Risk Mitigation Techniques in Modern Security

Risk is highly relatable to the security issues available, though it had played a proper role in the applied security. A proper understanding of this risk and security issues can be made by the historical performances. A great example of this interrelation of risk and security can be analysed by Medieval France where most of the negative events took place. The desire of accessing those risks and mitigating those threats has improved the security practitioners while managing those risks. An improved understanding of the risk mitigating can be understood by the enhanced modern security practices. Moreover an improved security practices can be easily understood here in this case by the risk mitigation techniques available (Ortmeier, P.J., 2017). Proper review is required in this case because the U.S Transportation security are in the middle of implementing the security and this implementation will be effectring the millions of travellers as well as the transport system available. A number of examples are available so that this relationship among the risk and security can be determined easily. The tools or the resources for the risk management is defined in this study properly so that the enhanced practices can be applied in the industry. The security were seen to be involved in the visiting places, shirenes and exorcism, thus a clear evidence can be determined by these cases and the role of risk in informing the security practices to be involved here in this case (Riskandsecurity.com , 2019).


Risk is a term that varies from time and does provide a proper meaning for the scenario. In earlier times in its discovery, the risk had a limited meaning and could be said that it's meaning was out of human reach. Generally this term was introduced in the middle ages and its relation to the maritime venture can also be seen here. The meaning of risk had grown out of this insurance industry in the 17th century and was developing to include the analysis of statistics during the 19th century. The risk understanding has expanded further and thus a conventional meaning can be understood here in this case for risk (Fianyi, 2019). Thus risk can be said as the measure of evaluating the measure of any event and its impact on the organization when it occurs. An encompassing definition of security is also determined and a proper definition is security is a stable and predictable environment in which the individual or the group can be pursuing until its ends without any disruptions or without the fear of disturbances.

ASIS, an international leading global organization in the security fields offers security as the condition for being safeguard against the threat, risk or loss as a meaning (Paulussen, 2019). It can also be said that the security doesn't have a predetermined or fixed meaning but can be said as a promiscuous concept. The idea of this security aspect is broad and has a broad meaning in different aspects. It have a great application in the national security, crime, policing and terrorism and many oiher aspect. It has meaning in financial and job security but is being used in few. The distinct areas of this definition have been blurred due to the expansion of this word security. The term security does lack a multifaceted nature and generally does possess a specific context that becomes very easy to be defined in the case. A lack of consensus highlight do need organizational and academics to be clear regarding the scope and context for the consideration. The risks and security are not complete ; rather it is believed that the security can be informed by the utilisation of this risk value (Liu, X 2019). Risk management is generally performed here so that the central to the effective security system can be understood here clearly. The international organisation of standardisation which is formerly known as ISO can be analysed here easily for the risk management case and stated risk as coordinated activities that directly control the organization regarding the risk management procedure. Security risk management that can be defined as the next step of this case is the specific culture and the structure that are generally involved in providing the maximum of this security in the support of this security issue. Moreover it is also analysed here in this case that the risk is wualntificanle or not adn can be influencing security practices in the opening of the discussion. Mainly the risk asenet and the security aspects can be seen in this case of terrorism. This is the biggest risk to be involved in nowadays. The risk of terrorist act and security is a biggest requirement for removal of the terrorsim. Aviation or flights generally face these kinds of security issues and thus need to be solved easily for the safety of people (Sefcom.asu, 2020).

CPNI which is the center of protection for national infrastructure can be used in this case. It is generally the governmental authority and essential service and facilities are to be involved here easily in this case. Security planning is essential in these cases for enhancement of the security and mitigating the risk available. The identification of the threat is to be processed earlier than the security management in this case. Vulnerabilities such as people, physical assets, information regarding various processes are involved in this case. Security involved are the physical, personal and information security available in this case. Business community plan and a proper communication can be beneficial in the risk mitigating purpose here. Staff survey and proper feedback of them are also necessary in this aviation or working against the risk management process here.

The modernization is able to create a vast distinction in the risk analysis and are required to be understood that they are incapable of dealing with and maybe of the attempts available for securing the future. The absolute security cannot be secured in this case but is required to be followed so that it should not be strived for (Monahan, J., 2017). A much advancement in security and risk played a great role in the analysis of the target security resources available. Enterprise security risk management is being analysed by ASIS upto an extent of five year strategic plannings. The ESRM takes a holistic approach for the security for organiton in identifying and quantifying the risk available in the organization. Risk assessment is central in quantifying the risk and the extent to which these are available can be put to questionable use. A notion in which science can be quantifying and objectifying the risk assessment can be said to be free from the objective of this risk assessment. When translated into the risk assessment the practitioner is said to be making assessment of the risk available. Further proceeding one step there is an endemic basis within the field of analysis of the employment in security and risk (Chowdhury, A. and Raj, R., 2018). The risk assessment and security management can be said as the important part of thoise assessment related to the cognitive basis, perception, motivation and conflict of the interest that can be an influencing criteria in that case. Many of The risk assessment models are not acceptable and are required to be selected with care. Probabilistic risk can be available in enjoying the risk and its involvement such as risk attributed to terrortism, natural calamities, and many other situations for carrying out the information as the situation adapts. Risk can be defined as the modern by-product of controlling various of the efforts and efficacy that is questionable in this context of risk assessment. With the engagement of matrices can be easily seen in the risk analysis and this risk assessment can be a central and valued element in the risk management process here. Moreover this analysis has been utilised for the risk within the organization. The rudimentary risk matrix plots and the consequence of an event before its occurring can be analysed for the removal of risk (Nowrasteh, A., 2016). A criticism of “simplistic” approach to the risk assessment can be easily seen in this case that approaches the risk assessment procedure. In order to determine the risk score various of the tools and resources are being created that exist due to the mathematical and scientific approach. The choosing of practitioners that allocate the limited amount of resources available so that output can be analysed easily in this case. A short of condemning the security practices can be approached in this case easily. The risk management can not be more random than the research available and thus advises for more value to be added in this risk management procedure. Limitation of matrices can be easily evaluated in this case and thus argues for detailed risk assessment and clear definition for the risk management can be understood in this case easily. The output for the risk management can be demonstrated easily in this case. Moreover it can also be said that more research has been proceeded for this case of risk management and has added no value to this case (Khan, M.N 2018). It can be said as a little practical worth about the risk management and the improvement required in this risk evaluation.

