Exploring Developmental Psychology

Similarities and Differences between Milgram’s And Bandura Approach Concerning Aggressiveness

The developmental area of psychology is concerned with behavioural as well as psychological development and changes throughout an individual’s lifespan. In a study by Bandura et al., there was a concern with the social process of how children can develop and learn aggressive behaviours (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.118). From the experiment, it was revealed that children who observed adults behaving aggressively had more chances of being aggressive since they had more chances of imitating the observed aggressive behaviours. On the other hand, children who observed adults who are non-aggressive were more likely to be less aggressive. For students exploring these dynamics in depth, seeking psychology dissertation help can provide invaluable insights and guidance. Therefore, the study suggested that some certain behaviours may develop as children grow and mature. The developmental area mostly is concerned with childhood, a stage where significant development occurs (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.119). Therefore, Bandura revealed that children were aggressive as a result of behaviour learned from other individuals/adults whom they have recently witnessed being violent. On the other hand, Milgram’s determined the study participant’s willingness to obey authority (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.141) The study revealed that, a large number of subjects were fully willing to obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly.



Bandura's study recognized the role of modelling and imitation upon behaviour. In theory, Bandura suggested ways in which children learn to be aggressive. Based on this theory, learning occurs via interaction and observations of other people (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.118) The study was ground-breaking on aggression which demonstrated that children could learn through the observation of adult behaviour. The studies also reveal that children who observe an adult being aggressive might develop aggressiveness and that children who watch non-aggressive adults may be non-aggressive (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.118). Aggression is the root of various social crimes/ills which range from war to interpersonal violence. This might explain why this topic is among the most studied elements in psychology. In most cases, social psychology usually studies human interaction as well as group behaviour. From the study, Bandura revealed that children may learn aggressive behaviour from adults and be aggressively even in the absence of the adult model. Additionally, the study suggested that a child may be aggressive by imitating similar sex models other than adults of the opposite sex and male children were more likely to be aggressively compared to female children (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.118). Therefore, Bandura study can be concluded that behaviour to harm an individual is learned from an adult model.

On the other hand, Milgram was determining how far participants go in obeying an authority to harm another person. The experiment generally, was aimed at observing how ordinary individual is influenced into committing atrocities (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.63). From the study, 65% of the total participants “electrocuted” another individual up to 450 volts which were the highest level (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.72). However, the study suggested that all participants continued to electrocute the other individual, up to 300 volts. The aim was to observe how people who are obedient would react in a circumstance where observing orders would mean causing harm to another individual (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.63). It can, therefore, be concluded that, unlike Bandura’s study, causing harm is based on how people are willing to harm another individual.


From the two theories, it is evident that behaviour to harm other individuals is induced and not an innate behaviour. For instance, from Milgram's experiments, an ordinary individual often follows orders which are given by an individual with a high rank (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.69). The obedience goes to the point of harming another innocent individual. Obedience is believed to be is ingrained in an individual from how an individual is brought up. Moreover, the study suggests that individual obeys commands from people with high rank mostly if they recognize that, the authority is morally or legally right (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.75). The ability to respond to authoritative command is learned in school, family as well as in the workplace. Therefore, behaviour, in this case, is not innate but commanded. Similarly, as mentioned earlier, Bandura suggested that children learn aggressive behaviour from adults and be aggressive even in the absence of the adult model. Additionally, the study suggested that a child may be aggressive by imitating similar sex models other than adults of the opposite gender and male children were more likely to be aggressively compared to female children. Therefore, Bandura's study can be concluded that behaviour to harm an individual is learned from an adult model. There, from the two cases, the behaviour is learned/commanded from an external force.

Similarly, both experiment shapes behaviour. From the Bobo Doll Experiment, people perceive what we see, which can be concluded that we behave from cognitive learning. Therefore, it can be suggested that learning/behaviour is as a result of observation learning as per the Bobo experiment which shapes the behaviour of an individual which is assumed to nature an individual future behaviour (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.118). However, behaviour/experience can be acted out immediately and sometimes modelled with time for future enactment of the behaviour. Hence, behaviour to harm in an individual can be nurtured from observing an aggressive individual, therefore, individual developing the character fully. Similarly, Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiments suggests a link between high levels of obedience and an authoritarian personality (Brace & Byford., 2010 p.71). The experiment also suggested that obedient participants in the experiment displayed authoritarian personality characteristics. However, it was unclear if authoritarian personality enabled an individual to obey. Therefore, from Milgram's, it is clear that an obedient individual becomes more authoritative which nurtures how people are able to give a command to harm another or themselves harm another individual.

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The developmental area of Psychology is concerned with behavioural as well as psychological development and changes throughout an individual's lifespan. From Bandura's experiment, the behaviour is usually learned by imitation an adult model and that, complex patterns of behaviour may be learned via imitation even without reinforcement. On the other hand, Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiments suggests that ordinary individual often follow orders which are instructed by an authority, even to a point of harming another individual. However, there are differences in that, harming behaviour in Bandura is learned via imitation while in Milgram’s theory, and harming behaviour is commanded by an authority. On the other hand, both theories suggest that behaviour is induced from model/authority and both theories suggest shaping individual future behaviour.


Nicola Brace and Jovan Byford., 2010. Investigating Psychology: Key concepts, key studies, and key approaches. The Open University: Oxford New York.

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