Evolution of Autodesk Maya


Derakhshani (2012) noted that the Autodesk Maya facilitates a working environment that has been evolving for the purposes of accommodating artistic work along the production line. A brief history of the Autodesk Maya reveals that it was previously regarded as the next-generation animation product anchored on The Advanced Visualizer, which was introduced by the Wavefront Technologies. In the early days, Maya began with TCI as the key scripting language for the purposes of leveraging similarities of the Unix Shell Language. This prompted Maya 1.0 to be released in 1998 followed by a series of acquisitions (Palamar 2015). In the year 2005, Maya was bought by Autodesk, which led to the name Autodesk Maya. The new platform paved way for the 3D computer graphics application believed to run on Linux, MacOS and Windows. While focusing on the history of Autodesk Maya, it is relevant to consider the interactive 3D applications, animated film, video games, and visual effects among others.

Tang (2014) noted that the study of Autodesk Maya begins with the necessary steps that appreciate 3-D computer animation. The 3D computer graphics grew from the experimental short films to the most significant complete integration as far as different types of media are put into consideration. The growth is marked by migration from the flying logos to potential digital actors, which means that the 3D graphic tools are influencing multimedia projects. 3D has the capacity of simulating real objects with surface bends as well as twists reflecting the new art. However, it should equally be noted that 3D animation system demands a collection of the digital content creators. Techniques and tools behind the Maya software are said to be developed based on artistic mind tuned along command based scripting. The latter paves way for customized tools, which are known for integrated production workflows. Palamar (2015) noted that the study of Maya does not exclude animated short films. The experimental nature of the films could be matched to the computer graphics. One of the shortest film, Chris Landreth’s Bingo, is said to have been developed at the time when Maya was in progress. Short films provided ground for experimentations, which would easily drive the innovation across the computer graphics industry. Most of the young animators as well as students began using the animation skills as the paramount vehicle for storytelling. The scope of 3D animation and the development journey of Maya can equally be linked to Broadcast. The flying logos are currently integrated into complete 3D environments in which the corporate message or advertised product is introduced. Maya has opened more doors to the complex use of the 3D across the broadcast world. Based on the integrated modelling, visual effects, characters, animation and video production house can easily add the 3 dimension into their prevailing 2D workflow. Apart from observing the growth of Maya through short films, broadcast and 3D animation, Birn (2014) equally felt that a preview of Arnold render, Maya render and V-ray render may support the understanding of a wide variety of technologies. Seymour (2013) noted that the Arnold render is a bit fast, unidirectional path and brute force tracer which aims at effective and efficient rendering of relatively massive data sets that are characterized by high end visual effects. This type offers the quickest and fastest ray tracing, which keeps the lowest memory footprint. Most of the algorithms like irradiance caching and photo mapping are likely to generate the highest quality results in possibly short timeframe. Sik et al. (2016) noted that such results can only happen when the user understanding can be aligned to the settings of the extra parameters, which can interact in more unintuitive ways. Managing the parameters demands extra artistic time which can in turn be expensive. In addition, incorrect setting of the parameters can result into a longer render, which may be unused as a result of flickering. However, the brute force approach avails the simple choice of taking few samples for the noisier and faster results. Many samples would significantly be slower as well as cleaner. Notable films said to have made use of Arnold include Alice in Wonderland, Monster House, Captain America, First Class and Thor among many others. On the other hand, the Maya render emphasizes on specifying the start as well as the end of the frames across the animation. Watkins (2012) noted that the Maya software renderer is extremely advanced and it is regarded as a multi-threaded renderer. The rendering technology is directly associated to the Maya’s dependency architecture. The feature nodes are essentially connected with the rest of the features. Maya is known for availing the artistic general purpose linked to very broad capabilities. It is regarded as the hybrid tenderer that has the capacity of facilitating raytracing in addition to the speed advantages associated to the scan line renderer. Key features linked to Maya include the renderer feature such as the interactive photo realistic and the interactive adjustment features.

