The present chapter divided into eight sections. The first section has dealt with the definition of the mixed methods which delivers the explanation of the qualitative and quantitative methods. Then the next part presents the research design and case study. In the third section, Space Syntax examines the six sub-sections including the concept of Space Syntax, the concept of configuration, axial line, connectivity and integration, deficiencies of the method and depth map. The fourth section covers the connection between Space Syntax and observation analysis. In the fifth and sixth sections, a detailed introduction to the theory of observation analysis, the method of collecting data and how the QGIS heat map visualised the observation results have been addressed. The next section has provided the information about the interview method and the associated questionnaire in details. The last part of this chapter looks at the Statistical computing and graphics to generate the QI scatter plot. This section is related to the contribution of enhancement of knowledge which has been explained in more details in chapter five and seven. Finally, the summary focuses on both qualitative and quantitative methods which have been utilised in the corresponding research process to implement the framework of the analysis in the following chapters.
In this mixed method model, three levels are framed. The first one is the literature review, which analyses the fundamental information about the theoretical knowledge of this study. The second one is a qualitative and quantitative analysis at the same time to address the research questions. In order to deal with the mixed methods, Creswell (2003) has cited that the theoretical perspective of transformative procedures combines both qualitative and quantitative data. . During the process of this research, all the data are gathered in parallel, after the analysis, the knowledge derived from the literature is utilised to assist in interpreting the results. The third one is the process associated with that of case studies. The focal aim of the case study is related with three things; an issue, the issue that could be related to the case and finally the case itself (Stake, 1995; Creswell, 1997). The concept of the case can be historical, related to a physical perspective, social or economic background. In 1997 Creswell suggested that the first step in this method is the consideration to determine the actual type of case study, which can be related to either singular elements or to groups, multi-sited or within-site.
The subcategories of the mixed method in this research include simultaneous procedure which is the space syntax method (Hillier & Hanson, 1984), statistical analysis and visualization method (Oyana & Margai, 2015). As well as, the following procedures that include the observational research (Vaughan, 2001), QGIS mapping (Gil, et al., 2015) and interview Kvale (1996). This study considered three case studies for this analysis, which have differences and similarities. The essential elements for choosing the case studies were the physical relationship between the university campus and the city. Plus, selected the universities were based on the ranking of the universities in the national league table. The case studies are addressed in detail in the next chapter.
Research design defines a fundamental structure for the study with the focus on research questions and a framework for gathering data (Leedy, 1997, p;195). In 2001 MacMillan and Schumacher explained that the research design is a set of plans for finding the subject of study, the methods for the data collection and answer the research question. In other words, research design is the explanation of the way that research is conductive in order to cover the problem. In this sense, some essential keys need to be understood in all the research design. Firstly, is being clear about the research problems, questions and hypothesis. Secondly, is related to the methods. The methods that choose for analysis and data collection needs to be the way to address the research questions. And the last point is to consider the ethical research method. For modelling the research design, the research onion was adapted from the Saunders et al. (2007). The onion implements effective progress through which can design research methodology (refxxx). As Bryman mentioned in 2012, this model is adopting any type of methodology with a variety of context. The process of this method starts with the consideration of the important issue for the research. The different layers of onion include an introduction of the philosophical background of the research (literature review), the research approach, suitable research plans, the methods for collecting data and a timeline frame development for the research progression time delineation. In this research, regarding the hypothesis and the area of study, in order to identify the research method to address the research question, this model was adopted.
Case study method is a type of research for testing the hypothesis of research in the real-life conditions Bromley (1990). This type of method is applying with having a “bounded system” to identify a programme, process, human behaviour or this case; data collection needs to be in details from an interview, maps, observation, focus group and so on (Yin, 1994). As well as, it has a limitation with time and place. The circumstances of the case include a physical environment, a social, cultural and economic background that can be used either in a multi-site study or within-site study (Creswell, 1997). The first step in a case study method is to choose the type of the case. The type of the case study contains multi-sited or within-site, single or collective case study formats(Creswell, 1997). In order to analyse the data in this method, as Yin had stated in1989, both ways can be used; examination of the whole case with Holistic analysis or the specific part of the case with Embedded analysis. For explaining the multiple case types, the first step is to define each case individually, then needs to investigate a cross-case, to create the cross-case analysis. It is important to note that this method can include qualitative and quantitative research methods (refxxx). In 1997, Creswell brought some tips for the researcher to follow in this method, as have been discussed below.
