Inclusivity in Education: Exploring Theories and Practices for Children with Special Needs


Special needs refer to the clinical diagnosis and the functional development to describe the individuals, who require proper assistance for the disabilities that may be medical, mental or psychological. Special needs can range from the people with cerebral; palsy, Down syndrome, blindness, deafness, ADHD, cystic fibrosis, asperger syndrome, and autism. The children with special needs require proper support in engaging with daily activities and it is possible for them to get proper assistance for education. In the UK, special needs refer to the special needs within the educational context, where there are children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (Head, 2013). It is important for the students to get proper support to engage with education and the educational settings in the recent years are effective to provide continuous assistance to the students with disabilities, who require special education. The study aims at discussing the theories and practice related to SEN and evaluates the role of intervention to encourage the children with special educational needs so that they can engage with educational activities. The study also provides a scope to review the internal practice of promoting education in the society for the children who needs special support for learning and development and it also focuses on the introduction of the technology in education to support the children. In the recent era of globalisation, there is technological advancement, and the policy makers enhance creativity and innovation in utilising latest technology in the classroom to support the children with SEN (Varbelow, 2012). Communication and language are also crucial factors in improving the intervention planning in promoting education among the children with SEN. For those researching this topic, seeking education dissertation help can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Special educational needs

In the recent years, there is increasing numbers of requirement of the children in getting proper support to engage with educational activities. There are many aspects of child’s development including ability to communicate, personality, resilience and strength, the ability to appreciate and enjoy life as well as the desire of learning is also fulfilled by the intervention planning. There are different disability among the children which are physical, sensory, mental health and learning disability for which the children needs proper assistance to education (Su, 2012). The EPSEN Act 2004 is effective to implement proper intervention plan and according to the act the children with SEN should be educated, and they have rights to get proper support and environment to engage with educational activities and improve their learning and developmental activities. As per the act and the UK government’s initiative, the students with special educational needs get proper assistance and support to engage with education as they have the right to avail and benefit from education. The students are encouraged to join school and improve their skill to participate and enhance their level of capacity for engaging in the social and economic activities so that they would be able to live independent and fulfil their value (Norwich, 2013). The educational activities for the children with SEN are effective to ensure greater involvement of the parents of the children where the parents and the children are cooperate with the peers so that they can engage with educational activities and guide their children successfully for successful learning and development. There are different types of educational provisions for the children with SEN, such as mainstream class, special class and special school. The mainstream class is the primary and post-primary school, where the subject teacher is responsible to progress the activities in the class for the pupil by including them and improving engagement with them. The teaching professionals support the students efficiently to improve their participation at the class activities. On the other hand, special class is another practice where there is lower teacher student ratio according to the category of disabilities. There are small numbers of pupils for example a special class for the children with SEN has one teacher and six students, which raise interaction between the teacher and the students and it is effective or the children to understand the classes and improve their engagement with learning and development (Leonard, 2012). On the other hand, the special school is also effective, where there is also small numbers of groups with efficient teaching professionals who try to support each students personally to improve their engagement and encourage their learning and developmental activities.


Education Act 1998 is effective in this regard to implement in the educational context, where the teaching professionals are efficient to enhance the right to education and encourage the students for their active participation. a child has learning problems of they have the problem or disability which makes it more difficult to learn and develop their physical and mental health according to their age. They may have problems with their schoolwork; communication and behavioural change, where the parents and the teaching professionals take active step in supporting the children for improve to their engagement in education. the common need of the children with SEN are physical needs, learning skill improvement and developing their mental capacity, having someone to discuss and communicate and knowledge and improving capabilities for financial assistance in future (Stuever, 2009). Hereby, for personal skill development and acquiring more skill and knowledge, the children with disability needs proper assistance and support for education so that they can participate efficiently and gather more knower and understanding to improve their mental capacity. There are other needs of the children which are motivation and engagement, participation and friendly atmosphere, internal environment, interpersonal skill, resilience and adaptability and interpersonal relationship and emotional support, where the children need continuous support from the peers and the parents so that they feel valued and protected. The students also need proper support for improving their behavioural activities and emotional intelligence so that they start understanding others and participate with others through more operational and collaboration.

