fumbled to recite the rhyme. He was looking towards the teacher and friends continuously around the class with suggestive eyes for a cue. During the situation, two other children started laughing at his inability to mention the rhyme that made him droop his head and avoid watching towards the teacher or others. The teacher was not looking towards H during his reciting but provided him with the cue after some time when he realised H would be unable to continue further without help, but by the time he expressed lack of interest in further mentioning the rhyme and started crying. The teacher mentioned him politely to relax and sit down. During the rest of the class that ended 15 minutes later, H’s face was sad, and he left the class in urgency as it ended without interacting with any of his friends.
children of 3-4 years of age are able to remember and sign shorter rhymes with steady rhythm. This is because children in the pre-school years express enhanced synaptogenesis which allows neuronal network in the brain to the sophisticated that support enhanced memory and learning process (Parrish, 2021). However, it is argued by Goswami and Bryant (2017), children of 3-4 years old show jumble of disorganized information and greater long-term conscious memory. Thus, in case of H, it can be determined that his failure to memories the rhyme in an effective manner is due to his disorganized thoughts and short-term memorisation ability. The condition is considered to be normal as at an early age remembering all key facts may be hindered due to the disorganised memorisation capabilities in children.
The presence of socio-emotional skills like self-confidence is important in children because it enables them to adapt to rule of compliance, involve in goal-oriented activity and create positive relationship with peers and teachers in the classroom (APA, 2021). The 3-4 years old children show confidence under positive circumstances but may lose it in negative situations. This is because by the age they have not developed strong emotional construct to easily accept failure or negative situation (healthychildren.org, 2021). The negative condition of failing to remember the rhyme and being mocked by the peers led H to lose confidence and cry. However, the confidence in him is to be developed for his better compliance in achieving goal-related activity.
The emotional outburst in children of 3-4 years is common because by the time they have started to feel emotions like frustration, embarrassment, fear, guilt and shame which makes them yell or cry or hit others in their way to overcome the situation (healthychildren.org, 2021). Thus, in case of H, his feeling of frustration and embarrassment from failing to recite the rhyme and being mocked by his friends in the class who laughed at his failure led him to cry and remain sad. Thus, it can be seen that H is showing effective emotional development as per his age. H was seen to leave the class without interacting with others and express sad mood as deduced from his behaviour. The low mood in children of 3-4 years is concerned action as it would act as barrier towards their success in further improvement of cognitive and emotional ability. This is because low mood makes the children develop low self-esteem regarding themselves which impact to make them disinterested in further executing action out of fear of further embarrassment and shame to be faced due to their action (APA, 2021). Thus, the sad mood of H is to be improved as it is a concerned emotion that may make him develop low self-esteem that would lead him to avoid further confidence in reciting rhyme in future. This would hinder his cognitive development as fear of failure and sadness would make him avoid showing interest in further learning required for cognitive improvement.
The further action to be made for H to improve his emotional condition is to inform him the way his current failure to memorise would be improved with better participation in class which he is currently avoiding. He is also to be informed way to ignore mocking from others and concentrate on achieving personal goals. The educator in the class require to give H more attention to make him feel supported and boosted to improve further as well as regain confidence. The educator for H requires to maintain direct eye contact with him during further class session and avoid ignoring him in further studies. This is because direct eye contact with the children make them feel being valued and listened to by the teacher which boosts their confidence to memorise and explain things more appropriately to please the educators (Gerwin et al., 2019). In case of failing to remember any text, the teacher for H is required to be more supportive and provide early cues so that children like H do not feel disappointed of failing to accomplish action asked of them to be completed. Moreover, effective communication with the children by the teacher is to be made separately after their failure to support and inform them the way they can further improve their cognitive and emotional development to excel. This is important as it would boost the children to overcome their failure and show increased engagement in studies out of being valued (Rowe et al., 2019). In addition, H is to be supported to learn way to control his emotion such as crying during failure and others to develop better emotional control. In this aspect, H is to be educated about the skills to remain calm and control emotion in stressful conditions.
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APA, 2021, Your Child’s Development: 3 Years, Available at: https://www.apa.org/act/resources/fact-sheets/development-5-years [Accessed on: 5 November, 2021]
Gerwin, K., Brosseau-Lapré, F., Brown, B., Christ, S. and Weber, C., 2019. Rhyme production strategies distinguish stuttering recovery and persistence. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(9), pp.3302-3319.
Goswami, U. and Bryant, P., 2017. Rhyme, analogy, and children’s reading. In Reading acquisition (pp. 49-63). Routledge.
healthychildren.org 2021, Developmental Milestones: 3 to 4 Year Olds, Available at: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/preschool/Pages/Developmental-Milestones-3-to-4-Year-Olds.aspx [Accessed on: 5 November, 2021]
Parrish, B., 2021, Your Child’s Development: 3 Years, Available at: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/development-3yrs.html [Accessed on: 5 November, 2021]
Read, K. and Quirke, J., 2018. Rhyme and word placement in storybooks support high-level verb mapping in 3-to 5-year-olds. Frontiers in psychology, 9, p.889.
Rowe, A., Titterington, J., Holmes, J., Henry, L. and Taggart, L., 2019. Interventions targeting working memory in 4–11 year olds within their everyday contexts: A systematic review. Developmental Review, 52, pp.1-23.
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