Ageing causes change in the brain and cognition. The brain shrinks with the increase in the age, and the changes impacts the molecules to morphology. There are several factors that are linked with the brain and with ageing such as rise in dementia and memory impairment. It is determined that the memory decline is caused due to ageing and due to brain activation (Cleveland Clinic, 2020). Memory is linked with the aspect of cognition and it is about effective working so that the tasks are completed (Peters, 2006). As per the research is concerned memory function is divided into four vital stages which includes episodic, semantic, procedural, and working memory (APA, 2010). The loss in any memory impacts the health thus affecting the performances. From the study of types of memory, it is determined that age is just a number and memory loss can occur at any age. The people within the age group of 18 to 25 are young generation and are usually fit than the aged. However, memory loss can take place at this young age because of the several factors such as work environment and the cognitive development. The age group of 25 to 40 are adults and of mid age (Cleveland Clinic, 2020). People of this age usually faces the problem of memory loss because of the reduce activation of the brain. The brain that is growing older tends to show more symmetrical activations than the young. Memory loss is of various forms and therefore episodic memory along with working memory decline with the advancing age. Memory decline and age is linked because growing age impacts the brain characteristics the most (NIA, 2020). The memory performances and mannerism of people are factors that help to analyse the memory loss (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and ResearchClinic, 2020). As per the research and memory decline is concerned brain maintenance is vital and is linked with integrity and system level activation. It is determined and is to be analysed in the research study to whether age differences do matter. With the age people feel that their memory does not serve the needs as when they were younger. People at the age group of 18 to 25 years are young and the performances of memory are changing, and positive age gradients are linked with the semantic memory. Episodic memory is about forming long term memory that tends to display the largest degree of decline in the age. The structural and functional changes in the brain affect the cognitive and its functioning. Age does impact the memory loss and in this study the focus is upon the eepisodic and working-memory performance decline. The age group of 18 to 40 are being considered and the aspect is to demine and appreciate control for the efforts on practices. Memory loss is based upon the age and therefore it might also be stated as dementia impacting the daily lives (Salthouse, 2009). The impact of memory loss and the functioning of the brain is being determined information processing along with the ability to learn. There are several possible cause of memory losses which includes anxiety, depression, and medications (Small, 2002).
For the effectiveness of research study, it is vital to analyse the aims of the project. The aim of the research study is to determine about the memory declines and its impact upon the health. The aim is to realise if gender and age makes differences in the case of mental health or memory decline.
The objectives of the research study are as follows:
To analyse about the concept of memory
Determine about memory decline
Impact of memory decline on the age and gender
Does age make difference when it is about the memory decline
The main aspect of the research study is to determine the aspect of memory decline and its impact on the life of people. The research question framed is:
“What is memory decline and does age makes differences in the process?”
The idea is to gain knowledge about the factors that leads to memory decline. Age of individual also impacts the process and has a link with the memory status.
The rationale of the research is to attain knowledge about the mental health of individuals. There are several factors that impact the mental health of people and led to health issues. However, the rationale is to analyse not only the memory factor but also about the age group. Several studies have been conducted to determine the topic of memory decline, but this study is taking the opportunity to attain understanding whether age makes a difference in the concept of memory decline. The male gender is being evaluated within the age group of 18 years to 25 years the youngsters and young adults within the age group of 25 years to 40Years. The significance of the research study is to analyse the factors of age and the mental status subjected to memory loss.
This research study will have six chapters which will help the researchers to achieve the research aims and objectives. The first chapter is known as ‘Introduction’ chapter which will give detail knowledge on the whole study and will have research aim, objective, question, background, and structure. The second chapter will be termed as the Literature Review which will make the usage of the secondary data to review the research topics in a well- determined aspect. Research methodology is the third chapter of research study which consists of the research strategy, data collection methods, research philosophy and ethical consideration to achieve appropriate solution. The finding is termed as fourth chapter which will have the calculated data which will make the usage of variant research strategy. The fifth chapter is known as Discussion chapter which make the analysis of the data collected through the finding and literature review’s analysis. Lastly, it is the conclusion chapter which make the summary of the whole research study and provides the overall review of all the chapters.