Theories and practice of special educational needs

The theories and practice for the learning activities for the children with special educational needs are effective for the children to get proper educational training and classroom sessions to improve their learning activities, cognitive development and mental capacity improvement. In this regard, Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are effective to improve the cognitive skill of the children. As per the theory of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, there are four stages which are sensor motor preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. As per the first stage of sensor motor, coordination of senses with motor responses as well as sensory curiosity about the world has generated in the mind of the children where the children aged between 0 to 2 years, develop objective performance for better understanding. Preoperational stage is related to the symbolic thinking process, where the use of syntax and grammar to express concepts has been generated in the mindset of the people. Imagination and intuition are also developed and after that during the age 7 to 11 years, in the concrete operational sate, the children try to attach with concrete intuition. Time, space and quantity are understood by the children, where the children are interested to learn more and gather new ideas for improving their learning and develop-mental activities. Hereby, at the first stage, the children try to understand the world through sense and actions (Slavin, 2019). After that, in the second stage of cognitive developmental theory, the children are able to understand the world through language and mental images. In the third stage of concrete operational, the pupil with special educational needs can acknowledge the world through logical reasoning and categories and in the last stage of formal operational, the children are able to understand the world through hypothetical thinking and scientific reasoning.

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

In the last stage of formal operational, the theoretical, hypothetical and counterfactual thinking among the children has been developed where the children are able to improve abstract logic and reasoning. Strategy and planning can be possible by the children where concepts can be formed by the children. Thus, the cognitive developmental theory is a systemic approach which helps the children to improve cognitive skill among the students. Through the theory, it is possible to enhance the cognitive skill where the perception of the pupils, attention and memory are developed among the children. The visual perception and the auditory perception can be improved, where the children can understand the object and respond with the teachers for better understanding. Additionally, attention is mandatory for learning and development and in this regard, the children start attending the classes attentively, by giving attention to the learning progress and sustained attention further helps the pupils to take active participation in the class room for better understanding and learning more. Short term and long term memory can also be built by the cognitive learning activities where the children with SEN get proper assistance and support from the teaching professional to improve their activities and develop learning activities successfully (Meltzer, 2018). Logical reasoning skill is also effective for the children, where the teaching professionals and the parents try to develop mental capacity of the children by providing them logical activities, reasoning so that they can improve their decision making process and mental capacity in long run.

Cognitive skill development

In addition to this, social learning theory is another theoretical perspective through which the social learning activities for the children can be developed well and in this regard Albert Bandura’s social learning theory is effective to describe the activities to improve social skill among the pupils with special educational needs. There are also stages for social learning theory which are attention, retention, motor reproduction and motivation, where the children have the opportunity to develop their social skill and improve their participation in social activities in long run. As per the social learning theory, the children observe the people around them and try to behave like them. Observation of the children helps to develop their mental thinking process and capacity to think and response to others (Aronson and Laughter, 2016).

Albert Bandura social learning theory

In the first stage of attention, the children start observing the family members parent and teachers where the sensory capacity of the children can be developed. In the second stage, of retention, it is possible to improve symbolic understanding and the third stage of reproduction includes physical capabilities, self observation of reproduction, and accuracy of feedback where the children start integrating with the parents and teachers for better understanding and learning. The last stage is motivation, where the parents and family members as well as the teaching professionals need to influence the children and motivate them for better learning and development. Thus the social learning theory is important to improve learning activities among the children with special educational needs and they can improve their social skill in long run.

In this regard, Component Display Theory is also effective for supporting the children with SEN and in this regard as per theory of Component Display, there are two major dimensions which are content and performance. Under content, there are facts, concepts, procedures and principles and under the performance, remembering the facts, using the facts and generalities are considered (Baker, Green III, and Ramsey, 2018). The children are able to present the instances, recalls the inquisitor generally, and improve practice of the skill and knowledge in order to improve their learning abilities. The theory and instruction are regenerated through the combination of rules, recall, practice, feedback and examples so that it is possible for the pupils to learn the objects and participate actively to gather better learning experiences. The theory of Gagne’s conditions of learning is also effective to support the children with special educational needs, so that the teaching professionals can develop appropriate approach to enhance learning and development of the children in the classroom.

