Business information system: a case study on Vineland plc

  • 08 Pages
  • Published On: 09-11-2023


Business information system is the process of managing the organisational activities and data for restructuring the business functions and redeveloping the strategic planning for running the business efficiently (Kaushik and Dahiya, 2018). The study focuses on developing Information Technology (IT) strategic planning for the organisation, in order to enhance the brand performance and fulfil the vision of the company in long run. In this study, the organisation Vineland plc is considered where the IT strategic planning will be proposed for analysing the business and running the operational activities in a systematic way. Vineland plc is a national supplier of the speciality food and drink where the company has more than 240 high street shops and active online website for selling the good and services to its customers. The organisation is efficient to manage their quality food and drinks which would be beneficial for them to satisfy the customers and strengthen their consumer base in long run. However, in the recent era of globalisation and increasing numbers of customers demand for fast food items and drinks, the organisation fails to manage their customers and maintain their orders for the food and drinks through the online website. For addressing such challenges, Vineland plc could benefit from business dissertation help to refine their IT strategic planning and streamline their online operations effectively.


Case study analysis

The major challenges faced by Vineland plc are such as lack of growth of the online channels and the current lack of real time analytics, which further hampers the smooth business process in long run. The organisation also faces issues to promote their business in the market for which the demand of the customers for their food and drinks are also deteriorating over the period of time (Ramrathan and Sibanda, 2017). Hence, it is mandatory for the organisational leader and the finance team to make effective decision for investing appropriate capital in the digital technology and the IT infrastructure development for better management of the organisation Vineland plc, and expand their operations across the market. In this regard, the estimated budget for the IT strategic implementation is £120 million which is effective for Vineland plc to restructure their strategy and improve their IT operations and infrastructure to mitigate the above mentioned challenges so that the brand would be able to manage their high street shops and retain the long run customers across the market. In this regard, the IT plan includes information on people, staffing and partnership, data on shareholders and stakeholders analysis, organisational changes and creativity, governance as well as market information so that the company can access all the internal and external information for strategising their business in long run. On the other hand, there are various types of information such as transaction processing, learning management and database management system, marketing practice, which are also mandatory for the organisation to manage their strategic planning and improve IT management for running the brand successfully.

Business Technology Stack and applications portfolio

The business firms focus on managing portfolio in implementing the last IT system in the organisation and it is one of the effective ways to manage the organisational activities in a systematic way. The major technological implementation and portfolio management that is mandatory for the organisation Vineland plc is implementing the database management system with SaaS application in order to have big data analytics and developing the software of the organisation efficiently for managing their business (Dahms, Cabrilo and Kingkaew, 2020). The organisation Vineland plc mainly fails to analyse their real time data as well as there is lack of promotional activities organisational webpage development for which the business activities of the brand has been hampered during the period of time. Hence, the organisation Vineland plc needs to focus on developing the IT infrastructure at the main office of the business so that from the main office the high street shops of the brand can be managed well.

On the other hand, the Vineland plc for the portfolio of IT application, the organisation must focus on implementing the Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which is beneficial for the firm to operate efficient in the market. Through the ERP system, it is possible to develop an integrated system and run their business efficiently through managing the stock of the raw materials, improve supply chain and distribution network, handling the food and drink items by tracking the customer’s orders as well as enhancing the customer’s relationship management for better operational management (Zhang, Zhao and Xu, 2016). On the other hand, the organisation Vineland plc also needs to develop the organisational website with easy order processing and share all the necessary information through the website so that the customers across the market can access the website efficiently and place their orders easily.


