5.1 Legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting
Each health and care setting has its own set of legislations and actions taken in terms of patient safety and keeping the records safe. The clear records are accessed by the right set of people. Fire safety, hygiene checks, hazards, and cleaning incidents are important in social care settings. The legislation is as follows:
"Health and safety at work act 1974": Legislation is associated with ensuring the safety of all employees and managing potential hazards in the workplace“The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999”: Concepts of health risks are assessed while carrying out a activities
“The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992”: Reducing the chances of injury for staff and the patients they are caring for. Space restrictions are omitted for clearing the movement of patients
“Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981”: Suitability in first aid training and HSC/E is held responsible for monitoring this process
“Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences": Reporting serious injuries and diseases and long-term illness is associated with this process
“Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002”: Safety rules are allocated for storing any hazardous substance such as cleaning fluids, chemicals, and medicines.
Legislation related to the components of health and safety can be improved using regulations 1992. There are certain steps that contribute to risk assessment for management of risk injuries and organizing the actual task. Health and safety at work 1974 provides a basis for all health and safety aspects within the workplace. This act is aimed to ensure safety for all employees and the environment where they work all times to reduce potential health hazards. Health and safety regulation 1981 is going to make requirements for staff memes to be qualifying for first aid and training. Each three year a qualification is renewed as well as reporting to legal requirements of serious injuries, disease and deaths are reported. Long term illness for the local authority of the environmental health department is managed. For those seeking further insight, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable support in understanding these regulations and their implications.
Control of the hazardous substances under regulation 2002 is reported as a part of enforcing safety rules within storing of hazardous substances. Cleaning fluids, chemicals and medicines come under the concepts of secure health and safety disposal. There is organization of any spillages introduced for the administration of medicines and safe disposal substances. The most important part is to ensure working health and safety sectors adhering to the management of contracts and working on regulations they adhere to. The inclusion of standardized processes to be met is essential while social workers are given an additional responsibility of health management. Reporting of hazards and working in a shift is essential for managing legal responsibilities of people. Correct procedures of carrying out duties that they are trained to is essential as well. The employer and managers are responsible for providing written policies of health and safety whenever it is needed. The new recruits need to be trained for essential improvement of health concepts.
Special training given on health and safety legislations such as first aid and infection control. Manual handling of disease and food safety is also concerned within this genre. Health and safety at work also aligns with reducing the spread of the infection. Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 introduces concepts of assessing risks which might become a potential hazard to the people before carrying out any activities. Any difficulties that are associated within health and safety standards need to be assessed. The practitioners need to be involved within the management of space restrictions are improvised while reporting health and safety disorders are given maximum importance. However, there are important discussions on appropriate learning and improvisation is made. The employer and managers are responsible for inclusion of legal responsibilities and differentiates between work breakdown structures of employees. Provision of providing protective clothing such as safety clothes is associated within the health and safety act.
5.2 Ways of bacterial infection
Digestive tract: Consumption of contaminated food and drink can cause bacteria to insert inside the body Reproductive or urinary tract: Infection might occur from the uterus, anus, or kidneys
Respiratory tract: Through breathing contaminated particle bacterial infection can occur (Gupta et al. 2021) Skin lesions: Any sort of stings, insect bites, fractures or infections might make a way for a bacterial infection
The bacterial infection is divided into different parts and they can be removed by avoiding physical contact. It is important for the people who work in care settings to keep them self protected from a bacterial infection. The importance of working in a safe environment includes managing the people within the care sector as well as managing excuses for not coming to work. A person is required to be capable of managing infection and fight off it by having a good strength of infection. Cold and flu is something that occurs to people quite often. It is essential to motivate each of the members to fight against cold and flu along with taking adequate protection against infection. Elderly and unwell people should get more attention on being well. They might not possess enough stamina to combat disease.
Diarrhoea and vomiting are illnesses that can be prevented throughout and avoidance of contact with vulnerable people is required. Good hygiene is important to ensure that no bacterial infection is occurring. There are important aspects of learning observed which deliver potential relief from bacterial infection. A person needs to wash their hands for 20 seconds regularly to keep infections and bacterial infections at bay. The department of health recommends the following procedure of effective hand washing. A process guidance on hand washing can be explained in terms of washing hands in between fingers, nails, fingertips and back of hands. Lathering and scrubbing is essential for the rinsing of hands which is the most affected area. Pathogenic bacteria can result in illness through transmission. Identification of correct materials to stop the spread of bacteria is essential. Carrying out essential gloves, aprons and caps needs to be managed so that there are not any contamination observed. While carrying out soiled beds the healthcare professionals need to focus on procedures of cleaning the changes every time.