Gagne’s conditions of learning

As per the Gagne’s conditions of learning, there are five major categories which are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skill and attributes. the teachers focused on improving the skill and enhance the learning process for the benefits of the children with SEN. In this regard, as per the theory, presenting the learner with introductory activity is mandatory and in this regard, the teaching staff need to present the learning activities and involve the children for develop child centred learning approach so that the child’s interest can be improved and it is possible for the teachers to encourage the children to take active part in learning and development (John et al., 2017). On the other hand, informing the leaders about the objective of the session and presenting the learner with experience that stimulates prior knowledge as well as presenting the stimulus is also mandatory for the learner to understand the materials. In addition to this, proper guidance needs to be provided to the learners and it is also necessary to encourage the performance of the learners in the class session in order to achieve success and enhance the performance. Hereby, as per the theory of Gagne’s conditions of learning, it is possible for the teaching professionals to develop proper approach of learning for the children and enhance the learning and development of the pupils in the society. Hereby, the social learning theories and practice are effective for the teaching professional to develop child centred approach in order to improve their learning activities and develop the cognitive skill of the pupils with SEN.

Challenges of the children with SEN

There are different challenges faced by the hire with social educational needs, due to their disabilities. Lack of effective participation is the major challenge, where the students with special needs fail to participate in the social and daily activities, which deteriorate mobility of the individuals and there are barriers of the students to participate in the school program and activities. On the others hand, there is inferiority complex for which the students feel excluded in the society die to their disabilities (Lindsay, 2018). There are school related challenges, where the students face problems in understanding the learning activities. Lack of cooperation and poor communication are other challenges faced by the students with special needs where they are unable to communicate with the teaching professionals and sometime it becomes difficult for the children to cooperate with teachers at the class room. It is hereby necessary for the teaching staff to develop proper intervention plan and implement rules and legislation for better practice to encourage the students for taking active part in the learning and developmental programs.

Understanding role of intervention

There is great role of intervention, where the teaching professionals and school authority are efficient to participate properly in enhancing the educational needs and preferences and improving the learning and development activities in the schools. As per the Postmodernist Curriculum, there is relevant knowledge creation and learning transformation and the teachers try to implement the curriculum for enhancing interplay among the teacher’s students and the texts. Additionally, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is effective to be implemented in the educational system, where proper intervention planning can be developed with proper empowerment of the children with special needs so that their actual requirements and preferences can be acknowledged during developing the educational program for them (Hammel and Hourigan, 2017). The state activity and the intervention planning are effective for the students to get effective support and facilitate the learning of Braille, facilitating peer support and mentoring alternative script, means and formats of communication and orientation and mobility skills, and augmentative and alternative modes. The intervention planning also includes the sign language, promotion of linguistic identify of the deaf community as well as there are academic and social developmental program which helps the students to improve their social and cognitive skill in long run. England- the National Curriculum is also introduced properly, where the initiatives are contributing factors to encourage the students with special needs to take active participation in the educational program and enhance their skill and development. There are other legislations of equal opportunity and educational rules which enhance the educational program and the learning activities in the society (Kurniawati et al., 2017).

Teaching approach for SEN

There are different teaching approach, where the teaching professionals try to support the children and on this regard, the teachers must be good listener and offer new solutions to the children, where it is possible for the teaching professionals to provide proper educational support to all the children with SEN. in this regard, the teaching professionals are playing crucial role in keeping focus on the children and be a advocate for the child to become an expert for guiding the children successfully. The teachers are also efficient to clarify the gaols and motivate the children further. In this regard, caring the children is also necessary to build strong relationship with the students and lead them towards achieving future success. Feeding and eating, moving around, continuous monitoring, gathering more information and collaboration are effective teaching approaches that enhance educational activities in the classroom and encourage the children to take active part in the educational activities. In addition to this, internal environment and atmosphere also play crucial role in supporting the children with SEN and encourage them for their active participation. In this regard, clean environment, calm atmosphere as well as motivational speech and more interaction are effective to support the children and help them to participate in the educational program. Sharing positive emption and positive body language are also necessary as the children are sensitive and they need proper assistance and feeling of love at the school environment which would be effective to encourage their participation further.

Eye contact, positive body language and positive conversation with smile are also necessary to provide proper support to the children. interaction is also essential where the teachers try to interact with all the children with SEN and one to one communication provides a scope to the teaching professionals to acknowledge the personal needs and presences of the children so that it would be possible to develop individual learning planning in future. developing appropriate relationship at the classroom is also another approach of teaching, where the teachers try to build strong relationship and enhance trust and loyalty where the children can rely on the teaching staff and share their feelings and perception about learning and development. Continuous support and stable relationship further enhance the activities of learning among the children with SEN (Mitchell and Sutherland, 2020). Self esteem and improving playing activities at the school are also necessary to improve the participation rate of the children in the daily activities, where the movement of the children and increasing participation further help the children to improve there learning and development in near future. Safety and healthy environment is also necessary where school environment is playing an important role in this regard to support the children and in this regard, the safety of the children need to be maintained where the teachers try to improve security of the students and give them safe place to play and learn more.