marriage plays a major role in the life of an adult. when a person possesses a vibrant personal life than it protects the brain as they age. It is seen that life satisfaction arrives in a person from their spouse. The satisfaction of the people helps them to remain happy and enhance their memory. As per the research, those males who are in healthy relationship possess better memory performance than the one who are either unhappy with relationship or are single (Kimura, 2011). The episodic memory of the male affects the episodic memory but there are no effects in the semantic memory. It is also stated that decline in the episodic memory is higher for the singles and widowed rather than the one who are possessing good relationship. The emotional support given by the females to male member enhance the confidence of the adult male. since, marriage is found to have certain health benefits like providing of protective effects in blood pressure regulation, the physical health in turn helps in acknowledging the cognitive ability of the person. The higher and low blood pressure reduce the power to learn and think which in turn impacts the memory pattern (Anderson, Saleemi & Bialystok, 2017). When people are in good relationship that they are happy and satisfied which results into increase in memory power. However, when people are not satisfied with their relationship and always face quarrel and misunderstanding than increase anxiety level which even decline memory power.
As per Craik & (2007), Job plays a crucial part in the life of a human being and specially upon men who generally looks after the family through his earning. The job possesses direct and indirect influence upon the mindset of an individual, but the impact depends differently upon the different gender and age-group. Taking 18-25 years of male into consideration, it is found that these age people are generally less concern about the stable job and keep on switching job until they find that job as per their requirement. Thus, in this context, these age males do not face major impact upon the memory. The work stress created in the job might have its impact upon the cognitive skills, but stability does not provide major effects in majority of the individuals (Atkinson, Baddeley & Allen, 2018). On the other hand, it can be stated that male of age 25-40 are highly oriented towards their life and career and possess responsibility of the family upon them. In this state, when there is lack of stability in the job than male starts getting stressed and dispersed. They start getting low which have direct and indirect impact upon the mental and physical health of male members. They start smoking and drinking alcohol due to increased stress which affects the brain in creating memory. The stress due to instability of business releases corticotopin and cortisol hormones which acts as interferences and does not allow the brain from encoding the information effectively. However, stability of business keeps person satisfied and happy which improves their mood and ultimately increases their memory power (Berenbaum &, 2011). Thus, it had been analysed that having a stable job enhanced the memory power of the male wherein stability in job have higher influence upon the age group of 25-40. On the contrary, the carefree and less dedicated nature towards life in 18-25 years age group male does not show major effects due to stability in memory as they do not take tension. The non-bearing spouse wherein there is lack of understanding leads to inflammation of the neurons which affects the memory power of the people (Durazzo &, 2007). Thus, it can be stated that memory status also possesses effects upon the memory wherein wrong relation have negative impact and good relationship possess positive impacts upon the people.
As per Thilers, Macdonald & Herlitz (2016), Sleep is one of the state which not only make us feel better and give time to recharge out body, but it also play major role in enhancing the ability of the brain to learn and remember things. Sleep is equally important for every age group and genders of people wherein since, male face mental pressure and stress during their work process, so it become highly essential for male to have proper sleep. However, despite of sleep, there is even requirement to have proper sleeping pattern. Sleeping pattern is a time an individual sleep per day (McCabe & Smith, 2002). As per WHO report, an individual should sleep for seven to nine hours as per the need. However, it is seen that male of age 18-25 years does not possess good pattern of sleep due to increased usage of mobile phones which affects their mindset memory indirectly. On the other hand, if male of age group 25-40 does not sleep from proper timespan than they might face issues such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. They will even face difficulties in learning and retain data (McEwen, 2007). When 18-25 years of male does not have adequate sleep than its brain fog and their judgement also decline. As per a research, sleep is highly necessary so as to consolidate memory and stay focus towards study which highly required by the male of age 18-25 wherein proper sleep increase the memory of adult of age 25-40 and helps them to stay focus and fresh during work(Craik &, 2007).
As per Berenbaum & (2011), Sex is one of the important need which possess various impact upon the functioning of the brain along with physical health. Sex boosts up the brain cells growth on those areas of brain that is linked with memory and improves the cognitive function in various ways. Sex is also known to enhance the performance of the people in short-term memory tests. Human memories are imperfect wherein brains make false memories and it is exceedingly difficult for people to remember everything as they get older. It is reviewed that People over the age 25 and above who are sexually active possess good memory and cognitive skills. Sex is seen to boost the brain of the men and those men who are sexually active possess higher scores on memory skills texts. It is also found that sex improves the mental process which possess planning, solving of problem and paying of attention. In fact, sex can be termed as one way to reduce the loss of memory mainly at the age of 25-40 years (Stewart &, 2016). When people perform sex than there is secretion of different general hormones such as androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are linked with cognitive functions of our brain wherein when stress hormones that includes cortisol is higher than sex hormones help in controlling it and managing it. Since, male of age 25-40 must deal with higher mental pressure so there is higher synthesis of stress hormones however, if sex is performed than there is increased change of increase in memory power as stress will be minimised. On the other hand, male of age 18-25 have increased level of regulation of sexual hormones which impacts the brain functions and helps them to perform excel in their work as sex provides satisfaction and hormones excreted leads to relaxation which in turn increase memory function(Berenbaum &, 2011). Thus, it can be stated that when a sexual activity in increased when male gender is aging than there are increased chances of the boosting of the memory power.
