leading and managing nursing care

  • 15 Pages
  • Published On: 10-11-2023


Strong as well as effective management and leadership framework are crucial for modern nursing care that assist nursing professionals to manage and lead manifold tasks such as direct nursing staffs towards achieving common organisational goals, lead the nursing team to provide high-quality care to patients, administer the organisational functions and structures and oversee that whether all professional codes and nursing ethics are followed by nursing staffs during care delivery. For those seeking nursing dissertation help, understanding and implementing these frameworks can be pivotal in addressing and analysing the complexities of nursing leadership and management in their research. This essay is going to discuss the roles of the multidisciplinary team [MDT] in nursing care and evaluate the usage of digital technologies in nursing care. Then the essay will demonstrate the roles of effective leadership and management in nursing care in delegating a task and managing perfect balance among multidisciplinary nursing care areas in terms of enhancing the quality of care and facilitating practice-improvement in the nursing field.

Explain the roles, responsibilities, scope of practices and contribution of MDT members:


A multidisciplinary team is a group of professionals that includes representatives from different disciplines who work in collaboration with one another to provide high-quality care and treatment to patients (Bonvento et al. 2017). While it comes to manage and lead an effective nursing care framework, a multidisciplinary team consists of different professionals such as registered nurse, social workers, occupational therapist, general practitioners, respiratory nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, physiotherapist, dietician, neurosurgeon, sleep specialist, psychiatrists and caregivers.

In nursing care, the members of a multidisciplinary team play manifold roles ranging from providing primary care to patients to empower patients both physically and mentally by providing them standard and high-quality care to meet their health needs (Kailainathan et al. 2018). Registered nurses working within an MDT conduct proper monitoring and health check-up of patients to provide clear information to health professions about patients’ current health status. As mentioned by Grol et al. (2018), nurses act as mediator between health professionals and patients, in which they transfer the valuable information about patients to health professionals and also inform patients as well as their family members about the decisions and opinion made by doctors about care delivery to patients. Nurses working within an MDT also play important roles to observing the improvement or changes in patients’ health due to use of innovative care and treatment process that assist them to report doctors and pharmacist about how much useful are the treatment processes and medicines that are given to patients.

Multidisciplinary teamwork on knowledge development of patients and their family members through which health professionals, nurse and healthcare executives assure that patients and the family members are informed about the treatment and diagnosis in such as manner that they understand the usefulness and risk associated with these processes. As mentioned by Grol et al. (2018), in nursing care, the members of multidisciplinary team work in a synergistic manner to ensure that each information regarding patients’ ongoing treatment process, patients health status and any health risk would be communicated with patients’ family members. The care administrators, officials of healthcare authority and senior health professionals administrate that whether patients and family members know and understand what type of care patients receive and what are the usefulness as well as risks associated with the care process (Kailainathan et al. 2018).

Coordination of care is the crucial role that a multidisciplinary team play in terms of developing a synergistic approach to set modernised and high-quality nursing care to patients that will not only improve the health and wellbeing but also empower their emotional, spiritual and mental strength thereby assisting them to live a better life (Ellis and Sevdalis, 2019). Although each member of a multidisciplinary team plays different roles, all of them focus on achieving the common organisational goals, providing high-quality nursing care to patients. Health professionals of different disciplines such as general practitioners, neurologist, oncologist, occupational therapist and phychiatrist work in a collaborative manner to determine different health issues of patients and develop a high standard and modern care setting that will be highly relevant as well as useful to meet patients health needs. In addition to this, an MDT consists of Health care Executives who provide training and health education to patients and their family members to enhance their knowledge on disease prevention, illness, healthy habits, self-management of health and eating disorders. As mentioned by Xiao and Zhu (2019), member of a multidisciplinary team implements the codes of conduct and professional standard while providing nursing care to patients to enhance the overall quality of care and improve patients living standard.

