Unborn children have an impact on their families and communities. Pregnant women may need to alter their diet and lifestyle to receive enough rest and restorative sleep as their pregnancy progresses. According to Ali and Frederickson (2011), it is common for new parents to experience significant changes in their sleep and eating habits and their social engagement with other people after the birth of a child. It is also important to note that their family and the surrounding surroundings impact the baby's feeding and sleeping routines. Early detection of developmental delays and neglect can have long-lasting impacts on a child's behaviour and mental development, so it is essential to identify issues as soon as possible. According to Shildrick and Rucell (2015), an early diagnosis of a child's disability or particular needs and appropriate intervention and support for families and their children is essential. Social Mobility Commission studies show that public policy can impact parenting behaviour and lead to positive outcomes for children, but there is currently scarce evidence on what works. Shildrick and Rucell (2015) reveal that many studies show that parents have the most significant impact on their children's well-being, health, and productivity in adulthood. The consistency in parenting throughout childhood and adolescence is just as substantial as the importance of parenting in the first decade of life. An authoritative parenting style (e.g., high warmth and responsiveness paired with reasonable control) is essential in fostering children's socio-emotional health. Moreover, children’s positive development is primarily influenced by their parents' parenting quality. Parents who belong to socially excluded groups or face particular challenges in their parenting roles have long been recognized as having special needs. There are also various regulations and initiatives that help parents and the government to raise children. Early intervention and assistance can positively impact a child's health, social, and cognitive development. It improves the capacity of the entire family to support their children effectively and strengthens the family's ability to support their children effectively. Therefore, this study will explore why parenting focuses on government policy and the role governments play in providing support for parenting. For those interested in healthcare dissertation help, exploring these aspects can provide valuable insights into policy implications and support systems.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children are entitled to their own legal identities and interests, so parenting is becoming a focus of government policy. Children have separate legal identities and interests that should be protected from those of their parents (Lock & Fraser, 2013). The 194 countries that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child demand that states protect children. They have the same rights and privileges as everyone else under the law. Among the most comprehensive treaties addressing children's rights is UNCRC, which states in Article 1 that "any human being under the age of eighteen, unless majority is acquired earlier by the legislation applicable to the child," and which has prompted numerous policy papers, academic publications, and other efforts to address children's wellbeing. Moreover, governing bodies are required to care about children and parenting due to internal policies such as the Children Act of 2004. The Children Bill was introduced in the House of Lords on March 3rd, 2004, and received royal assent on November 15th, 2004 (Lock & Fraser, 2013). To better serve children, youth, and families, the Act developed a legislative framework. The Act's primary goal is to ensure the wellbeing of children. Besides, children's Trusts are included as well under the Act's purview. It is also worth noting that the Every Child Matters green paper, which is only applicable in England, has ignited a national debate about children's services. A wide range of stakeholders participated in the consultation process, including children and young people themselves. Non-legislative proposals in the green paper to improve children's wellbeing were summarized in this document, outlining the first steps being taken to put them into action. But criticizing current policies, the authors of Riesch et al. (2012) argue that there is a lack of focus on the current state of motherhood, regardless of the guidelines. However, irrespective of the criticism, the government is promoting the wellbeing of children and promoting parenting as per the United Nations convention requirements.
Because children's wellbeing affects not only them and their families but also society, government policy places a high priority on parenting. Children who thrive in their early years are more likely to become productive citizens who contribute to a vibrant economy and democratic participation. Long-term benefits accrue to society as a whole when an investment is made in the health and wellbeing of a kid. Parenting and the parent-child connection in the United Kingdom are the focus of research conducted in England, Wales, and Scotland (Helve et al., 2007). Government officials are concerned because they know that young people play a crucial role in developing their economy, politics, and society. This means that the government should prioritize investments in job opportunities for young people near working-age. In addition, youth groups and small and medium-sized businesses allow young people to put their education and community service skills to use in the UK's economic development. For example, the UK is currently short 1.2 million workers, and job openings are expected to reach their peak in late 2021, with only 1.3 people per opening (Backus & Driffill, 2021). Because of this, the government is pressing for policy changes that will help boost development and prepare for the future. In addition, the government is concerned about guaranteeing the financial sustainability of families, and the treasury is taking an unprecedented lead in supporting child and family welfare. On the one hand, it is a policy that has raised parents' expectations of financial assistance while also reaffirming their financial responsibilities. However, the government role in promoting parenting wellbeing has been criticized. The government's attempts to improve the well-being of children and their families, Henricson (2003) claims that child poverty is a scar on Britain's soul. It is unacceptable that millions of youngsters begin their lives in households without a breadwinner or suffer from malnutrition and lack of access to adequate housing and healthcare. A new analysis shows that the situation for young people in the United Kingdom is catastrophic. Young people are more likely to be out of employment and labour in low-paying jobs than individuals of any age. National minimum wage standards can legally discriminate against young workers since they can be paid less for doing the same job as someone over the age of 24, which is allowed by law. Because the wellbeing of children impacts not only them and their families but the entire society, the government is concerned about them. Moreover, the Children Act of 1989 establishes the legal foundation for protecting children in the United Kingdom. Children's wellbeing is the Act's most important premise, outlined in detail in the statute. An action plan for children's safety and wellbeing lays out the steps that need to be taken when they need to be taken and by whom (including family members).
