Executive Summary
The aim of the new research primarily focused on Xbox- 360 made by Microsoft. That is one of the world's most popular video-games inventions. The chosen new brand, Xbox-360 was identified and analyzed using the secondary method of research on existing European video games market with the assistance of the franchise model business entry style. With far more options and a lower prices approach, Xbox-360 has been well -established as an international brand. In addition to making the product popular, the company should look forward to targeting United Kingdom's entertainment conscious people between 16-50 years.
Xbox-360 is a good brand example of a video-game. It's Simon Sinek's first example of why, how and when in his Golden Circle System. Xbox-360 produces elegant, creative computers that you have seen and sell to their customers. They are different. Xbox-360’s message gives the customers the same characteristics as Xbox-360's products: you are revolutionary, imaginative and artistic if you were an Xbox-360 person. Like Tesla, Xbox-360 deducts price from its identity and concentrates instead on the importance of its goods and their ties with its clients.
Research Methodology
Secondary research has been conducted and pragmatic research methodology is used to evaluate many decision-making by corporations internationally or globally to sell a brand or product.
Existing brand and brand values
Considering the above academic model of prism, the concept of the chosen brand of Xbox 360 has been evident in its physical features of having power control high resolution capacity (Brand extensions favored by shoppers | WARC, 2020). It’s an essential advantage in this well-established brand allows customers to quickly connect and manage products which remain in keeping with the requisite technical innovations in contemporary days (Ross 2020). On the other hand, its personality tells that it contains certain elements that can be its attractive strategy for customer retention (MerlinOne. 2020). It had mainly targeted the audience of middle age as well as young aged men fond of playing the games for digital pleasure. Customer self-reflection has on its functionality works like online multiplayer.Description of the target market
Market segmentation
Recognition of market segmentation is an important element in implementing a marketing plan that is usually achieved by a geographical, regional, socio-economic that behavioral division of industry. In the sense of the competitive activity, the target market is defined (Parliament et al., 2020).
Market targeting
This will be appropriate for the population of Xbox-360 to use a particular targeting approach to take into account the consumers' motives and preferences, and according to the segment selected (Gupta and Rajan 2020). It would be better for both Xbox-360 groups if it were to focus on assets and follow the requirements of a narrowly defined business sector rather than allocate wealth through various markets.
Market positioning
In addition, the price in United Kingdom will vary from that in US, with additional differences in line with domestic consumables trend (Islaini and Nayan, 2020). In addition, Xbox-360 would need to incorporate standardized and unstructured data as well as a lower cost component to its competitive advantage.
Analysis of the new Market
Economic analysis
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Socio-political analysis
Technological Analysis
Explanation of the new product
Tauber’s Brand Extension Options
According to the mentioned strategy of extension of the XBOX 360 Brand in computer Games industry, it can be recognized that the market requires always segmentation that is usually considered under brand management strategy and recently working on highly confectionary market (Eprints.leedsbeckett.ac.uk. 2020). Hence, the management needs to consider the positioning strategy on placing it on a stable surface of a market.
Product Packaging
The end buyer plans to pay the right price for purchasing a product. It depends mostly according to what the customer finds interest, for example, when the expense is higher than the economic benefit, the purchase of the commodity will then decrease (Hood et al., 2020). In comparison, United Kingdom will be greatly improved to produce hygiene products for Xbox-360s.
Choice of Brand name and choice of Brand positioning
The method of distribution to customers is defined in this item. The strategy of positioning reacts dramatically to the correct trade channels for a certain commodity. Informal distribution is the mechanism by which Xbox-360 provides end users with the goods (Eprints.leedsbeckett.ac.uk. 2020). The emphasis here is on the study of different company contacts and marketing strategies. Brand recognition, sales promotional deals, advertisements and marketing campaigns can be included.
Competition Analysis
Bargaining power of suppliers
The Providers are closely aligned with customers regardless of obligation (Goal 2020). Influential and cooperative suppliers typically have good negotiating authority for Xbox-360 and competitive rates from the companies in the UK's area of knowledge video-games. Buyers really appreciate the channel kit from Xbox-360 because it's launched the most stable and reliable over the years. Through contrast, the key factor to which customers stick to the business in the face of other tech giants' OPS is security (Darwood and McNamara, 2018). The security continuously creates trading resources.
Substitution of Products and Services
Small operations related to Xbox-360 involve new checks, either offline or in the controlled digital operation. This external information weakens the task of replacing the business. Even though equal capital changes help foster substitution, such external reality as an adequate replacement is not very necessary (Vincent et al., 2017).
The UK Video games Sector has demonstrated solid potential for coping with existing inflationary challenges and British Video games now is on track to be the UK's new leader with a virtual business trend. Much of the Xbox-360 stock and share price are stable. English Telecommunication is probably the biggest media transmission and headway enterprises in the globe, utilizing cutting edge innovation to build up an ideal worldwide IT structure and transmission framework. Thus, Xbox-360 has stretched out its organization to the abroad nations and can adjust to accomplish near advantages and increment its income.
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