The Art of Successful Teamwork

1.0 Characteristics of effective group work

Successful teamwork is the ability of a group to work together with a common vision and it allows the group of people to share the same objectives which are ambiguous and known to everyone. According to the study of Mark et al. there lie the differences between the team task-work and team-work. The task work is what the teams are doing and the teamwork is how they are implementing it with the help of each other (McEwan et al. 2017). The task-work involves the execution of core technical competencies for the given domain whereas according to the author the teamwork refers to as the number of interactive or interdependent behavioral process within the team members that are used to convert inputs of the team into outcomes like team member’s satisfaction, performance, and many others.


According to Bravo et al. 2019, one of the primary components of teamwork is cohesiveness. Team cohesiveness is defined as the characteristics that depend on learning satisfaction within teamwork and also the expected quality of output ( Bravo et al. 2019). The characteristics of an effective workgroup is been summarized as below

Clear or accurate direction: It is found that most of the organization is in that hurry that they select a group of people without even explaining the desired-outcomes and goals. The author Richard spoon in his book (Team Renaissance: The Art science and Politics of Great Teams(Old man River Publishing, 2013)), explains that it is impossible to assemble the right group of people or create an effective team without a clear sense of goal which needs to be accomplished by team member and how successful outcome can be gained.

Open as well as honest communication: Effective or optimal communication is one of the important factors for effective team-work. It can be said that any team communication is crucial like when the team of marketing specialists is created, and then they only get succeeded by sharing or communicating all the necessary information related to sales and work. Listening is an important part of communication as it also improves teamwork and dedication as the doubts are cleared and the other can paraphrase it in the future.

Time management: The effective team always considered time as the best asset for success. The team starts completing tasks until it is done within the deadline. Every member within the team prioritizes tasks and starts managing it within time to avoid obstacles.

Team Roles: According to quotes from Phil Jackson that "The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each member is the team". Thus defining the role of each team member within the early phase of the project helps in the clear implementation of tasks. Like in the profession of marketing specialist the leader divide works in which one look over sales, one finds the business leads or clients and another visit client to promote the service or products.

Characteristics of effective group work

Teamwork helps me and team members to research and write the assignment accurately. The task of each member in the group is divided into smaller parts that help us to get more time for the research in a particular area. Whenever any of our team members start facing issues related to the work then through open communication it is resolved which saves lots of time. The deadline is mentioned for each task like one who is responsible to collect resources for our assignment were asked to do within 2 to 3 days so that the writing can start as early as possible Now if anyone gets any details or information related to other member's topic then it is shared between them.

2.0 Retention strategy by organization

Retention is one of the primary tasks that are performed by the human resource department of an organization (Ghazizadeh and Amani, 2001). The retention is the ability of an organization to maintain the talented as well as skillful employees. It is been discussed by the author (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004), that higher productivity will be reached if the workforce works with more motivation and better peace of mind. Various talent management factors can be used by the organization to improve the retention rate like performance management, Employee Health factors, and intrinsic rewards (Kohestany and Yaghoubi, 2017). There are many ways or method which can be used as the retention strategy within the organization and it is defined as below

Effective Onboarding and Orientation: The orientation or the onboarding is one of the essential stages of hiring as it not only teaches the people about the job implementation but also aware of the new staff about company culture and the way they contribute to society. Thus to improve the retention rate the orientation must be in favor of staff as it can decide whether they can stay in the company or leave.

Better employee compensation: In the competitive market the employer must offer high compensative package to retain the employees. The profession like marketing specialists always looks for the organization where they can get better salaries or benefits in terms of incentives for each of the achievement of the target.

Wellness offers: The organization must understand that if the employee will be physically and mentally fit then they can be a powerful asset for the growth of the business. According to the survey of Robert Half 74% of the employer have the stress management program to keep staff mentally and physically fit aside from work pressure.

Training and feedback: The organization must make this the priority to improve the retention rate of it. Some companies paid travel fees so that the employee can attain any seminar or workshop which will be helpful for the long term goals of the company as well as individual (McEwan et al. 2017). The feedback is the best source of communication as it helps the staff to improve the mistake and on the same side get appreciated for the good performance.

Flexible work-life balance: There are some of the employers who allow the staff to work at home if they are unable to join the office because of any health issues or family health issues. Even the work schedule is decided to keep the comfort as a priority and mostly it is between 10 to 7 pm (, 2020). [Referred to Appendix 3]

Retention Strategy

There are some of the retention strategies that are used in our organization to motivate or support employees. The newly recruited employee who is mostly from the marketing specialist department has to deal with sales and promotion. They have to promote and advertise the group of headphones that is been designed by SkyBlue and their tasks includes meeting with business owners as well as sponsors, identifying the lead from the internet, and also coming with new plans from the market. Thus here to retain these employees for the organization we follow some of the procedures in a company like offering the best salary in the market, health, and pension scheme for each employee as well as pick and drop facilities for the one who works late till night. The incentives of family-tour, as well as royal-dinner, is also provided or available to marketing specialist who will be able to reach the target as decided by leader and management. The training from lead generation through SEO marketing to communication skills for interacting with clients is provided in the company and the experts or trainers are available throughout the day to solve the query of any staff.

Importance of performance appraisal for managing the performance of newly recruited employees

The performance appraisal is considered to be one of the essential components that is helpful in every organization to achieve the goals of an individual. The scope of performance has been increased day by day and every company is adopting this policy. The performance of employees has traditionally considered being a focused point for most of the human resource managers. It is found that in the present time the performance appraisal system has been extended to the aspect such as motivation. It is found through the research that most of the organization is now using it as tools for motivation (Idowu, 2017). The importance of performance appraisal can be listed as below

It motivates the employees and clarifies their role and status within the organization. The workers can understand that where actually they stand regarding their performance of a job and also it encourages them to do more for the organization.

