The Evaluation of the Impact of Primary Schools


There is a domain of the assessment to record the context of the contribution of the teachers and its impact on the growth of the skill set is an essential measure that is centrally focused on the execution of this study. There is a note of the context which is analyzed and there is an evaluation of the factors which are studied in order to entitle the note of the issues being unfolded and mitigated. The factors of the skill sets are assessed and analyzed in the course of providing the judgment of the skill set of the individuals.


Literature review

Saudi Arabia has increasingly emphasized on education change over the past decade, in a way of not only diversify its economy but also improving the lives of its citizens. Placing the education as a core to future prosperity demands reforming and implementing change aligned to changing job market, lifestyle, and world perspective. Hargreaves and Shirley (2009) highlighted educational changes categorizing into various ways performance and partnership, markets and standardization, and innovation and inconsistency. Nevertheless, Hargreaves and Shirley argued that success of such countries as Singapore and Finland in reforming their respective education system is largely attributable to more than standardization of the system but incorporating innovation, responsibility, sustainability, and inspiration. Alnahdi (2014), on educational reforms in Saudi Arabia, placed high quality teachers (proper training and higher degree of responsibility), responsibility and accountability, and standardization of tests and general objective as fundamental to education and learning change.

Investigating the perceptions of leaders and teachers in Saudi Arabian school system by taking a case study of Tatweer school system, Alyami (2016) found that change from autonomy to semi-autonomous education system in Saudi Arabia shifting in schools’ managements, changing evaluation, focus on quality of teaching fraternity, and emphasis on excellence has impacted the attitude of not only students but also staff and parents. According to Pavan (2013), the quest for education in the country has seen a huge investment on learning institutions as well as supporting systems that include teachers, school management, and leadership. Lijuan Li, along with the fellow writers, played a contribution in the academic study which is to portray the assessed judgments of the individuals which are based on the level teaching skill set. These are the teachings that are to collaborate and assess the measure of principal leadership and the evaluation in the primary school society. The purpose of the study is the depicted evaluation in the measure and domain of the different effects of leadership in the organization. The high impact of teacher leadership in the course of assessment will have the impact of optimization in the overall execution of the society (Li, H, & Ko, 2016).

In an analysis of the personality traits in an organization, there are certain actions that will portray the course of impact on the leadership of the leaders in the primary school teaching level. In this manner, a publication by the Sip Jan Pijl and fellows are assessed in the discussion of personality factors. There is an assessment that will portray the course of impact based on practical implications of the system. There are many teachers who are doing the jobs of training the impaired students who are devoid of the normal lifetime practices (Sip, Jan, & Els, 2015).

Research Questions

What is the influence of principals’ leadership on the skills development of primary school teachers?

What is the role of teachers’ personality factor of agreeableness on teaching skills?

Does leniency by primary school teachers contribute to a good teaching skill set?

The aim of the study

The basic aim of the study is to provide the basis of the understanding which can possibly be depicted by the study of the traits of the teachers of the primary school. There are different evaluations that are based on the different factors, which are evaluated in the course of assessment that can aid the study of the skill set. There is a manner of the impact which will impact the basis of assessed issues in the dimensions of the well being of the students by gaining a skilled teacher. These are the depicted evaluations that can be eased and assessed in the course of the factors which contribute to being a skilled individual.

These are the factors that are studied on the basis of the assessment of the behaviour of the teachers. In this manner, there are certain bases of the aspects, which are studied in the domains of the wellbeing of the skill set. These elaborations of the skill set are the course of actions that are studied by the emphasis and are the basis of the impact. The assessment of the impact is provided by the individuals that are a part of the schooling system and are based in the domains of the evaluation.

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There is certain employed methodology in the course of actions that are to portray the basis of the structure of the research and are assessed in the form of mixed methods. There are two approaches that are implied based on the different domains of the implications of evaluating the research. The implied approach is such that there are one qualitative approach and two quantitative approaches. This means that the employed methods of implications are statistical and numerical. This means that there are certain issues that are portrayed in the domains of the different depictions in the field of assessed criteria of different issues elaboration. This study looks into understanding the teachers’ personality linking to underlying leadership in implementation of change (modernization such as mixed-gender schooling and employing women teachers in both boys and mixed schools) in Saudi Arabian primary schools. Interpretivism research philosophy aligns to the aims of this study.

The other two employed depictions of the assessment are undertaken in the course of understanding as to the basis which is to be portrayed in the dimensions of the respondents being involved in the system. This is possible through the assessment of the two different techniques of the qualitative methodology of the system. This is the assessed portrayal of the dimensions, which are responsible for the note of the elaborative measures of the evaluation. There are certain assessed depictions in which we can assess the different domains of the study. The assessed outcome will be transformed on the basis of the methodology of the implied nature.

The assessed result of the implications of the respondents will contribute in the manner of implied system weight-age, which is in the system. There are certain bases of the issues which are not possible to be sorted out through the measure of the assessed criteria on the basis of certain evaluation. There is a certain measure of the issues which are elaborated by the multiple measure of the qualitative systems in this manner the domains of two essential qualitative measures of the system. In this manner, the implementation suffices the multiple implications of the elaborative study of the topic. Data will be collected from primary sources taken in two stage: first involves quantitative data from 100-150 teachers quantifying the influence and role of leadership on their skills and teachings abilities. Second stage incorporates interviewing teachers and leaders (principals) from mixed primary schools in the country.


Alnahdi, G.H., 2014. Educational change in saudi arabia. Journal of International Education Research (JIER), 10(1), pp.1-6.

Alnesyan, A., 2012. Teaching and Learning Thinking Skills in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Case studies from seven primary schools.

Alyami, R.H., 2016. A Case Study of the Tatweer School System in Saudi Arabia: the perceptions of leaders and teachers (Doctoral dissertation, University of Reading).

Li, L., H, P., & Ko, J. (2016). Principal leadership and school capacity effects on teacher learning in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management .

Pavan, A., 2013. A New Perspective on the Quest for Education: The Saudi Arabian Way to Knowledge Society. Higher Education Studies, 3(6), pp.25-34.

Sip, J. P., Jan, B., & Els, V. D. (2015). Personality traits of expert teachers of students with EBD: clarifying a teacher's X-factor. International Journal of Inclusive Education , 569-587.

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