There are other teaching strategies and approaches, through which the teachers try to improve the learning and development activities at the classroom to support the children. Early identification and intervention is the key approach where the teaching strategies for the pupil with SEN are effective. The teachers try to improve communication through verbal and non-verbal communication to interact with the children in the class room, so that it would be possible for the teachers to understand the special needs of the children as well as acknowledge their personal preferences., during the schedule of the class, it is necessary for the teachers to understand the interact of the children and their special educational needs so that it is easy to develop class session with proper support and continuous monitoring process (Buli-Holmberg and Jeyaprathaban, 2016). The communication with the parents is also effective way to provide proper assistance to the children, where interaction and cooperation with the parents are necessary to build strong relationship with the children and also with the parents and it further helps the teaching professionals to engage the parents in the intervention planning and support the children for effective learning and developmental activities.

In addition to this, involvement of the parents and the families in a collaborative partnership is another teaching approach which enhances the learning and developmental activities of the children with SEN, where the children can get proper support in the class room ad also in their home to improve their learning activities and in this context, the parents and the family members as well as the teachers try to encourage the children for better cooperation and increasing their participation in the social activities. On the other hand, collaborative working with other agencies in a child centred approach is also another crucial teaching strategy to provide proper support to the children and in this regard, according to the perception and necessity of the children, the class room session and support would be developed, where the children can get effective class room activities, learning and development, improving their communication and interactive way and they can also improve their participation in the daily activities positively (Lin et al., 2016). Hereby, the children centred approach of teaching is beneficial to support the children with SEN and maximise their wellbeing in near future. On the other hand, cognitive skill development is another approach of teaching, where the teachers try to improve the language and communication of the children, so that the child can interact with others and express their thoughts in front of others. The thinking process and mental capacity are also engaged where the teachers try to enhance the areas of information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development and increasing memory which are important for the children to participate in learning programs and ensure their cognitive skill development.

Interrelationship between education and the people’s wellbeing

Education is mandatory for the entire pupil across the globe for improving the knowledge and capabilities so that they can perform better in near future. Educational activities enhance the skill and abilities of the individuals and it is effective for improving the mental capacity of the pupils. Education enhances knowledge and teaches lessons of humanity where good thoughts in human being can be generated. The mental capacity can also be improved through education, where it increases critical thinking prices, problem solving skill and interpersonal kill where the individual is able to interact with others and understand each other for better performance in future. Hereby, the education and the wellbeing of the children are interrelated with each other where the educational activities enhance the mindset and physical health of the children. Hereby, it is necessary for the children to participate in the class session and participate actively to improve their mental capacity, thinking process and gain more in depth knowledge and understanding for performing better in near future. Education contributes o human development and gives the people employment and identify. Education also highlights the human talents and improves innovative mindset of the children. Hereby, education is effective for the people to get proper empowerment and secure financial position in the society.

Link between education and wellbeing of the people

Education can create better opportunity for the pupil and it also enhances health condition of the individuals in the society. Education enhances income generation, resource improvement, psychological benefits and healthy behaviour in the society, where educational activities are effective for the children to improve the living condition and maximise their wellbeing in near future. On the other hand, poor health can deteriorate the chance of education and it can put education at risk. Lack of attention of the children, poor awareness and poor physical condition and lack of mental health are the adverse factors that deteriorate the educational activities in the society which hampers the education of the children. Hereby, there are positive relationship between education and health and on the other hand, poor health condition may hamper smooth pace of education among the children (Fakolade, Adeniyi and Tella, 2017).

importance of child development and early learning

Child development and education activities at the early years are effective for the children to develop cognitive skill, where the children and develop proper concept and improve understanding about the range of subjects and also specific subject matters. On the other hand, there is physical development and health where education enhances the physical health condition of the children as well, where the children take learn how to manage safety and security, maintain hygienic factor an, having proper nutrition and physical growth, sensory and motor development and fitness. Hereby, education is mandatory for maximising the wellbeing of the children, where the children become cooperative with the teaching professionals and parents to make their life healthy. The participation in the social activities, daily exercise as well as recreation activities are also effective for the children to become fit and enhance sensory and motor development. On the other hand, the children are also able to understand the importance of being healthy and improve nutrition for physical and mental growth. Hereby, there is positive relationship between education and child growth and wellbeing maximisation, where the children can maximise their wellbeing in long run.

