Group Think


A very important aspect of functioning of business operations is that of communication. It is imperative for companies, regardless of the industry of their operations, as well as for individuals in different professional positions to focus on developing and maintaining communication systems within the organisation (Sunstein and Hastie, 2015). This report focuses on evaluating the overall importance and relevance of the theory of Groupthink, a concept which is often used by businesses and other different organisations to identify and resolve different issues and complex situations. Additionally, the report also focuses on identifying different alternative symptoms of groupthink. For comprehensive insights on communication strategies in organizational contexts, consider seeking business dissertation help to enhance your understanding.


Alternative terms to describe group phenomenon

Group think can be defined as a psychological phenomenon which takes place in a group of people who look for conformity or similarity in the group in order to achieve the common goals or results (Kaba, 2016). It also used for finding solutions for irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcomes. Cohesiveness or even the desire for cohesiveness in a group generally helps in producing a tendency for achieving the common results among members of the group and ensure that the results are achieved at all possible costs. This ways conflict(s) can be minimised and a consensus or a common decision can be achieved without having to perform a critical evaluation.


Group think, sometimes, is also expressed occur within different natural groups in a community. It could include the likes of lifelong learning among people with different mindsets along with different political views and concepts like conservatism and liberalism in context of the US politics. Here discussions regarding benefits of teamwork vs. working in isolation or working alone can be presented (Riccobono and Größler, 2016). Nonetheless, this congruity of perspectives inside a gathering doesn't principally include intentional cooperative choice making, and may be better clarified by the aggregate affirmation predisposition of the individual individuals from the gathering. The term was begat in 1952 by William H. Whyte Jr. The greater part of the underlying exploration on oblivious obedience was led by Irving Janis, an examination therapist from Yale University. Janis distributed a powerful book in 1972, which was modified in 1982. Janis utilized the Bay of Pigs debacle (the bombed intrusion of Castro's Cuba in 1961) and the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor in 1941 as his two prime contextual analyses (Fox, 2019).

Later investigations have assessed and reformulated his mindless obedience model. Group thinkexpects people to try not to raise disputable issues or elective arrangements, and there is loss of individual inventiveness, uniqueness and autonomous reasoning. The broken gathering elements of the "ingroup" delivers an "figment of resistance" (a swelled conviction that the right choice has been made). Subsequently the "ingroup" altogether misrepresents its own capacities in dynamic and fundamentally underestimates the capacities of its adversaries (the "outgroup"). Moreover, mindless obedience can deliver dehumanizing activities against the "outgroup" (Geramian and Ahmadi Nozari, 2019). Members of such a group often tend to feel pressure and therefore they agree to ‘go along with the crowd’, i.e., they agree with decisions made by others or the opinions of other people (other members of the group). This also explains perceptions of different people towards the particular member(s). Group interactions are most effective when as they favour clear, concise and harmonious agreements within the group members. When there is little to no innovation or arguments in favour of developing better and effective policies, then only the group interactions or group communications can be most effective (Gomes, 2019).

Symptoms of groupthink

Group think, basically, values agreement and soundness over precise examination and basic considering singular individuals. It is anything but a gathering where singular individuals from the gathering can't communicate their own contemplations and concern, and unquestioningly follow the expression of the pioneer. It will in general happen more in circumstances where bunch individuals are basically the same as each other (Glebovskiy, 2019). When there is solid gathering personality, individuals from the gathering will in general see their gathering as right or predominant while communicating scorn or objection toward individuals outside of the gathering. Mindless compliance is likewise bound to happen when an amazing and appealing pioneer orders the gathering. At the point when individuals need individual information on something or feel that different individuals from the gathering are more qualified, they are bound to take part in mindless compliance. Circumstances where the gathering is set under outrageous pressure or where moral quandaries exist additionally increment the event of oblivious obedience (Van Bavel et. al, 2020).