While it comes to discuss the scope of practice of multidisciplinary team in nursing care, it is important to analyse tat how much a multidisciplinary team is necessary and crucial in managing high quality and modern care framework to meet ever-changing needs of patients. As mentioned by Punshon et al. (2017), in modern nursing practices, MDT is an inevitable part which assists the healthcare organisation to manage perfect balance among manifold nursing care areas. Evidence suggests that MDT hands high scope in modern nursing care in which there is ever-changing disease patterns, types and health needs of the patient that needs an integrated care delivery process in which professional of different disciplines will monitor patient’s health needs.

Determine and analyse the use of digital technology in nursing care delivery:

Technology makes drastic changes in the way nursing care is delivered to patients by introducing automated healthcare framework (Krick et al. 2019). Modern nursing care is blessed with several useful technologies that not only assist health professional and nurses to enhance the quality care but also make consistent modification in overall care delivery process to cope up with ever-changing health needs of patients.

The digitalisation of health records is highly useful in modern nursing care that assists healthcare staffs and professional to store, manage and access information of patients' health, ongoing treatment process, current health status, patients' choice of treatment and pre-medical history. As mentioned by Rouleau et al. (2017), the manual process of handling bulky files of patients health record enhances the chances of error in finding and proper assessment of health-related data of particular patients, as in most of the times health staffs are unable to find out old health record that poses potential barriers in roper health assessment of that patients. With the introduction of electronic health record (EHR) the management, storage and transmission of data become quick and easy (Herry, 2019). Electronic Health record assists health professionals to get proper information about previous and current each status of patients who live in remote ad inaccessible location.

In modern nursing care, mobile app technology is highly useful for a patient that assist them to make doctor’s appointment, get accurate and quick medical information and keep track of their ongoing treatment process (Huter et al. 2020). In today’s fast-paced world, mobile technology is highly useful to fasten the process of treatment and care delivery by saving valuable time of both the patients and the health professionals. Through using apps of different hospitals, patients can get information about the available doctors, nurse and beds which assists them to decide which hospital they would prefer to get the health check-up. In addition to this through using mobile apps, health staffs do not need to spend most of their times in manual data handling process, rather they can easily store health records in electronic format by using hospital apps (Brown et al. 2020). Mobile apps allow a health professional to have access to different medicine-related information, modern treatment-related information and update of innovative care process that assists them to improvise the overall nursing care framework in which highly modern healthcare techniques will be used to deal with ever-changing health need of patients.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a highly useful technology used in nursing care that assists health professionals and nurse to get accurate information about patients’ symptoms, body temperature, current blood pressure and pulse rate. This technology also facilitates health professionals to conduct real-time tracking of communication, locations and disease identification (Wilson, 2017). On the other had 3D printing technology assist laboratory staffs to get clear and accurate 3D image of patients’ internal organs that assist health professionals to evaluate that whether there is any biological reason behind the current health condition of patients.

Technologies improve the way medicines and dosage are given to patients according to their health needs. Automated IV Pumps is a widely used technical device that health professionals use to control the drips and dosage given to patients. This device assists nurses to change the medication dosage and drip amount when needed therefore patients do not need to wait for changes. Automated IV pumps are also used by nurses to provide nutrition through supplying needed means to patients at right times. As stated by Rouleau et al. (2017), there is also the self-pump that assist patients to manage their pain by increasing the controlled amount of pain medication.

Technological revolutionise the communication and interaction system in the nursing framework that assists nursing professionals to use automated verbal and written communication system to fasten the overall care delivery process. As stated by Herry (2019), using online communication system through video conferencing, web chatting, email, voice message and video calling, nursing professional is now able to communicate with patients living in a remote and inaccessible location. Additionally, online interaction and communication enhance the level of transparency in care delivery process, in which nursing professional can administer and track the performance of each nursing staffs to ensure that they follow all ethical guidelines and moral principles to provide high-quality care to patients.