Rackwitz and Sterner (2007) also noted that the study of Arnold and Maya can easily be negotiated with those of the V-Ray render. The latter invests in computer-generated imagery rendering application said to have been developed by one of the Bulgarian companies. V-Ray as first established in Sofia in the year 1997 where it was regarded as a commercial plug-in as far as the 3D computer-graphics software is put into consideration. Major applications have been linked to computer graphics and visualizations as seen with the entertainment, media, video game and film production, product design as well as industrial design among others. Kuhlo (2013) also added that V-Ray makes the significant use of the global illumination algorithms as noted with irradiance maps, path racing and photon mapping. Based on the above details, the study aims at investing the use of the Autodesk Maya software while establishing the pros and cons of Maya render, V-ray render and Arnold render. This will be accompanied by digging deep into their history and the past performance associated to the mentioned renderers.

Method Design

The study of Autodesk Maya fosters development of the software and advantages and disadvantages associated to other renderers including the V-ray, Arnold and Maya. All the renderers are determined by their respective developers, which call for the qualitative study of their characteristics and how one can be compared to the next one. The suitability of the qualitative research method is based on the fact that the method attracts descriptive findings linked to the phenomenon (Kumar 2019). The method can effectively be applied in describing service or software demonstrations especially where in-depth understanding is needed. While studying the Autodesk Maya software renderer, the qualitative method offers the advantage of facilitating a deeper analysis of the phenomenon rather than providing the counts and the measures. In addition, the method has the ability of simulating and integrating individual experiences as far as software development (Mackey and Gass 2015). However, it might be easy to generalize the research outcomes because of picking few case studies.

Data Collection

The study relies on the secondary data research as the source of data. Secondary data includes data that is normally collected from other sources that are not original and independent. Mostly, secondary data research depends on the organizational records, journal articles, newspapers and books as the sources of information. The choice of secondary data is best on the fact that studying software does not necessarily call for experimentation but development details shared by the developer (Silverman 2016). Secondly, investigation of the pros and cons of Maya, Arnold and V-ray does not engage technical platforms but the experiential use and the impact they have in the course of their application. Therefore, the research question, which is what are the uses of Autodesk Maya software renderer and pros and cons of Maya, V-ray and Arnold, attracts secondary data as the key source of information (Flick 2015). Notably, secondary data calls for the use of the systematic reviews as the tool for collection of data. In this case, the tool is used in appraising the research studies while synthesizing the qualitative findings. The tool can exhaustively provide a summary of the evidence as related to the research question.



The study took advantage of the journal articles, books, peer reviewed articles and study reports. Most of the journal and peer reviewed articles selected for this course should sound relevant to the research aim. This class of materials should bear publishing dates that range from the year 2014 to 2019. The dates are believed to present the most updated details on the Autodesk Maya and other renderers as stated earlier. Study reports and books are allowed to have any publishing dates because they are likely to reflect on a developing history of the notable renderers (Moher et al. 2015). The history is always advantageous in striking comparisons of different phases of development. Findings from every material will be harmonized and integrated for the purposes of reflecting the research topic.

Data collection process

As stated before, the study will take the advantageous use of the secondary data with the help of the systematic review. While conducting a systematic review, a five-step procedure will be considered.

Framing topics and question for review. The research question on Autodesk Maya and other software renderers shall be made clear, structured, and unambiguous before commencing the review. After setting the question, the study gives allowance to modification of the protocol for alternative means of defining the outcomes and interventions.

Identification of the relevant work: during this stage, an extensive search for case studies shall be done to access multiple of the sources. Language restrictions should stick to English with reasons for inclusion and exclusions cited along the findings. Study selection criterion needs to flow from specific questions while being specified as priori. The support of databases, in these cases, would give an opportunity to access a number of materials. Key databases to be used include Google scholar and Semantic scholar.


Assessment of the quality of the studies: Assessments and evaluations should narrow down to question formulation as well as the selection criteria. The two should confirm minimum acceptable design level. The studies are purposely subjected to design-based quality guides and critical appraisal procedures for the purposes of realizing heterogeneity and meta-analysis.

Provision of a summary of the evidence: synthesis of data may go alongside citation of the quality, effects and characteristics behind the studies or a combination of the meta-analytical work. Heterogeneity and the sources are expected to be planned prior to the exploration of the meta-analysis.

Interpreting the findings: This stage touches partly on data analysis as far as the research topic is put into consideration. Significant recommendations would further be graded o establish the strength as well as the weaknesses of the given evidence.

