Student assessment is the process of evaluating the student’s abilities and performance so that they can improve their capabilities to achieve success (Mont and Sprunt, 2019). It is an on-going process and daily activities in the classroom through which the teaching professionals can assess the knowledge and capabilities of the students and engage them in the learning and developmental activities for better performance in the classroom sessions (Canelas, Hill, and Novicki, 2017). For sport activities and maintaining physical fitness, it is necessary to engage the students and improve learning and developmental activities further. The study focuses on communication strategies in learning and developmental activities that are important for leading the students and improve their capabilities in long run (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018). The teaching professionals in the classroom sessions adopt different student assessment strategy in order to improve their learning activities and ensure high quality earning process further. The study is hereby effective to identify formal and informal assessment that enables the teaching professionals in the Sports department to enhance the performance of the students and improve their physical fitness in long run. Critical analysis and evaluation of the assessment and classroom communication will also be develop for understanding the practice of engaging the students in the sport sessions and improve their performance.
Deakin’s Inclusive Education Principles are important for analysing the educational activities in the classroom where it is possible for the teaching professionals to improve learning and developmental activities and ensure high quality education and training for the benefits of the students (Milburn and Jones, 2019). Communication plays an important role in this regard for enhancing the inclusive learning sessions and in this regard the teaching staffs tries to enhance internal communication in the classroom for engaging the students and cooperate with them for better learning and activities (Samawi, 2017). In this regard, as per the Deakin’s Inclusive Education Principles, there are different principles, which reshape the classroom session in the sport class in the college (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018).
The first principle is recognising and embracing the student diversity. In the recent years, there is diverse culture and demographic background, from which the students are coming in the college. Hence, diversity management is mandatory for the students to participate efficiently in the classroom (Canelas, Hill, and Novicki, 2017). The Equality Act 2010 is implemented in the classroom as well as the non-discrimination practices are developed in order to protect the students identify and respect each students in the classroom (Corcoran, Claiborne and Whitburn, 2019). The teaching professionals try to resect all the students and treat them equally in the sport sessions irrespective of their culture backgrounds, differences in age and ethnicity, language gap and other differences, so that the students can feel free to participate and engage with the teachers for higher learning and developmental activities (Canelas, Hill, and Novicki, 2017), This process plays a crucial role in shaping the educational journey, making it a pivotal aspect of education dissertation help.
Providing accessible learning materials and environment, where the students can feel safe to participate and engage with others. In this regard, the teachers of the sport classroom are efficient to manage health and safety at the classroom as well as maintain good environmental with transparency and accountability, providing services for building a community of learners, friendly atmosphere and enhancing internal communication further create strong bonding among the students and it is helpful to lead the students towards achieving the future success by improving their capabilities in sport. Flexible learning experience is also another principle of inclusive learning, where all the students can get equal scope to express their thought and perform in the classroom (Weleschuk and Kelly, 2018). The teachers try to develop friendly relationship with the students and help them to explore new knowledge and skill set further to achieve future success (Canelas, Hill, and Novicki, 2017). Through students engagement, continuous motivation through rewards at the sport classroom, creating knowledge and practical based activities in the classroom of the college as well as team work management are also beneficial to develop inclusive learning activities in long run so that the students can perform better and improve their fitness (Moolin and Chano, 2019).
In addition to the above inclusive learning principles, the underpinning knowledge and skills, continuous interactions and communication, diversity management, feedback gathering practice and reflective and evaluation practice at the classroom are also other principles of inclusive learning, where it is possible for the teaching professionals to engage the students and lead them towards achieving success (Weleschuk and Kelly, 2018). The college is efficient to provide good atmosphere and learning environment related to sport. On the other hand, the teaching professionals are also efficient to develop good sport curriculum and provide earning materials for improving the students’ abilities to perform better (Weleschuk and Kelly, 2018). Moreover, the teachers are also able to guide them with tanning and practical sport related session, so that the students can take active part and improve their fitness in sport field. These are the major activities, through which it is possible for the teaching professionals at the college to support the students and develop inclusive learning practice, where the students are engaged with the learning and developmental activities (Canelas, Hill, and Novicki, 2017).
