Hey, I was going to send message you yesterday, but wasn’t sure if going around the same loop is healthy for us, especially me considering how much I have endured. Also, I had to babysit Mohammad yesterday along with his sisters, as his parents had somewhere urgent to go. And then I came home, after what I felt like a longest day feeling absolutely shattered with a headache, but I feel energize after having a good sleep. I hope you are all okay and slept well and that you relished the food which I made for you with care to bring nourishment in your body that you may have lost during the time off feeling unwell.
I made the pasta a little spicy, so that it brings relief to your sore throat by breaking the mucus. I put lemon/garlic wings in the container thinking you would eat before going home or else I would have given you more. Also, I tend to cook wings longer than normal, as I dislike that raw chicken smell. Anyway, I have also given some money to charity for Allah to grant you good health always. I have been making lots of duas for you too more than usual and will continue to pray for you each and every day as well. I hope giving you the food did not raise questions at home because I would hate that. I have been thinking about you all day long and all night, too. Thank you for your time last week, I have been smiling like a wave of happiness touched my heart, seeing you always feels magical and out of this world because you are both very precious and special to me that there is no way to explain it.
I request you to book an appointment to see your doctor while taking the medication and also keep yourself warm at all times especially your neck area. Please, drink fresh ginger tea with lemon and honey or sugar, since you do not like honey. Whichever you prefer to drink, be sure to drink it as that will soothe the cough. I pray you feel better and brighter quickly and take it easy with work please. Get plenty of sleep and relaxation this weekend. Furthermore, I do not wish that you have any conflict in your home for me; therefore I will keep distance sake of your happiness with your family. Have a restful weekend that refills your reserve of energy and vitality for the week commencing. Look after yourself and good luck with the parents evening in two weeks’ time! I believe you will smash it like you always do my king.
You rock! There is a beautiful life waiting for you on the other side of hard work and commitment. May Allah overflow your life with goodness and joy now and always, Ameen.
Do not worry, I won’t message you again nor bother you.
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