Portable monitor devices are useful technical equipment that assists nursing professionals to check patients’ health and wellbeing even when they are on a move or busy in attending any other patients. As mentioned by Rouleau et al. (2017), through using portable monitor devices, nursing professional can monitor and evaluate the vital signs in patients such as respiratory rates, pulse rate. BP, ECG and oxygen saturation. Due to heavy workload, most of the nurses are unable to meet with patients physically and assesses their health need. In this context, portable monitor devices assist the nurse to track the current health condition of patients, their health needs, recovery and health improvement and type of care provided to patients. On the contrary to the concept, Brown et al. (2020) argued that, although portable monitor devices ae useful in nursing care, while it comes to deal with critical health needs patients, physical interaction and manual check-up are more useful than the automated monitoring process.

Explaining the importance of management, leadership and team work in delegating task in nursing care:

As mentioned by Huber (2017), management and leadership are two critical aspects in the nursing framework that assist nursing professionals to deal with multidimensional tasks thereby ensuring high-quality care delivery to patients. Strong management in nursing is important for organising, directing, evaluating and controlling different nursing tasks. On the other hand, good leadership is crucial in nursing care to lead staffs nursing staffs toward developing a fair and high-quality care framework that can be able to deal with complex and ever-changing health needs of patients (Cherry and Jacob, 2016). Effective leadership and management process assists nursing professional to delegates tasks in a diverse workforce in such a systematic manner that each task would be accomplished ion priority basis. In nursing care, effective management and leadership are important for nursing professional to the assigned task to the nursing staffs based on the professional standard ad capabilities. As mentioned by Gopee and Galloway (2017), democratic leadership is highly useful in delegating tasks in which nursing professionals can involve nursing staffs in the organisational decision-making process which assists them to understand the strength and weakness staffs. Critics have argued that, while it comes to make highly disciplined and systematic work culture in nursing care to deal with critical patients, nursing professional generally use autocratic leadership in which the final decision is to take by the mangers and leaders and nursing staffs are obligated to follow the decision and guidelines at any point (Cherry and Jacob, 2016).

A task-oriented leadership and management process assists nursing professional to communicate clear goals and objectives of each task and direct nursing staffs to follow the right pathway to achieve these objectives. Nursing professionals can do this by delegating tasks among nursing staffs systematically. Outlining the criteria of each task and providing clear instruction to the team to accomplish the task. As mentioned by Kantanen et al. (2017), perfect leadership and management process is crucial in nursing care, that will assist nursing professionals to provide the right and useful instruction to the nursing staffs in terms of accomplishing each task based on their priority. Additionally, task-oriented leadership and management process assists nursing professionals to set such strategies and ways that each nursing staff can follow and implement into their practice to enhance the performance standard and provide high-quality care to patients. Nursing professionals must have the management and leadership skill that assist them to develop modern and smart tactics that will assist team members to deal with any challenges sudden risk associated with their work such as changing health needs of patients and work-related conflict. As mentioned by Weiss et al. (2019), in nursing care, nursing professionals must have good leadership and management skill that will assist them to implement prioritisation concept in task selection and accomplishment of tasks systematically. Through using effective management and leadership skill, nursing professional can assist nursing staffs to accomplish tasks based on their order of urgency that will improve the care delivery process and patients experience.

Teamwork is crucial for implementing multidisciplinary approaches in modern nursing care (Rydenfält et al. 2017). Through working in team with physicians and health staff nurses can provide a well-organised and systematic care to patients. As mentioned by Rosen et al. (2018), while it comes to delegate task in nursing field, teamwork assists the nursing professional to divide the tasks among team members systematically based on the professional ability and efficacy of each team member. In task delegation process, teamwork assists nursing professionals to maintain healthy as well as effective communication with team members regarding their work process, strategies that they develop to achieve the target and any work-related issues they face during the care delivery. Teamwork enables nursing professionals to maintain the accountability and integrity of nursing staffs while work on multidisciplinary tasks. As mentioned by Neuhaus et al. (2020), due to changing policies in healthcare, changing health needs of patients and ever-increasing task loads, nursing staffs most of the times are unable to maintain the integrity and accountability that interfere with the ethical values of care delivery framework. In this context, nursing professionals can maintain the accountability of the entire workforce while delegating task to the team members by ensuring that the task assigned to each nursing staff is relevant to the capability of nurse. Additionally, through teamwork nursing professionals and nursing staffs can work collaboratively that assists them to conduct a shared decision-making framework in which nursing professionals can encourage the nursing staffs to respect the innovative and creative thoughts regarding dealing with the sudden issues in care delivery.