There is always a difference observed between hazard and risk. The difference between two objectives are associated with potential splitting of components and opening windows for all potential hazards. The hazard is associated with management of wires and fires without guards and opening windows at the very moment. A PPE is identified as a protective equipment that creates a potential barrier between human beings and bacterial infection. Risk of spreading bacteria improvises on vulnerability management of people. Carrying out certain tasks and functionalities provides adequate support to the people engaged within a particular segment. Recording the findings along with reviewing the situation as changes as it occurs is identified as an important element. Own set of work practices are important as there is time applied to identifying any immediate hazards. Any potential infection should be reported to the people while there are situational changes planned. Pertaining to an individual in a care setting while an incident and accident is occurring is important to be managed.
5.3 Definition of pathogenic bacteria
It is identified as one of the most harmful bacteria that is found everywhere in health and social care settings. Any contaminated object handling and potentially touching the infected materials can cause a spread of these bacteria and create illness. Pathogens react differently with different human beings and it completely avoids the immune systems of the host body and uses host body resources to grow.
Pathogenic bacteria handling is important, since many people are being tremendously infected with this bacteria. It creates illness by totally damaging the immune systems of the host body. In a health and social care setting infected materials create a spread of illness and react differently within human bodies. Pathogenic bacteria are capable of causing disease while it enters into the body through air, water and soil (Suarez et al. 2018). Any physical contact with bacteria requires creating a harmless activity within a development of pathogens. Most common goals are associated with management of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Leptospira interrogans. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are types of pathogens. Schematic representation of infections are required to be managed while the body compartments. Re-emergence of pathogenic viruses becomes a major threat to public health.
Pathogenic bacteria are found in humans and live in the intestines of people and animals. Public health related concerns are identified to be a major threat to the human beings so that it brings a disproportionate amount of human disease and death. Thousands of species of fungi are observed as per the requirement elicitation and parasitic involvement. Microorganisms are observed for managing the barriers of skin. Organisms can spread and transmit the pathogens. Pathogens can be of similar de-similar types that are applied within the components of human organism. A systematic indulgence of activities is important to clarify the position of people and engage in qualitative and quantitative understanding of components. A person needs to make sure of hygiene factors to become free from any such infections. There are significant component applied within the management of bacterial infection. A quality component is associated within the sustainability of human bodies. The schematic representation of infections helps in generation of overall protection of the people and clarify the detail analysis of components. A system is always required to be generated for adequate cleaning and indulging in suitable habits of human bodies. The potential harm causing creatures needs to be omitted from within the human bodies. A security and sustainability is important to be achieved since people without commitment to protect themselves are at stake since the pathogenic bacteria is going to damage people internally.
Dig deeper into The Impact and Legislation Surrounding Equality and Diversity in Healthcare Services with our selection of articles.
5.4 Differences of hazards and risks
Hazards can be identified as things that have a complete potential of causing harm to people in healthcare settings. Any object, which breaks down on the floor and if it is not lifted then it might cause a matter of discomfort. Some trailing wires, wide-open windows, and fire flames without a guard become a hazard. Cleaning supplies or keeping harmful chemicals in store is identified as a potential hazard (Mostafa et al. 2018). On the other hand, the risk is identified as the likelihood of occurring and potential hazard. For example, bees can be taken as bee sting is hazardous and if it enters into the room then it becomes a risk.
Hazard is identified as a potential aspect to cause harm while risk is the likelihood of harm that takes place. Based on exposure of hazards there are essential components designed. As a part of managing the occurrence of hazard risk, likelihood takes place. Determination of exposure includes how much and how long and how often the work is taking place. Biological, chemical and physical hazards are classified. There are impressive components aligned that aligns the risks of mercury infection and starchy food. The difference can be explained as a car which is potentially harmful to a person while crossing the road. Risk takes place while crossing a highway and accident rates are identified to be higher (Suarez et al. 2017). A hazard could be a forklift truck that is working around managing the causes of harm. The people who are using it and the people that are working around it both are in potential harm of the process. The risk competency is managed within a short term hram management and major life injuries or death. It is quite unlikely to leave an impact on the risk registration components. The risk of monitoring systems are essential so that a physical barrier is created in between pedestrians and traffic routes. The definition of hazard is well fitted while a potential harm is caused. The severity could be reduced, for example identification of the likelihood of harmful exposure such as substances need to be managed well. Wearing personal respiration equipment is essential while the ventilation and exclusion zones are managed.
