Transformational Leadership in Nursing Practice

In this study I will present a critical appraisal of my personal leadership and management skill as a student nurse. In this assignment is will discuss how I can apply the transformational leadership skill in practices to ensure the high quality care delivery to my patients. Here I will also discuss the issues regarding the Francis report regarding the failure of management da leadership framework to meet the proper healthcare standard. In this assignment I will present a brief discussion of the other leadership styles such as the democratic leadership, autocratic leadership and the transactional leadership and the implication of these leadership process on the care delivery. Here I will discuss how I have implemented the transactional leadership styles in terms of bringing about effective changes in the care delivery process. In this study I will present a comprehensives discussion on the strength and weakness of transformational leadership in terms of improving my professional skill and ability in determining and meeting health needs of patients thereby promoting their holistic development. Finally I will present a suitable conclusion which will draw the main aspect of the entire discussion and will provide the inference regarding the suitable leadership approach that nursing professionals and healthcare staffs can used in their practices to provide the high quality care to their patients. Finally in this study I will also present a recommendation, which will discussion the evidence based strategies that student nurse and other nursing professionals can use in their practices for managing their work perfectly and provide a high quality care to their patients, with specific nursing dissertation help to address these challenges.

As mentioned by Xiao and Zhu (2019), leadership in nursing is one of the most important aspects that enable nurses and healthcare staffs to guide and lead other team members in their team towards completing the organizational goal. On the other hand, Krick et al. (2019) stated that leadership is the skill that every nurse must have to maintain a synergistic relation within the team thereby working on any task with proper collaboration for accomplishing task within the given deadline. Evidence suggests, I nursing field, leadership is most important skill that enables nurses not only manage and lead the task of the entire team but also enables them to maintain an effective self-guidance for them regarding how to shape and improve their own professional skill and knowledge. In this context Punshon et al. (2017) mentioned that leadership skill is important for student nurses that enable them to learn how to lead any task and team by working towards the common organization goals and contributing own best effort for achieving the goals. Evidence suggest that , while it comes to develop an effective leadership skill , nurse must also develop the skills in conduct proper implementation of that leadership skill additionally, nurse must have clear understanding regarding different types of leadership skills and their application into the right task for conducting faster accomplishment of the task. Along with the leadership skill, another factors is associate which is called management. management and leadership skills are sometimes seemed to be similar as they both contribute to maintain an effectives balance among different task and lead the entire team to the right direction, however in nursing, student nurse must develop strong leadership and management skill which they can use in their professional practices to not only direct their team towards the common health care goals, but also comply with all the NMC (2018) guidelines and health and social care guidelines for ensuring high quality care delivery to all patients.


There are different types of leaderships such as the autocratic leadership, democratic leadership and participative leadership. Autocratic leadership is the leadership styles in which the organizational leaders take the organizational decision by their own and do not include the staffs in terms of providing their own view regarding organizational decision making (Rouleau et al. 2017). Autocratic leadership in nursing is sometimes avoided and discouraged by healthcare professionals and nursing staffs as this leadership can pose negative impacts on the nurse-patients relationship. in case of the autocratic leadership, the organizational leaders take the final decision regarding any organization aspect and staffs are strictly obliged to follow these instructing even in case of the autocratic leadership, most if the tikes, the organizational leaders take the final decision reading organizational task that is b based on the organizational profit and organizational productivity rather than focusing on employee/s productivity and welfare. In this context the autocratic leadership sometime damages the trustworthy relationship between nurse and patients thereby interfering with nurses professional and professions skill to deliver high quality care to their patients. On the other hand, the democratic leadership skill, is high effective and important in nursing practices.

Democratic leadership in the process, in which organization decision are taken by discussing all aspect with all organsational staffs, including mangers, executives, subordinates healthcare staffs, and high healthcare professionals. In my placement in the acute elderly ward I work as a student nurse. During my practice I always ensure that my leadership skill will be highly effectives in allowing me to work synergistically with my team members and working towards common healthcare goals. In this context, I found that the democratic leadership is one of the best suited leadership approach that student nurse can apply into practices to maintain a trustworthy relationship between nurse and patients. As mentioned by Wihl et al. (2020), democratic leadership skill is important for nursing professional to involve all the healthcare professionals and staff into the organizational decision making thereby engaging them to comply with all the health and social care guidelines

Another important leadership skill that I found during my practices is the participatory leadership approach. In the participatory leadership approach nurse can work in partnership with their tea members thereby working collaboratively with team members to meet their common organizational goals. As stated by Gil et al. (2020), the partnership leadership approach can be considered as the democratic leadership approach that will enables nursing professional to maintain a synergy within the team thereby working in partnership with doctors, senior nurse, health and social care staffs to deliver high quality care.

