Importance of Work Based Observation in Enhancing Individual Performance


The work based observation is important for the individuals to develop clear understanding about the working condition, own roles and responsibilities in the workplace as well as progress and efficiency of the individuals to perform better in the organisational workplace settings. Hereby, the work based observation is mandatory for the individuals to review own performance and enhance their creativity by assessing their roles, examining own capabilities and strengths (Kroll and Dussias, 2017). Over the period of time, through work based observation, it is easy for the individual to analyse the working practice at the workplace as well as review own skill and abilities to perform better in future by utilising the organisational resources. There is formal way as well as informal way to observe the workplace. Data collection and feedback analysis are the formal ways to observe the workplace in the residential care home as well as participating in the workplace, communication and cooperation further help the individual to observe the working practice in an informal way (Ramia et al., 2016). Both the ways of observations are effective in this practice, to observe the workplace and enhance own performance efficiently.


Through the observation, it is possible to identify the roles and responsibilities of the nurses at the residential care home which will be evaluated efficiently to improve own performance and abilities to serve better care and treatment to the residents at the care home. The major role of the nurses is to assess and monitor the patients efficiently by regular check up, interaction and communication (Christie et al., 2018). Medication list and the timing of medication and food intake must be recorded well and through this responsibility, the nurses are efficient to manage the health and wellbeing of the people at the care home. Formulation of the care plans for new and existing residents is also the role of the nurses who are taking care of the residents at the care home by developing effective care plan and in this regard, the nurses are responsible for empowering the residents and their family members in order to develop the care plan. Without effective empowerment, the nurses cannot acknowledge their preferences and they fail to create client centred care plan. Medication management is also the responsibility of the nurses where they take care of the medications and provide time to time services to all the residents (Kaya et al., 2017). Meeting acute and palliative care needs as well as connecting the residents to other health providers such as hospitals and general practice is also the role of the nurses where they try to enhance communication and collaboration at the workplace to support them efficiently and provide proper care service to all the residents.

The care home services are personalise services where the ruses are taking care of the resident’s including adults and children and also old age population for maximising their wellbeing by providing support and treatment as well as quality care (Earley, 2020). The nurses are hereby responsible to record the medical history of the residents as well as identify the signs and symptoms so that they can acknowledge the actual health needs and preferences of the residents. Operating medical equipment and performing diagnostic tests are also the roles of the nurses at the resident care where they are responsible to manage the residents and provide quality care and continuous support to them (Rowe, 2017). The nurses try to educate patients about management of illnesses so that they can handle their health and mental condition as well and cooperate with the care providers for better management and development of the care plan. Collaborating with team to plan for patient care and advocating for health and wellbeing of patient are also the responsibilities of the nurses at the care home, where they assess and monitor the patients efficiently and timely monitoring process further helps the nurses to contribute positively in maximising their wellbeing (Hopkinson, 2016).

Reflective report

As per my opinion, it is mandatory to follow the organisational culture and the legislative practice at the residential care home, to perform better. In this regard, the residential care home is a god place to show individual graduate skill and creativity to treat the patients and manage them efficiently. In this regard, I try to utilise my graduate skill and cooperate with other nursing staff and managers for managing the residents at the care home. I am able to serve 5 hours each day, where I play a crucial role as a residential care nurse to serve the patients in a better way; I try to identify the organisational legislative structure and practice. It is mandatory to implement the Health and Social Care Act 2012 as well as Human Rights which are mandatory to support the individuals and improve their health condition and wellbeing in long run (Allen et al., 2017). The Equality Act 2010 as well as non-discriminatory practice at the workplace is also mandatory for the nurses at the residential care home to protect the residents and enhance equality and diversity at the care home (Redley et al., 2019). It is mandatory for me as well to follow the rules, and improve the quality standard as per the Care Quality Commission (Vetere and Stratton, 2016). The organisational practice is related to managing equality and maintaining diversity at the care home, where I try to treat all the patients equally and maximise their wellbeing efficiently. All the patients get equal treatment and support at the care home irrespective of the diversity in heath issues, culture, language, gender and criticality of the diseases. On the other hand, the Data protection act 1998 is also mandatory to be implemented in the care home, to manage data safety and security of the individuals (Carey, 2018). The nurses try to ensure the patients about protecting their values and securing their data and personal information. This further raises trust and loyalty at the organisational and develops strong bonding between the residents and the nurses at the care home (Hill et al., 2016).