It is important to identify the differences of potential people and create a comprehensive analysis of records within an organization. Control measures are identified as important as the residual risk is identified to be low. The safety process includes a delivery of careful management within a potential group of people. There are many people that are unable to differentiate between potential hazards and risks. Risk is associated within a development with unanticipated changes coming in the way of people. However, risks can be potentially mitigated while the hazards need time to get mitigated. Managing the wet floor is important since the wet floor is a potential hazard. It will give a sign to prevent people from falling on the floor.
5.5 Effective information recording
It is one of the most important aspects, which engage with information recording and efficient record management in healthcare settings (Wizner et al. 2018). Productivity is also boosted upon record keeping. The steps are as follows:
Automation for the identification of important information is important
Easy retrieval strategies for applying standardization
Safe disposal of unnecessary documents
Integration of devices for association in document capturing process
Fostering collaborations through the implementation of tools
Effective information management is associated with development of competency managing health and safety compliances. Record keeping in databases is important as it involves performance management. All information has to be accurate, updated and stored safely. Administrative management of records is associated with risk management and becoming competent in record keeping. The records that are needed to be stored using adequate names. Reading through the filename helps in management and updating of records. Abbreviations cannot be used within a people’s cooperative learning. Confidentiality of records are not breached since there is no particular access given to people that are not authorized. Information disposal has to be done in a secure manner so that there is no data lost. The information should not be revealed in front of everyone as there are fewer people ensuring the security of information. Personally people might find it important to store records and check whether the spelling is correct or not. Recording the numbers and managing essential items is incorporated with the settings of understanding work breakdown structure. Everyone in a care setting has to improve on the development structures of appreciation.
There is encouragement of competencies observed since there are many clients who are not tolerant. Reading through the work which has been submitted is essential while a complete analytical cycle is recorded. For example, while adding numbers or information to a client's file there should be exact recording dates, timings and quantities mentioned. Any person should not update their confidential information online without thinking about password protection. An actionnaire is taken with respect to the development of correct methodologies while there are logical analysis impacts. Actualization on management of information processes is essential. It is always important to ensure the recording components of information management. Checking the work of people without authorized permission is never appreciated. Mobile based management of work functionality is incorporated within a system where the delivery of objectives can be managed.
A person should never try to complete records without processing adequate information on learning. Colleagues need to be capable of completing records in an accurate manner. The carrying of legal documents in a secure folder is important to ensure while there is important access given to computers and updates are authorized. Information to the managers should be given to the earliest possible so that any serious consequences can be avoided. Completion of records can be assisted so that there is management of receiving, sharing, recording and storing improvised.
Assignment 5
Gupta, R., Raza, N., Bhardwaj, S.K., Vikrant, K., Kim, K.H. and Bhardwaj, N., 2021. Advances in nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors for the detection of microbial toxins, pathogenic bacteria in food matrices. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401, p.123379.
Mostafa, A.A., Al-Askar, A.A., Almaary, K.S., Dawoud, T.M., Sholkamy, E.N. and Bakri, M.M., 2018. Antimicrobial activity of some plant extracts against bacterial strains causing food poisoning diseases. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 25(2), pp.361-366.
Suarez, R., Agbonifo, N., Hittle, B., Davis, K. and Freeman, A., 2017. Frequency and risk of occupational health and safety hazards for home healthcare workers. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 29(4), pp.207-215.
Wizner, K., Nasarwanji, M., Fisher, E., Steege, A.L. and Boiano, J.M., 2018. Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 15(8), pp.588-597.
6.1 Definition of professional development
Professional development is defined in terms of “continuing education and career training after a person has entered the workforce in order to help them develop new skills, stay up-to-date on current trends, and advance their career (Beardsmore, and McSherry, 2017).” It refers to all the training, certification that a worker goes throughout his career and indulges within the success factors. A necessary skill is applied within making differences and focusing on additional components of work. Three most important areas where professional development takes place are creativity, time management, interpersonal, leadership components. There are sincerity observed which detects an increase of federal statements and organizing career-long obligations. Motor development, cognitive knowledge competency is discussed adequately to ensure confinement of learning skills. Continuing professional development is a process of building, maintaining and enhancing knowledge skills within a process of definite education.