First, the most crucial part of this method is to choose the right case and bounded system to address the issue of the research. The most challenging part of this method is to define the boundaries of the case study especially for some cases with no clear initiation or closure point. The next one is to understand if the single case study would have to be chosen or the multi-cases could be selected. The third is related to gathering of data and the sampling strategy determination. In this case, the researcher has to know how to collect data through the literature review. And in the final, the researcher has to collect all the information and depth knowledge about the case in order to collect and analyse the data. Nevertheless, in some situations the value of the case could be reduced as well. With understanding all the information above, this research has selected the cross-case analysis for three different cities and universities which will be discussed in-depth in chapter four.
This method aims to investigate and understand how buildings agglomerate and define a continuous open system for explaining how the settlements get shaped. Besides, discovers that space is directly or indirectly connected with each other in the layouts (Asami et al., 2001). In 2007 Sema- Kubat and Topçu introduced the new technique that provides the quantitative explanation of the built environment. This technique is the morphological investigation about buildings, urban planning and settlements. Through this method the Spatial configuration is defined as how the space has a relationship as one system with each other by Hillier (Hillier, 1996, Hillier et al., 1993).
Investigations of so-called “spatial information” began in the mid-1990s (Ratti, 2004), (Also see Karimi, 1998; Bafna, 2003; Hillier, 1996; Al-Sayed, 2014). In the Social Logic of Space (1984), Hillier introduces a method of nodal and linear explanations of space. The main technique here involves breaking down axial maps and turning them into sets of perceivable observations (Penn A. , 2003).
Spatial configuration is one of the important parameters that show the possibility of increased encountering of people within a space. In this context, in depth research has been done showing that people interact more in integrated space rather than segregated spaces in the city (Hillier B. , Space is the machine: A Configurational theory of architecture, 1996). In order to understand the perspective of spatial configuration, Hillier created the figure xxxx in 1996. In this figure shows two different types of spatial configuration. They are similar in the size and number of the cells, but they are different in underlying topology. The reason is that the position of the doors in tow figures are different, which means that its changed the sense of privacy in each cell and transformed the way of using the space. Therefore, it is important to understand and investigate spatial configuration to learn about space (Hillier, 1996).
Consequently, as the theoretical framework of Space Syntax shows in the figure xxxx, two different aspects of Space Syntax are mentioned. One refers to a physical boundary (configuration), and the other one is related to human movement and activity. However, as we discussed earlier, Space Syntax covers the variety of concepts from the socio-economic to settlements. It has to be considered that this method is not only to discover the relation of the spatial pattern from the aspects of social relationships but is meant to explain that relation through the functional elements of urban forms (Jacoby, 2006).
Space Syntax has three basic concepts including a convex map, axial map and isovist map which have been defined by Hillier in 1984 as have been shown in the figure xxxx. Convex space is characterised by a space which, does not contain, concave parts” (Hillier et al., 1983). In other words, this is an area that is drawn by the straight lines as a border and any two points of this space can be joined by a straight line but cannot go out of the edge. Convex map considers the largest and fattest space that can cover the whole system (Hillier et al., 1983; Szalapaj, 2001). In this case, the selected convex map in the system regarding the entire area which can be visible and has direct access to all the other locations in the same area, it can be used to identify as the localised perspective of the space (Hillier et al., 1983). The convex map is used when the research is related to the interaction.
An axial line is the longest line that attaches two visible points inside the convex map. The axial map is fundamentally being the line in the system that covers whole direct visible access area (Hillier et al.,1983). Axial map has been applied for analysis of movement. The axial line will not be described here as it is discussed in the next section.
