The research is about developing reflective practitioners where I would be able to reflect on my personal and professional skill development through proper assessment and investigation. Through the biographical approach, it is possible to develop clear understanding about the author’s personal skill and literature review, where proper link can be established (Knight and Newby, 2019; Rowe, 2017). On the other hand, mirror smaller approach is also effective in this regard to review own understanding and sasses own skill and abilities for developing proper reflexive practice. The aim of the research is to develop proper reflexive work, by reviewing my past experience and skill and developing future career path. In this research, proper literature review, methodology and methods as well as the critical analysis of the personal and professional skill will also be discussed in further sections of the study.
The aim of the research is to develop personal reflective practice, where I can review my past experience and identify personal and professional skill so that it is possible to analyse my potential and improve my capabilities in long run. I also try to develop method of conducting the research so that it would be possible to progress successfully. On the other hand, it will further help me to develop my future career path, where I can create personal and professional development plan to achieve future career success. In the high competitive business world, it is important for me to conduct the reflective study, to understand my potential and improve my skill and knowledge in future, so that it would be possible to achieve future career path successfully and efficiently (Hopkinson, 2016).
Through critical reflection practice, I try to share my skill set and knowledge in the field of business management. I try to improve my values and knowledge in the business management, where I aim to gather in depth skill and knowledge related to business management and decision making practice. In this regard, critical analytical skill and problem solving skill are effective where I focus on generating business models and developing business decision of successful management of the organisational operations. It is effective for me to reflect upon own understanding and skill to identify my abilities and develop further planning to achieve future career success. This skill set and knowledge are helpful for me to improve self development process for future managerial career. Self motivation and self directed learning are also effective where I focus on motivating myself continuously to learn new things and gather more knowledge and experience. Self directed learning and time management for learning and gathering vast range of information are also fruitful for my future career path. I also try to focus on critical writing skill where I note down the things, that I have learnt through continuous learning. The note taking activities through tale format, writing short note over the findings through learning books and journals are also effective for my personal and professional development. Biographical perspective, in this regard is also effective to share my experience and review my personal and professional skill and knowledge. Hereby, biographical process of learning is also fruitful for me to improve my understanding and understand what should be improved further (Schmidt, 2017).
Through continuous learning process and biographical approach of learning, I continuously focus on enhance my knowledge as well as improve my emotional intelligence skill and personality trait as these are important for professional career. Hereby, Critical Reflective practice, as well as experiential-learning cycle are beneficial for the appropriate analysis of my experiences and develop future personal and professional developmental plan, where I can improve my understanding and knowledge. Hence, professional reflective assessment is effective for queries where inquiry about own skill and knowledge as well as reviewing the progress of personal and professional skill development are effective for me to enhance my capabilities through self directed and self motivated learning process (Lim, 2018). Here, I try to gather vast range of information through searching it on online, reviewing the books, journals and online business articles, from where in can improve my knowledge in business management and also enhance my professional skill set. Additionally, the method of mirror writing practice and the biographical assessment are also beneficial for me to review my capabilities and analyse my skill set and requirement of further necessary knowledge in business management and professional skill which influence me to develop further personal and professional developmental plan to achieve future career success. I try to improve authenticity and multiple identities in order to establish my career. I as a bipolar depressive disorder patient, try to reflect upon own skill and abilities where I am suffering through mood swing. I aim at conducting the research by identifying the skill and abilities to develop an authentic professional.
I try to develop proper review and analysis from my personal experienced, gathered in past years and in this regard, the methodology to conduct the research is action research where I would be able to reflect upon own skill and abilities. I try to gather all the understanding during my professional career and during studies, where reviewing those personal and professional knowledge is mandatory to conduct the research successfully. In this regard, the mirror small analysis and approach is appropriate, where I try to look my personal and professional growth very closely and try to understand my capability in the professional career. On the other hand, the methodology of critical qualitative enquiry is also effective for personal and professional developmental activities, where proper inquiry of personal skill and knowledge are helpful to describe own understanding and skill and develop self reflective assessment (Kroll and Dussias, 2017). Through this approach, it is also possible for me to develop the reflective paper by reviewing my own skill and capabilities. Critical enquiry further provides me a scope to investigate deep aspects of my experiences and analyse meditational background for understanding my capabilities. Reflexive and Arts-Based Auto ethnographic practices are also effective for successful review of my personal and professional skill and this approach is also efficient to develop reflective assessment research, where it is possible to discuss own understanding and knowledge in the personal and professional career growth. Cultural dimension, interpersonal skill and personal experience can be evacuated through this approach, where critical analysis can be conducted in developing suitable reflective assessment which is the main aim of the research. As per the methodology, the secondary data method is suitable in this regard, where proper collection of data through secondary sources of information such as own CV and professional career certificates are effective in this regard to conduct the assessment and reflect upon own skill and abilities.