Group think can make people disregard huge information and can ultimately provoke defenceless decisions. This can be hurting even in minor conditions anyway can have significantly more basic results in explicit settings. Clinical, military, or political decisions, for example, can provoke miserable outcomes when they are incapacitated by the effects of negligent similarity. Note that while mindless obedience and congruity are comparative and related ideas, there are significant differentiations between the two. Mindless conformity includes the dynamic cycle (Breitsohl et. al, 2015). Then again, congruity is a cycle wherein individuals change their own behaviour so they can find a place with a particular gathering. Similarity can here and there cause mindless obedience, however it's anything but consistently the spurring factor. Gathering agreement can permit gatherings to decide, total assignments, and finish projects rapidly and effectively—however even the most amicable gatherings can profit for certain difficulties.

Discovering approaches to diminish oblivious compliance can improve dynamic and guarantee agreeable connections inside the gathering. This happens when individuals ruin alerts and don't scrutinize their suspicions (Sudaryati and Kusuma, 2018). One reason IBM lost piece of the pie was that their supervisory group wouldn't notice alerts that more modest PCs were the inclination of the bigger commercial center. The group answerable for assembling IBM's promoting procedure reliably would not analyse cutthroat data and showcasing surveys. Together they supported each other's perspectives and disregarded the promoting information. They disregarded pattern examples of their clients and industry examiners. The outcome was a huge number of dollars in lost income.

Groupthink and high rate of sexual transmission of AIDS

Sexual conduct and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are dubious points in the public eye. The simple notice of these points in center and secondary school settings sends guardians and local area individuals into enthusiastic discussions (Őnday, 2016). Whenever adulthood is reached, formal instructive projects with respect to sexuality and showing the practices that lower hazard for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other STIs drop off drastically. The solitary areas where such projects are given are inside schools and colleges, and somewhat, the military. The military is a different sub-culture inside the United States structure. It has its own traditions, convictions, and impacts. When brought to enlist preparing (training camp, young fellows are educated to dress something very similar, are given a similar hair style, and are alluded to in a similar way (Cleary and Sayers, 2019). In spite of the fact that probably a few researchers are wary of the significance of oblivious obedience in genuine cooperative choices, numerous others have proposed that mindless conformity was engaged with various notable and significant, however poor, choices made by government and business gatherings.

Key recorded choices examined as far as mindless obedience incorporate the choice to attack Iraq made by President George Bush and his counsellors, with the help of other public governments, including those from the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Australia; the choice of President John F. Kennedy and his consultants to submit U.S. powers to assist with an intrusion of Cuba, determined to topple Fidel Castro in 1962; and the arrangement of pacification of Nazi Germany sought after by numerous European forerunners in 1930s, leading the pack up to World War II (Jaeger, 2020). Oblivious obedience has additionally been applied to some less notable, yet additionally significant, areas of dynamic, including pack news coverage. Intriguingly, mindless obedience has even been utilized to attempt to represent apparent enemy of conservative political inclinations of social therapists. A result of the great degrees of similarity found in these gatherings is that the gathering starts to consider itself to be very significant and significant, profoundly fit for settling on top notch choices, and insusceptible. To put it plainly, the gathering individuals foster incredibly significant degrees of similarity and social personality. Albeit this social personality may have some good results as far as a promise to pursue bunch objectives (and it unquestionably causes the gathering individuals to have a positive outlook on themselves), it likewise will in general bring about dreams of immunity, driving the gathering individuals to feel that they are prevalent and that they don't have to look for outside data (Kamalnath, 2017).

Such a circumstance is regularly helpful for helpless dynamic, which can bring about deplorable results. Strangely, the creation of the actual gathering can influence the probability of mindless conformity happening. More different gatherings, for example, can assist with guaranteeing that a more extensive scope of perspectives are accessible to the gathering in settling on their choice, which can diminish the danger of oblivious obedience. Recalling contextual investigation, the more homogeneous the gathering are as far as inner qualities like convictions, and outer attributes like sex, the more in danger of group thinkthey may become (Holmes, 2016).

Theories consistent with Groupthink hypothesis

Groupthink, a term portraying a gathering where ―loyalty requires every part to try not to raise questionable issues‖, incidentally is disputable in itself with ―very little agreement among analysts on the legitimacy of the oblivious compliance model (Resnik and Smith, 2020). In spite of the discussion, since it was first distributed more than thirty years prior the mindless conformity hypothesis has been broadly acknowledged and the oblivious compliance marvel has been found to happen in a far more extensive scope of social scenes than initially imagined. Janis and more than sixty insightful companion looked into articles give the premise of this scholarly survey. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2010) characterized mindless compliance as ― a example of suspected portrayed without anyone else double dealing, constrained production of assent, and adjustment to bunch esteems and morals. Nonetheless, for the reasons for this article, an insightful definition is utilised (Reese, 2020).