The third concept is the isovist map. The isovest map has been developed for the study in landscape and definition of isovest is that it is the distance from every point in the system which could be viewed directly (Benedikt 1979, Rana,2002, Jacoby, 2006). Isoviest map is the measurement that related to the morphology part of the system. This map can generate with the software such as Depthmap and Omnivista (Turner, Dalton). As Turner and Penn in 1999 highlights that the isovest map used for investigation of the complex patterns in order to examine the behaviour. In 2003 the Cutini represented the Space Syntax as a tool, in the sense that the urban environment perceives through the lines. In this point of view, the line in space syntax has become a basic fundamental element to understand the configuration of the space. In fact, the axial map is the best way to analyse the urban form to follow the movement in the space in the form of special the pedestrian movement (Eyüpoğlu et al. 2007). Generally, for investigating the space in Space Syntax after the defined specific area for analysis the researcher is needed to decide which kind of measurement could be adequate. As Hillier described in 1999, different kinds of measurements were used to analyse space including connectivity, integration, choice, control, segment analysis and visibility graph analysis. The most important issue in this analysis is to know the right measurement of analysis regarding the spatial configuration in urban forms or buildings. This research used the axial map analysis and integration measurement to addresses answer the research questions.
Before starting to explain the integration measurement, it needs to be noticed that this study does not deal with the formulae of the method. However, it is valuable to explain several terms which are usually applied in space syntax. The main point of creating the axial line in Space Syntax is for measuring the relationship between lines that represent the space (Batty & Rana, 2002). The most important measure in this method is called Depth. Depth is the topological distance between spaces in the system (Hillier, 1996). As Hiller defined in The social logic of space 1984; depth is a number of the lines that have crossed from one space to another. As the figure xxx illustrates, the minimum number of depth refer to shallowness which is considered as a least integrated space. Whereas, the maximum number of depth means segregation that represents the most integrated space in the system. The topological graph of depth steps is called the justified graph (refxxxx). This graph shows the value of depth in the system. If space has direct access from the other space, it means that two axial lines connect directly. In this case, two axial lines are valued as one. If a next space design in the way that needs to pass on space to reach the other, the value of depth for that space is two, in this sense for the next space requires to surpass three spaces then the value will be three and so on (figure xxxx) (Hillier & Hanson, 1984). Justified graph uncovers the relationship between spaces in the whole system with classifications based on the depth or distance of space with other space in the area of analysis (Bellal, 2004; Jacoby, 2006).
The other important measure is the correlation between the connectivity and global integration intelligibility (space syntax theory). In fact, the intelligibility of space is defined as a measure of the relationship between the urban space and local features (Szalapaj, 2001: 41). This measurement helps the observer to be informed about the position of him in the whole system from each space that he occupies.
Space syntax method has been used more than 40 years in both architecture and urban studies in a variety of purposes. However, some researchers criticise this technique in different pinots of view. In 1995, Osman and Suliman argued on interpretation data from the analysis in Space Syntax. They mention that although the procedure of analysis is simple and objective, the interpretation is not that much simple. The most critical part of this method is interoperating the numerical results that the researcher can be misinterpreted. As well as, the terminology and theoretical method of Space Syntax are important and those researchers who are not very familiar with that may find the results complicated (Peponis, 2001 in Çil, 2006). The other issue about this method is related to 3D information.
In 2004 Ratti claimed that in Space Syntax measure, the metric distance neglected in the distance between spaces topologically. As well as this method ignores several points includes a 3D model, heights of buildings and a dimension of streets. He brought up this question that it is possible to rely on a discussion of a two-dimensional method for the complex urban form? With the awareness of that, the axial line is a topology map rather than a metric map. Hillier answered this question in 2004; there is a conflicted relationship between the topological and metric which in this method used the metric distance rather than topological one. As well as, the dimension of streets is not changing the overall results model according to Vaughan (1998). Further, Hillier and Penn (2004) mentioned that the effect of the spatial configuration could be vague if they add more variables to the axial model and make it a 3D dimension. The other argument is relating to drawing an axial map. Çil in 2006 pointed that from the one basic map, every researcher might draw different axial maps, the valuation for pedestrian and vehicles can be same, and the valuation can be different in terms of a metric length of axial lines. With the consideration of Space Syntax criticised by researchers in some issues, still, this method is one of the best techniques for understanding the relationship between the space in an urban context through the socio-economic aspect. Plus, the objective of this method is to figure out the relationship between space and social relations. From this point of view, this method selected because the objective of this method is the same as the objective of this research. The main point of this study is to analyse the relationship between university and city with consideration of socio-economic aspects of the settlements.
