UK Child Protection Legislation

Task 1:

1.1. Outlining UK base legislations policies, guidelines and procedures that affect safeguarding of children as well as young people:

UK government has developed and formulated relevant legislations which ensure protection of the young people and children. Under the Childcare Act 1989, all the health and social care staffs to promote the rights and basic needs of children [NHS, 2019]. This act also promotes the duties, power and responsibilities of the carers to ensure welfare, protection and safety of young people as well as children from any kind of violence.

The UK government has also formulated the Children Act 2004, which consists of ‘Every Child Matters’ for list the five safeguarding outcomes or objectives in children protection and safeguarding process [NICE, 2019]. These five objectives are:


Enjoy and achieve

Achieving economic wellbeing

Stay safe

Make positive contribution

Through setting five outcomes for Every Child Matters, it has been set out the obligations for carers that no matters of children’s background, their ethnicity, religion, and gender for provide them best protection and safeguarding service.

Under the guidelines of Care Act 2014, all social care workers in the UK would promote the health and safety of young adults (White et al. 2015). UK government has also developed the Public Guardian’s Policy, for protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, humiliation and neglect.

The UK government has developed Working together to safeguard children (2015) Act, which ensures that carers would work in strong partnership with children for reduce the chances if any kind of harm or abuse (Norrie et al. 2016). Under this act, children woyld be protected in all time by their caregivers for protecting them, from violence, abuse, radicalisation.

1.2 Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people.

Safeguarding young people and child is one of the most important aspects in society which promote the protection rights and basic safeguarding needs of people in the community, through conducting different children safeguarding policies and acts including Children Act 1989, Care Act 2014, Every Child matter and Safeguarding policies for Vulnerable Adults, the UK government has focused on protecting the young people and child from any violence abuse, humiliation and discriminations. According to Manthorpe et al. (2015), safeguarding children and adults are the wider concept in social care context, which is associated with setting strategies for promote the safeguarding rights of people. The safeguarding framework in the UK is based on protecting children and vulnerable adults in the society by ensuring their safety and protection from any physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse in society (White et al. 2015). The important safeguarding strategies includes, developing effective risk assessment process, providing proper training about safeguarding process to the health and social care staffs, promoting awareness campaigns in the society for rising their awareness about children protection and safeguarding of vulnerable adults and promoting the education about safeguarding and children protection in community. Moreover, UK government has also focused on developing the highly protective framework inside and outside of schools and colleges. The UK government has developed the Safeguarding Policy for vulnerable adults, which ensures that young people who are disabled, are provided with proper protective as well as positive environment, moreover proper risk assessment strategy needs to be taken by carers and the health and social care staffs for protecting vulnerable adults from discrimination, bias, neglect, bullying and violence.


1.3 Analyse how national and local guideline, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day-to-day work with children and young people.

The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCA) is multiagency organisation in the UK which is set up is each local authority for regulate and monitor the overall safeguarding and protection process for children in the UK. The LSCA has an independent chair for someone who does not work in the social service sector. The Chair works in close association with director of Children Service in the UK (Norrie et al. 2016). Local Safeguarding Children Board ensures that all the childcare authorities and agencies each locality in the UK works in proper manner to protect the children from abuse. Moreover, Local Safeguarding Children Board also emphasize on maintaining strong collaboration with all the local children care agencies and organisation with the children’s Service at the national level for maintain transparent information delivery system about eh children care and protection throughout the UK. The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) is multiagency organisation in the UK which performs statutory functions under the guidelines of Care Act 2014 (NHS, 2019). Main objectives of the SAB are to ensure that all the local adult safeguarding agencies and organisations in the UK work in proper manner for protecting vulnerable people residing at risk of poor health facilities, social support, disabilities, social abuse and discrimination. Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) has the membership and independent chair of the different organisation that includes;


Bradford Council

NHS organisation


Independent sector


For service

Voluntary organizations

National Safeguarding Panel (NSP) works in association with National Governing Body (NGB), for monitor the management and process of safeguarding in the UK.

This agency provides the three important services:

Independent investigation as well as review of safeguarding complaints and the concerns (Low et al. 2015)

Risk Assessment framework in safeguarding agencies and organisation for ensure protection of adults and children from harm and abuse.

