Rationale Of International Remuneration Management

Executive Summary

Within the previous decade, from a particular academic perspective, it could be understood that the empirical studies have brought forth the evidences regarding the management of corporate social obligations related activities involving the multinational organisations and their national affiliates. These responsibilities have been indicative of the strategic and legal requirements which could be considered to be associated with the execution of corporate undertakings at the global scenarios. The necessity for the organisations to operate efficaciously in these perspectives is critical from a utilitarian standpoint. In this context, the corresponding study paper would be concentrating upon the delineation of the multiplicity of the organisational requirements, imperatives and obligations of legal nature as well as procedural duties concerning the functioning of global reporting management and associated formulation of functioning structures. The review would be associated with three specific nations with special focus on the utilisation of a combination of differential software operated payroll management solutions. The incorporation of the evaluation and reflection on an extensive range of obligations of cultural and strategic nature would be undertaken involving the predefined number of nations. The issues pervading the composition of a centralised and unified reporting structure would be identified and the associated elements of data collation through multiple sources and utilisation of differential frameworks for information preservation would be analysed as well. For students seeking data analysis dissertation help, these insights into payroll management and data collation processes can provide valuable academic perspectives.


From an academic perspective, the primary rationale of international remuneration management is directly reflective of the necessities of achievement the most coveted business objectives concerning corporate private investments into differential business disciplines. This entails careful management of available human resources from a critical business perspective in context to the global corporate operational requirement scenario. Such a scenario generally straddles global geographical boundaries. In this context, the corresponding study would be deliberate regarding evaluation of the processes of Globalisation and the associated practices of international remuneration provisioning to organisational human resources from multiple perspectives. It is, thus, necessary to outline at the onset of the study that the process of Globalisation is primarily indicative of the impacts of the regional and national economies on various societies throughout the world.


Part 1:

The underlying aspects in this context could be outlined to be the global trade and communication networks, the transportation and foreign direct investment networks which fosters international flow of growth and investment capital. This is of particular significance for the study since this flow of capital is the core determinant of the investment scenarios of different global corporate organisations at various national regions, which, in turn, contribute to the development of multiplicity of corporate areas of activities including those with the cultural, media related, technology associated and political dimensions. Thus, the resultant investment scenarios could determine the prospects of relocation of the organisational human resources to overseas flashpoints of responsibilities and this brings into focus the significance of management of international remunerations in the measure of monetary compensation for relocated or reassigned employees to overseas destinations by the employer organisation. To this effect, it could be observed that diversified levels of activities are associated with multinational organisations concerning differential geographic territories. The perspectives of international compensatory remuneration are also congruent upon the factors such as the measure of involvement of the respective organisations within the particular geographical regions or the direct association which could be fostered amongst the multinational organisations and the host nations. Certain situational contingencies, which could be either global or regional in nature, generally influence the overall operational engagement and the associated environment of business in the globalised context and these are critically important in outlining the multifarious management criteria regarding the international remuneration practices.

As per the research of International Labour Organisation (2004), surveys conducted by globally reputed HR consulting organisations such as Watson Wyatt Worldwide as well as the associations for global compensation of international expatriate professionals such as WorldatWork, have outlined the finding that multinational organisations with centralised reporting and remuneration structures could generate greater levels of effectiveness in comparison with those of the organisations which operate through decentralised reporting and international remuneration structures. In this respect, according to Stoner et al. (1992, p.14), the various issues which generally pervade the formulation of such a centralised reporting system concerning remittance of international remuneration, could be broadly categorised into three distinct segments. The first one could be comprehended as the structures and associated strategy which could be employed to formulate such a centralised system. The second one could be ascertained as the specific procedures and tools of any centralised reporting structure which could be applied in this context with special attention towards the different implications which could be associated with the geographically varied regions. The third segment could be considered as the targets of remuneration compensations and the methods through which the remission could be performed. This is of particular importance since this highlights the practical complications associated with the formulation of the centralised information sharing and reporting framework. The intent which underscores the evaluation of such a process could be acknowledged from the perspective of the realisation that centralised international remuneration reporting frameworks could assist any global multinational business organisation to achieve qualitative and operational differentiation from the existing competitors as well as these could enable the respective organisation to promote the effective internal consistency of operations regarding shifting of strategic business engagement from one country to the other. The ultimate objective, however, is to drive performance and growth. In this context, the study would be performing the evaluation of this framework through an approach which would take into consideration the conditions observed in three different countries, namely the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States of America.