According to McEwen (2007), Smoking cigarette is one of the major contributors to health hazards. Although, nicotine increased the cognitive functions like recognition memory, reasoning and focusing and paying attention, however, cigarette possess various other substances apart from nicotine which adversely impact the cognitive functioning of the brain (Durazzo &, 2007). The cigarette smoking adversely impact the cognitive functioning, flexibility, memory, and quality of sleep. Smoking is found to impact the memory of both 18-25 and 25-40 years of the male as it is associated largely with the lower cognitive performance and lower IQs. Smoking possess negative effects upon the conjunction with alcohol wherein while moderate drinking is linked with positive effects on the brain whereas smoking does not boost the power of the brain in any ways. Moreover, smoking make it exceedingly difficult for the brain to recover the memory (McEwen, 2007). Since, male is highly associated with smoking, it negatively affects the memory, learning and cognitive functioning wherein male of age 18-25 loose concentration upon the studies and cannot memorise their work. On the other hand, male of age 25-40 who smoke cigratte also loss memory as cigarette smoking component leads to oxidative stress, atherosclerosis, inflammation which affects the body and mechanism of the human brain. It is even analysed that smoking declines the verbal memory of the people and decline the sleeping quality. The aftereffects of bad sleeping pattern again have its impact upon the brain functioning. It can thus be stated that smoking leads to major impact upon the functioning of the brain irrespective of the age and gender (Thilers, Macdonald & Herlitz 2016). However, as the male gets aging, the effects of smoking in the memory is higher and involves faster decline in memory as compared to male of age 18-25 years. Since, the brain’s functioning starts decline as age increases, the smoking acts as catalyst and thus decline the memory in a greater extends.
A perfect brain means the one which never forget but forgetting assist the people to navigate things differently. Although, brain possess various rooms to make people remember number of things but still brain spends majority of energy to make things to forget. This phenomenon is done by overwriting the old or by fading the connection between the neurons. Although, forgetting old unused information keeps an individual from getting generalized from one piece of information. The process of forgetting is also slow which further helps in enhancing learning system. However, it is seen that when male starts aging than they start forgetting useful information and data. The process of forgetting also increases which leads to increase in forgetting the useful information. As aging starts from 25-40 years, there is increase in stress, lack of sleep, pressure which disturbs the brain functions which leads to various issues such as blocking, scrambling, fading away, struggling to retrieve and also muddled in multitasking (Stewart &, 2016) . when male get older than brain must exert more pressure to maintain the focus and further takes longer to get back top original tasks because of interruption. Moreover, aging changes the strengths to build connection in between neurons in brain and new information also overcome the short-term memory unless it is repeated repeatedly. Since, brains always keep on sweeping older memories so as to make room for new memory, however, the fading away of useful data also takes place when aging continues which leads to difference issues such as forgetting of important information, difficult in recognizing face, etc. There is a part in a brain named hippocampus which is essential, region of brain that plays essential role in memorizing events (Berenbaum &, 2011). However, aging results into loss of 5% of the nerve cells of hippocampus as the people gets aging.
In this particular chapter of the research study, focus has been mainly on analysing the methods that has been selected while conducting the research study. It is noted that the chapter will further comprise of justifying the methods that has been selected on the basis of their benefits and pitfalls altogether. The chapter includes research philosophy, research methods, data collection and data analysis along with ethical considerations among others.
Every research has been affects by some underlying views as well as assumptions in terms of the topic that has been studied or evaluated. Correspondingly, it is quite vital to ensure that these underlying philosophical views further helps in selecting the best research method along with data evaluation tools and techniques. On the basis of research, it can be seen that these researches can be classified into two forms which comprise of positivism philosophy and interpretivism (Bajpai, 2011). Correspondingly, this study is deemed to be based on a positivism philosophical view. This is largely because of the aspect that positivist research is mostly better structured in nature and are obtained mainly on the basis of certain surveys that are not linked with the problem of research bias. Again, the results from this research philosophy is objective in nature and can further be regarded as highly generalizable in nature (Saunders et al., 2009).