Some individuals that have been practicing the required social care service and come out to become confident, trustworthy, and experts in their role are essential in the aspects of health care are identified as professionals of a role. Being able to perform an assigned job adequately and showing abilities helps in professional development (Beardsmore, and McSherry, 2017). A lifelong journey needs time to excel at. Personal interest, social changes, and policies are associated with the professional development of skills. The professional development is associated with the process of adults reflecting on their current practices. There are skills and knowledge applied for keeping people updated with the required amount of amendments. There are numerous number of reasons identified that are important for professional development such as:
Outcomes for service users: By reflecting on the practices there can be an improvement observed on quality of work while service users are ensured to access enjoyable and stimulating quality provision.
Policy development: Changes to policy guidance is the process which is followed while working. The practitioners have to keep updated with newer legislation for complying with statutory requirements.
Influences: Practitioners and settings are influenced in the way of working adopting good practices for helping the people in their development criteria
Social Changes: Social changes are adopted for enabling considerations on how the changes are going to improve.
Personal interest: Personal interest levels are to be managed while there are fresh ideas generated in professional development. Making a professional and employable action is important as the changes in the workplace need to be adopted.
The truth underlies attending training courses and embarking on long-term study such as new qualifications and degree management. Visiting different settings for gaining knowledge of different practices are important.
There are differential practices that help in development of personality such as peer observation. A person can become experienced as there are staff that try to emulate good examples of work by offering feedback and watching and monitoring a close work. The areas that need to be improved include self-evaluation. Self-evaluation encourages the people to participate in professional development and reviews the mechanism of working. Appraisals are usually identified as a valuable time to go through. Therefore, the engagement of work will be improved. Visiting other people and keeping up with appraisals of weakness and areas of development and training is improvement (Beardsmore, and McSherry, 2017). Everything else is associated with the enablement of organizing and reviewing work. In a health and professional care setting, particular interest gained in the series of confidently analyzing the chosen profession. Identifying the less interested areas like in this case, not being able to process information on an immediate basis. A person needs to identify areas which are more stressful than others. Identification of confidence level within a chosen profession is also incorporated for future planning and understanding the reflective process. National occupational standards are important, the law and code of conduct is appropriate within meeting up the expectation. Recognizing and understanding changes with employee behavior can improvise on the additional requirement specification.
6.2 Discussion on Kolb learning cycle
Kolb's learning cycle is important to understand since it helps in tremendous self-learning and understanding what is wrong within a person. The development criteria focuses on concrete experiences that are identified within a process of doing work. Reflective observation influences aspects that work well with the situation being kept in. Active experimentation relates with new ideas and establishment of productive concepts within the system being discussed as Kolb’s learning cycle.
This Kolb's learning cycle is associated with four processes that help in self-evaluation. The process is:
“Concrete experience”: This is identified as the process of doing a work
“Reflective observation": This process reviews and reflects on the aspect that did work well
“Abstract conceptualization”: This is a process of evolving new thought and ideas
“Active experimentation”: Introducing new ideas and establishing the reflection of ideas for any ongoing production is associated with this step.
Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is associated with an adaptation of structure and approach towards a response management of adults. Incident or situation which has arisen includes a description of the situation is given without including any justification of actions. Feelings regarding the situation at an individual level is important. The evaluation of the situation in terms of quality of practice within a professional basis is important as well. Underlying issues are looked within and individuals acting in a certain way is found out. A plan is supposed to be made for giving support to the individual while the situation is not repeated. Concrete experience of performing an action is important for abstract conceptualization (Din, Idris, and Tajuddin, 2020). Active experimentation helps a person with necessary orientation to reflect within an ongoing cycle of production. The experimenting is improving on individual component analysis and experimenting with new ideas. Learning through the use of physical body language, hands and sense of touch is important. Solitary learning and self-studying is important as it engages everyone within support and activity management. Learning through the use of logic and reasoning is pretty much essential in the form of best ever suitability and learning.
