Aspiring Adult Nursing: Motivations, Goals, and Pathway to University Education

Unit 1: Q1:

a) I would like to study Adult Nursing at the University because adult nurses play a vital role in connecting with adult patients and their families in identifying holistic needs of the patients to be met through effective care for their well-being. Since adult patients are usually most vulnerable as they suffer from increased complications of health, adult nursing would be interesting. This is because it would help me to learn about various aspects of care and way to resolve complex issues in interventions to deliver quality care.

b) I would like to study in the University of London because it is one of the reputed places that provide effective nursing training.


c) I would like the start the University degree by next year as I am still studying HE Diploma in Nursing which I have to complete to get qualified for the further course.

d) I have interested in being an active adult nurse at a reputed hospital where I would be allowed to face challenges in care and have the opportunity to use my learned skills along with the knowledge to overcome the difficulties to deliver quality care to the patients.


I have grade B in Maths and English which indicates me to have qualifications for the target course.


I have performed extensive research regarding the various universities providing the course I attempt to complete and led to shortlist three universities which are University of London, Canterbury Christ Church University and University of Greenwich. I have not attended any open day at the universities still now but has the plan to attend for which the 15 questions or things I would ask compulsory are as follows:

1. What assessment techniques are used within the course to examine students?

2. What is the strength of student for the course?

3. What career opportunities are available after completion of the course?

4. Are there any placement opportunities provided by the University during or after the course?

5. What is the nature of student support used in the course in helping students to learn practical ideas and skills?

6. What is the qualification of the staffs to be involved in educating the course to the students?

7. What is the duration and cost of the course? Can the expenses be submitted at different intervals or has to be completed before the initiation of the course?

8. What kind of student scholarships are available in the course?

9. What qualifications and combination of qualifications are allowed to access the course?

10. Can a candidate with gap years apply for the course? If yes, how many gaps years are accepted to be eligible in the course/

11. What are the aspects the course is going to cover and how they are going to be covered?

12. Are there childcare facilities available in the course? If yes, what are they?

13. What are the on-campus and off-campus accommodations available in and around the university?

14. Are part-time jobs allowed to be executed while studying for the course?

15. What are the assistance available after classes in clarifying doubts in assignments and studies in the University


Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to The Role of Higher Education in Mental and Adult Health Nursing.

Milli to complete this unit is to initially go through feedback sent by the teacher and make changes in the assignment based on them. She may also contact with the assessor of the unit to gain better clarifications on the feedback received before making any changes to the already amended and resubmitted work. In case of referral, Milli is allowed to submit only unit 5 and a draft of the amended part can be sent to the assessor to gain feedback before the final submission. This is because in referral, a single opportunity is left for Milli to submit the part that has not been achieved. The assessor could review the draft and present comments to be further resolved that are to be considered in making final amendment in the assignment. However, if the assignment brief mentions that the draft of failed unit could to be submitted, then only Milli could attempt to send the draft. Otherwise, Milli is required to make amendment on her own and send the unit 5 to be finally graded.


The questions regarding cost of HE study are as follows:

What is the nature of funding available for the mature students who have experience compared to the typical students with no experience?

What is current tuition fee of the course in the university each year for a UK student and a foreign student?

What is the study-related cost involved in the course such as travel for tutorials, internet access, childcare, stationaries and others?

What is the living cost to access accommodation in the University?

What is the course-related material cost such as books, notes and others in the University?

What is possible source of accessing student loans for the course in the University?

What are the University grants present and approved for the course? What are the qualifications required to access the grants?

What are the student scholarships available in the University to be accessed for the course? Clarify the details.

What is the work-study financial aid present in the University in completing the course?


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The mentioned actively was useful in exploring and identifying the way the focussed course is managed in each of three target universities which assisted me in developing the strength and weakness to be faced in each university. Moreover, the activity helped me to get answers for key factors considered by me in choosing university. It has been useful for me to develop comparison regarding the same course is differently managed in each university and which of them could be most useful as per my criteria and qualification to be engaged in accessing the course.


