In the past two decades, globalization as a topic has gained the interest of the business community, scholars, and Non-governmental organizations engaging in research about various issues of globalization. Equally, globalization has been the subject of various conferences, dialogues, and seminars held by public and private institutions trying to understand its advantages and disadvantages, with the most frequently emerging question being that; who are the beneficiaries and losers of globalization (Razak, 2011). Some scholars argue that globalization originates from the west and is directed towards underdeveloped and developed countries within the world. Nonetheless, it creates political, cultural, economic and political ramifications whenever its spreads towards (Mohamed, 2003).
As an on-going process and a multi-faceted phenomenon, scholars have gained much scepticism as to whether developing or underdeveloped countries have so far benefited from it. Thus, the main aim of this study will be to examine how globalization has impacted the cultural and educational fabric of Muslim countries in the East. Moreover, drawing ideas from the theory of liberalism, the theory of Marxism, and the theory of constructivism, the paper will explore how the western culture has managed to penetrate into the eastern culture through globalization. Ultimately, the paper will examine whether globalization can be considered as colonization in disguise.
How has globalization impacted the Muslim culture and education?
Systematic literature review will be considered as the method of study. According to Savin-Baden & Major (2013), a systematic literature review is a process of systematically collecting, analysing, interpreting and making conclusions on data collected from secondary sources to answer a research question. Hence, the study will rely on data from secondary sources from existing qualitative and quantitative research (i.e. peer-reviewed journal articles) as its sources of data.
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Mohamed, M., (2003). Globalisation and the new realities. Subang Jaya,Malaysia: Pelanduk as good citizens who will have a good relationship with Publications (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Razak A, (2011). Globalization and its Impact on Education and Culture. World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 1 (1): 59-69, 2011/
Savin-Baden, M., & Major, C. H. (2013). Qualitative research: The essential guide to theory and practice. Routledge.
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