Data analysis

The nature of the data to be collected is descriptive in nature, which means that it runs without any numerical values being included. The qualitative data includes observations, texts, symbols, pictures and signs, which are linked to the Autodesk Maya and other renderers such as V-ray among others. Therefore, the best tool for data analysis, in this case, is the content analysis. The latter is regarded as a tool that is utilized in replicating and making valid inferences through interpretation as well as coding the textual materials (Krippendorff 2018). Texts can appear in graphics, documents and even oral communication. Content analysis is regarded as valuable because it gives room for recovery as well as examination of technical trends, perceptions, and applications. The research analyse data based on the procedure below.

Data preparation: The research will transcribe data collected and verbalization. Transcriptions will majorly depend on the objectives inclined to the study.

Definition of concepts or themes: While such definitions would not make sense in the technical world, the research would still find the meaningful use of the key terms and applications.

Development of categories and sub-categories: The technical studies are largely empirical studies. It is easier to draw comparisons at these level in terms of the applications, pros and cons. The analysis will also work for consistency of the properties inclined to the ideas and the technical sense.

Pre-testing: This stage ensures consistency of the existing data and whether sources can tally on some key findings.

Coding text

Assessment of consistency of the coding process

Determining the inferences

Results presentation

Results and discussion

Autodesk Maya Render Software

The research conducted rigorous searches on two key databases, which included the Google scholar and semantic scholar. Upon searching the word “Autodesk Maya”, and selecting journals published over the last five years, Google scholar gave 2410, articles and books, and semantic scholar gave 971 results. Because most of the books on Google scholar could not open the entire content, the search narrowed down to journal articles and e-books published over the last five year. The search gave 1290 results. Upon harmonizing and integrating the results from semantic scholar with those from google scholar, the research could only manage 80 articles. Upon of application of exclusion and inclusion criteria, the materials reduced to 7 articles. A close look at those that included the pros and cons reduced the number to 3 with high similarity index observed between google scholar and semantic scholar. Based on the three articles, the findings noted that Autodesk Maya Render software, or the Maya software, is a multi-threaded render that has feature nodes. The nodes are largely regarded as Dependency Graph with a special DG node being referred to as the Directed Acyclic Graph. The hypergraph of the nodes gives Maya the advantage of a detailed view. It has the capability of facilitating true raytracing and the exclusive speed advantages associated to the scan-line renderer. The nature of Maya incorporates the complex interconnections such as ramps as well as procedural textures believed to govern the emission of particles and unpredictable relationships, which are capacitated in yielding exceptional visual effects (Palamar 2015). Data around Maya reveals that the software is all about the dynamics, animation, objects, and lights.

Visual effects of Maya

Pros of Maya

Autodesk Maya, based on the findings, offers a number of advantages. First, it offers the most excellent services at animation when compared to the 3D design product and the 3DS Max. Maya is able to produce realistic animations which are accomplished using a collection of tools as well as techniques. Keyframe offers the simplest way of animating objects. Maya has the capacity of interpolating the significant value amid two keyframes (Newsome 2018). Attributions are appended to Maya, which are animates the position of the object, the shader colour and object visibility. The Auto Keyframe plays the advantageous role of putting the significant keyframes on the object upon sensing the changes in terms of the attributes.

the Auto Keyframes in Autodesk Maya

Secondly, Autodesk Maya offers the free-form approach towards 3D modelling. This can be attributed to modifiers as well as the modelling layers. The poly tools integrated in Maya is said to make character rigging, organic modelling and animation super-intuitive quite limitless. Notably, Maya can shine when one applies nurbs modelling. In addition, polygon-modelling tools, which define box modelling, are known for shaping basic cube into a significantly complex object (Montesdeoca et al. 2018). The modelling process calls for addition of geometry. Over the years, the modelling tools have improved with the box model taking a rounded shape. The human form would largely begin with smoothed cube before establishing the good surface flow.

