Strategic Analysis of Royal Bam

Section 1

a) Company

Royal Bam organization is based on the construction services and real estate business. They are based on property development and construction services involved. It generally provides real value to the clients and works in such a manner to provide a long lasting manner in relation to innovation and expansion of business. BAM has a good history of implementing a variety of acquisitions and transforming the small scale into a big scale business. The adjusted tax for them is 2.1 percent for overall business. The tax result before the year 2018 can be seen to be of E128.3 million to E153 million (Lu, 2016). A safety margin performance was to be provided by them so that their business can grow easily. A sustainable value for the stakeholders was generated for clear and concise business. Several of the constructional activities and residential construction projects are to be maintained by BAM in recent past years.


Input and the output of the BAM are to be recognized so that their performance can be analyzed easily. The inputs are resources, employees, intellectual capital, suppliers and digital technology for the BAM organization. The output is the people involved based on their skills, enhancement and safe working environment. Those have a great impact in the organization and are motivated and healthy workforce and high profit and great balance sheet for the business. BAM had a good approach for creating the social value, environmental value and financial value (Balaguera-Antolínez, 2019). BAM unique culture is based on scalable learning, predictable performance, proactive ownership and open collaboration. They enhanced their value and became a lead in the worldwide organization.



Currently the company is running in loss and will be facing a huge threat in appreciation of prices of these raw materials.

The other threat can be of economic threat available. This impact can be present in a big way and most of the operations are centred to European market.


The fluctuation in the company's financial performance can be a great issue for them.

Losses in operating can be a huge restriction in new contracts in future.


Energy efficiency is one of the key objectives for the European units to achieve.

A high boost in revenue among India and Gulf states are available for the primary growth market (Pringle, 2019). Companies can focus on expanding their focus in these horizons for good market growth.


It is generally one of the biggest companies in the Netherlands and has a good command over other companies situated in the world.

The network is widespread among the offices and the clients are always close to the offices.

Varios of the reputational surveys are analyzed and scored a good number by them. Their uniform activities are an essential one for the uniform recognition of the group. BAM adopted building blocks for careful and consistent presentation.

A strong CSR value is presented by them so that minimum case satisfaction can be observed here.

A number of workers are available in the organization, more than 26000+ so that a successful completion of tasks can be performed here easily (, 2019).

b) Customers

Due to having the business established in worldwide BAM have the customers in different part opf the world also. BAM focuses on business to business, business to governmental and business to customers approach. BAM have a great approach for their client so that they can proceeded in an ethical way for their business. They do have a great decision making process so that they can reach to their customers easily. For sustainable and competitive advantage BAM have taken a proper steps regarding their business. Their engagement in business is a proper requirement for the growth and development (Gupta, A., 2019). A maximum value creation is being preceded by them so that business can be proceeded easily here in this case.

c) Competitors

BAM have folowing top competitor companies for the business and those are :

Bouygues SA



Volker Wessels

MR Crane

Many other companies are also involved as the prime competitors such as Energyproekt and CFE and many others. They are involved in E7 billion turnover process here.

d) Resources and capabilities

The human resources, employees, trainee, safety for the equipments and many others are involved for those resources. The construction and office waste could be valued of 17.9. The training and uniform approach are the necessary things involved here. The skills and talenets are renowned things available in the organization.

e) Collaborators

A number of collborators organization are available here those can be helpful in their business. They are generally involved in the public private partnership so that collaborative nature can be seen here easily (, 2020).

f) Climate/context

They have been awarded for their leadership and in CDP climate ranking. The innovative and collaborative method can be easily seen to be evaluated in this scenario easily. Sustainability strategy is presented in this case for the climatic changes here.

Section 2

a) A large number of political risk can be seen in this case that is necessary for the business of Royal Bam. They are involved in producing a positive impact for their business in this case. The financial statements are necessary for these political aspects for the Royal Bam.

b) A positive impact could be easily seen on the business and on the market strategy available here. The social impact is an essential one in this business of Royal Bam in this case. Three keys are available and responsible for the business of Royal bam in this case and those are climate positive, resource positive and positive people available.

c) There are different countries to which their business depends.

d) A strategy were formed for the enhancement of taxation methodology in the business in this case.

e) Currency fluctuations can be easily analyzed here so that business can get a proper phase here. These fluctuations have a slight impact in the business in this case (, 2018).

Section 3

a) A scalable learning is available in this case for the tenders and projects available. A proper predictable performance is present in this case for the good culture and ownership and challenges available. Belgium is the country where the proper business culture is to be presented. The culture and political uncertainties are one of the harmful one in this case in affecting the construction work of their business. The political and payment risk are to be evaluated here easily so that can be helpful in enhancement of the business here.

b) The organizational culture can be helpful in the creation and setting the goal and vision for the organization. This can be helpful in guiding the behavior and orientation for the business. These organizational culture are helpful in establishing the shared belief and values within the organization. Flexibility and adaptability to the organization is possible through this shared oganizational culture in this case. Characteristic stability and goal unification is provided by the organizational culture for Royal BAM here.

c) The managerial implications can be evaluated by these steps in an ethical manner. In this framework the culture, development of strategy, implementation and the final one is corporate performance. The step 1 could be seen as the tighter control over the implementation of those strategies available here. The step 2 is the reconstruction and the development of new strategy seen here. Step 3 is seen as the abandon of the paradigm and the adoption of new strategies for the development in Royal Bam in this case (, 2020, Bam).

d) Company’s corporate governance are supervisory board and executive board. Annual report and the company’s website publishing can be helpful in understanding this corporate governance. It involved the day to day looking after the company so that business can be enhanced easily here. Contract with members and various other remuneration packages are able to be determined in this corporate governance. Due to this corporate governance the short term and long term goal of business can be easily focused in this case. These boards are required to be having five numbers of members in them and international group can be easily maintained in this case here. Customer demand and approach for the sustainability can be easily seen here in this case. For this sustainable development the positive climate, positive resources and people are highly required eher for the business purpose.

e) Royal Bam is based on construction and civil business int he market. They are specialized at providing the infrastructure construction and public private partnership available. They also provide construction work for residential and non residential workes also. Thus they emphasizes on concession process of education, roads rails and many other constructions. Competitors and the advancement of strategy are being made and provided by them in this case. Baing upto date and providing the profitability for their organization is an essential part for their business in this case.

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f) The entry strategy for the Royal Bam was the revenue trend, profitability and the finacial position and efficiency ratios are required to be analyse and understood in this case. SWOT analysis is a require strategy that were formed in the beginning of this busienss so that could be helpful in their task (, 2019).

Reference list

Lu, W., Ye, M., Flanagan, R. and Ye, K., 2016. Corporate social responsibility disclosures in international construction business: trends and prospects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(1), p.04015053.

Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Kitaura, F.S., Pellejero-Ibáñez, M., Zhao, C. and Abel, T., 2019. BAM: bias assignment method to generate mock catalogues. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 483(1), pp.L58-L63.

Pringle, A., Hutka, S., Mom, J., van Esch, R., Heffernan, N. and Chen, P., 2019, June. Ethnographic study of a commercially available augmented reality HMD app for industry work instruction. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 389-397).

Gupta, A., 2019. Accelerating circularity in Built-environment through" Active-procurement": An aggregated assessment framework to make sustainable choices while using secondary material at early design phase.

Yusof, S.M., Aris, N.M. and Zaidi, N.S., 2018. Integration Level of Social Environmental Disclosure (SED) Between The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-Sustainability Reporting and The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Reporting Among European Companies. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 1(1).

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