Selection of a proper research method is extremely important in terms of getting the desired result from the process of completing the research study. Post depiction of the research philosophy within a research, it is quite crucial to consider an appropriate research method. This further involves procedures as well as techniques that is used by the researcher to get an understanding of the research topic. In general, two most common research method used in modern day research comprises of the qualitative as well as quantitative research method (Creswell, 2013). Qualitative research primarily includes accumulation of information on the basis of using data collection tools such as interviews and observation methods. The data are mainly theoretical in nature, but it lacks objectivity and generalizability. Contradictorily, quantitative analysis involves conducting a logical investigation on the basis of numbers and statistics. Data in this context has been using instrument like questionnaires and experiments to collect the data. The findings obtained on the basis of quantitative study can be termed as verifiable and accurate owing to the presence of statistical tools (Castellan, 2010). Correspondingly, in order to understand the impact of age on memory of humans, a quantitative method has been taken into consideration. Through this method, the study will evaluate the responses of the respondents based on quantitative analysis tools.
The research design in any research study tends to organize the research in a manner where the entire study can be concluded in a systematic manner altogether. In general, the research design can be categorized into three forms which comprise of exploratory research design, explanatory as well as causal research design among others (Saunders et al., 2009). Exploratory research design is primarily involved with investigating of a new phenomenon or to develop a new knowledge further creating a space for better future research altogether. Explanatory, research design are also noted to be casual research design that deemed to discuss about cause-effect relationship. Since, this study is seeking to understand a cause-effect relationship between memory loss and age of people, an exploratory research design has been taken into consideration. Also, the fact that this research is making use of questionnaire survey, also further makes exploratory design much justified for this research.
Data collection is one of the most important part associated with the process of conducting any research study. It involves accumulation of the most appropriate dataset that is further important to complete a research study. Likewise, it can be noted that in general data can be collected from two basic sources which comprise of primary data collection source and secondary data collection source. Primary data collection source would comprise of data collection instruments like questionnaire, interviews and observations among others. On the other hand, data collected secondary sources would comprise of journals, literatures and online sources among others. For this research study, data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Data from primary sources has been collected from the respondents in terms of understanding their age and its impact on their memory loss altogether. As much as 40 respondents has taken part in this research study in the process. On the other hand, data has also been collected from secondary such as journals and literatures in this regard. Google scholar has been used for searching the data and collecting the most relevant that can be used in this research work.
Data analysis is primarily linked with the process of evaluating the collected data based on numerous tools and techniques. It is notable that the type of data analysis tools used is directly dependent on the type of data collection that has been used by the researcher within the research. For this particular research study, data has been mainly collected from the respondents using questionnaire survey as the research instrument. Hence, the use of quantitative analysis tool can be effective and reliable to get the most valuable findings altogether. In this context, graphs and charts has been used for the purpose of presenting and evaluating the data with utmost accuracy. Furthermore, the survey number has been able to provide accurate underpinning of the research study altogether within the completion of the research on the given topic altogether.
Research ethics have become an essential element in recent years among the research communities as it increases the validity and reliability of the outcome of the research study. It has become crucial for the researcher to consider and maintain research ethics while conducting a research study (Saunders et al., 2009). Hence, in this study, substantial attention was laid on preserving the tenets of research ethics throughout the study. In this regard, all the respondents were communicated with the aims and objectives of the study, and their informed consent was also obtained. The questionnaire also avoided the use of questions seeking personal and sensitive information. The collected data were stored electronically and were locked using a password to prevent unauthorized access to the data. Finally, all the secondary data that were used in the study were acknowledged using proper citations and references. Hence, it is apparent that the research has been done in alignment with
In this particular section of the study, focus has been mainly on analysing the data that has been collected in the process of conducting this research study. In this study, data has been collected using survey questionnaire method with around 40 respondents. As much as 15 questions has been asked to the respondents. The data has been presented using graphs and charts hereunder.
In the first question of the survey, the respondents were enquired regarding their marital status, for which the following responses has been gathered. In this context, around 53% said that they are single while the rest said no for the same. This shows the study is more inclined towards married people. However, two dimensional figures are expected as both single and married people are taking part in the research.