In this respect, as per the observations of Gelfand et al. (2007, p.26)., the determination of the most effective manner through which respective global organisations could undertake supervision of the development of the designs and implementation of the plans of global remuneration structures, is fundamentally incumbent upon the organisational operational perspective which could be materialised through an encompassing perspective of centralised reporting mechanism formulation. From the perspectives of the employees, the primary issue in the establishment of such a centralised reporting mechanism could be specified as constitution of sustainable links between rewards and performances. Accurate evaluation of payment and benefit structure, on part of the employees and expatriate working personnel, is another of the challenges in this regard. (Bartlett, 1998).

Issues in creating a centralized reporting

According to Linkilaw (2017), the four primary issues could be comprehended as acquisition of data regarding reliability of transfer mechanism of the monetary amounts, validation of data regarding the exposure of either the respective company or the employee to currency risks, the assessment of the legal and regulation compliance related issues which could be country specific and finally the incurrence of prohibitive costs regarding the consolidation of accounts and reports generation (Dicken, 1998, p.67). In this context, the specific instance of any organisation operating at the United Kingdom could be observed. Any hypothetical UK based multinational engineering organisation, operating on long term construction project undertakings at multiple countries, could send the consultants and other expatriate personnel from the UK based headquarters on overseas assignments. The issues which it could face could be extensive regarding formulation of a credible reporting framework. The initial one is the necessity to account for every undertaking in the respective local currency where the data generated for the reports would have to be accurate enough to take into consideration the consistent variations in the national currency exchange rates, however, the organisation has to pay the employees sent overseas in the pre-determined UK wages including the adjustment of miscellaneous expenses and living expenditures. Such extended expenses generally are subjected to the variations in norms in between different countries regarding the taxation regulations. For the hypothetical construction organisation at UK, the centralised reporting framework would have to take into consideration the multiple sources of data from which the necessary collation of the required information would have to be summarised. According to Osland et al, (2006, p.17), the several sources of information which, would have to be managed by the centralised reporting system, could be collectively envisaged as Foundation Objects, in the management parlance. In this respect, regarding UK based conditions, the most intractable issue could be observed to be that of the inadequacy of application of any hierarchy based order of such a reporting structure. On the contrary, the central reporting structure needs to be comprised off a set of different sources and objects in terms of the operations management culture prevalent at the United Kingdom. The issues could be elaborated as the following:

  1. Pay Component source data structuring difficulties regarding assessment of the value determination (whether pre-defined or fixed) and frequency of payment.
  2. Pay Component Group information (Grouping of employees of similar payment denomination, compensation annualisation data, performance of range penetration calculations and Comparison Ratios, standardisation of salary annualisation).
  3. Employee Pay Grade data (Job classification holder compensation grade for overseas assignments and postings)
  4. Employee Pay Range variable information (including the ranges of maximum, mid-points and maximum salaries)
  5. Data concerning the remission schedule.
  6. Pay Calendar maintenance and observation of the amended schedules (Number of payments, issuing dates of cheques, on and off cycles related data of the payment periods, types of processing IDs and run times, Payment group to which the payment period could be associated)
  7. Information regarding Frequency of remuneration remittance on the individual as well as on the group basis.
  8. Difficulties concerning Payroll taxation management on the basis of vagueness of data related to duties and accountability and the required compliances in this context.
  9. Legal issue

  10. The requirements concerning information (for the use in central reporting mechanism) on legal regulations of determination of accurate payment extents, on the deduction amounts and types of deductions, on the formats and methods through which the payments could be made.
  11. Requirements to adhere to information and knowledge treatment concerning the utilisation of employee specific data.

In terms of operating at the corporate administrative context at the USA, centralised reporting on remuneration could be hampered by issues such as inadequacy of procedures in considering the multidimensional aspects regarding wage determination of the accurate wages and commissions, retirement plan based remittance, disability related remittance and data assessment regarding the employee stock option related ownership plans.

Apart from these, a specific issue related to ensuring centralised reporting framework formulation concerning the international remuneration remittance performance could be identified, as per the research of Gelfand, et al. (2007)., to be the execution of payroll timetables, by the multinational organisations operating from their central headquarters situated at the United States of America. This could be a definite observation since the timetables in the countries where the remuneration has to be remitted, could be markedly different from that of the USA. In this respect, the issues concerning any hypothetical organisation situated at USA, as has been observed by Hofstede (2001), could be as the following:

  1. Data collation concerning the multiplicity of types of the payroll to which the employees could be entitled to.
  2. Ensuring the accuracy of data regarding the multiplicity of payroll groups.
  3. Determination of the payroll areas concerning the employees of different designations.
  4. Collection of data to successfully asses the payroll grades.
  5. Payroll scale outlining through timely updating the existing data concerning the possible designation changes of the employees, including that of incurrence of any promotion.