Coaching and mentoring of components are relevant with respect to skill management. Coaching other staff members is important so that individual performance management and understanding is maintained. As a part of an essential job role a longer period of support is identified that covers practitioners' attention for supporting individuals. It is available one to one and it enhances the support of individual people for giving an improved condition of skills. There are authors that provide support on counselling, assessment and coaching. The teacher is given important responsibilities to be managed within a professional outcome. The teacher is also given responsibilities of assisting others in their professional skill development. Coaching is performed for clear communication skills and managing the patience of people. Growing a simple structure of coaching is important as an evaluation of standards for a person. Achievements can be explained within a will power generation and intimidating the performance impact. Opportunities are reflected within a model of taking smart actions. As a point of giving coaching, the employees need to make an action plan, which they will be organizing and achieving deliberately. A presentation of components is important for a good way of getting information across the goals of a company. The significant association of records is comfortable within an opportunity of open discussion and reflective practices.
6.3 Barriers to professional development
Barriers of professional development can be extremely threatening to the people of an organization. Physical barriers are time constraints, financial constraints and becoming in a distinct position to CPD events can manage the resources within a structural engagement of opportunities. Poor study days are responsible for the lack of support. Overcrowded classrooms are examples of professional challenges for teachers. The lack of remuneration, sexual harassment or abuse is associated within health care department. The lack of respect from the healthcare department and community members engage in obstacles of professional development. Lack of relevance of subject content, lack of appropriate learning materials, resources and assistive devices, the learning barrier is being included. Some common barriers to effective whole-school CPD include one-off activities, lessening the time of problem solving, less time secured for professional learning while there is no clear focus given to pupils. Lack of adequate training and skills are associated within peer coaching and inadequacy of components. Potential barriers to the development which are working on fragile components are observed quite often.
Internal and external types of barriers are observed in pathways of professional development. It refers to the processing of one's attitude and intellectual operation while internal barriers are conifers (Din, Idris, and Tajuddin, 2020). External barriers are identified as the environment of work to be precise. Moreover, not understanding employees' needs and interests can lead to a barrier. These can be discussed as:
Employees will engage in a higher learning cycle and use the same knowledge to get a better job opportunity.
Live training is becoming outdated as compared to online courses. Employees might find the online process more engaging Separating personal and professional lives as in this digital era it becomes a threat to working if an employee is continuously fidgeting with mobile for solving personal issues
There are significant barriers coming in the pathway of people, which requires an association of taking decisions and improving service qualities. Engaging in a high staff turnover for making improvements in business might act like a barrier in the path of personal developments. Reviewing different learning opportunities is helping a person to access the opportunities and provide the training which is most needed. Internal and external barriers are referred to a person’s own set of attitude development. A discussion comprises finding alternative ways of an employee to study. A person needs to understand whether the actions taken are going to manage their diverse needs and interests. Having effective time management is essential for understanding an employee's learning interests. Different learning style includes logical competency which is using logic and reasoning. Aural uses which are associated within the uses of sound, pictures and images. Social learning and working in groups is essential for physical orientation and learning through a process of logical reasoning.
The staff needs to be understood rather than ticking boxes. Understanding the lack of resources that is affecting employees requires effective and fairer decision making. As managers the support to the employees should be larger and external competency should be improved. Diverse needs and interests are going to be benefitting the organization for ensuring effectiveness and fairness. With a limited amount of resources one may not ensure quality of services. Hence, ensuring a certain amount of resources is important (Din, Idris, and Tajuddin, 2020). The organization is leaving an impact of thousands of pounds. Evaluation of a person's knowledge and performance is associated within a comprehensive analysis of their opportunities. Live training is not that effective as compared to online classes. In a professional era, lack of competency and continuous fidgeting with mobile phones are becoming an extreme barrier for the process of knowledge development and performance. Effective learning opportunities are important to be analyzed since there is gathering of feedback done from different practice areas. Accessing relevant training for the development of a person’s goal is important. The relevant training for the development of a person's own competence is achieved. A constant evaluation cycle is associated with the development components and engaging in systems of people’s qualitative learning.
Initial evaluation is identified as essential for the managers since there are ways which can be improved to adopt training. It takes a long time to pick up different tasks and work on adaptability. The best way to increase proficiency is aligned with giving feedback as per the requirement and outlining the areas of improvement. Understanding all the parts of managing information by people that occurs at a present date is important.
