Health promotion importance


Health is referred to the state of absence of disease along with physical, social and mental well-being. The health of individuals is hindered by illness which is regarded as the disease or period of sickness that negatively affects the functioning and performance of the body (Aldwin et al., 2017). In order to manage illness, apart from healthcare and treatment, health promotion is essential. Health promotion is the process which enables people to develop increased management and control over their health along with its determinant to assist people live a healthy life (Fletcher et al., 2018). In this study, the topic of health promotion is actions to reduce weight and risk of type-2 diabetes in people with Schizophrenia caused due to effect of medication. The role of nurse in health promotion is to deliver information to the patients regarding the risk factors of their health issues along with the actions to be followed and treatment to be accessed to manage and improve the health (Darch et al., 2017). Thus, in this health promotion, the role of the nurse would be to deliver information about the actions to be executed while taking medication for Schizophrenia so that unnecessary weight gain and type-2 diabetes can be controlled by the individuals. The study is to be structured initially by providing brief description of the process of developing resources for health promotion. Further, the application of health promotion strategies and theories in accomplishing health promotion is to be explained, and healthcare dissertation help can be sought to ensure a thorough understanding of these elements.

Brief discussion of the process for developing the resource

The health and well-being are referred as the absence of any mental distress and physical illness among individuals. It is important because the well-being and positive health are fundamental needs of an individual to enable them to successfully resolve difficulties in life and achieve enhanced actions in life (Stiglic and Viner, 2019). However, failure to ensure health and well-being leads individuals to face negative physical ability and mental illness such as stress, anxiety, mood disorder and others making them face intense difficulty in leading life (Gascon et al., 2017). According to WHO, the five principles of health promotion are health is to be promoted in context-driven way, need to integrate multi-dimensional health nature, promote good health as public good, health promotion needs to underpin overall responsibilities and policies of state and active participation is essential for health promotion (WHO, 2019). The health promotion for promoting enhanced health and preventing diseases across the lifespan is important because it empowers people to learn about healthier choices to be made for reducing the risk of disability and disease. Moreover, it helps to resolve the health disparities and improve the health condition of the families, individuals, communities and other along with promote their well-being to lead a quality life (WHO, 2019).


In consideration of the health promotion importance, it can be determined that the current health promotion of controlling weight and risk of type-2 diabetes among schizophrenia patients is also important. This is because it would lead the Schizophrenic individuals to understand which alternative medication (if any) present to control weight gain that occurs out of the intake of the medical drugs and the physical activities to be performed to control risk of type-2 diabetes and weight gain (Mamakou et al., 2018). It is also required as obesity or increased weight and type-2 diabetes in schizophrenia patients makes them vulnerable to face the risk of cardiovascular disease, mobility issues and others as additional health complications (Annamalai et al., 2017). This is evident as increased weight leads to deposition of increased fat in the body and blood vessels causing the blood vessels to be constricted cause hypertension (Rathmann et al., 2016). Moreover, the presence of type-2 diabetes causes damage to the healthy blood vessels leading people to develop restricted and hindered flow of blood to be heart (Rathmann et al., 2016).

The resources required for the health promotion of controlling weight gain and risk of type-2 diabetes among schizophrenia patients includes offline and online communication media sources, local and national policies and finances. As mentioned by Gabarron et al. (2018), effective two-way communication in health promotion is important. This is because effective two-way interaction between health promoters (nurses, health practitioners, etc) and patients helps in communicating the health information to be followed by the patients for enhancing their health as well as it helps to empower the patients in executing own health improvement. Thus, offline communication sources such as leaflets and posters along with online communicating sources such as email and television along with social media such as Facebook, Twitter and others are to be used in the present health promotion. This is because offline sources such as leaflets and posters help to provide data regarding health risk in person to the patients and assist them to have written references and knowledge of actions to be followed for their health promotion (Klassen et al., 2018).

The online communication channels such as email and social media such as Facebook, Skype and others help to create direct communication with patient to inform them and make them understand the way actions are to be performed in improving their health from risk of certain illness (Paige et al., 2017). Therefore, the choice of communication resources in this health promotion would help the health promoters to efficiently reach each patient to inform them about the actions to be avoided and medication to be taken to control the risk of additional health issues to their health and well-being. The local and national policies inform about the rules and rights to be followed in providing and arranging healthcare for patients. Thus, the Health and Social Care Act 2012, Care Act 2012 and others are to be followed along with NMC Codes of Practice in arranging the mentioned health promotion so that systematic and legally approached healthcare actions can be taken to make the health promotion.

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 mentions that it is duty to improve care quality and make provision for enhanced health of patients (, 2012). Thus, the Act influenced my decision to ensure that effective services such as diet care charts, alternative medication and others are to be provided to schizophrenia patients to avoid them gain increased weight and type-2 diabetes. The Equality Act 2010 informs that healthcare is to be provided to all individuals irrespective of any discrimination (, 2010). Thus, the Act influenced me to decide that the mentioned health promotion for schizophrenia patients is provided in such a way so that it can be accessed equally by individuals irrespective of any discrimination. The finances in health promotion are an essential resource as adequate money is required implement the gathered resources and include stakeholders in the process of health promotion.