1.4 Explain when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how sharing of the findings informs practice.

The prime objectives of Serious Care Review (SCR) is to make the agencies and organisation enough concern about improving the way of implementing the safeguarding arrangement into the organisation for protecting children and adults from abuse (Manthorpe et al. 2015). A Serious Care Review (SCR) is not only associated with investigating the how the children and vulnerable adults are died or seriously harmed, but also it is about raising the concern within agencies and organisation to have proper risk assessment framework for reduce the chances of this incidents.

Under Local Safeguarding Children Boards Regulations 2006, SCR is conducted when the abuse, neglect and violence on children are suspected or proved {NHS, 2019}. A Serious Care Review is done if the child had been abused or seriously harmed due to different possible reasons such as abuse, neglect by carers, sexual and physical harassment, humiliation and physical abuse.

The Serious Care Review is conducted and monitored by the LSCB, which govern the childcare protection agencies and organisation in each locality in the UK (White et al. 2015). If the child abuse or harm is suspected in the agencies, then the care mangers need to report the event as soon as possible to the healthy authority and local healthcare committee. In the Serious Care Review process, all the people in agency are associated with maintaining proper information delivery and recording system. Service users, health professionals, carers, care managers, health visitors, Health care executives and the educations are responsible for providing the accurate and authentic information to investigators in Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). The health staffs and care manger of the agency would record the information from the child and his or her carers about the type of abuse and harm for ensuring sharing of accurate and unchanged information. In case of death of any child, the investigators of Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and the Directorate of Child Care Service would investigate that whether the child is provide with proper safeguarding setting and protection, who was present at the time of child’s death and whether the death is due to any existing heath issues of the child or the death is due to any unnatural events such as physical abuse, humiliation and injuries (Norrie et al. 2016). After investigating authentication of entire information regarding eth child death or child abuse, Local Safeguarding Children Board send all the recordings and other proof to national safeguarding panel (NSP), which works in close cooperation with the UK government to analyse the entire Serious Case review process.

1.5 Explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing.

For ensure the high-quality safeguarding arrangement for young and child, it is important to maintain transparent information delivery system. Under Data Protection Act 1998, all staffs and professionals in the childcare agency would ensure the authorised access of children’s information. As stated by Mackay (2017), during working in partnership with children and their parents, the carers need to share information of children with their parents and other family members. The higher officials in childcare agencies would ensure that all database regarding child’s health, needs and care process is protected in well-organised manner to eliminate the chances of data breach. Moreover, the care mangers and the huger child care officials also ensure that database of child abuse and mistreatment is protected and recorded in proper manner for eliminate the chances of damages and destruction of databse. Moreover, understand Data Protection Act 1998, all the staffs and the carers would ensure that all database regarding children health needs, social needs, abuse, violence and neglects would be handled and monitored by the authorised person.

2.1 Explain the important of safeguarding children and young people.

Safeguarding is associated with the process of protecting people from violation, humiliation and the harm (Lee et al. 2017). For children and vulnerable adults, safeguarding policy is important to be implemented in proper manner as it protects their rights and meet their basic safety needs. Through ensuring safeguarding and protection system, UK government focuses on promoting the welfare and health and wellbeing of children (NHS, 2019). In the society, children and vulnerable young people are highly prevalent to abuse such as physical, emotional, psychological and social abuse, which not only affect adverse on their mind but also affect badly their physical health, education and personal life. Therefore, safeguarding and protection policy ensure the better as well as healthy lifestyles for children with full of positive thoughts, opportunities and positive culture.

2.2 Explain the importance of a child or young person-centred approach.

Person centred approach for safeguarding process is the system in which the individual is involved in his or her own safeguarding activities and protection in close association with the professionals (Mackay, 2017). For welfare and protection of children, the person-centred approach is highly relevant in which professionals can work in partnership with the vulnerable young people. As stated by Szilassy et al. (2017), person centred approach in safeguarding process assist childcare professions and carers understanding the issues, health needs and safety needs of children and young people. Moreover, it also assists the care agencies to involve the parent and family members of children to understand the psychology, premedical history, current mental health and safety issues of them. In person centred approach, vulnerable individuals are involved in sharing their issues, views, decisions and preference with the carers, educationists and other care professional. Moreover, the care professionals can involve children into different challenging and intellectual task that will assist them to get rid of negative experience.