Janis characterized mindless conformity as ―a method of reasoning individuals participates in when they are profoundly engaged with a firm in-bunch, when the individuals taking a stab at unanimity supersede their inspiration to sensibly evaluate elective strategies. Janis demonstrated mindless obedience as certain forerunner conditions, which lead to simultaneousness chasing (or group thinkpropensity), which brings about recognizable results, yielding a low likelihood of an effective result. At the point when different gatherings are depicted as uncompromisingly awful, it is simpler to legitimize choices that may place those gatherings in risk (Katopol, 2015). Aggregate defense implies that the gathering individuals will in general legitimize their choices by talking themselves into it. For instance, consider a gathering that goes through just 5 minutes concocting an answer and 25 minutes talking about why they are directly in settling on the choice. Maybe than fundamentally investigate the choice, bunch individuals concoct a reiteration of motivations to safeguard why it's a decent choice. The third and last side effect of oblivious compliance is coordinated around the idea of pressing factor toward consistency.

At the point when group thinkhappens, it's difficult in light of the fact that the gathering has a swelled perspective on themselves or in light of the fact that they show captivated reasoning; it is likewise on the grounds that individual gathering individuals effectively smother basic reasoning (Henriques, 2020). Self-restriction implies that bunch individuals will in general keep their mouths shut when encountering questions. Regularly, they feel like every other person is "on board" with the choice, so they are reluctant to put it all on the line with their interests. This propensity additionally features the dream of unanimity, which implies that bunch individuals see that agreement has been reached, regardless of whether it truly has not. Accordingly, quiet will in general be deciphered as assent. Indeed, self-delegated mind monitors are mindful so as not to introduce any opposite data, regardless of whether they realize it exists; at the end of the day, a self-selected brain watch takes part in self-control (Cheshire, 2017). On the off chance that somebody really questions the choice, a gathering encountering oblivious compliance will regularly put tension on dissidents; difficulties to the gathering are crushed.


This report focuses on evaluating the overall importance and relevance of the theory of Groupthink, a concept which is often used by businesses and other different organisations to identify and resolve different issues and complex situations. Additionally, the report also focuses on identifying different alternative symptoms of groupthink. Group think can be defined as a psychological phenomenon which takes place in a group of people who look for conformity or similarity in the group in order to achieve the common goals or results.


Group think is a psychological phenomenon that happens in a group of individuals wherein the craving for amicability or congruity in the gathering brings about an unreasonable or broken dynamic result. Cohesiveness, or the longing for cohesiveness, in a gathering may deliver an inclination among its individuals to concur no matter what. Oblivious compliance can frequently be alluded to collectively of "brown-nosers" since bunch exercises and gathering projects overall make it very simple to pass on not offering valuable assessments. A few strategies that have been utilized to check bunch think in the past is choosing groups from more different foundations, and in any event, blending people for gatherings.

Group think can be considered by numerous individuals to be a burden to organizations, associations and in any work circumstances. At the point when individuals need individual information on something or feel that different individuals from the gathering are more qualified, they are bound to take part in mindless compliance. Circumstances where the gathering is put under outrageous pressure or where moral predicaments exist additionally increment the event of mindless obedience. Group think can make individuals overlook significant data and can eventually prompt helpless choices. Janis and more than sixty academic companion checked on articles give the premise of this scholarly survey. At the point when different gatherings are depicted as uncompromisingly terrible, it is simpler to legitimize choices that may place those gatherings in peril. Aggregate defense implies that the gathering individuals will in general legitimize their choices by talking themselves into it. Truth be told, self-delegated mind monitors are mindful so as not to introduce any opposite data, regardless of whether they realize it exists; all in all, a self-selected brain watch takes part in self-oversight. In the event that somebody questions the choice, a gathering encountering oblivious compliance will regularly put tension on protesters; difficulties to the gathering are crushed.


