Enhancing Fashion Brand Visibility

  • 4 Pages
  • Published On: 15-12-2023
Speaker Notes

Good morning/evening/afternoon to everyone, the presentation I am about to make today is going to be about fashion marketing and how one can increase their fashion brand’s visibility in the market.

For the purpose of doing that, I will be using the example of a luxury brand called ‘Fashion Co.’, which has been formulated for the express purpose of this presentation. The brand operates from UK and has its office in London.

Slide 1:

Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of this report are to understand what are the factors responsible for the increased visibility of fashion brands, particularly on the social media platforms of Facebook and Instagram. The purpose of this is to understand how Fashion Co. can increase its own visibility.

The method through which it can do that is by first understanding what is the customer base which Fashion Co. needs to target in order to launch an effective social media campaign in order to gain maximum visibility.

Lastly, the presentation will be categorically looking at three social media posts of clothing brands, specifically for Facebook and Instagram in order to pinpoint which strategies they have used in order to increase the visibility of their brand.

Target Audience: Research has revealed that the age group in the UK that spends the most time and financial resources shopping for luxury brands are the ages between 18-40. In the UK, this age group consists of sought 29% of the population. The Fashion Co. wants to target this specific group of people and hence most of its social media posts will be done keeping in mind that this is the demographic they want to attract.

Second, it discovered that there is a higher demand for single brand luxury stores in the UK, as opposed to malls and stores where there are multiple brands of luxury clothing. The brand wants of occupy this vacuum in the shopping experience of its target group.

Thirdly, it discovered that tourism brings in fruitful sales for the luxury market and hence social media posts needs to be free and accessible to all kinds of individuals across the globe, not only to the people who are living in the UK.

Slide 2: This section will be looking at what strategies can be used in order to successfully create Facebook posts to increase visibility of the brand.

Firstly, the brand needs to curate its Facebook page in order to include pictures of its latest collection at the forefront, and include shots of its new collection on models and/or customers.

Second, the brand could increase clicks to their page by introducing a form of giveaway, where some lucky winners will be chosen based on their post comments and they will get free merchandise from the store. The giveaway will also encourage people to share the page with their friends, further increasing visibility.

Slide 3: Third, celebrity collaboration will prove to be excellent for increasing visibility of the brand as the brand will not only more widely seen by the people who follow the brand page, but also the people who are followers of the particular celebrity. A similar collaboration can be done using influencers. The post here is an example of a successful collaboration with Pharrell Williams, a musician, that the luxury brand Chanel had undertaken.

Slide 4: This section will look at the usage of Instagram as a method to increase visibility of the brand in the UK market.

First strategy that the brand can use is by introducing a countdown on their instagram ‘stories’ before the launch of any product. This will create anticipation in the followers and urge the followers to check back the instagram page more often.

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Second, the brand can encourage users to generate content on their behalf, which can be done with the usage of hashtags. Users who have bought clothes from that brand can use the hashtag that the company provides on their posts, for example #fashionco, and customers can upload pictures of them wearing their clothes with the same hashtag. This way, the page of the company will generate more views without them having to upload more pictures and encourage visibility as people will want to see what their clothes look like on customers.

Lastly, the company can add a link to the posts, which can be clicked by the visitor of the Instagram page, and that click will directly take them to the website of the company where they can shop for the clothes they saw on the post. This will help bridge the gap between the consumer and the store, as customers will merely not be looking, but also buying the clothes.

Slide 5: The following is a six-month schedule of the social media strategy which can be followed by the brand. The schedule encompasses all the strategies that have been discussed in the previous slide and incorporates in a six-month period when the company can implement these social media policies, side-by-side.

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