There are many rules and regulations that need to be fulfilled by the citizens of the country to live a peaceful life. There are several acts and sections published by the legal authorities of the country, which helps to prevent any kind of criminal issues. In addition to this, criminal activities can be reduced by the correct implementation of these laws. All the citizens of the country need to properly follow all the legalisation to have a healthy lifestyle. The political and legal authority of the country takes care to maintain all the legalisation of the country. In this study, I will describe the impact of safeguarding and Laws to solve the existing issues of the citizens. In addition to this, the impact of social policies will also be delivered here, which will help to understand any particular incident in depth. However, this study also includes the details about the legalisation related to refugees as an asylum seeker. An asylum seeker is a person who is requesting asylum, but the application has not been decided. On the other hand, refugees are the people who have the fear related to persecution. The fear can be related to nationality, political options, religions or many others. There are many regulations related to human rights which will be discussed in the following section of the study.
My study of court perception is centring around perceptions of two totally different courts. However, the initiative was the "Manchester Civil Justice Center'' that is a reputed working in Manchester. The subsequent one was the "Crown Court" on "Minshull Street" in the city named Manchester City Center for criminal court perceptions. That court was held so as to identify neighbourhood questions and keep the requests of all the people sitting there. When I entered that courtroom, I observed that there were a lot of people sitting there confusingly and waiting to see the judge (Attard, 2018). There was an assistant judge who was recording all the details of many cases that needed to be discussed on that day. It is the duty of the judge to provide justice to all the victims and maintain equality in decisions. The room was clean, and there was no mess. I saw that some advocates were sitting at the front of the courtroom and doing some work with their documents. After some time the judge appeared in the courtroom. I think that the judge was around 40 to 45 years old. He was a dignified and confident person. Anyone can guess that the judge has a great personality, and he was willing to understand the whole incident in detail.
There I listened to a critical car accident case. One party was claiming to another because of the injuries. The defendant did not watch that the car of the plaintiff was coming fast and attempted to evade (Belenko, 2016). There were some personal injuries that happened to the defendant. The difference was injured, and his lower back and leg was affected. The car of the women hit the defendant forcefully. I watched that the judge was noting every important detail about the incident in a paper. The judge gave a chance to both of the parties to speak and describe the incident. The advocates of both parties clearly describe their opinions and views regarding the case: detailed description and facts related to the case were discussed in front of the judge. Moreover, when I reached the courtroom, I saw that both of the parties were arguing about the case. They keep blaming each other and try to defend themselves. On one side of the court, I saw that the defendant was standing in front of the judge, and the claimant was blaming him.
The woman said that she parked her car on the roadside and went shopping from a nearby store. After that, when she came, she did not notice that there was another car parked. As she was in a rush, she started her card and tried to move right. At the time both of the cars crashed (Berk-Seligson, 2017). The woman said it was so late that she did not think properly and observed that there was a car of the defendant, which had also started moving on the same side. After hearing all the statements of the claimant, the defendant totally denied the incident. They were arguing without a statement of the witness and trying to convince that a major injustice is happening with him. So the defendant tried to claim some amount of money from the woman. After hearing all the detailed information about the case, the judge called some witnesses. There were two witnesses properly and practically watched the whole details of the incident. Both of them were called on the witness box to share their views regarding the case. It was expected that the witnesses would tell the truth in front of all. So, the witness came to the witness box and described that the whole mistake was made by the side of the woman. Both of the business witnesses agreed with each other that the woman was negligent, and that is the main reason that the incident happened that night (Chamberlain et al. 2019).
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Moreover, after getting all the details about the incident, the judge made the decision against the woman. After the statement of the defendant, the father of the defendant came to the witness box and stated what he saw that night. He described that the woman was negligent. She totally neglected that there was another car standing there and started the engine. As the woman was in a rush, she didn't think before starting the engine. There was a major fault that happened to her, which actually affected the health of the victim. The physical part of the defendant was affected badly, and he was severely injured (Worden et al. 2016). In addition to this, when the woman saw that there was an accident, she didn't wait there. She ran from that area as soon as possible. Moreover, if she waited for a while, then it could be beneficial for the defendant. She could have taken him to the hospital at least. However, she was scared because of the incident, and therefore she ran away from that place. Proper justice was provided to the victim, and some compensation was given to the victim by the woman. Legal charges were held on the women, and proper punishment was given to her. Though the plaintiff tried to convince the judge to make some adjustment with the order, the judge was stuck to his decision. After taking the statements of both of the witnesses, the judge summarises the incident in front of all the parties. The advocates also Listened to the judge at that time. The detailed information about the incident was recorded by using pen and paper. The detailed petition was reported to the legal authority. The records are kept by both of the advocates. Moreover, all the evidence was recorded by the advocates at that time. Moreover, all the lawyers were satisfied with the decision made by the judge. According to the, “the Criminal Law Act 1967, section 12(1)”, the final judgement was recorded and written to the petition paper (Cotter and Evans, 2018). The victim was happy by order of the court and a convicted person got proper punishment by the magistrate.