The secondary methodology is also helpful for me to present my own skill and efficiencies in a suitable manner where I also can develop reflective assessment by collecting the data about myself through more inquiry and critical analysis. As a management student, critical reflective practice is helpful to review my skill in management and develop effective plan for personal and professional progress. Emotional Recall, Systematic Sociological Introspection and Therapeutic Inquiry are also helpful for the reflective practice; own personal and professional skill can be developed through developing proper personal and professional career plan (Walters et al., 2011; Sangster, 2017). In this regard, I try to utilise the emotional recall method, to improve my emotional intelligence which is mandatory for working in the professional field and develop working relationship with other colleagues. On the other hand, the critical Systematic Sociological Introspection is also helpful for discussing the social kill, which are also required for both educational career and professional career as it reshape the mind set and improve social skill to communicate with others (Davies, Curtin and Robson, 2017). Therapeutic inquiry is also effective for me to analyse my own skill and capabilities and develop appropriate career plan for achieving my professional aims and objectives. Hereby, the methodologies are effective to develop the reflective assessment after reviewing my capabilities and skill set.
The method of reflecting over own understanding and knowledge is mandatory to be chosen here so that it would be possible for me to reflect upon own skill seta and personal and professional skill. In this regard, for diagnostic and creative reflective assessment, the Gibb’s reflective model is utilised well, where there are six steps, through which it is possible for me to reflect on my skill and experiences. The six steps are such as,
Description: discussion what happen
Feeling: own thing and feeling
Evaluating: identifying good or bad about the experience gathered
Analysis: analysing the current situation
Conclusion: identifying what could be done further
Action plan: developing proper planning for future career achievement
These are the major steeps, through which it is possible for me to conduct the reflective assessment. According to the steps, it is possible for me to hare my experience and skill set, as well as evaluate the experiences and the situation what is happened in the past of further assessment and critical analysis. The model is also effective where I can develop personal and professional plan, through which it would be possible for me to develop my skill and understanding to achieve future career goal.
As per my educational background, I am successfully completed the first and second year of BA Honours in Business management and now I am in third year in the University of Sunderland. I also have other diploma degree which is higher in Accounting, ECDL in Computer, IGCSE in English Language and I also serve in Cyprus Army, where the working process and culture help me to improve my skill and abilities and make me a responsible person. During the working progress and the educational career, I try to improve my knowledge and understanding through gathering in depth knowledge where I like to search vast information regarding the subject matter as well as I am interested in the Cyprus Army in contributing positively and working responsibly in the campus. During the studies, I try to improve my grades by gathering more skill in business management where I try to gather in depth knowledge and real organisational based practice to improve my professional skill and experience. The training session in the campus was very hard and it further leads me to depression and stress, as it is difficult for me to study and attend the training program at the campus. During the training and study, I face difficulties to handle both of the activities, where it becomes hard to manage the hectic training program at the camp and also manage my study, which is my dream. I choose business management field, as I am interested to make new creative decision for the business activities and contribute passively in the organisation to achieve higher.
I try to utilise my skill and capabilities in the classes and improve my understanding in mathematics, physics and other science related and engineering related subject, in order to have as knowledge, so that it would be possible for me to utilise the subject matter of experts and enhance my lesson further (Christie et al., 2018). Cyprus campus also gives me the chance to enhance my capabilities where I try to gather more in depth knowledge and understanding about the professional working pattern, and I try to improve my professional skill, emotional intelligence and personal trait in order to work with others efficiently. Spending time in the campus further helps me to improve my emotional intelligence and make me string in my career path. I can lean more skill and gather experience during the training at the camp and it is also helpful for me to change my thinking process and make me more active in the society. As it is my choice to study the business management from renowned university, I try to manage the life style and motivate myself to participate actively in the university, so that my career goal can be achieved in future. I try to mange to stay at the place and study hard and self directed study and self motivated leaning further provide me a scope to complete my degree successfully with high grades.
During the coursework, I try to improve my knowledge and the university provides the scope to gather more skill in the business management and other aspects of business, which would be beneficial for me to improve my professional career and improve my knowledge and real life understanding to provide business solutions. The innovation and creativity of me is also increasing, where I would like to try to new decision and make innovative planning for the benefits of the organisation. On the other hand, the training program at the army camp is also helpful for me to improve my strength and enhance my knowledge. It also makes me a responsible person in doing my responsibility and job efficiently. However, it would be more effective for me if I could get chance to attend business training program during the educational career, so that I can gather more real life vast knowledge and identify more creative decisions of the business to manage their operations. I love to focus on continuous learning process for my personal and professional development and in this regard, I would like to gather vast information and be involved in the continuous learning process. On the other hand, it would be effective for me if I would get further chance to join the campaign in army and take active part in the training program at the camp.
