A Need for Effective Health Promotion Strategies


Childhood obesity is referred to as a serious medical condition in which adolescent and children develop extra fat in the body that adds to their body weight and makes them be at risk of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and others (Weihrauch-Blüher and Wiegand, 2018). In 2020, 9.9% of the children of 4-5 years of age are found to be obese whereas 21% of children of 10-11 years of age are obese. Apart from obesity, 13.1% of children of 4-5 years of age and 14.1% of children of 10-11 years of age are found to be overweight and risk of obesity (commonslibrary.parliament.uk, 2021). This indicates that the majority of children in the UK are suffering from obesity and are at risk of developing health issues due to which effective health promotion regarding the condition is needed to ensure to reduce the prevalence of the health problem.


Intervention: The health promotion intervention for childhood obesity is developing a healthcare application which would inform in detail the diet chart, probable weight management exercise and other information for preventing and controlling childhood obesity in children.

Implementation Strategy: The implementation strategy includes making the application developed available to all children, families, school and communities free of cost from the Google application store on the phone. This is because it would help to allow the application to be reached to all individuals irrespective of their ability to afford it and use the information within the application to be followed to maintain healthy lifestyle required to avoid childhood obesity. The application is targeted to be implemented in school and communities as well as at the family level so that holistic intervention is taken to target children at all level to develop healthy lifestyle to avoid obesity.

Evaluation Plan: The evaluation plan for the health promotion is developing survey questionnaires to be provided through the application to children and their parents to determine the change in their weight before and after the use of the application. Moreover, feedback from the children and their family and teachers are to be taken through the application to be evaluated to determine the level of success of the plan and changes to be made to ensure its further progress in managing childhood obesity with efficiency.

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Discussion and Implications: The developed application for health promotion regarding childhood obesity is to be implemented both at the family and school level to be used for preventing childhood obesity. This is because children spent most of their time in school and the rest of the time with the family where they learn regarding the way to lead life and develop lifestyle ideas.


commonslibrary.parliament.uk 2021, Obesity Statistics, Available at: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn03336/ [Accessed on: 13 August 2021]

Weihrauch-Blüher, S. and Wiegand, S., 2018. Risk factors and implications of childhood obesity. Current obesity reports, 7(4), pp.254-259.

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