6.4 Types of learning styles
Different learning styles are as follows:
Visual: This method uses images for learning
Aural: Uses of sound for learning is seen
Logical: Reasoning and logical analysis for learning
Solitary: Concentration on self-study and working alone
Social: Learning through group work
Physical: initiating a process of learning through using body language and a sense of touch
Verbal: Uses of words and writing is used as learning styles
6.5 Importance of evaluation knowledge and performance
Evaluation provides a systematic method to study a program, practice, intervention or initiative to understand how well it achieves its goals. It helps in determining which element woks well and which element could be improved within a program (McIntyre, Dix, and Ward, 2018). It is also observed that program supports evaluations which can demonstrate impact to funders. An easily accessible, knowledge component improves performance organization-wide by preventing repeated mistakes. There are supremacy of product development observed which allows sharing internal and external feedback. Knowledge management within a software is seen to giving the organization competitive edge and providing the business decisions an appropriate way of life. Knowledge management software can give adequate control over the performance. Improvement of productivity is identified to be the most important aspect of life that helps in taking appropriate business decisions. A smarter workforce is something that enables people to take quick actions as well as taking informed decisions.
Communities are engaging in faster and accurate corporate policies and procedure. The employees are supposed to be performing well as embedding knowledge of staff, clients and services are being assessed for taking better decisions. Solving problems of an organization in easy and quicker method helps in information access of systems. The improvement of information management is essential since a constant reinvention of managerial wheel is occurring. Limiting the loss of information is also associated in this context.
Self-evaluation helps in reviewing the different opportunities of growth available to a person. It is beneficial in terms of saving money, as no unnecessary training will be taken. It also helps in choosing the most suitable learning opportunity to upgrade a person's skills (McIntyre, Dix, and Ward, 2018). No learning will be initiated without proper planning and individual knowledge requirements will be known. Understanding flaws is part of this evaluation of performance.
There are significant factors which align with knowledge and practices to ensure updating the concerned authorities. Service users need to make compliments for potentially putting forward the records and investing wisely. Following certain rules and regulations for high staff turnover improvises on the improvement factors. In order to contribute to their own personal development a person has to be enabled for performance reviewing. An action plan indulges in deciding the training which is suitable for the pursuing of higher standard work. Colleagues need to support employees so that they become better in their jobs. Benefitting from an outside perspective of an organization for the whole delivery of objectives is important. The process is taken to another level by engaging each and every person of the organization in informative learning and analysis. The further simulation occurs within an understanding of giving training to people. Adopting small tasks are essential to gradually increase the proficiency. Once the training and development has taken place, the outlining of improvement areas are essentially improvised. Developing the opportunities for a significant competency analysis is important. The differential approach and perspectives of training engages people for delivery of sustainable actions.
In a professional development context a person needs to give in all the efforts that underline componential breakdown of objectives. Embracing learning opportunities are important as there are improvements made on challenges of life goals. Effectiveness of embracing learning opportunities and looking forward to the changes develop a systematic improvisation of method and encourage important factors of learning. There are sequential changes impacted through understanding of Gibbs and Kolb’s reflective learning. A development of professionalism, cost management, time management and career goals are associated within the embracement of further learning. How the opportunities are taken into consideration is also required to be analyzed. A systematic development allows summarizing professional development and core competency management for a person. There were different success factors improvised within futuristic management and getting onto regularities within a limited time being. At a final stage a person has to concentrate on the development of competency factors. There is communication associated with engagement of sustainable security impact. Most of the development criteria improve on information handling and making sure that people get maximum opportunity out of all accessible training.
Looking for further insights on Legal Considerations and Implications of Impersonating Medical Professionals for Advocacy and Campaigning Purposes? Click here.
Beardsmore, E. and McSherry, R., 2017. Healthcare workers’ perceptions of organisational culture and the impact on the delivery of compassionate quality care. Journal of research in Nursing, 22(1-2), pp.42-56.
Din, W.M., Idris, F. and Tajuddin, M., 2020. Adapting Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle in Enhancing Attitude and Skills Among Undergraduates through Volunteerism. Asean Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AJTLHE), 12(2), pp.122-139.
McIntyre, K.A., Dix, B. and Ward, M.L., 2018. Operationalizing Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle. The Handbook of Communication Training: A Best Practices Framework for Assessing and Developing Competence.
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