The Smoothed polygon cube

The third advantage includes the paint effects, which gives room for 3D shapes through free-hand drawing. Rendering is made prettier when Maya is engaged in the out-of-the-box. Plugins can be added to the effect of designing and modelling depending on the desired outcome. Upon rendering the paint effects strokes, they are normally added to the entire image upon creation. The process is commonly referred to as the postprocess. The reason behind this revolves around the fact that strokes can be rendered especially after the scene elements have been rendered. It significantly takes little work to fully integrate the paint effects into a possibly realistic rendering (Guarnera et al. 2017). The Maya software renderer provides the Render settings window. The quality can be boosted by picking on oversampling. Shadow effects are part of the paint effects that take advantage of the brush attributes.

the shadow effects

The cons of Maya

While Autodesk Maya seem to have a number of advantages, Maya still has a number of limitations. Apart from being the powerful software, the node editor is said to be cumbersome and the scene hierarchy is said to be complicated. This is because the node editor is normally presented when empty, which prompts the user to choose the connections. The node is known to be having a series of ports for the purposes of lining the attributes (Guarnera et al. 2017). The nodes would always appear in simple node at default. While the steps would appear simple, node editing may be accompanied by editing and re-editing while trying to create an additional locator.

Secondly, Autodesk Maya has compatibility issues that call for plugins the ultimate reason of smoothening out. This is because any plugins said to be developed by Maya APIs are supposed to be ported as well as tested on every main releases for the purposes of ensuring that they are working with the new release of Maya platforms. For a number of generations, Maya would break into binary plugin. If the plugins are to work on service pack and new hotfix, the user would have to perform some port working for the purposes of migrating their application to a new API. However, most of the python codes are believed to portable across the releases. Most of the plugins from Python are easier to migrate when compared to the C++ plugins. It is of note that Maya C++ plugins are normally close to the core upon implementation. This calls for developers to spend most of their time and effort to update the API classes as well as add new methods. Sometimes, the internal architecture may require an update as well. Finally, complicated plugins may call for the use of the compiler technology.

Arnold render

Searches on Arnold render were done on both Google scholar and the semantic scholar. On Google scholar, the search results stood at 8210 and those of semantic scholar settled at 2620. The search largely narrowed down to journal articles and e-books on both platforms. Google scholar showed more articles and e-books than semantic scholar did. Filtering was done and the materials dropped down to 1831. When the findings were integrated and harmonized, significant articles and e-books dropped down to 121. While taking the materials through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the materials dropped down to 12. Upon assessment of the refined materials, only four articles could properly talk about the pros and cons of Arnold renderer. The refinement process also considered the scale of the findings, the periods of the studies and the association of the software with the rest of the renderers. It could be found out that Arnold was largely used in effective rendering of massive data. It can achieve visual effects and its stand a greater chance of facilitating the fastest ray tracing at lowest memory footprint. Autodesk acquired Arnold but it was created as well as developed by solid angle. It is regarded as an advanced raytracing renderer applied in developing quality 3D animation as well as visual effects. The renderer is used in more than 300 film studios across the world as it is with the case of Gravity, Pacific Rim and Monster House (Georgiev et al. 2018). The guiding principle for Arnold is that it exposes a few controls such as provision of rapid feedback and adapting to the production workflows. The findings have established that Arnold can be designed for interactive rendering and offline. However, Arnold’s API gives room for the users to apply and implement the tracing based tools like baking. The Arnold philosophy was based on the idea of streamlining the renderer which has the capacity of scaling the film complexity. The renderer takes on the ambitious goal of rendering the artefact free images linked to dynamic scenes that have complicated in-core. There are advantages and disadvantages of using the Arnold renderer as established through the findings.

Pros of Arnold Renderer

The first advantage provided by Arnold, based on the findings, revolves around memory efficiency especially for the large data sets. An increase in memory can be made possible through the BVH optimization. First, memory efficiency can be established through array compression. This is done through the lossy and the lossless compression of the significant data arrays. For instance, meshes having less than 256 vertices can have the indices comfortably stored in an 8-bit integer. Equally, the shading normal can equally be packed from the 3 floats, or 12 bytes, to 4 bytes. Memory efficiency can equally be achieved through polygon representation where the storage allows the quads as the base primitives instead of using triangles (Thompson 2017). This paves way for memory savings for both the BVH and meshes. Pairs of triangles can effectively be converted into quads while reducing the number of primitives to half. Instancing is also another method, which can reduce the memory footprint through geometry nodes. Instancing the nodes gives room for compacting or squeezing the massive scenes that can have cities, debris and vegetation. The last method for boosting memory efficiency is procedural nesting. The method entails making the child nodes procedural for the purposes of introducing the deep node hierarchy. For instance, an ass file stands a better chance of being referenced to the next ass file as part of the procedurals (Georgiev et al. 2018). Procedural nesting created a chance of squeezing films that take massive environments as it is with the case of the ring-shaped stations as noted in the Elysium.

