Unveiling Social Media's Dark Side: A Fishbone Analysis

Part A

The fishbone diagram is chosen as tool for discussing the topic regarding way social media causes negative impact on lives of people. This is because it helps in drawing a cause-effect relationship between the factors and the problem to determine the potential causes which leads to the problem displayed in the diagram supporting easy understanding of the issue (Coccia, 2018). The other reason for using fishbone diagram is that it assists in displaying each and every reason behind the occurrence of the problem in a comprehensible way. It helps in facilitating brain storming to analyse the problem effectively in determining the probable causes and possible solutions available for the problem. It also helps in maintaining team focus as it support discussion of whatever data is gathered in respect to the problem (Coccia, 2020). Thus, the tool is to be used because it ensures effective gathering of cause and impact information regarding negative uses of social media without wasting time for identifying non-existing factors that are contributing to the problem which are not essential.

Fishbone Diagram

The barrier might be faced with using fishbone diagram in determining cause of the problem is that it irrelevant potential causes may be identified that may led to confusion in understanding the effect and accuse of the problem (Luo et al., 2018). Thus, using the tool might create barrier in reaching smooth understand of the cause of the problem caused by overuse of social media. The challenge to be faced with using fishbone diagram is that it leads to messy diagram in case of exploring complex problem (Shinde et al., 2018). Thus, its use would create challenge for the reader and team members in understand relationship of key causes that are related to the problem.


The thing that went well with use of fishbone diagram use in exploring the current problem regarding social media is that it helped in understanding the key relationship between different categories of causes that led to the development of the problem. Moreover, it assists in creating a focused diagram that could be easily discussed among the team members to make them aware of the issues to be controlled that are leading overuse of social media as a negative impact on people’s lives. In addition, further resources are to be used in supporting information in the diagram to make the problem to be understood in an extensive way by all.

Part B:

In reflecting regarding the above part, the Kolb’s reflective cycle is to be used. This is because the model assists in highlighting what has happened in the experience to recount and evaluate the situation in determining the strength and weakness faced that are to be improved (McLeod, 2017). The four stages of Kolb’s reflective cycle are as follows:

Concrete Experience

In identifying the cause of the mentioned problem, the fishbone diagram is used as the tool because it assisted in enhanced development and understanding of relationship of factors that raised the problem. In explaining the scenario of the problem, scholar articles along with web articles are used approved from reliable sources. In using the tool, the challenge faced in rise of confusion due to few of the irrelevant causes for the problems being determined. The information of the topic was shared to the peers and team members through written and verbal communication.

Reflective Observation

The inconsistency identified from the experience is that I expressed hindered critical thinking and analytical ability in determining all potential and relevant causes of the problem. This is evident from the confusion raised in identifying all relevant factors that are influence the development of the problem. The other inconsistency faced is hindered implication and understanding of the way non-verbal communication is to be involved in mentioning the problem and its causes to the team. It is evident as I avoided concentrating on the way body language is to be maintained while making verbal communication about the written content due to which I identified few of the team members were reluctant to listen to my explanation regarding the problem.

Abstract Conceptualisation

I have learned from the experience that I have enhanced verbal and written communication skills but has poor non-verbal communication skill. This is evident as my explanation and written content regarding the fishbone diagram for social media negatives in people’s life was well understood by all, but my hindered non-verbal communication ability made issues to access attentive listening from them. Moreover, I expressed hindered critical thinking skill which would have helped me to avoid adding irrelevant factors in explaining the problem.

Active Experimentation

The critical thinking skill is to be improved for future through implementation of enhanced conceptualisation, analysis and evaluation ability in understanding any problem. The non-verbal communication is to be improved by following the SOLER model as it informs the key non-verbal communication techniques to be used in making conversation effective (Nandini, 2020).

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Coccia, M., 2018. The Fishbone diagram to identify, systematize and analyze the sources of general purpose Technologies. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(4), pp.291-303.

Coccia, M., 2020. Fishbone diagram for technological analysis and foresight. International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 14(2-4), pp.225-247.

Luo, T., Wu, C. and Duan, L., 2018. Fishbone diagram and risk matrix analysis method and its application in safety assessment of natural gas spherical tank. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174, pp.296-304.

McLeod, S., 2017. Kolb's learning styles and experiential learning cycle. Simply psychology.

Nandini, M., 2020. SOLER Way of Communication in Nursing. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 10(1), pp.110-111.

Shinde, D.D., Ahirrao, S. and Prasad, R., 2018. Fishbone diagram: application to identify the root causes of student–staff problems in technical education. Wireless personal communications, 100(2), pp.653-664.

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