During my practices as a student nurse in the acute elderly ward, I have implemented the transformational leadership skill. This skill enables me to make effectives changes in thte skill and abilities in my own and also in my team thereby enabling the entire team to meet the professional standard. As mentioned by Bonvento et al. (2017), transformational leadership can be defied as the leadership approach that is associated with bringing about effective changes in the skill and abilities of team members thereby improving their professional and personal skill. In healthcare context, the transformational leadership approach is highly effective and important that enables nurse to make effective transformation in their own skill and professional knowledge and also bring about changes in entire healthcare framework thereby improving the quality of care delivered to patients. Through using transformational leadership I am able to determine the transformations of changes that I and my team members need for developing an effective and highly productive nursing team. In this regard, I conduct an effective communication with my colleagues, seniors and patients. As mentioned by Grol et al. (2018),, while it comes to implement the transformational leadership approach into practices, nursing professionals must ensure that they maintain a transparent and clear communication with all team members and patients. This communication enable me to understand the areas of improvement in my team and also in my own work process. Thorough using transformational leadership approach I am able to improves the quality of care delivery to patients by improving the tools and techniques that I use in health assessment and pain management for the patient.

One of the major strengths of thigh transformational leadership is it enables me to conduct a continuous professional development (CPD) (Kailainathan et al. 2018). By developing transformation leadership sill, I am able to work on my strengths and wellness as a student nurse. In this context, I determines my areas of improvement such as the written communication skill knowledge of health assessment tools and skill in medicine implementing the transformational leadership skill, I am able to contribute my best effort in improving the overall team goals, the objectives, way of working and decision making. In this regard, I also work on involving myself into the CPD in which I work as a shaper as we implemented. Through using my skill as a shaper I work on shaping my abilities and skill in determining patient’s needs. On the other hand, by working an implemented I comply with NMC (2018) codes in terms of implementing all the health and social care guidelines ad regulation I practices. Additionally, the transformation leadership approach enable me and my entire tea to update out viewpoints, work process, skill and professional understanding as per the changing health needs of patients. As mentioned by Grol et al. (2018), in mode healthcare context, student nurse and the nursing professionals must develop an effective transformational leadership skill, which is important for them to update their knowledge and skill in terms of meeting the holistic needs of their clients.

Along with the abovementioned strengths of the transformational leadership skill I have determines many weakness of mine during my practices. The most important weaknesses is my inability in supporting my patients I critical situation. As mentioned by Ellis and Sevdalis (2019), while implementing the transformational leadership approach into practices nurse must ensure that they are prepared to deal with the transformation in their workplace or team. During my practice in the acute elderly ward, many times I face difficulties in adapting myself to the changes of transformational that are done in the tam work process or ion the care delivery framework. For example, as per the health condition of a patient, it is decided that which types of heath assessment tool is going to be used. In this case as I have poor understanding in different health assessment tools, ay changes that are made I using different tools put me into trouble. In this context I find out that I need to improve my knowledge and understanding on health assessment which will enable me to use the right health assessment tool for determining the health needs of right patients. Another major weakness that I experiences in my workplace regarding implementing the transformational leadership is my poor task prioritization skill which make me unable to manage and accomplish task timely. During working within the multidisciplinary team in the elderly ward, I often face difficulties while working on a harsh task schedule. While it comes to implement an effective transformational leadership approach, nurse must ensure that they are able to implement the right skill and abilities in task prioritization to accomplish each task accordingly. In my practices as the student nurse I often fail to make effective task prioritization, which makes me unable to bring about effective transformational or changes in my skill and productivity as well as team’s productivity.