The newly recruited employee who can be from the marketing and sales department works harder to achieve the target of sales and thus with the attractive appraisal they get motivated and that helps in improving the retention rate within the organization.

The performance appraisal for managing the performance of newly recruited employees helps them to get positive feedback as well as the area in which they need improvement.

The performance appraisal statistics can be used to monitor the success of the organization and also to decide about the individual or newly recruited employee who is fit for promotions or transfer in the future.

It also helps to check whether the newly recruited staff who was considered to be under-performer has improved or not and the management can decide whether to keep that individual.

The performance appraisal helps the employee to understand the motives of the employer and they always feel motivated and confident once the management promotes them for better performance (, 2020).

Thus the newly recruited employee that is hired by our company who is from the marketing specialist department can get motivation and self-dedication using this performance appraisal policy. The analysis will be easier for the company in identifying who deserves to be promoted and can receive a hike in the future. It also helps the organization select leader of the team after identifying the potential individual of that area. The performance appraisal helps our newly recruited employees to understand that where they are weak or why they are not been promoted to a higher position. Thus with the help of it they can start working harder and which leads to improving their responsibility towards the organization. For example the newly recruited marketing specialist knows that to get better appraisal they need to generate more leads and do more sales. Thus they work hard to get better and high incentives after achieving the target as decided by the leader or management team. [Referred to Appendix 1]

3.0 Types of organizational culture

The individual is now moving from one organization to other, hence they become the part of one organization culture to that of others. The change in organizational culture helps the employee to be adapted in any situation or culture ever (Douglas, 2018). But the author Douglas, 2018 mentioned in his journal that the change in organizational culture might be the cause of stress for newcomers or newly recruited employees. According to the study of (Parker, 2000), the organizational culture can be defined as the process which draws history and everyday practice together in an organization. The organizational culture is defined as the fewer tangible assets which are concerned with the more underlined hidden aspects of the organizational values and behavior (Douglas, 2018). It can be said that every organization is unique in its way and they have a unique culture for employees. Quinn and Cameron developed the framework to define the organizational culture which is used by more than 12000 companies all over the world. The four classification or the quadrants of organizational culture according to the framework is defined below

Clan Culture: The clan culture is one in which the members of the company see themselves as part of a big family. The organization is bounded by commitments and traditions. The leadership in this culture takes part in mentorship and root values are teamwork, communications, and many others.

Adhocracy culture: In this culture the employee or newly recruited employee is encouraged to take risks and the leader's acts like motivator and entrepreneurs. The Facebook company is one of the examples of this culture style in which the employees are trained to take high risks and break those risks. According to one of the survey conducted that which culture is mostly used in It organization, it is found that Adhocracy culture is the strongest among all (Pawar and Shaikh, 2020).

Market Culture: In this culture the organizational staff who might be newly recruited employees or working longer is encouraged to compete in the market and achieve success. The leaders are tough and demanding who want the goals to be completed within the deadline (Odor, 2018). The company Oracle under the leadership of Larry Ellison is one of the examples of this culture.

Hierarchy culture: The culture of the organization is strict and formal with clear instruction and guidance. The leadership is based on the accurate monitoring and identification of efficiency throughout the activity. The company McDonald’s follows this type of culture in the organization (, 2020). [Referred to Appendix 2]

The Adhocracy culture will be most effective for the newly recruited employees and others in our business. It is because they must be free to take any risks on their own so that it might turn out to be the best decision for growth. The leaders will help them throughout the activity to achieve. The market culture is not suitable here because if the leaders demand to complete goals all the time without analyzing the activity then it might force the employee to leave the job as they can feel pressurized and less bound with company’s activity. The newly recruited employee who is from marketing specialist profession has to take most of the risks in the market related to competitors and thus using adhocracy culture they can allowed or encouraged to take risk and it might results in success of organization as without risk the success rate cannot be achieved in market.

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Reference List

Bravo, R., Catalán, S. and Pina, J.M., 2019. Analysing teamwork in higher education: An empirical study on the antecedents and consequences of team cohesiveness. Studies in Higher Education, 44(7), pp.1153-1165.

Crowson, J., Dagerath, J., Piedra, E. and Uttakalla, S., 2018. Performance Appraisal for Multinational Corporations.

Douglas, C., 2018. Adapting to Organisational Culture: A Staged Adapatation Model.

Idowu, A., 2017. Effectiveness of performance appraisal system and its effect on employee motivation. Nile Journal of Business and Economics, 3(5), pp.15-39.

Kohestany, Z. and Yaghoubi, N.M., 2017. Investigating the Impact of Talent Management on the Retention of Human Resources: A Study in Zahedan Municipality. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), pp.138-142.

McEwan, D., Ruissen, G.R., Eys, M.A., Zumbo, B.D. and Beauchamp, M.R., 2017. The effectiveness of teamwork training on teamwork behaviors and team performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled interventions. PloS one, 12(1).

Continue your exploration of The Application of Belbin's Theory of Team Roles with our related content.

Odor, H.O., 2018. Organisational culture and dynamics. Global Journal of Management and Business Research.

Pawar, V.P. and Shaikh, M., 2020. “The rise of Adhocracy Culture in Indian IT Sector Companies”. Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(27), pp.755-763.


Appendix 1: Importance of Performance appraisal system
Importance of Performance appraisal system
Appendix 2: Four types of Organizational culture
Four types of Organizational culture
Appendix 3: Factors that effects retention strategy
Factors that effects retention strategy

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