In the question of the research, the respondents were asked whether they have sex regularly for which 74% said yes while the rest said no for the same. Since this study is seeking to find out the impact of age on memory, this question was important to be asked. The responses are presented graphically hereunder.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding their patter of sleep and whether they get enough sleep. For this 66% of the respondents has said they get proper sleep and sound sleep pattern they can notice within themselves. For this, the following responses has been gathered.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were enquired regarding their work pattern or in simple terms whether they work or not. For this particular question, as much as 87% of the respondents has said yes while the rest of the people has said no for the same. In this context, it is apparent that most of them are fulltime workers with while some of them who said they do not work are depicting themselves to be part time workers.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding their memory power or rather they are asked whether they tend to forget things. This is one of the key questions that are directly linked with the research question in concern. In this context around 70% of the people has stated that they tend to forget things or rather they have a weak memory in their day to day life.
In the question of the survey, the respondents asked whether they are financially stable. It is to be noted that financial stability also has an influence on the memory of the people owing to issues of anxiety and self-dependence. Hence, it is important to understand the financial positioning of the people involved in this research. Correspondingly, as much as 66% of the people answer said no to this question while the rest said yes for the same at large. This shows that financial stability is not an issue with the selected group of people for this research.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding their puzzle solving skills or in simple terms whether they are good or bad at this. This has been asked to the respondents because it is important to understand their standpoint regarding their that are directly linked to their memories. For this, as much as 36% said yes while the rest said for the same at large.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding their habit of leaving things behind and going back again to pick up the same. This has been asked to the respondents to ensure that they are regularly involved with such activities, which is again linked to the memory power of the respondents at large. In this context, as much as 87% of the respondents has said yes while the rest said no for the same altogether. Therefore, it is apparent that there are some memory issues with each of these people.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked whether they fail to recognise places which they have visited before. This has been asked to the people as a part of understanding their level of memory issues and its link with their age. In this context, as much as 72% of the people has said yes while the rest said no for the same. This is interesting to note that most of the people have this habit as memory loss people are linked with such habit.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked whether they at times fail to remember the names of their friends or relatives. It is noted that friends and family members are involved with the day to day lives of people and hence forgetting their name would be a sign of memory loss or memory decline. For this particular question, 54% has said yes while the rest said no for the same.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents asked whether they forget to send message to someone which was supposed to be sent or intimidated by someone. This question has been asked to the respondents because it is one of the most common sign of memory decline is forgetfulness of basic day to day things. For this question, around 59% of the respondents has said yes while the rest said no for the same.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding the problem of repetition while saying a joke or story which was already told to someone in the past. Correspondingly, repetition can be termed as a big problem in this context and it shows memory decline to an extent. In this context, around 60% of the respondents has said yes while the rest said no for the same altogether.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding the fact that they often tend to forget things on stoves or microwave or toaster, which is also can be a sign of forgetfulness from the end of the people. It is noted that though these are small aspects of memory but at the same these are also an important part of the day to day lives of the people and hence, forgetting the same would mean that there are serious issues with regard to the memory of the people and the same can be linked to their age. In this context, as much as 64% agreed to the fact that they often tend to forget things in microwave or toaster of oven while the rest of the people said for an answer.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were asked regarding the fact that they often want to say or word but tend to forget it or not able to speak it. This means that the word in their tongue but not in their mouth. This is also a part of the process of memory decline among people on the basis of age. In this regard, it is noted that 68% of the respondents has said that they have faced certain situation at some point of their life where these things tend to happen. On the other hand, 32% of the respondents said no for the same and depicts that there is no such kind of memory decline at their end.
In the next question of the survey, the respondents were regarding the fact while reading they often tend to forget the track of the story. This means that when they are reading a particular, they are unable to understand what they have understood from the story so far. This also means that there is an issue of concentration when they are reading a particular book or story, which can also be a result of memory decline and the same can be related to age of the respondents. Hence, it is apparent from the responses that 58% of the people has reported such sort of issues while the rest of the respondents 32% said no for the same.
Hence, from the overall findings gathered from the questionnaire survey, it is apparent that memory decline has been a major problem in the recent time specially among the people with higher age. This can be justified from the findings of the questionnaire where it is apparent that many of the people tend to forget some of the important day to day things which otherwise nobody or normal people with normal memory will not forget. This include forgetting jokes, forgetting names of the people around like friends and relative along with forgetting things kept on microwave or toaster. Therefore, it can be said from the survey responses that memory loss is indeed a major issue and it certainly tends to elevate in course of time with age.