Furthermore, this method is developed through different software applications such as GIS and QGIS day by day to improve and close the gaps in the method. The outcome of that is increasing the number of architects and researchers who use this method in their projects. With the point of a socio-culture aspect of the theory of Space Syntax, Hillier and Christopher Alexander has a common ground (Hillier, 1984). In this regard, Space Syntax in theoretically and quantitatively is a suitable tool.
Depthmap is an analytic software to understand investigates social activities in the spatial environment (Turner, 2010). This program can analyse both segment and standard axial in terms of topologic, angular and metric terms (UCL depthmap). Also, allows the user improve and correct their original drawing of a spatial feature in the different levels from the building scale to urban scale form the DXF format. As well as, authorise them to create the map inside the program. The processing of data analysis in depth map is set up in two different parts; one is automatically creating the network form the points in the system, the other one is generating and perform the graph analysis (Turner, 2010). It is important to consider some points before running the axial analysis in depthmap. As the mention in chapter 5, an axial map can create in two ways. One is creating from CAD and convert it into depthmap for analysis; the other is built with the depthmap program. In both methods need to double check all the lines to be sure all the lines are generated correctly. The other point is that if the researcher wants to use the program for drawing the axial line, should have a good and clear original map. Also, need to decide whether the street furniture needs to be included or not, how to deal with pedestrians, motorways and roundabouts, be sure about the accessibility of all pathways inside a map and so on. In this case, as addressed in chapter 5, this research decided to create the axial line with CAD and running the analysis with depthmap, in order to make sure all the lines and accessible place appearance in the system. The other reason for choosing depthmap just for analysis and not for creating axial line is that drawing the axial map in CAD is faster and easier than depthmap in this particular case because the case study files are too large.
In this case, after obtaining the data results from the Space Syntax analysis for the case studies, to have the future information in qualitative data, this study had selected the observation method. In chapter five, three case studies were compared in terms of integration measures and movement patterns. Thus, having the observation results means testing and validating the space syntax results in both local and global relationship. The correlation between the Space Syntax data and observation data shows in the figure xxxx. Indeed, the observation data illustrates the actual movement pattern in the system and clarify the Space syntax analysis in order to understand the relationship between the social and physical aspects.
One of the most common method in qualitative techniques is an interview. Interview defines as a set of the individual interviews to examine and understand their aspect form the specific idea or issue or plan. In 1996 Kvale defined an interview as an “a conversation, whose purpose is to gather descriptions of the [life-world] of the interviewee” Kvale (1996: 174). In that direction, Schostak in 2006 mentions that in fact, an interview is an extendable conversation between the people who have ‘in-depth information’ about the specific point. In this sense, the main aspect can be interpreted through the conversation in terms of what the interviewees mention it. The interview method has values not only in analysing the answer or reports the aspects of subjects but also allows the participants to answer the question with their experience and explain their thought with own feeling (Berg, 2007: 96). This method applies in either one to one interview or in the formation of the focus group (Marshall & Rossman, 2006). This method has three types of ways for utilisation such as Structured interviews, Semi-structured interviews and Unstructured interviews (Jamshed, 2014). The Structured interview is based on a questionnaire which has a set of structural questions. These questions are needed to be asked in the order. In this type of interview, the process is the same for all the subjects with little scope for flexibility. This type is more applied for the survey schemes. The main point of structured interviews is that to have neutral interviewers to get comparable information from a large number of subjects. Besides, this method has specific methodological rules for data collection and often analysis with statistical analysis (ref xxx). The second type of interview is the Semi-structured interview . This type of interview is more flexible than the structured type. According to Rubin & Rubin in 2005, this type of the method allows the interviewer to have more opportunity to examine and expand the responses from interviewees. In a Semi-structured interview, a set of a questions, is prepared to be asked from all Participants, however, during the interview, additional questions could be asked. These further developed the questions based on the interviewee's point of view from the specific issue (ref xxx). This type has advantages such as collecting the detailed information from the interviewees, the interviewer has power in order to guide the interview in the way of research purpose and has an opportunity to clarify some issues such as what can happen during the interview.
