Care planning process in the healthcare practice


The care plan and individuals assessment are important in the health and social care settings, where the care professionals try to assess the patents and develop effective care plan for creating values of them and fulfilling their health needs (Roberts et al., 2017). The report aims at discussing the theories and models of the health and social care system as well as evaluates the usefulness of the theories in the context of health care settings. The study also focuses on the evaluation of the legislations and rules in the health and social care context in order to understand the practice in the health and social care settings, where the patient’s outcome can be maximised by the health and social care professionals through implementing the modes of health care and following the existing rule and legislations. Additionally, when navigating complex topics within this field, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support for students striving to excel.


Examining the models and methods in the health care practice

The existing theories and models of the health and social care are effective for the benefits of the patients as well as the service providers, where the care givers follow the models to develop effective care plan for maximising the values of the patients. In this regard, the social humanistic theory is effective to discuss the social perspectives of the individuals. In this regard, the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is important to be evaluated under which there are five different needs such as physiological, safety, love and belongings, esteem and self actualisation (Elwyn, Greenhalgh and Macfarlane, 2018). Through this model, it is possible to understand that the basic needs of the human being need to be fulfilled, where the basic needs are such as food, water, shelter and rest where the ;patients must be treated with care for fulfilling their basic needs. The social workers and care givers need to focus on fulfilling the basic needs of the individuals, so that they can live a normal living standard. In addition to this, the needs of safety and love are also necessary and in this regard, the care givers are also responsible to treat the patients with love and respect as well as provide them safety and security in the care home, so that the patients can stay safely. Moreover, the feeling of accomplishment and self actualisation needs are also necessary to be managed sol that it is possible for the car givers to create values for all the individuals at the care home.

Assessment of the patients is necessary where it provides a scope to collect and analyse the information about the people with the aim of understanding the patients and determining the actual needs and preferences of the people for successful professional’s intervention. In this regard, the assessment needs to be process centred in order to utilise the organisational resources and theology to diagnose the patients successfully. This process is effective to make critical assessment of the patients by proper diagnosis and analysis of the patient’s present condition (Bresnen et al., 2017). For assessing the needs of the patients, it is necessary for the care givers to develop patient centred care which allows the health care professionals to empower the patients in developing appropriate care plan as well as acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the patients through improving communication and collaboration with the patients. Respecting the patients and treating all of them fairly further help to develop the patient centred care and help the patients for overcoming their heath issues by developing appropriate care plan (Turner, 2017).

As per the medical model, all the medical team including nurses, dots, general physicians, physiotherapist and other social workers are cooperating with each other for developing medical board and working as a partnership basis in order to provide efficient treatment and car to the patients according to their health needs. In this regard, as per the medical model, the provision of tests, diagnosis and x-rays are included to assess the patients and additionally, the access to multi disciplinary team is important to focus on the health issues and treatment plan for the patients (Glanz, Rimer and Viswanath, 2015). Hereby, the medical model provides scope to develop effective plan for the team members for further cooperation and enhancing communication, so that they can work collaboratively and create values of the patients. The intervention planning as per the medical model includes emergency care, patient assessment and diagnosis, palliative care and therapy through which the care professionals try to develop effective care plan for the individuals.

Apart from that, the ASPIRE model is also effective in the health and social care settings, where according to the model, there are assessment, planning, implementations, review and evaluation where the nurses are efficient to conduct problem solving planning in order to identify the actual health issues and develop effective planning for mitigating the problems. Through partnership approach, the nurses are taking care of the patients and developing effective communication for more cooperation and identifying the actual health issues that they are suffering from. After that, showing empathy and respecting the patients further helps to empower the patients and provide safety and security so that the individuals can feel safe and secure to share their personal information and get empowered properly in developing the care planning (Coady and Lehmann, 2016). As per the model proper assessment and developing care planning are mandatory and after that, the nurses are also responsible for rechecking the condition of the patients and evaluating the present health status according to their improvement. In this regard, the model of ASPIRE is effective, where the nurses and the health care professionals utilise their problem solving and critical analysis skill for making effective decision and care plan for the patients after effective diagnosis and patient assessment (Rothman, 2018).