Groupthink is described as a psychological phenomenon in which a group of people who have the desire for achieving a common harmony or conformity within the group that helps in achieving irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcomes. Cohesiveness or even the desire to achieve cohesiveness within a group leads to development of tendency among the team members to agree with the final decision or outcome at all costs. This then leads to a situation where the group tends to minimise conflicts amongst them and reach to a final conclusion or consensus without performing any type of critical evaluation. Here it should be noted that group think helps in developing a clear and harmonious agreement among the group members. Such a situation can cause concern when there is little to no new innovations or even arguments for better policies, results and structures which leads to development of several new types of questions and issues.

Janis and more than sixty academic companion checked on articles give the premise of this scholarly survey. At the point when different gatherings are depicted as uncompromisingly terrible, it is simpler to legitimize choices that may place those gatherings in peril. Aggregate defence implies that the gathering individuals will in general legitimize their choices by talking themselves into it. Truth be told, self-delegated mind monitors are mindful so as not to introduce any opposite data, regardless of whether they realize it exists; all in all, a self-selected brain watch takes part in self-oversight. If somebody questions the choice, a gathering encountering oblivious compliance will regularly put tension on protesters; difficulties to the gathering are crushed. It should be note that while mindless obedience and congruity are comparable and related ideas, there are significant differentiations between the two. Group think includes the dynamic cycle.

Then again, congruity is a cycle wherein individuals change their own behaviour so they can find a place with a particular gathering. Group think can in some cases cause oblivious obedience, yet it's anything but consistently the inspiring element. Gathering agreement can permit gatherings to decide, total undertakings, and finish projects rapidly and productively—however even the most amicable gatherings can profit for certain difficulties. Notwithstanding the discussion, since it was first distributed more than thirty years prior the group think hypothesis has been broadly acknowledged and the mindless obedience wonder has been found to happen in a far more extensive scope of social scenes than initially imagined. At the point when mindless conformity happens, it is difficult in light of the fact that the gathering has a swelled perspective on themselves or in light of the fact that they show captivated reasoning; it is likewise in light of the fact that individual gathering individuals effectively stifle basic reasoning. Self-control implies that bunch individuals will in general keep their mouths shut when encountering questions. Frequently, they feel like every other person is "on board" with the choice, so they are reluctant to put it all out there with their interests.

This propensity additionally features the figment of unanimity, which implies that bunch individuals see that agreement has been reached, regardless of whether it truly has not. Accordingly, quiet will in general be deciphered as assent. Truth be told, self-designated mind watches are mindful so as not to introduce any opposite data, regardless of whether they realize it exists; at the end of the day, a self-named mind monitor participates in self-oversight. On the off chance that somebody really questions the choice, a gathering encountering group think will frequently put tension on dissidents; difficulties to the gathering are crushed.

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A very important aspect of functioning of business operations is that of communication. It is imperative for companies, regardless of the industry of their operations, as well as for individuals in different professional positions to focus on developing and maintaining communication systems within the organisation. Self-control implies that bunch individuals will in general keep their mouths shut when encountering questions. Frequently, they feel like every other person is "on board" with the choice, so they are reluctant to put it all out there with their interests.

Nonetheless, this similarity of perspectives inside a gathering doesn't principally include conscious cooperative choice making and may be better clarified by the aggregate affirmation predisposition of the individual individuals from the gathering. Oblivious obedience can frequently be alluded to collectively of "conformists" since bunch exercises and gathering projects overall make it amazingly simple to pass on not offering productive feelings. Group think can make people disregard huge information and can ultimately provoke defenceless decisions. This can be hurting even in minor conditions anyway can have significantly more basic results in explicit settings. Clinical, military, or political decisions, for example, can provoke miserable outcomes when they are incapacitated by the effects of negligent similarity. Note that while mindless obedience and congruity are comparative and related ideas, there are significant differentiations between the two. Mindless conformity includes the dynamic cycle (Breitsohl et. al, 2015). Then again, congruity is a cycle wherein individuals change their own behaviour so they can find a place with a particular gathering. Similarity can here and there cause mindless obedience, however it's anything but consistently the spurring factor. Gathering agreement can permit gatherings to decide, total assignments, and finish projects rapidly and effectively—however even the most amicable gatherings can profit for certain difficulties.