2.3 Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding:

Partnership working is important which assist the care agencies to work in close cooperation with the local and national safeguarding agencies (Hood et al. 2016). In the UK, care agencies in different locality work in association with Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) and National safeguarding panel (NSP). Moreover, in safeguarding process partnership working also promotes the active involvement of the young people and the children who need he safeguarding arrangement and their family members. Partnership working assist the care agencies to share all kind of information about children a young safeguarding process, for maintain transparent information delivery system. Through maintaining the constant partnership between the carer and parents, it is possible to provide the high-quality care and support to each child ensuring that children are protected from any type of humiliation and harm.

2.4 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed

There is a systematic structure of safeguarding process in which different agencies are obliged to perform their individual functions for promoting the overall safeguarding of children (Hood et al. 2016). During moment when a child is abused or harmed, the first agency that is responsible for collecting important information regarding reason and occurrence of the harm and abuse is the local care agency or organisation. Care staffs, care mangers and the higher professionals in care agency would collect the information about the harm such as types of harm, whether any person is the witness thus abuse or harm and abuse of thus harm or abuse on child and the young individual. Then the second agency that receives the information after a referral is social service agencies in eth locality. The referral is made by eth care mangers and high car official in the local care agencies which arc then send to social service staffs (Graham et al. 2016). Officials in the social service make the overall assessment of information and referral and then send the information to the higher authority, in the UK, social service agencies are directly connected to the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB). These two multiagency body then receive the case of abuse and harm and send it to the National Safeguarding Panel, which analyse proper authentication of all information and proof provide by care agencies. Then the case goes to Local and national court. Court decides that whether the child to eth young individual would be removes from eh care agencies and place in a temporary safe place. All these agencies are interconnected with each other in terms of promoting high quality safeguarding arrangement process that maintain safety and welfare if the children.

3.1 Explain why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm in the work setting.

Ensuring protection arrangements for young and child are important not only for promoting their welfare, but also for developing their emotional, physical and psychological strength that are necessary to adapt them with external environment (Szilassy et al. 2017). Independent safeguarding Authority in different UK based locality is responsible for assessing and monitoring the overall safeguarding policies and protection arrangement for children [NHS, 2019]. Safeguarding is needed for ensuring vulnerable young adults are treated with proper dignity respect and care. Moreover, through conducting the safeguarding policies, the safeguarding agencies ensure that all children and the young people are provide with proper advantages for meet their basic needs such as timely foods, nutrition, regular exercise, health education, information regarding social awareness and promoting health and wellbeing. Arrangement of safeguarding policies in the UK and implementation of these policies are important for ensuring that each child as well as young individual is protected from physical, emotional and psychological abuse. Moreover, it also ensued that, all people who are vulnerable to abuse, are provided with proper freedom, autonomy and respect for promote positive behaviour, fresh though ad decision within them. Moreover, safeguarding improves adaptability and adjustment ability to improve social life by introducing child into the external world.

3.2 Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and adults who work with them.

For conducting proper safeguarding system for children and young people in the care agencies and organisation the organisation needs to implement relevant policies and procedures (Hood et al. 2017). UK government has set Safeguarding Policies for children, in which care agencies need to ensure the protection of each child from any kind of violence, abuse and harm inside as well as outside the agency. The policy taken under Children Care Act 1989, prioritises promoting the safeguarding arrangement for children for ensure their safety inside and outside the school, home, inside the agencies and in society. Care staffs need to be highly trained and high skilled who are efficient in sensing any kind of child abuse or harm by watching eth behaviour and activities of children. Care authority eth agency would support the whistle blowing process, which will assist them to get information about any kind of child abuse ad malpractice within the care agency. Children should be trained and educated to become concerned about their own safely by eth educators in care agency. Moreover UK government also set the policy of safeguarding education for children, in which educationists would teach the child about ‘Good touch’ and ‘Bad touch’. In this process children can be understanding or sense the abuse or harm [NHS, 2019]. The care authority would ensure that all the children are protected under the care of a care staffs for 24 hours. There would be cameras and CCTV monitoring process in every area of the care agencies except bathroom. Care authority would monitor the overall safeguarding argument in every week by assessing the overall performance of staffs. Each care agency would have transparent and timely information sharing system, through which they can easily connect to nation and local care authority in case of sensing any abuse or harm with children.