Reviewing the legislative and regulatory framework

In order to implement the above mentioned theories and models in the care home, it is necessary to follow the legislative structure and ethical code of conduct in order to manage the patient fairly. In this regard, the Equality Act 2010 is appropriate to manage equality in accessing the health and social care service, so that all the patients can access the service fairly. The patients are treated fairly where the management team focuses on managing transparency and accountability in the workplace so that every team members can treat all the patients equally and provide efficient treatment according to their health needs (Yan et al., 2016). As per the ethical code of conduct, it is the responsibility of the care givers to uphold equality, diversity and inclusion, where the patients are empowered well and the employees treat all the patients fairly irrespective of their cultural diversity and differences in the health issues. Working in collaboration and enhancing communication, respecting all the individuals and maximising the rights of the patient are also managed well in the care home which provide a scope to the care professionals to deliver quality health care service in an ethical manner (Davis et al., 2015). Additionally, the General data protection Act 2018 is also appropriate in the health care settings to secure the personal data and information of the patients and manage data accuracy, accountability, integrity and confidentiality, where the care professionals maximise the practice of fairness and transparency for improving trust and loyalty among the patients, so that the patients can also share their personal information safely without any hesitation.

Evaluating the influences of the models in the workplace

The health and social care models and theories as well as the rules and ethical code of conduct are appropriate for developing suitable care for the patients, where all the multi disciplinary team members are cooperating and communicating with each other for delivering high quality services to the patients after doing effective patient assessment and diagnosis. In this regard, the nurses, doctors, social care provider and other general physicians and professionals are working together to develop an effective multi disciplinary team, where patients safety and security is mandatory and the doctors try to create values for the individuals by respecting them, empowering them in developing the care plan and fulfilling their health needs and personal preferences. The ethical code of conduct such as managing equality and protecting the personal information are also beneficial to create values for the patients, where all the patients are treated fairly and they can share their personal information with the care professionals safely (Sallis, Owen and Fisher, 2015).

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It can be evaluated that, the theories and models of health and social care are appropriate to develop effective settings in the organisation for successful patient assessment and diagnosis, so that the patients can get efficient treatment and care from the caregivers. The legislative structure including the Equality Act 2010 and GDPR 2018 are also effective to maintain transparency and accountability, where the patients can get for treatment and care from the health and social care professionals. As per the theories and ethical code of conduct, the management team of the health and social care settings focuses on developing multi disciplinary team work with proper communication and collaboration, so that every patients can be treated well and they can develop effective care plan by patient’s assessment and diagnosis with developing patient centred approach.

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Reference List

Bresnen, M., Hodgson, D., Bailey, S., Hyde, P. and Hassard, J., 2017. Mobilizing management knowledge in healthcare: Institutional imperatives and professional and organizational mediating effects. Management Learning, 48(5), pp.597-614.

Coady, N. and Lehmann, P., 2016. Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: A generalist-eclectic approach. Berlin: Springer Publishing Company.

Davis, R., Campbell, R., Hildon, Z., Hobbs, L. and Michie, S., 2015. Theories of behaviour and behaviour change across the social and behavioural sciences: a scoping review. Health psychology review, 9(3), pp.323-344.

Elwyn, G., Greenhalgh, T. and Macfarlane, F., 2018. Groups: a guide to small group work in healthcare, management, education and research. London: CRC Press.

Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K. and Viswanath, K., 2015. Health behaviour: Theory, research, and practice. Boston: John Wiley & Sons.

Roberts, J.P., Fisher, T.R., Trowbridge, M.J. and Bent, C., 2016, March. A design thinking framework for healthcare management and innovation. In Healthcare (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-14). Elsevier.

Rothman, J., 2018. Social work practice across disability. London: Routledge.

Sallis, J.F., Owen, N. and Fisher, E., 2015. Ecological models of health behavior. Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice, 5, pp.43-64.

Turner, F.J., 2017. Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches. London: Oxford University Press.

Yan, Z., Wang, T., Chen, Y. and Zhang, H., 2016. Knowledge sharing in online health communities: A social exchange theory perspective. Information & Management, 53(5), pp.643-653.

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