The process used in developing the resources for health promotion is following the principles and concepts in making health promotion as suggested by the WHO. This is because the World Health Organisation (WHO) is the international organisation that provide detailed and scientifically approved data about actions to be performed in promoting health of individuals (WHO, 2019). In the mentioned health promotion for schizophrenia patients, the recognition of health promotion opportunity and identifying target patients by the nurses is essential. This is because the identification of the target individuals by the nurses would help to understand which patients are to be prioritised and included in the health promotion campaign for enhanced health. Moreover, nurse's identification of health promotion opportunity would help other professionals determine the way in which target individuals are to be effectively influenced for participation in the health promotion program and avail care support (Kelly et al., 2017).

The community and healthcare partner such as nurses, health practitioners, social care workers and others are the stakeholders in the mentioned health promotion. This is because the health practitioners have effective information regarding the way to control risk of additional health issue out of side-effects of medication in schizophrenia. Thus, they by acting with the nurses would effectively provide the information to the patients as the nurses are the ones that take care and prepared along with communicates care activities to the patients (Blake et al., 2017). The community care workers are individuals who help people in the community to get reach to resources needed for their enhanced health (Pons-Vigués et al., 2017). Thus, they are to be involved in health promotion so that they can help patients with Schizophrenia to get access to required resources and activities for controlling weight gain and avoid the development of type-2 diabetes.

Discussing application of health promotion strategies

The health promotion strategy of behaviour change and education is to be applied in the current promotion of health that is controlling the risk of weight gain and type-2 diabetes among people with schizophrenia. As mentioned by Townsend (2018), the use of antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia leads to weight gain. This is because the medication stimulates the appetite of the patients making them feel temThe community and healthcare partner such as nurses, health practitioners, social care workers and others are the stakeholders in the mentioned health promotion. This is because the health practitioners have effective information regarding the way to control risk of additional health issue out of side-effects of medication in schizophrenia. Thus, they by acting with the nurses would effectively provide the information to the patients as the nurses are the ones that take care and prepared along with communicates care activities to the patients (Blake et al., 2017). The community care workers are individuals who help people in the community to get reach to resources needed for their enhanced health (Pons-Vigués et al., 2017). Thus, they are to be involved in health promotion so that they can help patients with Schizophrenia to get access to required resources and activities for controlling weight gain and avoid the development of type-2 diabetes.

pted to each more food to resolve their hunger which in turn leads to input unwanted calories contributing to rise of body weight. Thus, in this respect, promoting behaviour change among schizophrenia patients to involve in the weight-management program would help them overcome the complexity of facing obesity due to medicine intake for schizophrenia. As argued by Holt et al. (2018), lack of change in behaviour to overcome unnecessary weight gain leads individuals to face cardiovascular complications. This is because increased weight leads to unnecessary deposition fats in different parts of the body and blood vessels making them narrowed and provides inadequate blood to the heart. Therefore, creating behaviour change according to mentioned actions in the weight-management program such as dieting and involvement in physical exercises is essential.

The education regarding healthy lifestyle and performing nutritional counselling is important health promotion strategies to be included in the current promotion of health regarding schizophrenia. This is because effective nutritional counselling leads to determine the exact diets required by the schizophrenia to be followed so that their weight remains normal. Further, education of healthy lifestyle helps schizophrenia patients understand the actions to be avoided to control their risk of weight gain and type-2 diabetes while treatment for their mental health condition (Nyboe et al., 2019). The theory of planned behaviour as the communication theory is to be used in managing the current health promotion. According to Yee et al. (2019), theory of planned behaviour informs that communication to promote behaviour change is achieved through attitudinal judgement and social-normative consideration of the individual. This indicates a person may show change in behaviour through communication when they develop the attitudinal judgement that the action is appropriate for them and it is also socially considered. In the current health promotion, the theory of planned behaviour as communication strategy is to be selected where through effective information the target population are to be influenced to develop attitude of the importance of adopting weight management exercise and diet.

The role played in managing the mentioned health promotion process includes initially identifying the need for the promotion of health to control weight gain and risk of type-2 diabetes among schizophrenia patients. This is because without effective reasoning of the need of health promotion regarding certain diseases the target population cannot be appropriately influenced to understand the reason and importance of participation in the process to make it successful (Suvisaari et al., 2016). In the health promotion process, the communication strategies and health promotion strategies are determined by analysing the nature of target patients to be involved in the promotion. Further, resources to be used in the health promotion campaign are selected by examining the need and requirement in the health promotion and nature of target people to be influenced through health promotion.

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The above discussion informs that health promotion for controlling risk of weight gain and type-2 diabetes in people with Schizophrenia in which the risk is created due to side-effect of medication is to be made with the help of the nurses. This is because the nurses are the professionals who are responsible in interacting with the patients to provide them detailed information about the healthcare routine and way those activities are to be followed for improved health as suggested by healthcare practitioners. In developing the health promotion, the principles of promoting health mentioned by WHO are to be followed. The resources to be used in the health promotion process are offline and online communication media sources, local and national policies and finances. The stakeholders to be involved in making health promotion are health practitioners and community care workers apart from nurses. The health promotion strategy of education and behaviour change is to be implemented in the mentioned study. Moreover, the theory of planned behaviour as communication strategy is to be used in making health promotion.

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Aldwin, C.M., Igarashi, H., Gilmer, D.F. and Levenson, M.R., 2017. Health, illness, and optimal aging: Biological and psychosocial perspectives. Springer Publishing Company.

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