The third is Unstructured Interviews (open-ended). This type of the interview is opposed to the structured type and has total flexibility and freedom for both the interviewer and interviewees (Gubrium & Holstein, 2002). This flexibility includes questions, planning and implementing the context of the interview. Additionally, due to diversity in preparation of the questions, it often tends to be hard to comprehend the answers. This type can be correlated with the high level of preference (ref xxx).
The interview method has values not only in analysing the answer or reports as well as the aspects of subjects but it also allows the participants to answer the questions from their experience and explain their thoughts with own feelings (Berg, 2007: 96).
This study chose the semi-structured interview for the research analysis, in order to address the research questions. The interview aims to understand and investigate in-depth about the relationship between the university and the city in terms of the university’s strategic plan primarily the perspective of the university in the city and vice versa. Additionally, understanding the aspect of how the physical location and university design could have specific impact on the relationship between the city and university, also the exploration of the safety of university's life in the campus. For this purpose, the interviewee has been Professor Mary Stuart the Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln. In consideration of the limitation of the study, which has been explained in the chapter sevenas it is important to notice that the interview was taken from one person. The semi-structured interview for this study was designed by eight questions with the formation of the additional questions during the interview. In order to collect the data from the interviews more effectively, the conversation was recorded. Recording the interview helped the researcher to focus on the content of the interview and direct the interview towards the topic of the research. After that, the whole interview was transcribed and edited, as can be seen in the appendix. The major information of the interview was used to support the social data in the chapter four.
The socio-economic factors, how they are related to the place and how to collect and measure these factors have been discussed in the chapter two in urban space and its association with society section. This part will review the method which has been for data collection. The factors which have been identified to be responsible of the development of the answers for the research questions are located in two categories. The first category is related to the city and includes the average salary, the average property price and the crime rate for each case study through the common factors of quality of life Dysart & Dealer in 2000. Each data was collected from the year of availability from 2008 to 2016 to observe the process of progress and circumstantiate the university impact on that. The in-depth discussion of this category will be explained in chapter four. It is important to state that some data was dropped from this part, because of the limitations of the study which has been explained in chapter seven.
The second category refers to the national ranking for each university including quality of teaching, research, national student’s satisfaction, etc (Higher Education Funding Council for England, 2018). The ranking had been surveyed from 2008 to 2019 to examine how the university had developed in the past decade. Besides, comparing the three main publishers (The Complete University Guide, The Guardian, The Times) for the ranking in the UK to learn the similarities and differences between their methodology. Consequently, determining the main factors for the quality of university for creating the QI bi-plot will be explained in details in chapter five.
In summary, the mixed methods had been chosen for this research. In order to understand the relationship between the university and the city in three different cities and to test the hypothesis, the first method which had been applied is Space Syntax. Space Syntax is used to understand the complex spatial configuration and the relationship between spaces in an urban environment. Also, this method allows comparison in several urban patterns. However, in this study, this method cannot answer the research questions on its own and need to be correlated with other methods. Additionally, Space Syntax is correlated with the observation method and the configuration of the street pattern. The observation has been used for this research to understand and investigate the actual pattern of movement in the case studies. This research tried to generate the heat map from the observation results, to help the researcher for compare and analyse the visual maps between the integration map (space syntax results) and the heat map (observation results).
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In the meanwhile, to analyse the spatial configuration and the actual movement of space with observation and Space Syntax methods, the socio-economic informations and interviews were applied. The interview helps to understand the vice chancellor’s perspective of the space inside the campus, the campus within the city and a strategic plan for the future. In the first phase of the research, for investigating the impact of the University on the city, the socio-economic information had been collected for three cities through the decade. Afterwards, to address the research question, it is implicit that socio-economic factors are not adequate reasons and more complexity could be associated with the same. Apart from this, the spatial configuration cannot be the only predictor of the relationship between the university and the city. Therefore, this research contributed to the knowledge regarding the development of the methodology and that of the design of the framework for the city/camps in a dual manner .
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