When it comes to raising their children, parents do not always have all the information they need. For some reason, they do not always see the link between positive childhood experiences and later success in life (Goodhart, 2017). Those parents who cannot afford daycare but yet care about their children's wellbeing risk missing out on this opportunity. This has led to an increased focus on parental education and the provision of resources to help parents do a better job. According to a large body of data conducted by Katz et al. (2010), parents have the most significant impact on their children's wellbeing and productivity as adults. An authoritative parenting style (e.g., high warmth and responsiveness paired with reasonable control) is essential in fostering children's socio-emotional health. According to studies on resilience in high-risk environments, children's positive development is primarily influenced by their parents' parenting quality. Parents' responsibilities and parenting approaches have also gotten a lot of attention in the UK during the last decade, both from the general public and policymakers. Until recently, most people thought of parenting as a private matter, with the government only becoming involved when parents did not meet the most basic requirements or mistreated their children (Goodhart, 2017). Unfortunately, many parents fail to make sacrifices for their children, no matter how crucial parenting is. Families with limited resources must choose between investing in the family business, purchasing clothing, or sending their children to school or the doctor. It may be necessary to put the wellbeing of a young child ahead of urgent needs to reap the benefits of that child's maturity, whether in terms of professional aptitude or health. Children's experiences in their homes, childcare facilities, schools, and society as a whole have been shaped by legislation as a result. Children's lives and the cultures in which they live will benefit for years to come if these experiences can be improved. According to Cooper (2021), there is an ideological division between those who feel that children are a public good and those who believe they are primarily a private good. Although parents' roles are recognized, and programs are effective, many people regard government involvement in parenting and the implementation of related programs as an invasion of privacy and a threat to personal liberty. There is philosophical antagonism to parenting policy in the conflict between aims for female labour supply, gender equality, and the value of nonmarket labour in child care. However, because of the government's commitment to encouraging parenting and parenting competence, parenting is a focus of government policy.
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In addition, government policy focuses on parenting because parents do not always have the resources to invest in their children. Take a look at medical procedures. Cataract surgery may be necessary for a child's proper development if they have the condition. For example, a successful procedure could save the child's eyesight and decrease his mental health and productivity later in life. To pay for such a procedure, the child's family must either have money on hand or borrow it. Unfortunately, approximately 14 million people in the UK were living below the poverty line in 2018, according to the Joseph Rountree Foundation and Longhurst and Hargreaves (2019). There were 8.2 million working-age people, 4.1 million children, and 1.9 million pensioners. In addition, 49% of children in single-parent households live in poverty. The study also reveals that lone parents are more likely to be poor due to the lack of a second income source, low rates of maintenance payments, disparities in work and pay between men and women, and high childcare costs. Black and other minority ethnic children are more likely to be impoverished than their white peers: 46 per cent of Black and minority ethnic youngsters are now destitute compared to White British children. According to Heath et al. (2019), each of the 150 local authorities in England received government funding to implement successful parenting programs under the Parenting Early Intervention Program (PEIP). In addition to reducing socioeconomic disparity, parenting initiatives can help. Through training, parents can learn how to manage better their families and children's social, behavioural, and cognitive development. As part of the government's plan to support parents, health visitors, and children's centres with a minimal expectation of having access to at least one designated health visitor are crucial components. Local governments routinely commission parenting programs through Sure Start children's centres, which have played an essential role. On the other hand, scholars have criticized children's wellbeing. According to Heath et al. (2019), the UK government's proposal to improve parenting support services has been put on hold to make matters worse. With no further information accessible, the most recent voucher-based effort for universal parenting classes is still in limbo. In the form of digital services offered to parents-to-be and new moms and dads, who are urged to sign up for emails, videos, and messages providing advice based on the phases of pregnancy or the kid's age, there is some universal parental aid. It has been shown that public policy can influence parenting patterns and other factors that impact children's wellbeing, despite some criticism. As a public health issue, the United Kingdom is moving toward universal parental support. Programs that include home visits and support for groups of parents tend to be wildly successful.
The government promotes financial assistance and job creation due to inadequate benefits, a lack of child care, a lack of education, and poor pay for women. Many factors contribute to the rise in drug abuse and criminality, including poverty and a lack of social support and community. A lot of stress is placed on families and their children due to these challenges. On the one hand, low-income growth and total economic growth have a one-to-one link (Lock & Fraser, 2013). Contrarily, it is expected that growth from many sources will have an uneven effect on those who live in poverty, and this disparity will deepen, harming family life and relationships. When a mother takes time off work to give birth to or adopt a child, this is known as maternity leave. Prenatal care is a legitimate reason for mothers to take time off work. There are various options available, including medical appointments and workshops for parents-to-be. An eligible father can take time off from work to spend time with his new child and help the mother financially (Lock & Fraser, 2013). A single week of paternity leave can be taken in a row or spread out over two weeks. Parents can benefit from flexible work schedules that allow them to balance work and family life. As a parent, you may prefer to work only part-time or only on certain days of the week. Companies may adopt flexible working hours to meet their customers' increasing demand for after-hours services. Many companies allow employees to work flexible hours, but it depends on their management and policy. The government prioritize working with flexibility and returning to work or starting new acceptable work after maternity leave, thus promoting parenting and financial freedom at the same time.
