Public health insurance is the government-run health insurable plan that is fully subsided as well as paid for the public fund (Cohen and Marshall, 2017). Public health insurance plan is provided by the government to the economically weak people, especially older people with unmet health needs and special groups in tb society.
The UK represent largest government sponsored health carer system in which the health care is owned as well as regulated by the National healthcare agencies. In this country, British National Healthcare System is the social insurance plan which regulates the entire healthcare facilities and healthcare coverage to the countrymen.
Private health insurance plans are financed, regulated and covered by the private agencies, which can be the private insurance agencies and the employers of any organisation (Burwell, 2015). Generally private healthcare insurance can be two types such as employee sponsored health insurance plan and individual health insurance plan. In employee sponsored insurance, the employees are provided with health insurance as a benefit of their employment by the employers of the company in which the employees work. On the other hands, the individual health insurance plan needs to be purchased by the individual from the private health insurance agencies.
In the US, the overall healthcare system is maintained as well as regulated by the private health insurance agencies. People in the US, have two types of healthcare insurance plans, such as employee sponsored healthcare plan and individual health insurance plan. In the former plan, people are provided with the health insurance coverage by the employers of the company in which the individual is working, in case of the later, the healthcare plan is bought by citizens of US from private health insurance agencies. .
Public health insurance is different from the private healthy insurance system in various aspects such as organisations involved in the two types of healthcare insurance system, finance and control of these two systems. According to Weerawansa and Samarasinghe (2017), in private health insurance process the organisations that are involved in private insurance agencies, corporate organisations. Thereafter, as the overall healthcare insurance process are controlled as well as regulated by t private health insurance agencies the private healthcare system has little or no involvement of state and national government rather it is dominated by the private organisational players. On the contrary, in the public health insurance system, government plays prime roles in controlling and regulating the entire process. As stated by Baker et al. (2018), as in the public health insurance the entre health coverage is provided by government the level of transparency is higher in thus healthcare insurance plans as compared to private health insurance system. For example, evidence-based report has shown that, in the US, there is huge disparity as well as bias in getting proper insurance coverage by country men. Even there is case if older people getting poor health coverage and lack of proper health facilities in spite of buying high premium health insurance in the US. While discussing the organisations involved in health insurance process of private and public system, it needs to be stated that, as compared to the public health insurance process in which the only controllers and player is government itself, the private insurance is led by two types of agencies, one is employers of corporate organisation and the other is
private insurance agencies who sell the insurance plan to the general public. In case of financial operation, the private health insurance system is led by the private organisations, potential investors and corporate organisations who maintain consistent cash flow to the system in term of operating the system in systematic manner, in this context Weerawansa and Samarasinghe (2017) mentioned that in the case public insurance system the financial operation is regulated by the government. Whole it comes to discuss the control of two types of insurance process, in case of private insurance process the overall operation is controlled and dominated by the insurance agencies. On the other hand, in public health insurance the overall operation is maintained as well as operated by the government itself.
The US and UK represent the different health insurance system in which the former is largest private owned healthcare insurance system and the later has public health insurance system. As stated by Baker et al. (2018), in the UK, British National Health system is the sole authority that operate the entire health care process. On the contrary US has a health insurance system that is based on private health care insurance agencies, who are associated with o providing the healthcare benefits and coverage to citizen in return of high premium. As stated by Jamali (2017), in the US there are some public health insurance agencies that invest minimum amount to the health insurance system of the country such as Medicare Medicaid and large amount of the health insurance system is earned from the private agencies and the profits as well as non-profits insurance bodies. From the WHO report it is shown that, as compared to the UK in which people enjoys the free healthcare facilities due to having government sponsored health insurance, people in th US huge financial difficulties in coping with the higher premium of the health insurance plan. In addition to this the citizen in the US also face discrimination as well as bias in getting the health coverage as well as healthcare facilities in selected hospitals. From the WHO report it is seen that there are many older people in the US who have been reported to be devoid of proper healthcare facilities in spite of giving high rate of premium in each month. As compared to this malpractice in the US, the UK provides equal and fair healthcare benefits to all the citizens though government sponsored health insurance plan. In the US the private health insurance plan although have high premium rate it provide wide ranges of health care facilities and high healthcare coverage to the citizen as compared to the UK based public health insurance process in which the healthcare coverage is lower and the options for choosing healthcare professionals and hospitals is limited.
Healthcare system in Saudi Arab is Nationalized system, in which the healthcare facilities is strictly regulated, monitored ad provided by the government. Although in recent years there is of the private health insurance agencies in healthcare system, the overall their contribution in the healthcare system is negligible. The overall health insurance facilities in this country is provided by the government itself, which assures the country enjoys the fare and bias free healthcare facilities without any disparity in health coverage. As compared to the healthcare system in the US, in which healthcare benefits is voided through private organisation and private insurance agencies, in Saudi Arabia, national Health care insurance system overhaul as well as monitor the entire healthcare proposes (Sampson et al. 2016). As compered to the private health insurance system in the US, the government in Saudi Arabia, provide equal health benefits to all citizen through operating the nationalised health insurance process.
Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Prioritizing Obesity Prevention for Children Aged 5-14 in the London.
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