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Moreover, by seeing this incident, I felt confused and discouraged at that time. The main reason for my discouragement was the cross-examination of the incident. There were a lot of questions asked about the parties, and these questions made them confused sometimes. In addition to this, some unnecessary questions were asked to the authority, which I think was not useful at all. In addition to this, one thing I understood clearly that cross-questioning helps to describe the incident in detail. Apart from this, it also helps to find the truth in any incident. I was surprised by seeing the professionalism and intelligence of the judge and the advocates present there. They all were rephrasing the questions and asked the truth to the victim and the convicted person.
Before taking any kind of judgement, it is essential to thoroughly investigate each and every detail of the incident. Moreover, it helped me to understand different kinds of legal skills. I gathered a lot of knowledge about law and order. The lawyers were capable enough to ask any question without any kind of fear. Moreover, they were confident about their job, and that is the main reason they are good in their profession. It was a great experience which I will never forget in my life. I gather knowledge about legalisation and the structure of the courtroom (Vaughan et al. 2019). Apart from this, I also understood the capabilities needed for being an effective advocate. The role of the judge is to do deep analysis and understand every minute details of the incident. In addition to this, I also gathered information about how to identify the truth. Effective information can be gathered by doing observation. It helped me to gather sufficient information about law and rules.
According to the “Criminal Law Act 1977” ethics of the legal authorities were also described by the advocates. I saw that all the described by the witnesses, victim and convicted person were recorded by the advocates. The record is essential for future purpose. After that, I visited another court named "Crown Court" which is situated at Minshull Street. That was a criminal court where I observed another case (Tidball, 2017). That court included two different floors. In addition to this, there were courtrooms where different cases were discussed there. The building was old and traditional, which is different from that "Civil Justice Centre". The building of the Civil court was new and fresh. It was cleaned but the "Crown court" was old fashioned. Though the building was old fashioned, that was clean and maintained by the court authority. The sweepers and the clerks properly maintained the hygiene there. Moreover, according to my observation, I can say that the second court included solicitors and barriers. There was a defendant box where the defendant needed to stand and state the incident in detail. The advocates can ask a few questions to the defendants for doing proper judgement by gathering sufficient information. After waiting for some time, I saw that the judge came there. The appearance of the judge was good and well managed (Steinberg, 2018). Moreover, it seems that a judge is a middle-aged person who belongs to a middle-class family. The skin colour of the judge was white.
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Apart from the judge, there were 12 other members who were called as the juries. Moreover, both male and females were part of the jury. The juries belonged from the age group of 30 to 40. They wore suits, and it seemed that they were conscious of the case. Moreover, the responsibilities of the juries were to listen to all the facts described by the legal authority and share their opinion. Moreover, according to the “section 44 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003," it can be stated that any kind of serious case can be solved by a judge. Proper verification needs to be conducted by the jury (Starling, 2016). Thorough observation is essential to take a critical decision against the convicted person. Moreover, proper examination helps to reduce the chances of mistakes. So, as per the “Criminal Justice Act 2003”, if anyone of the parties is not satisfied by the judgement taken by the court, then they can appeal to the higher court for getting justice.
There I watched a case between two neighbours and the fight was significantly poor between them. One of the parties was an old woman, and the other was a young man. They were fighting to capture a parking lot. There was a common parking space which was captured by the young man. The defendant claimed that place and stated that as it is a common space, it needs to be used by both of the parties. In addition to that, the old woman stated that the man was harassing the daughter of the woman for getting the place (Seale, 2016). It was too dangerous to live there. The old woman and her daughter are unable to live in that place because they felt disgusted and tortured. After listening to the statements of the woman, the advocate of the opponent party called the convict and asked a few questions to him. After that, the convicted person stated that he was not harassing either the woman or her child. He stated that he was just parking his car in the commonplace, which is occupied by the woman. In addition to that, he also stated that he felt struggle because of the appearance of the old lady and her daughter. Apart from this, according to “Coroners and Justice Act 2009” the convicted person also stated that the woman is interrupting his privacy and watching his activity regularly.
