A Critical Analysis Of Teamwork Leadership And Motivation Theories?

Leadership and management play a crucial role in the recent era of globalisation to lead the people and motivate them to improve their performance in managing group activity. Leadership and motivational theories and practice are effective to gain in depth understanding about managing the people at the organisational workplace and encourage them to develop teamwork and maximise their performance for achieving the group activity. The essay is effective to review the existing literatures and theories on teamwork, leadership and motivational theories where it is possible to analyse the practice of leadership and motivation and hare the social practice successfully. The LMX theory of leadership indicates the leader member exchange theory which refers to conceptualise leadership as a process centred in the interactions between the leader and the followers. According to the theory, it is possible to develop strong relationship between the leaders and the followers, where the leaders can build trust and loyalty and lead the followers towards achieving future aim.


According to the LMX theory of leadership, the leaders try to intervene in the performance of the group members, where the members can interact with the leaders and get proper support for further improvement on their performance. In this regard the fairness and managing transparency at the organisational context are also mandatory to develop appropriate leadership style. Job attitude may be improved through the relationship based leadership style, where the leaders can direct the team members and improve their job satisfaction and maximise the commitment to encourage them in working to achieve the group activity (Pray and McCarthy, 2018). In the recent era of globalisation, the leaders aim to develop strong corporate relationship to retain the members for log run and direct and support them for better performance.

theory of leadership

The theory is useful, where it validates the experience of the leaders about the ways of treating the people in the group and apart from that it is helpful to develop dyadic relationship and direct the people through enhancing communication and cooperation so that they can contribute positively. In this regard the major drawback of the theory is that there is lack of explanation about the strategies of building strong corporate relationship between the leader and the followers. In the real life experience, the LMX theory of leadership is beneficial where the leaders can find the ways to improve trust and loyalty among the followers and lead them towards achieving future organisational success and in this regard the strategies of improving open communication, enhancing internal collaboration and maximising leader’s commitment are effective for the employees to be motivated and perform better in long run (Herman and Dasborough, 2016).

In the recent years, there is the practice of partnership working and in this regard it is essential for all the leaders to develop effective teamwork and the theories of Tuckman’s is effective to understand the ways to develop strong teamwork which in turn helps to improve the group activities. According to the Tuckman’s theory, there are five stages which are forming, storming, and norming, performing and adjourning. Under forming, the team members are suffering from unclear purpose and they need proper guidance and directions and in this regard the leaders need to provide proper support and instruction to direct them towards achieving future group success. Under the storming stage, the internal conflict needs to be managed well where the coaching sessions are useful to improve clarity among the group members and after that the stage of norming is necessary to develop agreement and share the clear roles and responsibility to facilitate a good practice where the team members can be collaborative with each other. Under performing and adjourning, the members try to work according to their roles and focus on goals to achieve success and get recognition (Kiweewa et al., 2018).

Tuckman’s theory

The Tuckman’s theory is effective for developing appropriate teamwork in the group and in this recent era, the leaders try to share the vision and instruct the followers with their roles and responsibilities. Proper recognition and motivation further helps the leaders to lead the followers by maximising their performance. It is also effective to develop strong teamwork in the group, where the leaders must be shaper, evaluator, team workers, coordinator and resource investigator and these activities of the leader are beneficial to cooperate with the group members and lead them successfully so that the team members can perform better with proper directions and achieve the group objective in near future. In order to complete the task of the group successfully, the leaders need to define the task and allocate the resources successfully so that it is possible to develop team work through encouraging the people in the group, avoid conflicts among the members, managing cultural diversity and protecting the interest of the individuals (Bratton and Gold, 2017). On the other hand, fairness and consistency, managing transparency and accountability, higher communication and cooperation and job enrichment are helpful to manage the individual and motivate team to perform better to achieve future goal (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, 2016).

In this context, motivation plays a crucial role in managing the group members and encouraging their creativity in long run and in this regard as per the motivational theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, there are different needs of the individuals which are psychological, safety, belonging and love, self esteem and self actualisation.

Hierarchy of needs

As per the psychological needs, the people needs to fulfil their basic needs such as food, shelter, warmth and rest and safety needs are also necessary to be fulfilled. The leaders in the regard fulfil the safety needs of the members in the society and develop strong relationship to encourage the members for better performance (Khan, Nawaz and Khan, 2016). The need of accomplishment and self actualisation are also essential for the people to be encouraged and to maximise their performance in long run (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung, 2016). Hereby, as per the real life experience, all the leaders try to motivate the group members through fulfilling their needs and giving them monetary and non-monetary rewards system. The leaders also aim to support the followers through coaching, enhancing communication and improving internal cooperation to lead them towards achieving future objective of the group (Fallatah and Syed, 2018). Through proper direction and continuous support from the leaders, it is possible for the group members to understand their responsibilities in the group and collaborate with each other to perform better so that they would be able to complete the task within effective time.

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Reference List

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  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. London: Palgrave.
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