It should be noted that while group think and conformity are comparable and related ideas, there are significant qualifications between the two. Oblivious compliance includes the dynamic cycle. Then again, congruity is a cycle wherein individuals change their own behaviour so they can find a place with a particular gathering. Similarity can once in a while cause oblivious obedience, however it's anything but consistently the spurring factor. Gathering agreement can permit gatherings to decide, total assignments, and finish projects rapidly and productively—yet even the most amicable gatherings can profit for certain difficulties. Together they supported every others' perspectives and disregarded the advertising information. They disregarded pattern examples of their clients and industry experts.

In any case, for the motivations behind this article, an academic definition is utilized. Janis characterized oblivious compliance as ―a method of reasoning individuals takes part in when they are profoundly associated with a durable in-bunch, when the individuals taking a stab at unanimity supersede their inspiration to practically assess elective approaches. Janis displayed mindless conformity as certain precursor conditions, which lead to simultaneousness chasing (or oblivious compliance propensity), which brings about discernible results, yielding a low likelihood of a fruitful result.

Dig deeper into Greeting Cards and Consumer Behavior with our selection of articles.


Breitsohl, J. et. al., (2015). Groupthink 2.0: An empirical analysis of customers' conformity-seeking in online communities. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 14(2), 87-106.

Cheshire, W. P. (2017). Groupthink: how should clinicians respond to human trafficking?. AMA journal of ethics, 19(1), 91-97.

Cleary, M. and Sayers, J. (2019). Leadership, thought diversity, and the influence of groupthink. Issues in mental health nursing.

Fox, S. (2019). Addressing the influence of groupthink during ideation concerned with new applications of technology in society. Technology in society, 57, 86-94.

Geramian, A. and Ahmadi Nozari, M. (2019). Fuzzy logic-based FMEA robust design: a quantitative approach for robustness against groupthink in group/team decision-making. International Journal of Production Research, 57(5), 1331-1344.

Glebovskiy, A. (2019). Criminogenic isomorphism and groupthink in the business context. International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior.

Gomes, P. F., (2019). Mobility helps problem-solving systems to avoid groupthink. Physical Review E, 99(3), 032301.

Henriques, G. (2020). Groupthink and the evolution of reason giving. Groupthink in science, 15-25.

Holmes, K. R. (2016). The closing of the liberal mind: How groupthink and intolerance define the left. Encounter Books.

Jaeger, E. L. (2020). Not the desired outcome: Groupthink undermines the work of a literacy council. Small Group Research, 51(4), 517-541.

Kaba, A., (2016). Are we at risk of groupthink in our approach to teamwork interventions in health care?. Medical education, 50(4), 400-408.

Kamalnath, A. (2017). Gender diversity as the antidote to groupthink on corporate boards. Deakin L. Rev., 22, 85.

Katopol, P. (2015). Groupthink: Group dynamics and the decision-making process. Library Leadership & Management, 30(1).

Őnday, Ő. (2016). Human resource theory: From Hawthorne experiments of Mayo to groupthink of Janis. Global Journal of Human Resource Management, 4(1), 95-110.

Reese, S. R. (2020). Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter. The Learning Organization.

Resnik, D. B. and Smith, E. M. (2020). Bias and Groupthink in Science’s Peer-Review System. Groupthink in Science, 99-113.

Riccobono, F. and Größler, A. (2016). Groupthink and project performance: The influence of personal traits and interpersonal ties. Production and Operations Management, 25(4), 609-629.

Sudaryati, E. and Kusuma, T. A. (2018). The impact of framing and groupthink to the career selection decision of accounting major students. Asian Journal of Accounting Research.

Sunstein, C. R. and Hastie, R. (2015). Wiser: Getting beyond groupthink to make groups smarter. Harvard Business Press. 9414234649

Valine, Y. A. (2018). Why cultures fail: The power and risk of Groupthink. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 11(4), 301-307.

Van Bavel, J. J. et. al., (2020). Breaking groupthink: Why scientific identity and norms mitigate ideological epistemology. Psychological Inquiry, 31(1), 66-72.

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