There is a privacy issue that happened with the young man as described by him. He also accused the old lady of interrupting in his private space (Ricciardelli et al. 2019). Moreover, all the jury members properly interrogated both of the parties and recorded the detailed descriptions in the petition. Both of the advocates take some eyewitnesses to the witness box and ask them a few questions. In addition to that, all the description provided by the business was recorded by the advocates, which is helpful to take any kind of medical decision against the convict. The old lady also stated that she was terrified by the unusual behaviour of the man. She is feeling dangerous because of him and afraid to live in the same apartment (Linos and Twist, 2016). She also stated that she and her daughter are feeling unsafe and insecure because of that man. Moreover, it can be stated that many allegations were put on the man who was properly e verified by the advocates present there.
Hence for getting effective information about the incident, the advocates of the courtroom called some eyewitnesses who live in the same apartment with them. The behaviour details of the men and women were properly interrogated by the advocates. All the important information about the incident and the behaviour was recorded by the advocates. After analysing each and every detail of the case, the juries take a decision against the man because they found him guilty (Kaasa et al. 2018). Legal charges were put on that man, and he got proper punishment by the judge. The overall judgement was recorded as per “Criminal attempts Act 1981” by the legal authority, which is essential for maintaining the judgement. Several details and legal charges according to the “Criminal attempts Act 1981”, was described at the end of the discussion. Lastly, the judge came up with the decision he made. Summarise the incident and do proper justice to the victim. Proper punishment was given to the convicted person.
According to the above discussion, there are many rules and regulations that can be applied for providing justice to the victims and all the citizens of the country. Legalisation is improved in the UK, and it helps to provide justice at any cost. There are many rules and regulations that need to be maintained for doing business and other activities (de Oliveira Gomes et al. 2016). As per the, “Coroners and Justice Act 2009” all the citizens of the country need to properly maintain the loss of living a better lifestyle. If any kind of critical incident happened, then it is the duty of the furious and the judges to take legal charges on the convicted person. As per, “Criminal attempts Act 1981”no kind of sympathy is provided to the convicted person. It can be stated that justice is provided for maintaining the lifestyle of the public (DeFosset et al. 2017). Laws help to provide criminal activities and maintain peace in the country.
Law is essential because it helps to kill all the members of the society in a correct way. Kind of criminal activity can be reduced and stopped by following legal acts. In addition to this, it helps to allow easy adoption for accepting any change occurring in any society. Community members and social groups can live in peace if all the members properly followed legal rules and regulation (Harwin et al. 2018). As per, “Criminal Justice Act 1982”, it is essential to develop law and order frequently because there are several kinds of criminal issues happening within the country. All citizens should properly accept all the legalisation published by the legal authority of the country for maintaining a well-managed lifestyle.
There are many principles of adult safeguarding such as protection accountability, partnership prevention and empowerment. All of these principles help to follow the care act, which is essential for vulnerable patients. According to, “Care Act, 2014”, it allows you to make your own decisions whenever needed (Jo and Simmons, 2016). According to the principles of the safeguarding, it can be stated that prevention helps to protect from any kind of harmful thing. If people are empowered, then it helps to get encouraged in any work. Essential for getting support from others for doing any kind of critical activity. Moreover, protection is essential for setting representation and support from others (Hurley, 2018). in addition to this, transparency and accountability can be maintained properly by delivering well-managed safeguarding. In addition to that, the partnership helps to get local solutions from local community members which helps to finish any task.
This study elaborated critical reflection of two gases which I have watched in the past. I have properly discussed all the descriptions of those cases. After that, the impact of legalisation in today's world has been evaluated properly in the upper section. In addition to this, the impact of social policies and law has been properly identified and included in this study. Apart from this, the principles of safeguarding issues clearly mentioned here, which helps to understand what is the benefit of safeguarding. Moreover, it can be stated that a detailed description of laws and order has been included in this study which is essential to understand the impact of the law for maintaining a peaceful lifestyle. According to the above discussion, it can be stated that it is essential to follow all the law of the country for reducing criminal activities. In addition to this, balance in lifestyle can be maintained properly by following legal rules and regulations.
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