I am currently studying Higher Education Nursing Diploma and attempting to access qualification to become an adult nurse for which I am focussed on studying the course for BSc Hons in Adult Nursing. I have completed my secondary study at St Mary’s School, Cryodon where I studied level 1 and 2 Business Administration. After completion of Level 2, I stopped the course because I was unsure about the way I could accomplish in business as I was dependent on my close friend who also quit the degree. During this phase, my grandmother became seriously ill with throat cancer and was admitted to the hospital for care. I was mesmerised by the compassionate and active behaviour of the nurses towards my grandmother when I finally decided to join adult nursing. The diligent nature of the nurses led me to understand way to live my life more meaningfully due to which I initially joint the HE Nursing Diploma.

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In my childhood, I was interested in caring for individuals mainly acting as nurse while anyone would get hurt around my friends or family which initially led me to think I would choose medicine. However, the continuous persuasion of my best friends regarding nursing being a poor individual’s work with less money whereas business being an entrepreneur job to meet new people and earn lumpsum on leading a better life made me gradually think otherwise. However, after watching my grandmother being relentlessly taken care by the nurses with an active spirit made me realise the extent to which I love nursing. It led me to explore way I could learn nursing and I was showed the way of involving in HE Nursing. In the session, I learned regarding the way different types of nursing are present and way each of them are different from other. The existing studying helped me explore wide number of nursing research materials which made me learn the importance of adult nursing.

Recently, the nursing environment in NHS was explored by me where I found that increased adult nurses are required as the number of adults affected by various health issues are exponentially increasing in the UK It led me to consider the course for adult nursing to be learned. This is because the learning of the course would help me to become a registered adult nurse and meet the vacancy along with serve the rising number of adults in the NHS, UK for the greater good of all. I was also interested in adopting adult nursing course because I was intrigued with the way various aspects of care in an adult is to be focussed for supporting their well-being. I learned through research that adult patients are the most patients who lack effective care in the nursing environment due to the shortage of nurses created at the current condition., Thus, I felt learning adult nursing would help me not only fulfil my dream of caring for adults but also act in reaching better quality care to ill adults to help them lead better life in their last few days. I was also intrigued to learn adult nursing because I realised it is the best profession through which empathy and respect can be shown to adults in the best way.

Unit 2: Q1:

Various factors which affect study planning and organisation are as follows:

Studying environment: The environment has a powerful impact on the way students plan and organise their learning because a loud place would lead to distract the students to attempt action in developing strategies to complete their studies (Alotaibi, 2019). In contrast, a quiet learning environment would lead the students to have well-focused thinking in making effective assumptions regarding the way different parts of the studies are to be planned and organised so that the parts are met within deadline and they can be ready in taking any challenge in assignments related to the studies (Dhawan, 2020). In case of the distracting environment, study corners with a quite environment is to be built for effective learning.

Attitude and Belief: The attitude towards schooling and studies of students define their achievement in reaching enhanced planning and organisation of studies. This is because if the students maintain a non-bothering attitude towards studies, they would bring negative results and fail to plan effectively (Ramnarain and Hlatswayo, 2018). The students to develop right planning required to have the belief that studies are essential and important for life along with consider they require enhanced investment of time to be planned and organised (Ramnarain and Hlatswayo, 2018).

Health: The health of students influences their physical and mental capability of planning and organising studies. This is because ill-health makes the students feel weak and being mentally disturbed such as stress, depression, anxiety and others makes them fail to show effective concentration in identifying key aspects of the studies to be planned (Theobald et al., 2018). Moreover, poor health makes the students experience hindrance in performing everyday activities in life which makes them remain disturbed and unable to concentrate in setting strategies to organise their studies (Theobald et al., 2018).

Goals: The lack of goals among the students makes them fail in effective planning and organisation of studies. This is because goals offer motivation to the students to structure studies in achieving them (George et al., 2019). Dahmardeh and Nastiezaie (2019) inform that effective way to achieve goals is to plan them backwards.

Prioritisation: The prioritisation is important in planning and organising studies because it helps the students to make effective time management and avoid time constraints. This is because it leads the students able to determine which part of the studies are more important to be initially accomplished which led them to plan them in such a manner that important aspects in the studies are fulfilled without delay and effective learning is achieved (Martín-Gamboa et al., 2019).


Alotaibi, H.J., 2019. Foresightful strategic planning and organisational flexibility in the saudi telecommunications sector under turbulent economic conditions. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 8(11), pp.114-134.

Dahmardeh, M. and Nastiezaie, N., 2019. The impact of organizational trust on organizational commitment through the mediating variable of organizational participation. Management Researches, 12(44), pp.155-180.