In case of safeguarding of young children, one of the most important policies that care agency would implement is assessing basic safety needs of each young individual by conducting proper interaction with them (Butler and Manthorpe, 2016). Under the Data Protection Act 1989, care staffs would ensure that information about young individuals such as their health reports, safety needs and current mental health is protected and secured inn proper manner. Care manger would ensure that vulnerable young individuals are provided with special care and protection in term of meeting their safety needs. Moreover, the care agency would support and encourage the whistle blowing process for get information about chances of abuse, harm and risk for young individuals. The young people with disabilities would be protected under carers for 24 hours. Carers would ensure that, vulnerable adult would be provided with timely food and medicines for promote their health and wellbeing. Higher officials of local care authority such as Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) need to make proper assessment of overall safeguarding and protection system in care agency by interacting with young individual, care managers and the whistle blowers.

3.3 Evaluating ways in which the poor practices are reported whilst ensure that whistle-blowers and their behaviour are protected

Under the Public Disclosure Protection Act 1998, whistle-blowers in an organisation would be protected from detrimental treatment of their colleagues [NHS, 2019]. In case of safeguarding and child protection framework, whistle bowing is important for reporting the poor practices into workplace such as abuse to children, humiliation to vulnerable adults and physical and emotional abuse to the disabled children and adults. UK government has set Whistle Blower Protection Act 1989, for setting proper administrative procedures for provide proper protection to the behaviour and activities of the employees who blow the whistle against poor and illegal practices in workplace [NICE, 2019]. For example, when the whistle blower senses the case of child abuse or physical and sexual harassment of vulnerable adults in the care agencies, he or she need to report this poor practice immediately to the trusted higher officials such as Child Care Manger. now it is important for the Childcare authority and the care agency authority to maintain the confidentiality of the personal and professional information about the person who blow the whistle against this illegal activity in the care agency.

3.4 Explaining how practitioners can protect themselves within the everyday practice in work setting as well as on off-site visits:

Practitioners protect themselves in workplace by strictly following the organisation policies. They should avoid tin stay alone with child if the child is alone at a room for long period or the child is physically and mentally unstable. In tis case, the practitioners need to infirm the Care authority about the child instead of taking any decision by own. Moreover, if a child is collected from any place after long hours, the practitioner needs to infirm immediately to the parents and the Child care authority and the care manger the care agency. This would protect practitioners from any kind of allegation regarding eth missing pf children or the por child’s safety. According to White et al. (2015), practitioner should always be concerned about each activity and step for avoid any kind of wrong allegations or prejudice. Practitioners protect themselves from any kind of poor practices by attaining proper training and self-assessment process which would assist them to develop their knowledge and skill about childcare and safeguarding process. Practitioners in their Off-site visit switch children would have proper consent from child’s parent and their family members and the Care authority. Moreover, they need to carry the insurance paper, the approval for visits from Local Care Authority, first aid box, emergency contact number of the local police and the Care agencies and contact number of each parent. Practitioners would make sure that, in the off-site visits the ration between staffs and the child are followed by the proper policies for protection of children and staffs.

4.1. Describing possible signs, indication, symptoms and behaviour of individual that can raise the concern about safeguarding:

Under the guidelines of The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), practitioners to check some of the behaviours, symptoms and sings in children for sense the type of harassment and abuse faced by children:

The child is always upset and in sad mood

The child has different injuries on his or her body such as injuries in soft tissue including bruising, burns, laceration and scald, bony fracture (Norrie et al. 2016)

The child is vomiting consistently with severe cerebral pain

Removal of blood from the genital part of the girl child

The child is frightened to anything with any of the staffs, carers and practitioners even with the parents

Moreover, Practitioners need to notice the behaviour of children and vulnerable adults for understand any kind of changes and transform their activities and performance. If the children are anxious, highly depressed and string sing moods, then there is possibilities of they have faced some abuse and harassment. In this case practitioners need to call the Care Authority executives and investigative for analysing issue.