Arnold production version of Elysium

The second advantage is that it is easy to adapt and artistic friendly. This is possible through path tracing as a result of the brute force. The thumb rule is effective in reducing noise. Rendering takes advantage of the simple algorithm which has easy basics for users as far as understanding the controls and performing lighting configurations experienced during the production process (Kulla et al. 2018). Simple tasks, open environments as well as the character centred shots aim at achieving speed as well as simplicity. For example, caching algorithms and photon mapping pave way for faster renders.

The rendered flyover of London bearing millions of light sources

Cons of the Arnold renderer

First, very good are easier to achieve but this has always been accompanied by tweaking. Character-centred shots and open environments van attain two goals including simplicity and speed, which are two characters that can conflict. For example, irradiance caching would always give room for faster renders. However, photon mapping and irradiance caching can be prone to flickering image artefacts, which may call for added tweaking for the purposes of amelioration. Memory footprint and performance may insufficiently scale the complex scenes. Unidirectional path tracing may not be prone to artefacts but it can greatly suffer from noise when under indirect light. Therefore, most of the users may end up avoiding light sources that are placed close to the geometry. They would instead recess the luminaire by making use of the invisible planar source of light. Through default properties, Arnold is known for avoiding some of the paths, which makes it less robust. The prevalence of the path space regularization and skipping specular paths that are caustic puts a limit to Arnold rendering, which may not take all the surfaces.

V-ray render

V-ray render is one of the exclusive areas that showed more results on semantic scholar more than the google scholar database. The research process entailed feeding the word “V-ray rendering” into the search engine or the database search tab. Google scholar gave 311 results while the semantic scholar gave 11600 results. Scaling down the results on semantic scholar by indicating “downloaded materials” or “Has PDF” reduced the results to 7280 outcomes. The results were further treated to “literature reviews” which reduced the results to 762 outcomes. Upon integrating and harmonizing the results from Google scholar and those of semantics scholar led to 82 outcomes. Selection of e-books and downloadable journal articles brought the results to 13. However, subjecting the materials to further inclusion and exclusion process, where pros and cons were specified, reduced the results to four. The four materials were considered because they could account for experimental advantages and disadvantages linked to the V-ray render. It could be found out that V-ray is largely regarded as the computer generated imagery rendering said to have been developed by Chaos Group, one of the notable Bulgarian companies. It is largely regarded as a commercial plugin across most of the third party 3D computer graphics software. Major applications of V-ray include computer graphics as well as visualizations across different industries that are not limited to video game production, product design, entertainment and media among others (Cardoso 2017). Some of desktop 3D applications said to be supported by V-Ray include Maya, Cinema 4D, Rhinoceros, Autodesk Revit, Modo and Blender. With wide applications noted with V-Ray, the render has a number of advantages and disadvantages as found through systematic review of the materials found in the section above.

The pros of V-Ray render

First, the tool is faster in terms of the render settings, the machine in use and the model to be rendered. When compared to other tools in the market, V-Ray is believed to work faster than any of them. V-Ray effectively pumps out low quality images thereby resulting into the colour, light and material that can prompt decisions on framing and composition (Kučinskienė and Kučinskas 2015). Other rendering software only give room for creating draft images but almost none of them can work faster compared to V-Ray. Secondly, V-Ray has the capacity of working seamlessly with Sketchup, Rhino and 3DS Max. Sometimes, V-ray may look tricky for anyone to master but the program is easy to integrate it with other 3D modelling programs. V-ray is largely regarded as a plugin that hinges on compatible software. Architects would integrate it with Google Sketchup thereby producing a valuable feature. The sketchy ideas can easily be made realistic by the help of the V-Ray.

Wireframe view of a scene using V-ray

Third, V-ray has extensive material library as well as resources in the sense a designer would use the tool as a proxy to the finishes as well as the final touches. In addition, it has an established steep learning curve that depends on the abundance of settings, options, interface and vast material library. For most of the architects, tweaking the craft may reflect the preferences which revolve around the expectations of the expertise. In addition, V-Ray stands a better chance of producing realistic visualizations. The accurate representations of the world conditions include the cleanest textures, brightest whites and the darkest darks (Angulo and de Velasco 2015). The same advantage appeals to the speed V-Ray has in creating quick and almost accurate and quick animations. While most of the animations would be expensive as well as to produce, architects would take advantage of the V-ray in making the process quick.