Also, the government promotes children's education and care. There are a lot of activities that can help young children learn, including singing, nursing, and playing number games. Reading and talking to them and engaging in other activities such as playing games with them will also help them learn. Best practices in early childhood education and care must be documented if they are to be supported. Because of this, it is no surprise that providers and their personnel get along well with the parents and professionals to whom their children are given (Helve & Bynner, 2007). Educators have a responsibility to offer a safe and productive learning environment for students who are at risk of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Having a child with special needs or a disability can place additional demands on a family's resources and create new requirements, such as the cost of providing specialized care and education for the child and gaining access to community resources like child care transportation and recreational activities. The following are some options for child care and education: Early childhood education and other services are sometimes integrated into day nurseries, which provide care for children ranging in age from birth to the age of four or five. For children under the age of five, pre-schools and playgroups provide a safe place for them to play and an opportunity for early education (Helve & Bynner, 2007). Children's clubs, also referred to as after-school programs, offer a pleasant and safe environment for children ages four to twelve to play and learn outside of the regular school day. Treatment and care procedures Preventative and curative care is delivered by trained medical professionals using advanced technology (Doctors, nurses, psychologists, etc.). The initial step in the support program is the treatment of physical impairments in both parents and children by a specialized team. Additionally, the pre-and post-natal phases necessitate the utmost care and attention. Increasingly, professionals are working not just with children but also with their parents and siblings. They can't spend the quality time they need with their children and engage in educational programs because of their disabilities, long-term health conditions, learning difficulties, or mental health issues. It is common knowledge that emotional instability and academic challenges can be addressed effectively within a family.
Children's health, social and cognitive development can be improved with early intervention and assistance. It increases the family's ability to support their children effectively and enhances the outcomes for the entire family. Even while public policy can influence parenting behaviour and lead to better outcomes for children, a new study from the Social Mobility Commission shows that there is currently a lack of evidence on what works. In light of the fact that children are guaranteed their own legal identities and interests under the United Nations Convention on the Child's Rights, government policy is increasingly centred on parenting. Children should be shielded from the law's parents' rights and interests. Government policy places a strong priority on parenting because children's well-being affects them and their families and society. More productive individuals who contribute to a vibrant economy and democratic participation are born when children thrive in their early years. When it comes to raising their children, parents don't always have all the information they need to make the best decisions for their children. They don't always perceive the connection between having a happy upbringing and later success in life. Because parents may not always have the resources to invest in their children's futures, government policy focuses on parenting. Because of inadequate benefits, childcare shortages, educational gaps, and low pay for women, the government actively encourages the creation of new jobs and financial aid programs. The government also promotes education and care for children. Singing, nursing, and playing numerical games are just some things that can help young children learn. As a result, children should not be nurtured only by their parents. A mother and father should not bear the sole responsibility of raising a child. In addition to parents and other primary caregivers, educators and the government play an important role in shaping children's life experiences at home, in daycare, at school, and in society at large.
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Ali, S. and Frederickson, N., 2011. The parenting dimensions of British Pakistani and White mothers of primary school children. Infant and Child Development, 20(3), pp.313-329.
Backus, D. and Driffill, J., 2021. Policy Credibility and Unemployment in the UK. In Advances in Monetary Economics (pp. 3-16). Routledge.
Cooper, K., 2021. Are poor parents poor parents? The relationship between poverty and parenting among mothers in the UK. Sociology, 55(2), pp.349-383.
Goodhart, D., 2017. The road to somewhere: The populist revolt and the future of politics. Oxford University Press.
Heath, J., Williamson, H., Williams, L. and Harcourt, D., 2019. Supporting children with burns: developing a UK parent-focused peer-informed website to support families of burn-injured children. Patient education and counseling, 102(9), pp.1730-1735.
Helve, H., & Bynner, J. (Eds.). (2007). Youth and social capital. London: Tufnell Press.
Henricson, C., 2003. Government and parenting: Is there a case for a policy review and a parents' code?. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Katz, I., Levine Coley, R., McDermott, S., McPherran, C. and Yaya, I., 2010. A policy framework for parenting: Final report. Report for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Retrieved February, 27, p.2019.
Lock, R. and Fraser, N., 2013. Coventry safeguarding children board serious case review re Daniel Pelka: overview report. Coventry LSCB.
Longhurst, N. and Hargreaves, T., 2019. Emotions and fuel poverty: The lived experience of social housing tenants in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science, 56, p.101207.
Riesch, S.K., Brown, R.L., Anderson, L.S., Wang, K., Canty-Mitchell, J. and Johnson, D.L., 2012. Strengthening Families Program (10-14) effects on the family environment. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(3), pp.340-376.
Shildrick, T. and Rucell, J., 2015. Sociological perspectives on poverty. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.s
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