As mentioned by Rydenfält et al. (2017), teamwork assists nursing professionals to improve the productivity and individual professional standard of each nursing staff. Why working in a team, nurses can share their decision, work process and knowledge with their colleagues and senior staffs which assists them to shape their professional and personal skills. Teamwork enables the nursing professionals to delegate task in such a manner that entre organisational target will be achieved systematically that will not only improve patients’ satisfaction but also bring about innovation and modernisation of overall care delivery process that is relevant to meet the ever-changing health needs of patients. Teamwork assists nursing professionals to work in multidisciplinary task along with health professional and their health staffs that enables the entire nursing team to analyse and evaluate the health issues of patient thoroughly (Neuhaus et al. (2020). On the other hand, during the task delegation process teamwork enables nursing professionals to analyse the individual professional standard, strength and weakness of team members which is important to improve the overall techniques and methods that are used in the clinical intervention and treatment process. Moreover, teamwork enables modern nursing framework to develop highly useful and transparent information delivery system, in which any important information regarding patients’ health and treatment is transferred immediately to all the health care professionals, staffs and nurses, which assist the nursing team to track the gradual progress in patients’ health.

Analysing roles of leadership for enhancing the quality of care and practice improvement underpinned by policy:

A useful leadership framework is crucial in nursing care to make continuous improvement in the quality of service and to develop a performance standard of nursing professionals. Through using right leadership style, nursing professional can enhance the clarity and transparency in communication and interaction with nursing staffs, that can develop a clear information delivery system. As stared by Robbins and Davidhizar (2020), a clear information delivery system is important for health professionals, nurses and patients to transfer and receive important information regarding patients’ health, treatment process, medicines, therapies and disease complexity. On the other hand, a perfect and useful leadership approach assist organisational leaders in nursing filed to evaluate as well as access the changing health needs of patients due to changing pattern and sign of their illness. Through using the relevant leadership approach, nursing leaders introduce innovative techniques and high modern medical nursing processes that assist nursing professionals to provide high-quality treatment process for meeting complex and changing health needs of patients. As stated by Weiss et al. (2019), good leadership is important in nursing care framework to make effective modification and modernisation in an existing care setting that would be relevant to the current health needs of patients, nursing leaders often use effective leadership approach to make appropriate changes in the existing care policies and guidelines that assist health professional to take innovative care strategies that would improve patients experiences. On the other hand, leadership improves the quality of nursing care by improving the overall communication system among nursing professionals nursing staffs and patients by fastening the process of interaction among them. In this away useful leadership styles assist nursing professional to transfer and get up-to-date information about patient’s health and treatment process (Kantanen et al. 2017). A good nursing leader also tries to experiment with innovative technologies and processes to make continuous improvement in the overall care delivery process that will assist nursing professionals to deal with any kind of mental, physical and emotional health condition of patients (Stolt et al. 2018).

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From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that leadership and management are crucial for providing high-quality nursing care to patients. Through using useful management and leadership approach, nursing professionals can improve the quality of the care delivery process and enhance the positive experiences of patients. Task-oriented leadership is important in delegating tasks among nursing staffs systematically that assist the entire nursing team to accomplish each task on a priority basis thereby ensuring highly organised and well-functioned care delivery system.

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Appendix 1

Action plan with smart goal:

Action plan with smart goal

Appendix 2:

Self-developed checklist:

Self-developed checklist

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