For inclusive learning, communication is one of the major factors and in this regard the teachers in sport department of the college are friendly and always try to cooperate with the students for gaining better knowledge and improving their fitness (Alimin et al., 2019). For enhancing communication, the teaching professionals arrange different group discussion sessions, as well as sport activities in the field of college so that the students can cooperate and interact with others for better performance. The team developmental activities through team playing is also effective for inclusive learning, where the students are able to play as a team and collaborate with each other for winning the match (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018). These are the major activities, through which the teaching professionals of the college try to support and guide the students efficiently for improving their performance in long run. The students are also able to engage with the teachers and they try to cooperate and communicate with the teachers for improving their abilities and perform better in long run (Weleschuk and Kelly, 2018).
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There is different assessment style, through which the teaching professionals try to engage the students in the classroom and enhance the inclusive learning and activities successfully. The student assessment is one of the major practices to maximise internal communication and cooperation in the classroom, where the students are motivated to share their experience, knowledge and skill set through formal and informal assessment (Hopfenbeck et al., 2018). The major formal assessment tactics are such as standardized tests, criterion-referenced tests, program tests, and essay tests. Hence, through structure examination and classroom tests it is possible to conduct formal assessment for understanding the students’ abilities (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018). The formal assessment is structured, statics, knowledge testing activity and standardised which helps the students to tale active part in the test and roved feedback successfully. On the other hand, the informal assessments are such as self-questionnaire or checklist, project, writing sample, tests and quizzes made by the teacher, portfolios, grading assignments, student created quizzes, portfolios (Hopfenbeck et al., 2018). These are the major activities of conducing informal assessment. The informal assessment is individualised, flexible, dynamics, progress measuring and process based techniques. It is a continuous technique, through which the progress of the students can be measured efficiently (Redondo, 2018).
In addition to this, diagnostic assessment is the practice where the students participate in test through multiple question answers, running records, classroom assignments and working samples (Hopfenbeck et al., 2018). Observation and daily supervision are the practice where it is also possible to assess the students and identify their skill and abilities in sport department of the college. On the other hand, Interim assessment is the test administered at the different intervals during the school year for checking the students grasp on the content an guide them for future. Through providing g test papers, it is possible to conduct Interim assessment, where the teaching professionals try to identify their sport skill and fitness of the students in the college as well as instruct them for enhancing their future performance (Hopfenbeck et al., 2018). Summative assessment refers to the midterm or final examination, which evaluate the student learning at the end of the session in the college (Dias, 2017). There is standard of benchmarking the student abilities and performance through examination. The examples of summative examination are such as end to term or midterm examinations, cumulative working activities, final project submission, developing creative portfolio and Standardised tests that demonstrate school accountability to evaluate the student’s capabilities (Kumar, 2017). These are the major student assessment practice for enhancing learning and developmental activities of the students in the classroom. Through such assessment, it is possible to analyse the progress of the students and identify their skill and abilities to perform better and achieve success (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018).
For inclusive learning and teaching activities, it is necessary for the teaching professionals of the college to implement good learning practices, enhance communication and maximise student participation in the classroom. The teaching professionals try to interact with the students and develop one to one communication with them for better understanding and practice (Dracup, Austin and King, 2020). Additionally, the teachers try to arrange group discussion, and manage cultural diversity so that it is possible to manage the students and treat them equally. The teachers are also efficient to develop inclusive learning activities and lead the students successfully towards achieving career objectives (Milburn and Jones, 2019). In the sport department of the college, the teaching professionals try to engage the students in the daily classroom activities and arrange sport events so that the students can take active part for improving their fitness and achieving higher (Robiyansah, Mudjito and Murtadlo, 2020). The internal culture and the friendly atmosphere with continuous support from the teachers as well as team collaboration are also fruitful for the students to participate actively.