Legal issue

According to Bannon et al. (2003), residence rules, report recurrence and consistent necessity to management the varieties in state specific rules and legal regulations are some of the issues which centralised reporting structures have to contend with in the USA. The distinction between the non-residents and residents is indicative of the most intractable issue regarding management of different levels of intricacy while formulating centralised remuneration reporting mechanisms.

Apart from these, other specific issues concerning the USA based companies, regarding the development of the most effective centralised reporting structure, could be comprehended as the probable shortcomings in measuring of administrative costs since these vary given the differential operating costs which have a high propensity of getting incurred, inaccuracy in the consolidation of the state specific reports, dearth of proper data collation resources concerning the assessment of fluid situations and conditional variations such as currency exposure risks and finally, inappropriate communication amongst the cross border operational teams in gauging the overhead costs as well as the paucity in development of proper Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) to ascertain the hedging criteria to build monetary buffers for financial contingencies.

In terms of the conditions which the companies could encounter while having to constitute effective centralised reporting systems for remuneration remittance for employees working at Japan, are indicative of the following issues:

  1. Difficulties in determination of the most effective and streamlined configuration systems to report payroll management throughout every jurisdiction.
  2. Barriers in the forms of data survey sources to report total remuneration compensation oversight (including base payments, bonuses, cost to company assessment, health benefits and development allowances).
  3. Utilisation of multiple source files regarding analysis of individual employee payroll accounting criteria which could also contribute to the costs in exchange rate management.
  4. Legal issue

  5. Improper information or insight regarding the National Language Laws of Japan where a particular linguistic mode could be only permitted and this could override the utilisation of English as the official language of reportage systems. This is an issue which could be related to cultural format differences regarding
  6. Improper resources concerning the observing of Data Ownership rules (involving the difficulties of management of time and resources concerning research performance on the market as well as on the Japanese administrative regulations and legal compliance measures which could accompany such contexts of specifically owning the data of employees of any organisation by the employer).
  7. Cultural issue

  8. Difficulties in communication associated with the course correction and process adjustment implementation regarding the reporting structure. This could be better outlined as inflexibility of assessment of information derived from Japanese affiliates of the different multinational organisations which could leave out the new hoops regarding scale considerations.

Part 2

Concerning the issues regarding information reportage of organisational staff who could be transferred to overseas territories for cross border employment, (Dicken 1998, p.6) has outlined that observance of the right of employees, including that of data managements, is critical. The focus has to be on the facilitation of employees through sufficient assistance provision to the employees to achieve working conditions after cross border relocation scenarios. According to International Labour Organisation (2004), The International Assignment Policy directives are at the core of such considerations concerning the prevention of monetary deprivations or overshoot of overhead costs including those associated with hire/relocation costs, employment costs and legislative reporting requirements.

Cross border employment issues of employee report provisioning

The cross border employment arrangements are subjected to fulfilment of certain hallmarks concerning formulation of the organisation centralised reporting structure. According to Earley et al. (2003, p.93), these hallmarks are as the following:

  1. Occurrence standardisation of advisory remuneration concerning the expenditure arrangements as well as non-disclosure clause fulfilment.
  2. Considerations associated with loss-refresher models and employee income requalification involving circular transactions and differential taxation types. This is especially significant regarding the process of fund round tripping.
  3. Issues of accurate report generation concerning scenarios of deductible payments at the individual employee levels which could be non-taxable at the existing rates in comparison with other employees who could have been placed at cross-border assignments. This could be further elaborated as involving double-dip scenarios as well as mismatches of valuations and other issue such determination of payments to employees within differential taxation environments.
  4. Determination of the appropriate arrangements concerning the reporting of employee account related financial information which could be vital in respect to the ownership structures which could be non-transparent in nature.
  5. Representation of accurate information regarding transfer pricing variables (Dicken 1998, p.24).