The past experience and knowledge are effective for me to improve my understanding in future where I would like to tale active part in the organisations for business management. I would also like to improve creativity and innovation in making organisational decision as it further helps me to improve my career opportunity and get effective job in renowned business firm. I try to explore new information through searching it online, reading more books and journals and watching videos. These are effective for me to gather more skill and knowledge for achieving future professional career goal. I also try to work hard and never give up so that I can achieve higher in my education and professional career. Working in progress and continuous development through learning and knowledge gathering are also effective for me to improve my skill and expertise to work further in business management field. I am interested to generate more creative ideas for the successful business management and it would further give me the chance to get proper job in renowned organisation. On the other hand, the skill and experience of Cyprus army is also helpful for me to have good reputation and be responsible in working efficiently in the organisation. This is effective for achieving my professional career goal through personal and professional growth.
I have working experience with the organisation which helps me a scope to gather more skill and knowledge in the professional field. I also utilise my educational background and skill as well as professional skill set and experience to perform better and achieve higher. I have experience on working as customer service executive, product delivery and packaging, and managing accounting department and customer advisory. This field of practice are helpful for me to work harder and improve my knowledge and experience in business management. I also try to explore different perspectives, meanings and justifiable and logical outcome and this further improves my creativity and innovation in working as an efficient employee in the business management field. Additionally, continuous searching new information and exploring new creative views and solution are fruitful for me to improve my knowledge and enhance my performance in the professional career.
As per the above discussion and sharing my experience, it is possible to review my skill set and knowledge in the business management. I am efficient to doing hard work in managing business activities and can contribute positively in making creative solution and innovative business decision for the benefits of the organisation. I would like to improve my knowledge and skill set further through attending more conferences and business management activities, so that I can gather real life experience for managing my performance in future career path. In this regard, I try to improve my communication skill, to interact with others in the professional field. I have knowledge in language and can gather information properly but it is sometime difficult for me to represent my thoughts in front of others (Savaya and Gardner, 2012). It is mandatory for me to improve communication skill and interpersonal skill to understand other colleagues and staff members in the professional career path and interact with them properly. Moreover, I would to like to attend more meeting and business conferences to improve my presentation skill so that my professional career goal can be achieved in future.
As per the research process and findings, through choosing suitable methodology, it is possible for me to develop the reflective practitioner, where I am successful to review my skill and technologies in the personal and professional field. As per the personal skill, I have knowledge in the subject matter, which is business management, as well as I am efficient I language understanding and through the educational activities and program, I try to improve my capabilities by gathering more in depth information through continuous learning and development. On the other hand, professionally, I am efficient in cooperating with others and be responsible at the workplace. The training program at the Cyprus camp is effective which makes me responsible in working efficiently. Additionally, I gathered in depth knowledge in business management and I also have experience in working as customer service executive, management in accounting and finance, product manufacturing, packaging and distribution etc, where I was efficient to serve the service users in the business firms. This experience and knowledge in the business management are helpful to achieve future care objective and accomplish my aim (Santayana, 2011). I am also efficient to provide innovative business solutions and creative decision making practice, where continuous learning program helps me to improve my knowledge to make effective business decision. I am interested to provide creative solutions to the business for successful management and this activity further improves my problem solving and creative analysis skill. Over the years through gathering experience and performing in the field of business management, it is possible for me to improve my decision making process and problem solving skill which are effective to achieve professional career objective. Moreover, I would try to improve my communication skill for representing the solutions and my own perspective in the business conference and meeting successfully and enhance communication at the organisation which is effective to achieve future career success.
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Davies, K., Curtin, M. and Robson, K., 2017. Impact of an international workplace learning placement on personal and professional development. Australian occupational therapy journal, 64(2), pp.121-128.
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Knight, S.A. and Newby, W.G., 2019. The Impact of Professional Development Groups on Student Counsellors’ Personal and Professional Development. Western Undergraduate Psychology Journal, 7(1).
Kroll, J.F. and Dussias, P.E., 2017. The benefits of multilingualism to the personal and professional development of residents of the US. Foreign language annals, 50(2), pp.248-259.
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Sangster, C., 2017. Planning and organizing personal and professional development. Taylor & Francis.
Savaya, R. and Gardner, F., 2012. Critical Reflection to Identify Gaps between Espoused Theory and Theory-in-Use. Social Work, 57(2), pp.145-154.
Schmidt, M.K., 2017. Personal and professional development through internship engagement. In Field-based learning in family life education (pp. 39-49). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Walters, L., Green, M., Wang, L. and Walters, T., 2011. From Heads to Hearts: Digital Stories as Reflection Artifacts of Teachers’ International Experience. 20(2), pp.37-42.
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