For modernisation and the successful digitalisation of the organisational activities, the organisations must focus on latest innovation in the IT and implementing the latest tools and software of managing the organisational activities efficiently (Maffei, Grahn and Nuur, 2019). In this regard, for sales management, the Hubspot and Pipedrive are the major application through which the organisation Vineland plc can develop their strategic planning to manage their sales volume. The organisation mainly fails to manage their ales activities in the market due to lack of authentic data sources and poor management and in this regard, both the software application Hubspot and Pipedrive are effective for managing the automated sales management process in Vineland, and in this regard the software application are the cloud based system generation supporting the organisations with automated and computer generated system for sales data management. Both the systems are available for the small to large business firms and there is structured free plan available for the organisations, who try to adopt the software (Azudin and Mansor, 2018).

Hence, moving towards the cloud computing database management system is one of the major ways for Vineland to modernise the system and digitalise the business efficiently in long run. On the other hand, Zoho is the one of the best customer relationship management system provided fast and automated system generation to the business firms for managing their customers in long run and it is beneficial for the organisation to manage their data base and handle all the consumers efficiently. Breezy software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution in Zoho is affordable and creatively designed for high end features and customised options to deal with the customers. Additionally, for office productivity management, Google Drive is the system which is best for managing the performance of the employees and leads them efficiently towards achieving the future success (Kotarba, 2018). SAP success factor is the software through which it is possible to manage the employee lifecycle and it is utilised by the human resource manager’s ion the organisation for better management of the employees.

Digital marketing

For digital marketing management, it is necessary for the organisation Vineland to manage their internal operations and develop the marketing tactics to promote their brand in the market. In this regard, the organisation Vineland must focus on developing the organisational website efficiently with clear and simple content so that the customers can identify the food and drinks available for them in Vineland. In addition to this, the one click option for placing their orders and the easy and safe payment mode in the website is mandatory to be developed efficiently in Vineland in order to retain the loyal customers for long run (Haseeb et al., 2019). Through the above mentioned software and SaaS system, it is mandatory to manage the customer’s data and information and the brand Vineland needs to send personalise email to the customers about their offers, newly launched food and beverage items and any other important information about the brand (Howell, van Beers and Doorn, 2018). In the recent era of globalising, the individuals are engaged with each other through the social platform such as YouTube, Twitter, Blogging, Facebook and Instagram and it is necessary for the organisation Vineland to utilise the digital media platform and promote the brand through creating good brand logo, uploading the pictures of the food items, pricing offers and creating short videos for the FaceBook and YouTube so that the individuals across the social communities can identify the brand and make effective purchase decision.

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Analysing the strategic planning

Data analysis and real time data analytics are necessary for Vineland in order to manage their business decision making behaviour where the information and data related to market trend, customers preferences, sales and profitability can be analysed efficiently for managing the business activities successfully in near future (Liu et al., 2019). In this regard, through implementing the SPSS and HubSpot, it is possible to conduct real time data analytics so that the organisation can develop appropriate decision for the business in near future. The implementation of the cloud computing system and real time data analysis, Vineland would be able to manage their business activities and secure future sustainable development.

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Vineland is able to invest in the IT infrastructural development, where the implementation of latest software such as Zoho, breezy software-as-a-service (SaaS), HubSpot, Pipedrive, Google Drive as well as database management system, it is possible for the organisation Vineland to manage their operations and mitigate the existing issues of lack of digital marketing and poor real time data analytics and run the business sustainably.

Reference List

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Haseeb, M., Hussain, H.I., Ślusarczyk, B. and Jermsittiparsert, K., 2019. Industry 4.0: A solution towards technology challenges of sustainable business performance. Social Sciences, 8(5), p.154.

Howell, R., van Beers, C. and Doorn, N., 2018. Value capture and value creation: The role of information technology in business models for frugal innovations in Africa. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131, pp.227-239.

Kaushik, K. and Dahiya, S., 2018, November. Security and privacy in IoT based e-business and retail. In 2018 International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) (pp. 78-81). IEEE.

Kotarba, M., 2018. Digital transformation of business models. Foundations of Management, 10(1), pp.123-142.

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Zhang, Y., Zhao, S. and Xu, X., 2016. Business model innovation: an integrated approach based on elements and functions. Information Technology and Management, 17(3), pp.303-310.

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