Unveiling Style, Values, and Self-Reflection for Personal


This poster is effective to explore own leadership style and core values as well as analyse personal strengths and weaknesses successfully through reviewing past experience and evaluating own skill set.

This poster is also effective to apply leadership model and theories of core values and leadership style as well as Convey’s 7 habits model to analyse own leadership skill and develop further action plan for becoming a successful leader in health care.

Past leadership experiences

While working in the institution, I also have experience to develop a good teamwork at the organisation by enhancing cooperation. I always tried hard to encourage the staff for applying their skill and health care knowledge for delivering quality care to the patients.

While working in the institution, I also have experience to develop a good teamwork at the organisation by enhancing cooperation. I always tried hard to encourage the staff for applying their skill and health care knowledge for delivering quality care to the patients.


Personal skill analysis as per Convey’s 7 habits

I am efficient to be proactive, thinking win-win situation for mutual benefits, sharpen the saw for the habit of renewal.

The weaknesses are lack habit of creating win win situation by being creative and end in mind.

I would like to mitigate this weakness by developing habit of integrity and execution for utilising own skill set and developing creative solutions of the organisation. I would also like to improve creativity and critical analysis skill for the habit of creative cooperation and develop alternative choices to achieve the aim uniquely.

Public health skill and knowledge framework

My strength is conflicts management through Developing good working culture with freedom to work and mismanaging harmony in the workplace and maintaining transparency in sharing information and providing clear role and responsibilities.

My weaknesses is lack of communication which raise issue of poor representation of own creative ideas.

To overcome the weakness, I try to improve verbal communication, increase vocabulary and representative skill to interact with others and represent own thoughts.

NHS health care leadership

My strength is to encourage the staff members for working as a partnership basis through cooperation an information sharing practice. I try to resect others and develop trust and bonding among the team members.

My major weaknesses are Lack of knowledge implementation and utilising clinical skill in the care home.

I would like to improve problem solving and decision making skill to perform better at NHS and develop suitable strategy to maximise patient care.

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My leadership style

I follow transformational leadership style is mandatory through continuous inspirational motivation, idealised influence, intellectual stimulation and individualised consideration, where the staff feel encouraged continuously and be empowered in the workplace for developing cooperative decision


It is essential to utilise the strengths of good cooperation, developing culture in the workplace. Maintaining transparency and respecting others for developing good team to work efficiently and provide high quality health care services.

It is important to mitigate the weaknesses and develop good leadership style for better staff handling and lead the organisations towards achieving the goal of maximising patient care.

Reference List

Bush, T., Bell, L. and Middlewood, D., 2019. Principles of educational leadership & management. London: Sage.

Chen, C.C., 2018. Leadership and management in China. London: Cambridge.

Chen, T.Y., 2018. Medical leadership: An important and required competency for medical students. Tzu-chi medical journal, 30(2), p.66.

Gopee, N. and Galloway, J., 2017. Leadership and management in healthcare. London: Sage.

Tretiakov, A., Whiddett, D. and Hunter, I., 2017. Knowledge management systems success in healthcare: Leadership matters. International journal of medical informatics, 97, pp.331-340.

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