The objective of the care home is to protect the individuals and maximise their wellbeing by providing them treatment and quality dare as well as continuous support. This is possible to be achieved efficiently through working as a team. I try to utilise my graduate skill here to take care of the patients at the care home. The problem solving and critical analysis skill are effective for me to assess the patient and monitor their progress over the period of time. I also try to analyse the patient condition at the care home and develop proper care plan for them to maximise their wellbeing. Additionally, the cooperative skill and team working skill are also effective in this regard to work as a group and provide the best quality care to all the residents (Davies, Curtin and Robson, 2017). Hereby, I also utilise cooperative skill to collaborate with other care professionals such as health care managers, doctors, physicians and psychologist to take care of the patients and provide integrated care to all the residents. From my experience, I try to gather more knowledge and criticalities among the patients so that it would be possible for me to improve my decision making skill in near future. On addition to this, the other opportunities are improving my contribution in the care home, maximising the patient care, giving high quality standard of care, enhancing cooperation and gathering more knowledge for my personal and professional success. The major changes are such as lack of partnership working, poor communication, and lack of interaction, poor management of the time and lack of decision making skill.

Personal development action plan

SMART objectives:

The objectives of me are such as

To improve communication skill

To make effective decision for the residential care to develop appropriate care plan for the patients at the care home

To improve leadership skill to mange other staff and ensure high quality care for all the residents

To create strong organisational culture

Personal and professionals development plan:

Personal and professionals development plan Personal and professionals development plan

Reference List

Allen, P., Osipovič, D., Shepherd, E., Coleman, A., Perkins, N., Garnett, E. and Williams, L., 2017. Commissioning through competition and cooperation in the English NHS under the Health and Social Care Act 2012: evidence from a qualitative study of four clinical commissioning groups. BMJ open, 7(2), p.e011745.

Carey, P., 2018. Data protection: a practical guide to UK and EU law. London: Oxford University Press, Inc..

Christie, H., Cree, V.E., Mullins, E. and Tett, L., 2018. ‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11), pp.1938-1948.

Davies, K., Curtin, M. and Robson, K., 2017. Impact of an international workplace learning placement on personal and professional development. Australian occupational therapy journal, 64(2), pp.121-128.

Earley, P., 2020. Surviving, thriving and reviving in leadership: The personal and professional development needs of educational leaders. Management in Education, p.0892020620919763.

Hill, K., Wittkowski, A., Hodgkinson, E., Bell, R. and Hare, D.J., 2016. Using the repertory grid technique to examine trainee clinical psychologists' construal of their personal and professional development. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 23(5), pp.425-437.

Hopkinson, C., 2016. Personal and professional development through reflective practice. Becoming a Nurse: Fundamentals of Professional Practice for Nursing, p.430.

Kaya, H., Işik, B., Şenyuva, E. and Kaya, N., 2017. Personal and professional values held by baccalaureate nursing students. Nursing Ethics, 24(6), pp.716-731.

Kroll, J.F. and Dussias, P.E., 2017. The benefits of multilingualism to the personal and professional development of residents of the US. Foreign language annals, 50(2), pp.248-259.

Ramia, E., Salameh, P., Btaiche, I.F. and Saad, A.H., 2016. Mapping and assessment of personal and professional development skills in a pharmacy curriculum. BMC medical education, 16(1), p.19.

Redley, M., Lancaster, I., Pitt, A., Holland, A., Thompson, A., Bradley, J.R., Glover, G., Thomson, K., Jones, S., Herbert, B. and Holme, A., 2019. “Reasonable adjustments” under the UK's Equality Act 2010: An enquiry into the care and treatment to patients with intellectual disabilities in acute hospital settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(6), pp.1412-1420.

Rowe, G., 2017. Personal and professional development. The Handbook for Nursing Associates and Assistant Practitioners, p.40.

Vetere, A. and Stratton, P., 2016. Interacting selves: Systemic solutions for personal and professional development in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Routledge.

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Appendix: CV

Personal profile

I try to get a better opportunity in the health and social care management where I am willing to improve my personal and professional skill continuously by working with others and managing the organisational values. I am a decent Decision-maker, indicating dynamic, I would like to handle new thoughts, agreeable, capable, critical thinking, solid cooperative person and I realise how to respond in crises circumstances. My time management and cooperative skill are effective in the health care management sector, where I am willing to support the residents and maximise their wellbeing in long run.

Working experience

Residential Care Home


To deliver 5 hours health and social care service

To review the patient’s care and their progress

To analyse the care plan of the residents

To support all the residents at the care home

To enhance internal communication to develop partnership working practice

To ensure empowerment of the residents in the care home

To include the family members at the care home

To observe medication and administration process for the residents

To maintain good environment

To manage time to deliver quality services

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Education & qualifications

Specialist Teaching and Learning

Health and Social Care learning

Other Diploma:

Basic Life Support / first aid at work training

Professional nursing course

Hard Skills:

Management of documentation

MS word and excel

Work place management skill

Knowledge about hospital software skill

Technical expertise

Soft Skills:

High interactive skill

Professional skill in nursing

Time management skill

Management skill

Problem solving skill

Critical analytical skill

Cooperative skill

Collaborative working skill

Other Skills:






Available on request

I ensure that, all the information above is true.

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