On the other hand, there is social emotional development, where the emotion of the children can be developed well through the learning and developmental activities where the children with SEN can understand the way of educational and improve their skill and practice to be emotionally stable and understand the objects in the society. Emotional regulation, relational security, capacities for empathy and relatedness as well as mental health cal also be improved through proper education and it further enhances the social emotional wellbeing of the children. Hereby, the children with SEN needs proper support and full time assistance from the teaching professionals and the development of mental capacity and emotional intelligence among the pupil with special educational needs which in turn helps to maximise the wellbeing of the children in long run (Utsumi and Ando, 2019).

Advances of digital technology in education with SEN

In the recent era of globalisation, technology plays a crucial role in improving the activities of learning and development in the classroom, where the children can get better opportunity to learn and improve their mental capacity in long run. According to the National Centre for Education Statistics, there is 13% or over 6.6 million students in the public schools who receive special education services in the year of 2016 and 2017. The percentage of getting education is increasing over the years of the children with SEN. It has also been stated by 60% of the people with learning disabilities spend 80% of their days in the social education schools, where they are able to perform better and improve their activities (Fakolade, Adeniyi and Tella, 2017). Technology in this regard plays a crucial role in enhancing the activities of the education in the classroom. There are several advantages of utilising digital technology for supporting the children with special educational needs which are technological advancement increases interdependence among the children, personalised learning can be developed in the class room, better connection with the peers and other teaching staff at the school can be possible, and it further reduces anxiety, enhance easier communication and improve academic skill of the children with special needs. In this regard, the teaching professionals try to utilise the latest technology and make the educational program creative and interactive so that the children can be interested to perform better and participate actively to gain more understanding and insights about the subject matters.

In addition to this, recently, there is proper utilisation of the latest technology for the students to communicate with the peers and the schools authority so that they can share their perception and get continuous assistance fro the professionals. Hereby, common traditional teaching process has been changed over the years and there is proper introduction of the digital technology in the classroom which support the children with SEN to improve their learning and developmental activities. Assistive technology increases the functional capabilities for the people with disabilities and the learning difficulties, and it further boost the confidence of the children and encourage them to perform efficiently and concentrate on creative learning programs for improve their capabilities in long run. Modern operating system including software update, hardware activities are effective for the children to learn more and get in depth insights in future. Hereby, digital technology plays a important role in boosting the learning and developmental activities in the society and it provides a scope to the children to learn more and get involved with the learning programs creatively. Hereby, the educational technology helps the children to make independent learn where constant involvement of the teacher can be minimised. As a result, the student can choose the speed of learning according to their interest and mental capacity which leads to develop personalise learning process and it in turn helps to develop self regulated and self motivated learning process among the children with special needs. The technological innovation and creativity further helps the children to be encouraged and motivated to learn more in a creative way and improve their mental capabilities, cognitive skill and ensure sensor and motor development (Buli-Holmberg and Jeyaprathaban, 2016).

Improving areas of education through digital technology

Assistive technology is effective for improving reading, writing skill, enhancing memory among the children and it also helps to increase active listening skill among the children with SEN. the technological advancement in the classroom are also effective, where the students can get proper assistance to improve their mathematics, reasoning and memory through skill development and example and analysis which improves student participation. On the other hand, the assistive technology is also effective for the physical mobility of the students with SEN, where the students can improve their mobility and make their participation actively to achieve higher. There are different strategies to utilise the digital technological innovation in the classroom to support the students with SEN and encourage them for better learning and developmental activities. In this context, adaptive computing technology allows the students to use digital devices to bypass challenging tasks and in this regard screen reader applications such as Jaws and specially designed Braille keyboards allow visually challenged students to use the computers and make active participation in the learning and development. On the other hand, the augmented communication is the process which helps the students with speech problems to overcome their communication barriers. it is also effective to utilise the digital technology by introducing online pictures, charts, books and specialises the computers providing functions of word prediction for more effective communication.