Francis report is one of the most important document that highlights the issues that are associated with leadership and management in healthcare that nurse and health care professionals need to solve (Xiao and Zhu, 2019). In this report it was highlights that, the poor leadership approaches in healthcare can interfere with not only the ability of nursing professionals to maintain their professional accountability towards their clients but also make the healthcare leaders unable to maintain a high standard care framework. This report tells that the major issues the healthcare leaders face in their workplace is the communication issues that makes them unable to implement effective leadership and management practices. The lack of close loop communication and poor transparent informational delivery system are strongly associated with poor leadership in the nursing care, in my workplace, I experiences the lack of communication and poor verbal communication due to the overburden of task in the elderly ward. Many of the nursing professional I my team have could not manage times to maintain a regular and effective communication with patients which created huge gaps in their ability to implement the right leadership skills.

Autocratic leadership in nursing is sometimes avoided and discouraged by healthcare professionals and nursing staffs as this leadership can pose negative impacts on the nurse-patients relationship. in case of the autocratic leadership, the organizational leaders take the final decision regarding any organization aspect and staffs are strictly obliged to follow these instructing even in case of the autocratic leadership, most if the tikes, the organizational leaders take the final decision reading organizational task that is b based on the organizational profit and organizational productivity rather than focusing on employee/s productivity and welfare. In this context the autocratic leadership sometime damages the trustworthy relationship between nurse and patients thereby interfering with nurses professional and professions skill to deliver high quality care to their patients. On the other hand, the democratic leadership skill, is high effective and important in nursing practices. As mentioned by Ellis and Sevdalis (2019), while implementing the transformational leadership approach into practices nurse must ensure that they are prepared to deal with the transformation in their workplace or team. During my practice in the acute elderly ward, many times I face difficulties in adapting myself to the changes of transformational that are done in the tam work process or ion the care delivery framework. For example, as per the health condition of a patient, it is decided that which types of heath assessment tool is going to be used. In this case as I have poor understanding in different health assessment tools, ay changes that are made I using different tools put me into trouble. In this context I find out that I need to improve my knowledge and understanding on health assessment which will enable me to use the right health assessment tool for determining the health needs of right patients. Another major weakness that I experiences in my workplace regarding implementing the transformational leadership is my poor task prioritization skill which make me unable to manage and accomplish task timely. During working within the multidisciplinary team in the elderly ward, I often face difficulties while working on a harsh task schedule. While it comes to implement an effective transformational leadership approach, nurse must ensure that they are able to implement the right skill and abilities in task prioritization to accomplish each task accordingly. In my practices as the student nurse I often fail to make effective task prioritization, which makes me unable to bring about effective transformational or changes in my skill and productivity as well as team’s productivity. In my placement in the acute elderly ward I work as a student nurse. During my practice I always ensure that my leadership skill will be highly effectives in allowing me to work synergistically with my team members and working towards common healthcare goals. In this context, I found that the democratic leadership is one of the best suited leadership approach that student nurse can apply into practices to maintain a trustworthy relationship between nurse and patients. As mentioned by Wihl et al. (2020), democratic leadership skill is important for nursing professional to involve all the healthcare professionals and staff into the organizational decision making thereby engaging them to comply with all the health and social care guidelines.

In the participatory leadership approach nurse can work in partnership with their tea members thereby working collaboratively with team members to meet their common organizational goals. As stated by Gil et al. (2020), the partnership leadership approach can be considered as the democratic leadership approach that will enables nursing professional to maintain a synergy within the team thereby working in partnership with doctors, senior nurse, health and social care staffs to deliver high quality care.

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During my practices as a student nurse in the acute elderly ward, I have implemented the transformational leadership skill. This skill enables me to make effectives changes in thte skill and abilities in my own and also in my team thereby enabling the entire team to meet the professional standard. As mentioned by Bonvento et al. (2017), transformational leadership can be defied as the leadership approach that is associated with bringing about effective changes in the skill and abilities of team members thereby improving their professional and personal skill. In healthcare context, the transformational leadership approach is highly effective and important that enables nurse to make effective transformation in their own skill and professional knowledge and also bring about changes in entire healthcare framework thereby improving the quality of care delivered to patients. Through using transformational leadership I am able to determine the transformations of changes that I and my team members need for developing an effective and highly productive nursing team. In this regard, I conduct an effective communication with my colleagues, seniors and patients. As mentioned by Grol et al. (2018),, while it comes to implement the transformational leadership approach into practices, nursing professionals must ensure that they maintain a transparent and clear communication with all team members and patients.

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