certification components with advanced degrees of learning.

While practicing placement the nurses should take more detailed action plan that creates smart goals like:

While practicing placement While practicing placement


Continuous development of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of staff to improve quality of patient care, safety, compassion and the patient experience the student nurses need to improve upon staff retention and benefits healthcare as a whole. Democratic leadership in nursing inspires and motivates employees to find better ways of achieving their goals. The leaders are finding it to excel towards resolution of conflicts. Raising the well-being, morale and excellent rapport is important so that the client does not feel powerless within diseased conditions. Leaders provide a unity of purpose while establishing the direction of the organization. Nurses are enabled to become completely involved in achieving the organization’s goals and aims through using adequate leadership goals. As a leader, maintaining a security team is possible and constant reminders to people of the company's vision are required to be given. Participating wholeheartedly in work or something the nurses are passionate about helps in organizing leadership courses. The NHS needs all types of high-quality and compassionate leaders that provide adequate care to those who serve it.

Leaders are encouraging others to take actions that are necessary for safety and cultivating skills on the account of being effective. Helping the entire organizational people to gain effective management experiences includes integrity, accountability within student nurses and makes them prepared for the upcoming situation. Quality leadership is a precondition that encourages quality management and in the medical field where it has to be safe and minimize errors.



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Hadid, S., 2017. Factors influencing nursing student self-assessment in relation to instructor assessment. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(2), pp.70-76.

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  • (nmc.org.uk, 2021) Available at: https://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/standards/nmc-standards-for-competence-for-registered-nurses.pdf
  • (online.hbs.edu, 2021), Available at: https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/leadership-self-assessment (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021) Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10122864/ (trainingindustry.com, 2021), Available at: https://trainingindustry.com/articles/leadership/the-importance-of-self-awareness-in-leadership/

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