In order to implement the security systems the first step is to analyse the threat vulnerabilities and the risk analysis involved in this case. Rather the risks related to human or technical aspects are being analyzed in this case and are also targeted for analysing the risk management to be applied here. A report of U.S.National research council describes the risk analysis by department of homeland security that :

It is not clear from the DHS that for development of methods and strategies the capability of defining the risk, that is enough for ensuring the risk analysis due to various natural resources or other risks (Andreadis, 2017). It is also clear that neither DHS nor their subsidiaries such as TSA were involved in utilising the risk management techniques and nor the risk based security methods. It can be said that the security based operations were established in the year 2011 while before the US senate TSA confirmed the TSA risk management strategies involved. TSA is based on the security purpose in the aviation sector and appears as if they had begun it as the key role in application of security management techniques (People.mathm 2020).

TSA have just begun to utilise the risk assessment technique so that the assertions can be understood as the correct method here in this case. Many of the attempts are being involved in this case, as an example of risk analysis is of commander commercials being declined in previous years. The tragic incident of 11 september 2001 can be a great example where risk management can be taken earlier and informed answers could have been taken. Moreover another example can be of the 9/11 incident in which the security improvement can be stated and can be said that the risk management can be introduced easily. The lack of consensus can be determined in this risk mitigation and inconsistent to the statement of risk management (Boholm, 2016). One of the statements is that the expression of a particular function in the future can be determined by the statistical outcomes that happened in lots of similar cases in the past.

Security measures are involved in this case from past few years because these were responsive in nature and many of the aviation were target for the terrorists. The security in flight was introduced after the incident of 9/11 and the repeat to this event could be affecting one for the people's decisions and the high consequence events. It can be unsurprising that the ICAO have chosen the hijacking for aviation and the flight doors were resisted so that any forcible instruction can be handled by them. The application of this directive is successful in resisting these intruders into the flight and could be effective in future attempts of such intruders. The current understanding of their risk has influenced the security practices but can be used in determining the causal relationship in this aviation sector. Risk and its management can be managed easily but can be an argument of controllability as can be seen over many of the events (Academia.edu, 2019).

An example can be seen here of face value for the case of 24 march 2015, where the fight of German wing travelling to Barcelona killed around 150 people. According to various off the research and finding it was concluded that it was a mistake of a co pilot. Moreover the denial of pilot entry in the deck was one of the incidents involved here in this case. An argument can be made from this scenario that the pilot merely undergoes various training and testing but still occurring of such incident can be a case of responsibility in the aviation and flights. Thus the risks and security management lacks in such cases. This scenario was termed as the balkck swan as the scenario was unpredictable and extremely unusual (Aradau, 2018). The statement was argued by many of the people and was suggested that the mental health of the pilot was tested earlier and thus this case was a result of failure of risk management in the aviation sector. The hijacking in 9/11 alone was a case in which 3000 people died while in such 6 incidents around 550 people were killed. According to many of the assumptions it can be said that such deaths are very rare in commercial flights. The decision of tolerating the risk of these pilot sucide can be analysed here as the as intentional or not an instance for treating the risk to the passengers available. Passenger hijacking can be said to be in the SRM terms depending on the relevant stakeholders available (Embrechts,2019). The proper understanding of risk have evolved in the were able to determine the enhancement in the risk management and this can be posing the arrogant argument related to the controllability terms.

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A proper conclusion can be made that the risk had improved in this era and quantifying the risk can be easily done by the help of various risk management tools. Arguments are available in which the risks are said to be not quantifiable and don't need any tool to be utilised in this scenario. Risk assessment are the popular tools but the arguments are available determining the worldwide aim in focusing the limited resources that are available (Lavu, 2018). Many arguments are also made that the tools have no relation to science or they are useless in certain cases. A risk based approach to security can be determined by the TSA. Aviation statistics can be seen to be improving since the past few years due to the risk mitigating procedure. Professional do include the security development procedures that resulted from the lessons learned and the target achieved sharing the risk mitigating can be introduced in this case easily. Moreover it can be said that the security practices have evolved by time and the enhancement in security practices can be understood here easily. TSA took risk based security in the successful management of threats and the risk involved in the different sectors. Moreover can be said that the predictive power of risk management islimite and thus are unsophisticated in such scenario (Library.educause, 2018).

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Reference list

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