Hire / Relocation costs:

The incurrence of hiring or relocation costs is primarily related to training, development and orientation of the employees while on cross-border assignment responsibilities. Relocation costs are exponentially difficult to handle regarding compensation provisioning, depending upon the implications of accepting foreign reassignments. The issues concerning the generation of accurate reportage in this respect involve the estimation of retirement benefits, taxation management concerning the administrative legal compliance in the assigned national territory (this includes the waiver obtainment application reporting concerning the service provisioning through temporary establishments where the assigned, non-resident employee in the foreign country could apply for any waiver for tax deduction amount), reporting of obligations and reporting of transfer pricing while Permanent Establishments or subsidiary services could be involved (Morrison 2002, p.19).

Other reporting issues concerning hiring or relocation costs could be identified as the information representation concerning establishment contingent working services and restriction management in terms of the imposition of certain terms and conditions regarding the duties of the employees while having to perform cross border corporate duties. This could include the deferred compensation and modified pension arrangements. Finally, the issue of reporting the personal information for organisation specific international employment outsourcing solutions so that the remuneration remittance could be performed through organisational legal entities, circumventing local compliances and regulations regarding tax withholding and payment of social security services, is also critical in this perspective (Francesco 2005. P.72).

Employment cost:

The development of reporting structure to represent employee personal information concerning the monitoring of the employment costs reflects the necessity, on the organisational level, to manage non-wage based costs concerning relocation of employees to overseas locations for cross border corporate operations. The involved criteria in this respect, could be understood to be the following:

  1. Information necessity for direct and indirect labour cost representation
  2. Estimation requirements regarding payroll based taxes on individual employee basis.
  3. Fringe benefits for relocated employees.
  4. Insurance benefits.
  5. Data concerning the supply and office expenses management.
  6. Information regarding cost depreciation calculation.

Monitoring of overhead costs is directly incumbent upon reporting of all of the above mentioned specifics regarding the management of such a cost structure. With the enhancement of the numbers of employees, associated costs such as those of insurance benefits and social security related expenditure(since such expenditures are quite often shouldered jointly by the employee and the employer) could as well experience increment and this requires modifications in the report structure of the personal information of employees in the according manner.

Legislative reporting requirements:

The framework and purpose of legislative reporting is primarily concerned with the representation of employees appointed on the cross border assignments for the purpose of representation of the employee information in the effective manner regarding the conditionalities associated with employment responsibilities. According to Business Roundtable (2018), the reporting requirements associated with the legislative responsibilities could be comprehended as the following:

  1. The assessment of the criteria regarding transferring the workers into the host country concerning the immigration services since different countries have different immigration legislative structures.
  2. The estimation of the compliance measure concerning the differential rules related to the imperative presence of the employer organisation into the host country.
  3. The standardisation criteria management regarding the workplace management legislative rules and the reporting structure has to be deliberative in providing the adequate information concerning the compliance of the employees with such existing laws and regulations in the host country.
  4. Finally, the estimation of the ratification standards of the existing legal agreements concerning the avoidance of double taxation situations and the eligibility criteria of the individual relocated employees to apply for double taxation weavers.


The initial recommendation could be outlined in the manner of standardisation of codes for collation of data from multiplicity of sources of information regarding different countries as well as to foster consistent reporting. Furthermore, consistent reviewing of the control structures through which the formulation of data collation and coding of differential information could be as well comprehended to be necessary. Weeding out the local linguistic and cultural impediments to effectively translate the existing financial and personal information of the relocated employees for the overall development of the reporting disciplines could as well be considered as important in this context.


The payment and employee benefit extents are core constituents in the international corporate operations based operational management at the concurrent era. Effective establishment of the linkages between the performance and rewards of the employees through maintenance of the most efficacious practices concerning payroll functioning is fundamental for employee motivation management. The challenges of payroll functioning and processing in the manner of divergence of multiplicity of practices in the international contexts, involving legislative and cultural differing perspectives, are required to be mitigated through diligent focusing on international remuneration structure improvement. In this context, the critical role on the compliance scenarios could be understood since the organisational commitments related to the SAE and ISO are vital in terms of standardisation and this could lead to the alleviation of risk propensities and exposures to such situations throughout the operational disciplines.

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  • International Labour Organsiation: 2004. A Fair Globalization; The role of the ILO
  • Linkilaw. (2017, March 21). The Importance Of A UK Employment Contract. Retrieved from https://linkilaw.com/blog/uk-employment-contract
  • Managing international or Global Remuneration Practice – Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4 (CIPP)
  • Morrison, J: (2002) The Business International Environment, Bath. Published by: The Bath Press.
  • Osland et al: 2006. Developing Global Leadership Capabilities and Global Mindset.: Published by: Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
  • Stoner, J & Freeman, R: 1992. Management. 5th Ed: Published by: Prentice Press

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