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The cons of using V-Ray render

Materials on disadvantages of V-Ray render could scarcely be found. However, one of the outstanding disadvantages revolves around the light tweaking and colour. Chances are that brightness of the images is likely to compromise the RGB values. Direct sunlight via the skylights is likely to create bright spots, which can be messy and can call for cleaning in most experiments. The V-ray as well as the in-Cycle are less user friendly. Every node in the V-ray has plenty of options.

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The study on Autodesk Maya renders software led to the understanding of the working environment that has been evolving with time. The background details provided an overview of the next generation animation. A few findings that could be established earlier took note of the history of Maya and the capacity of simulating objects. Further study of V-ray and Maya opened an understanding of different technologies. However, Arnold is noted to be unidirectional and the brute force aims at efficient rendering. Based on the background details, the research aimed at exploring the use of Autodesk Maya and establishing the benefits and limitations of the V-ray render, Arnold render and Maya render. While defining the research process, it was quite advantageous to make use of the qualitative research method. This could be accompanied by secondary data, which was effectively collected through systematic review.

Key materials that could be used included books, journal articles and peer reviewed articles. The research went ahead establishing the data collection process and data analysis with the help of content analysis. Google scholar and semantic scholar were used as the key databases that would help the research to find the right materials. Based on the findings, Autodesk Maya offers the most excellent services as far as animation is concerned. In addition, Maya provides the free-form approach as far as 3D modelling is put into consideration. The approach is largely attributed to the modelling layers and offers paint effects at the same time. Maya has few limitations including a complicated node editor and compatibility issues. On the other hand, Arnold render has the advantage of memory efficiency and it is artistic friendly. It equally suffers from tweaking and noise. On the other hand, V-ray is seen to be faster and work seamlessly. However, V-ray suffers from a compromise between RGB values and brightness.


Tang, M., 2014. Parametric building design using Autodesk Maya. Routledge.

Palamar, T., 2015. Mastering Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press. John Wiley & Sons.

Derakhshani, D., 2012. Introducing Autodesk Maya 2013. John Wiley & Sons.

Sheharyar, A. and Bouhali, O., 2014. A framework for creating a distributed rendering environment on the compute clusters. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0608.

Keller, E., Palamar, T. and Honn, A., 2010. Mastering Autodesk Maya 2011. John Wiley & Sons.

Kuhlo, M., 2013. Architectural rendering with 3ds Max and V-Ray: photorealistic visualization. Focal Press.

Watkins, A., 2012. Getting Started in 3D with Maya: Create a Project from Start to Finish—Model, Texture, Rig, Animate, and Render in Maya. Focal Press.

Kumar, R., 2019. Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage Publications Limited.

Moher, D., Shamseer, L., Clarke, M., Ghersi, D., Liberati, A., Petticrew, M., Shekelle, P. and Stewart, L.A., 2015. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Systematic reviews, 4(1), p.1.

Shamseer, L., Moher, D., Clarke, M., Ghersi, D., Liberati, A., Petticrew, M., Shekelle, P. and Stewart, L.A., 2015. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015: elaboration and explanation. Bmj, 349, p.g7647.

Newsome, A., 2018. Divine Vulpine: 3D Simulation of Colorations of the Wild and Domesticated Red Fox.

Montesdeoca, S.E., Seah, H.S., Semmo, A., Bénard, P., Vergne, R., Thollot, J. and Benvenuti, D., 2018, August. MNPR: a framework for real-time expressive non-photorealistic rendering of 3D computer graphics. In Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (p. 9). ACM.

Georgiev, I., Ize, T., Farnsworth, M., Montoya-Vozmediano, R., King, A., Lommel, B.V., Jimenez, A., Anson, O., Ogaki, S., Johnston, E. and Herubel, A., 2018. Arnold: A brute-force production path tracer. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 37(3), p.32.

Kučinskienė, J. and Kučinskas, G., 2015. Experience Areas Landscape Design Features: Visualization Possibilities. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 12(3), pp.57-64.

Angulo, A. and de Velasco, G.V., 2015. Virtual Sketching: Instructional Low Resolution Virtual Reality Simulations. Blucher Design Proceedings, 2(3), pp.506-513.

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