In this context, student assessment in the classroom is also effective where the teachers try to arrange quiz for successful assessment of the students. The students must take active part in the quiz contest where they can share their knowledge and skill set on sport activities. Through the quiz, it is also possible to improve the participation of the students as well as engage them in the activities related to sport (Milburn and Jones, 2019). The teaching professionals try to arrange different questionnaire for the quiz, and motivate the students to provide right answers as per their knowledge and skill. The teaching professionals try to assess the students and engage them in the quiz so that they can improve their knowledge and perform better (AR, Usman and ZA, 2018). Hence, quiz is the informal assessment technique, which is flexible and the teachers can review the progress of the students in the sport relayed classroom activities (Stepanova et al., 2018). Through this system, the teachers can motivate the students and improve their participation in the classroom. It is also effective for enhancing classroom communication and cooperation where the students can perform as a team and achieve success in future.
Inclusive learning process is innovative way to engage the students in the classroom and encourage them to take active part in the organisation. The teachers try to manage the students by building strong relationship, trust and loyalty among them so that they can cooperate with each other while performing. The sport related activities, training and developmental programs, providing learning materials and arranging the sport session are effective for improving knowledge and skill of the students and it also helps to improve fitness of the students., through quiz session arrangement, the teaching professionals try to conduct student assessment, so that the students can share their knowledge and efficacy and the teachers can supervise the progress of the students in the classroom. Hence, the informal assessment technique through quiz is arranged at the classroom for managing the students efficacy in long run where the students can tale active part and perform better in long run.
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Alimin, Z., Warnandi, N., Akhlan, R. and Ratnengsih, E., 2019. Implementation Inclusive Education Through Ecological Approach. Advanced Science Letters, 25(1), pp.170-174.
AR, M., Usman, N. and ZA, T., 2018. Inclusive Education Management in State Primary Schools in Banda Aceh. Advanced Science Letters, 24(11), pp.8313-8317.
Canelas, D.A., Hill, J.L. and Novicki, A., 2017. Cooperative learning in organic chemistry increases student assessment of learning gains in key transferable skills. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(3), pp.441-456.
Corcoran, T., Claiborne, L. and Whitburn, B., 2019. Paradoxes in inclusive education: a necessary condition of relationality?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(10), pp.1003-1016.
Dias, J., 2017. Teaching operations research to undergraduate management students: The role of gamification. The International Journal of Management Education, 15(1), pp.98-111.
Dracup, M., Austin, J.E. and King, T.J., 2020. Applying cultural-historical activity theory to understand the development of inclusive curriculum practices in higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24(8), pp.882-900.
Hopfenbeck, T.N., Lenkeit, J., El Masri, Y., Cantrell, K., Ryan, J. and Baird, J.A., 2018. Lessons learned from PISA: A systematic review of peer-reviewed articles on the programme for international student assessment. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(3), pp.333-353.
Kumar, S., 2017. Inclusive education: culture, principles, policies, and practices: a literature review. Journal of Exceptional People, 2(11), p.41.
Milburn, L. and Jones, D., 2019. The Deakin'Students Helping Students' and'Students as Partners' collection: A contemporary take on the classic cut. A Practice Report. Student Success, 10(2), pp.65-71.
Mont, D. and Sprunt, B., 2019. Adapting education management information systems to support inclusive education. SchuelkaM. J. JohnstoneC. J. ThomasG. ArtilesA. J.(Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, pp.249-262.
Moolin, T. and Chano, J., 2019. The Developing of the Guideline of Inclusive Education Management for the School in the Office of Educational Service Area in Roi–et Province (Doctoral dissertation, Mahasarakham University).
Redondo, J.M., 2018. Improving student assessment of a server administration course promoting flexibility and competitiveness. IEEE Transactions on Education, 62(1), pp.19-26.
Robiyansah, I.E., Mudjito, M. and Murtadlo, M., 2020. The development of inclusive education management model: Practical guidelines for learning in inclusive school. Journal of Education and Learning, 14(1), pp.80-86.
Samawi, A., 2017. Inclusive Education Management in Social Studies Course of Children with Special Needs. Journal of ICSAR, 1(2), pp.155-158.
Stepanova, G.A., Tashcheva, A.I., Stepanova, O.P., Menshikov, P.V., Kassymova, G.К., Arpentieva, M.R. and Tokar, O.V., 2018. The problem of management and implementation of innovative models of network interaction in inclusive education of persons with disabilities. International journal of education and information technologies. ISSN, pp.2074-1316.
Weleschuk, A.E. and Kelly, P., 2018. Principles of Student Assessment in Practice. In 2018 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.
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