Dhawan, S., 2020. Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19 crisis. Journal of educational technology systems, 49(1), pp.5-22.

George, B., Walker, R.M. and Monster, J., 2019. Does strategic planning improve organizational performance? A meta‐analysis. Public Administration Review, 79(6), pp.810-819.

Martín-Gamboa, M., Iribarren, D., García-Gusano, D. and Dufour, J., 2019. Enhanced prioritisation of prospective scenarios for power generation in Spain: How and which one?. Energy, 169, pp.369-379.

Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(8), pp.1064-1077.

Ramnarain, U. and Hlatswayo, M., 2018. Teacher beliefs and attitudes about inquiry-based learning in a rural school district in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 38(1).pp.78-90.

Theobald, S., Brandes, N., Gyapong, M., El-Saharty, S., Proctor, E., Diaz, T., Wanji, S., Elloker, S., Raven, J., Elsey, H. and Bharal, S., 2018. Implementation research: new imperatives and opportunities in global health. The Lancet, 392(10160), pp.2214-2228.


Kolb’s learning theory is used in identifying my strength and weakness in the module which corelated with the Honey and Mumford learning styles. The theory is followed because it helps students to effectively process their experience to evaluate their actions and skills expressed in different situation (Fewster-Thuente and Batteson, 2018). The four stages of Kolb’s learning cycle are:

Concrete learning

During the learning phase, I have always expressed interest in gathering knowledge by practically implementing the learned theoretical action. This is because I always realised it would help me in effective brainstorming and gather realistic views on the way actions may be differently performed as well as received in practical field. On further reflection of my learning in the module, I identified that I follow activist learning style, which aligns with the need for effective education dissertation help.

Reflective observation

During the experience, I learned that I have the strength of being flexible and open-minded. This is evident as I always expressed willingness in the class to try and adopt new things that are being learned to consider way the theoretical ideas are used practically in delivering care. I was not always helped by the lecturers to practically learn all ideas and thus often volunteers in the local care homes to learn the practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge. Yadav et al. (2020) mention activists show happiness in facing new challenging situations. It acts as their strength as they learn to practically resolve problems and develop enhanced critical thinking. It is evident as I always expressed increased happiness in resolving contradictory situation in relation to learned theoretical ideas and practical action in care through critical thinking.

The weakness faced by me was that I expressed the tendency to take immediate action without intricate thinking regarding the consequences to be faced from my act. It is evident as while volunteering the care homes, I was avoiding the consequences to be faced in case of wrong actions if performed as I do not have professional ability in delivering care and I am practising my actions. Ferdiani and Khabibah (2022) mention that weakness of activists is to take unnecessary risk and rush into decisions along with getting easily bored. This is evident as I felt bored when I was unable to apply my learn action in realistic way and often took risk in volunteering care which later led me to be avoided by the care home to perform care assistance.

Abstract conceptualisation

The boring attitude with theoretical learning can be improved through taking lesson by using role play. The unnecessary risk taking is to be avoided by implementing more effective critical thinking regarding the consequences to faced due to my action.

Active experimentation

The roleplay is to be performed with help of my friends in the class with whom I would participate in mock care to learn way the learned theoretical ideas are to be practically implemented in care. The unnecessary risk taking is to be avoided by forming communication with experienced nurses to determine the way actions are to be performed with less risk.


Ferdiani, R.D. and Khabibah, S., 2022. Activist Learners' Creative Thinking Processes in Posing and Solving Geometry Problem. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), pp.117-126.

Fewster-Thuente, L. and Batteson, T.J., 2018. Kolb's experiential learning theory as a theoretical underpinning for interprofessional education. Journal of allied health, 47(1), pp.3-8.

Yadav, S.K., Kalra, R., Naeem, R., Verma, A., Gupta, R., Sarin, N. and Singh, S., 2020. Honey-Mumford's learning styles of medical laboratory students: An observational study with implications for laboratory efficiency. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences, 8(1), p.107.