4.2 Describing the actions should be taken if the child is reported to be abused or harmed, in line with procedures and policies in setting:

Under the Children Act 2004 and the ‘Every Child Matters’, if a child make allegation of their abuse and harassment on the staffs, it needs to be analysed in legal process with assistance of care agency authority, local care committee and Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). In my workplace setting, if I receive the report if such allegation made by children on staffs, I would make immediate report to the higher authority my care home. in my workplace, in each room there is one named staff and one named care manger with each child. First, I would collect the entire information about the alleged person such as his or her name, job designation, type of harm or abuse, his job responsibilities and the duty timing. Then the parent of children would be informed with proper consent of care authority. If the parent account is not legitimate then legal procedures would be started. In this legal process, first I would keep all the valuable information that I have collected into the child’s personal file and then to handover to the higher authority of the care Authority. In Care authority are responsible for analysing truth behind the allegation on staffs by the child, by checking CCTV footage, online monitoring, previous files and work history of eth staffs who are allegedly charged of abuse (Manthorpe et al. 2015). If the alleged staffs are proved to be accused of breaching et safeguarding rules, their entre detailed would be provided to the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCA). If the accused staff is not found guilty then the also the report is submitted to the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCA) for mitigating the issues, in this aspect I focus maintaining transparent information system between eth children, staffs and care authority for assist eth care authority to reveal the truth of the issues.

4.3 Explaining rights of children, young people and carers in a situation in which the abuse or harm is sensed or suspected.:

Under the policies and legal obligation formulate by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCA) and Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB), not only the children and vulnerable adults but as care have also the rights and safety needs that are respected and maintained in proper format (Norrie et al. 2016). Care Authority needs to ensure that if harm or abuse is suspected in the care agency, there should maintained high level of confidentiality of each information. If the information regarding the abuse or harm is discussed in eth society then the chid, adults and the carers would be highly vulnerable towards physical, emotional and social risks. Before and after the analysing the proper trust behind suspect of abuse in the care agency, the accused carer would protect with proper safeguarding arrangement for ensure his or her safety inside and outside the care agency. Parent should be requested to nit take any legal step before the allegation of harm or abuse is proved against any carers. The care authority should also both the children and adults would be treated with proper respect and dignity in the care agency as well as in the society. Moreover, the carers are also providing with proper opportunities to defend themselves. the Local Care Committee would ensure that the allegation if abuse and harm would not affect the family life and personal aspects of the carers.

5.1 Discussing various type of bullying and potential effects of them on children as well as young people:

There are different kinds of bullying the society that effect on the mental and physical wellbeing of young people as well as child.

Physical bullying: this includes make physical harm to individual by kicking, hitting, taking belongings, making wrong touch for sarcasm and causing injuries to make fun

Verbal bullying: Making funny words, calling names sarcastically, making offensive and insulting remarks,

Indirect bullying: Making trolls and memes on social media, spreading illogical buzz, spreading rumours in social media and in the society, sending different malicious mails and make indirect exclusion of individual from social group

The above-mentioned bullying poses harmful impact on the physical and mental state of children as well as of young people (Norrie et al. 2016). Children and the vulnerable adults who are bullied in schools, colleges and society are reported to have less self-esteem as well as self-confidence. The physical as well as non-verbal bullying pose direct impact on eth interpersonal abilities of children and young population such as damages their decision-making ability, problem solving skill and critical thinking skill. children who are victims of bullying in their early childhood are less able to develop the cognitive strength and mental stability in the future life.