In this section of the study, focus would be mainly on analysing the key objectives of the research study on the basis of the findings attained from both primary and secondary sources. Primary source includes the responses from the questionnaire survey while sources has been the journals and literature that has been used during the literature review. In this context, one of the most important objectives that has been set and presented in the introduction chapter of the study is to analyse and understand the concept of memory among people at large. This include an understanding of the basic concept of memory or memory decline among the people. In this context, it is noted that memory is something that helps people to remember things from the past and present. It plays an important part in the day to day lives of the people and it can generally relate with the smallest of the things that people can or will or does in their daily life. Correspondingly, the questionnaire survey has includes questions that test the memory of the people on their day to day activities. This includes questions such as whether they forget the story while reading the book, whether they tend to forget names of people who are close to them in their daily and whether they forget or leave things before and look for the same later. The responses that has been gathered for these questions further enabled the research to be able to acquire knowledge that people indeed have problems of memory and it links with their increasing age. The next key objective that has been set while conducting the research study is to determine the presence of memory decline in the modern-day context. In this context, the researches of Kimura (2011) and Anderson, Saleemi & Bialystok (2017) one of the key aspects of memory loss or decline is related with the relation status of the people and how its current status is. This can further include aspects relevant to marriage, having children and sex life as well and all this contribute towards the wellbeing of the human brain at large. It is further noted that the episodes one goes thorough in his/her lifetime in terms of relationship also contributes towards memory decline or negative impact on the memory. This is because of the fact that bad memory of people is a result of all the negative aspects or emotions that they have gone through or going though in their day to day life in terms of relationship. This can also be a deteriorating health affect. It is noted that bad relationship in one’s life can lead to physical harm as well in the form of low blood pressure, mental issues, affected cognitive abilities and others. All these factors not only affect the physical health of the people but at the same it also reduces the memory power the decline the memory of the people to an extent. The impact of this is expected to get elevated with age. In this context, the primary survey data shows that a large percentage of the people complaining with memory decline is linked with their status of being single or engaged. The respondents were also asked about their regularity of sex life since it is also linked with the stability of their memory. In this context, the respondents have determined that there is a problem with their sex life and the percentage are quite high in this context. Hence, the impact of relationship status on memory decline is quite apparent in this context. The study has also sought to understand or discuss about the impact of having a stable job to have or maintain a stable memory. It is also important to note that the aspect of memory decline is mostly a result of the psychological stress that people face in course of increasing age. The physiological stress is however linked with the everyday life of the people in most of the cases. Job or any occupation of an individual is key to memory stability of an individual. The studies of Craik & (2007) and Atkinson, Baddeley & Allen (2018) has depicted that the stability of people in terms of their job is directly linked with their memory status. People tend to act or reflect in a particular way on the basis of what has happened in their professional or job life. It is apparently noted that people often face issues in their professional life which further reflect on their personal day to life. This can be in the form of domestic violence, problems in relationship and irregular sex life among others. All these outcomes from job instability directly reflects on the performance of the human brain. It tends to impact and decline the efficacy of the brain and ultimately the memory power of the people at large. It is further noted that the males in between the age group of 18-25 years are less concerned with jobs and instability of it. This further does not add negativity to the performance of their brain. This is because of the fact that these people are in the age of their life where they are less tensed about the profession they follow or its stability. On the other hand, male population in between the age group of 35-40 are in a age range where professional or job stability is important. Hence, any impact in this domain can further directly lead to influencing the overall stability of their brand and its functioning. Therefore, the influence of job performance upon memory decline is quite apparent in this context. This has also bee noted from the findings of the primary data where the respondents were asked whether they have a job or not so that their psychological issues can be understood and at the same time the impact of the same on their memory power or decline in memory power can also be presented.
Again, the research has also tended to discuss about the impact of sleeping pattern of the people on their memory or brain and how the same influence or leads to decline in power for the brain altogether. It is further noted that sleeping pattern is something which revolves around the concept of having proper rest so that the body can perform well and at the same time the mind can be stable. This is also an important part in keeping the brain as well as memory happy and stable. In this context, it is apparent that an individual need to have a sleep of 7-9 hours on a daily basis in order to lead a healthy life. However, it is noted that the people or the male population in between the age group of 18-25 might not show any negative signs even they do not possess a sound sleeping pattern. However, on the other hand, if people in between the age group of 25-40 does not show proper sleeping pattern, they are most probably are expected to face problem linked with decline in memory. This has also been justified from the findings acquired from survey questionnaire with the target respondents. Correspondingly, it is noted a large percentage of the people has shown affected sleeping patter, which further links with the decline in their memory power along with their age.
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