The weakness of getting easily bored while listening to lectures and long explanations in class is to be resolved by asking the lectures to use practical examples after mentioning of each theoretical idea regarding nursing care. This is because it would help me to keep myself engaged in actively learning the ideas and avoid boring feelings. Moreover, I would implement roleplay with the help of friends at the end of class to learn the way theoretical ideas are practically implemented in care. The boring feeling of listening to lecturers is to be avoided by learning the theoretical ideas and later observing them being performed in care with the help of experienced nurses in care environment which I would visit after the classes. The needless risk in learning is to be avoided by developing extensive critical thinking and analysis before performing any actions. I would intend to access assistance from lecturers and friends in class to determine the impact of learned action in care to be faced by me in case I try to practically implement them. Moreover, rushing to any decision is to be avoided to implement and practice learned care ideas by developing consultation with others. This is because views from others help in exploring various perspective regarding effect of any action and risk related with it which may not be identified from own perspective.

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The constructivist learning theory mentions that learners develop knowledge through active interaction and communication with the environment rather than passive reception of information. They communicate with the environment to reorganise their mental structures in learning new things (Suhendi, 2018). Therefore, the theory mentions that learners are sense-makers and do not only record information and are rather involved in interpreting it to learn new things. The benefit of constructivist learning theory is that it promotes enhanced active learning in individual rather than being passive learners which leads them to be autonomous in gathering knowledge and develop control over own education (Mukhalalati and Taylor, 2019). Suhendi (2018) inform that constructivist learning theory promotes learning through concrete thinking and understanding which promotes better analysis ability in individuals. Clark (2018) mentions that constructivist learning theory assists in creating organised learning principles which help in better learning environment as it promotes education in a methodical way. However, Cronje (2020) argue that the limitation with constructivist learning theory is that its adoption for use requires increased training and may be costly. Mayer (2019) criticises the constructivist learning theory by mentioning that the theory fails to inform the way prior knowledge in students are important in influencing their learning and the way teaching is to be made for promoting enhanced learning.

In contrast, the experimental learning theory informs that people learn through evaluation and reflection of their experiences. This is because personal reflection and analysis of experience highlights the strength and weakness in skills present in the individuals along with inform the necessary actions to be performed (Morris, 2020). Fewster-Thuente and Batteson (2018) asserts that experimental learning is effective because it assists in creating real-life experiences leading individuals to have practical knowledge regarding the impact of the theoretical idea learned in the classroom. Bontchev et al. (2018) mention that experimental learning theory provides increased opportunity for individuals to be creative. This is because it helps the individuals to be actively engaged in studies to create solutions from them own in overcoming the faced problems to reach success. The other benefit of experimental learning theory is that it assists in accelerating learning and helps individuals to learn from their mistakes (Morris, 2020). However, Idema and Patrick (2019) argue that experimental learning requires increased guidance and patience in students to try out experiments for different ideas but does not highlight the way the patience is to be built. Moreover, LeBaron et al. (2019) argue that experimental learning is a decentralised process which creates hindrance to develop coordination between students and teachers to lead the educator understand the progress of the students.


Suhendi, A., 2018. Constructivist learning theory: The contribution to foreign language learning and teaching. KnE Social Sciences, pp.87-95.

Mukhalalati, B.A. and Taylor, A., 2019. Adult learning theories in context: a quick guide for healthcare professional educators. Journal of medical education and curricular development, 6, p.2382120519840332.

Clark, K.R., 2018. Learning theories: constructivism. Radiologic Technology, 90(2), pp.180-182.

Cronje, J., 2020. Towards a new definition of blended learning. Electronic journal of e-Learning, 18(2), pp.pp114-121.

Mayer, R.E., 2019. Thirty years of research on online learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33(2), pp.152-159.

Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(8), pp.1064-1077.

Fewster-Thuente, L. and Batteson, T.J., 2018. Kolb's experiential learning theory as a theoretical underpinning for interprofessional education. Journal of allied health, 47(1), pp.3-8.

Bontchev, B., Vassileva, D., Aleksieva-Petrova, A. and Petrov, M., 2018. Playing styles based on experiential learning theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 85, pp.319-328.

Idema, J. and Patrick, P.G., 2019. Experiential learning theory: identifying the impact of an Ocean Science Festival on family members and defining characteristics of successful activities. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 9(3), pp.214-232.

LeBaron, A.B., Runyan, S.D., Jorgensen, B.L., Marks, L.D., Li, X. and Hill, E.J., 2019. Practice makes perfect: Experiential learning as a method for financial socialization. Journal of Family Issues, 40(4), pp.435-463.

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