The use of digital technology in the education system for the children with SEN is hereby effective, where the technological innovation plays a crucial role in enhancing the learning activities. The class activities through assistive technology are such as light signals, touch screens, screen readers, screen magnifiers, text-to-speech (TTS) as well as wands and Joysticks, Sip and puff system, as well as alternative keyboard, voice recognition software and Braille embossers and refreshable Braille displays. These class activities are effective for the children for better learning and development. In this regard, there are other activities which are effective for the students with special needs in the classroom, where they can improve their understanding. There are communication board, where the point to a picture, symbol, word or the letter on electric boards or tablet are effective for enhancing communication (Hammel and Hourigan, 2017). It is essential for the teachers to improve interaction with the students and use digital pictures and symbols for the children to maximise their understanding about the objects. On the other hand, the tablets and computerised system of the classroom are also effective for the schools to improve the learning and developmental activities in the institution, where the students can get proper digital technological support for learning more. In this regard, voice recognition technology is also effective to improve the keyboard alternative which is effective to control the speech of the students and encourage them for better understanding about the objects.

In addition to the above innovation and creativity, there are other web based learning process, where the teachers try to develop web based learning solutions for distant education where the educational services are effective to support the students with special needs and it is easy to use and intuitive tools for purchasing online courses, scheduling and tracking the academic progress. The software for learning and development are hereby effective for the students with epical; needs where according to their time and preferences, they can access the sites and improve learning and developmental activities further. In the recent era of technological advancement, there is light weighting and intuitive video chat for the online learning, where the web based chatting with the teachers can improve communication as well as get proper assistance from the online teaching professionals. Virtual classroom is introduced in the recent era of digitalisation, where the children and the teachers in different parts of the world can interact and share their knowledge and capabilities for better learning and developmental activities (Sharma and Saksena, 2017). Additionally, Individualised Education Program (IEP) Software is another effective tool through which the students can perform better and choose proper educational course according to their preferences and subject matters. It is also beneficial for the children with special needs to perform better and encourage more learning and developmental activities in future.

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Evaluating communication and language on learning environment

Communication plays a crucial role in managing classroom environment, where the educational curriculum is important to be maintained properly. it is necessary for the teaching professional to interact with the children by developing one to one communication and in this regard the digital technology is also playing an important role in managing the children and give them proper assistance continuously. There are implementations of augmented communication system where it is effective to minimise the barriers of communication and it enhances the interaction among the children. The teaching professionals also concentrate on language learning, so that language gap can be mitigated properly and in this regard language development, speech therapy are effective for improving interaction with the students with special needs (Mitchell and Sutherland, 2020). Hereby, communication and language learning are effective for the students to participate properly and it also helps the teaching professional to develop strong relationship with the students, where the students are free to communicate and express their feelings and thoughts. This further helps to develop suitable classroom environment with harmony and open communication and it future enhances operation among the teachers and the students, where the students can clarify their learning activities and resolve any doubts during the classroom sessions.


The use of technology in the special educational activities helps to break the barriers of education among the pupils with SEN, where the children can get proper support and assistance from the online teaching professionals and the offline peers to improve their learning and developmental activities. There are software application and the presence of hardware system in the classroom, where the students can access the computerised system for better understanding. In the recent years, the teaching professionals are also cooperative to enhance communication and improve the activities at the classroom. The theories and practice of the learning and development for the students with special needs are also effective where the social learning process as well as the cognitive developmental model is appropriate to enhance the learning activities and providing support to the children with SEN. The teaching approach and strategy of intervention in the educational system are also effective to follow the educational curriculum and develop child centred approach for better management of the child with SEN and give them continuous support and assistance for better learning and development.

Dig deeper into Inclusive Teaching and Learning Plan with our selection of articles.

Reference List

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Academic services materialise with the utmost challenges when it comes to solving the writing. As it comprises invaluable time with significant searches, this is the main reason why individuals look for the Assignment Help team to get done with their tasks easily. This platform works as a lifesaver for those who lack knowledge in evaluating the research study, infusing with our Dissertation Help writers outlooks the need to frame the writing with adequate sources easily and fluently. Be the augment is standardised for any by emphasising the study based on relative approaches with the Thesis Help, the group navigates the process smoothly. Hence, the writers of the Essay Help team offer significant guidance on formatting the research questions with relevant argumentation that eases the research quickly and efficiently.

DISCLAIMER : The assignment help samples available on website are for review and are representative of the exceptional work provided by our assignment writers. These samples are intended to highlight and demonstrate the high level of proficiency and expertise exhibited by our assignment writers in crafting quality assignments. Feel free to use our assignment samples as a guiding resource to enhance your learning.

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