5.2 Outlining the procedures and policies that needs to be followed in response to evidence of bullying and explaining the reasons behind they are in the place:

Different procedures need to be followed and implemented in proper manner after receiving information about bullying. Under the ‘Every Child Matters’, in case of ant issues regarding breach of children rights and their safety needs, the Local Care Authority in the UK would take proper action against the issue (Mackay, 2017). If bullying is reported in the care agency, the care manager would take immediate step by alarming the higher officials in care agency and Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). In this aspect, the child or the young individuals who are victims of bullying would be examined physically and mentally. With due permission of the care authority, the care manger contact parents and local psychiatrist. The child would be provided with over-protective environment to ensure that the case of bullying would not be happened again and child is protected from any kind of further harm or abuse. The Child Care Committee would investigate about the person or staffs in the care home or in the society who are involve in performing the bullying.

5.3 Explaining how make proper support to the young people or children and their family members on suspecting bullying:

The child or the young individual who has faced bullying in society in care agency would be provide with highly protective environment for ensure that they cannot be harmed or injured by any staffs or individual who are involved in bullying (Lee et al. (2017). Child or the young people would be provided with psychotherapies such as counselling for improve their mental state. Their parents would be providing with proper knowledge about how handling the matter of bullying with providing care and support to their children. The information about bullying would be confidential as reveal of such information can enhance vulnerability of people towards the safety risk. Child who is victim of bullying would be treated with roper respect and dignity to improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. The parent would be assured by the Local Care committee and the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), about protection and safety f their children in the care agencies and in the external society.

6.1 Explaining how to support young people and children inn order tp develop their self-esteem and the self-confidence:

Self-confidence of children and young individuals is developed by taking integrated and personalised care approach for them (Mackay, 2017). Through taking proper person-centred policy, it is possible to involve children as well as vulnerable adults into challenging tasks such as memory games, fun activities, intellectual play and question answer session with teachers and educators. Verbal and non-verbal communication (in case of disabled individuals) need to be conducted to allow adults and the young people to share their issues, health needs and preference. Through conducting counselling and psychotherapies, it is possible to develop the self-confidence of children and adults. By maintaining trustworthy and friendly relation with vulnerable child and the young people, carers and care manager can improve the overall psychology, self-esteem and mental strength of these individuals.

6.2. Analysing importance of the support resilience to young people and the children:

Resilience is one of the most important things in the safeguarding young and children (Szilassy et al. 2017). Through promoting resilience in individuals, it can be possible to make them adaptive ti any situation. Through improving support towards resilience care providers can improve the ability of young people and children to cope up with any adverse situation. Resilience assist them to develop their skills, decision making ability of the problem-solving power are important to deal with any situation.

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6.3. Explaining the importance to work with children as well as young people for ensuring strategies to protect themselves in making decisions:

Working in partnership with the adult individuals and child is important to improve their knowledge and understanding about their own protection (Hood et al. 2016). Through partnership working with people, practitioners can understand their safety needs. Moreover, through partnership working it is possible to improve mental and physical; strength of people.

6.4 Explaining ways of empowering young people and children:

Practitioner can improve the positive strengths and cognitive ability of young people and children through involving them in intellectual activities (Szilassy et al. 2017). Practitioner would provide the educational and training to each child and young individual about how to protect themselves from any harm or abuse. Moreover, they would be trained for expressed their safety neds to the trusted individuals.

7.1 Explaining the risks as well as the possible consequences for young people and children of being online or using mobile phones:

Mobile phones and social media are the sources cyber bullying that affect adver4sely the psychological strength of young people and children (Hood et al. 2016). Through making trolls and memes on face book, many people make indirect bullying on children and vulnerable adults that not only lower their self confidence but also pose harmful impact on their perception. Moreover, posting of violent events and offensives videos on social media pose harmful impact of children’ innocent and fresh thoughts and perspective. This violence and offensive comment that are spend through mobile phone can make the young children violent and stubborn.

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7.2 Describing ways of reducing the risks of the young people and children from social networking, being online and internet access:

Using internet and accessing online media can brings several risks to the young individuals and children such as cyber bullying, offensive posts, sarcastic comment on social media (Hood et al. 2016). Young generation are highly prevalent to different provocation such as involving in violent activities, positing offensive videos in Facebook and making political and social trolls. All these activities can affect on the throughs, decision making process and cognitive development if young people. in case of children, they can expose online trolls and memes that can pose negative impact on their emotion and decisions making process which can make them highly depressed, anxious and arrogant.

Reference list:

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