Verbal And Non Verbal Competence

Summative assessment

Leadership is a conglomeration of various aspects; self-development is one aspect of leadership. It involves leaders identifying their strengths and working on their weaknesses. Building on both the strengths and weaknesses enable the leader to attain the required leadership skills. The leader is in charge of the group which means that other people depend on the decisions and instructions from the leader. Therefore, having a competent leader will say that the team will carry out their obligations as expected (Anderson et al., 2016, p.518). Most leaders work on ensuring that they have communication and team spirit skills. The two skills according to them are essential in leadership given their areas of operations. This essay will examine communication, and team spirit skills can be built to develop self or the organization.

Communication is an interpersonal skill that is important in a team. The team members execute instructions from their superiors. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-structured communication channel to facilitate the exchange of information. Verbal communication is crucial in most cases since it entails communication through oracles. When using verbal communication an individual can understand more than what is uttered. The leader should listen and understand verbal communication from the team members. Understanding verbal communication entails reading non-verbal cues when communicating. In care organizations, people have various needs (Mencl, Wefald and van Ittersum, 2016, p.650). These people perceive that the leaders in this environment will assist them. However, this assistance cannot be availed if the leaders cannot understand the needs of these people. The leader should understand the team given various responsibilities at these care organizations. These teams have a direct and frequent connection with the needy people it will be beneficial for them to ensure that they can understand them. Failure for the team members to understand verbal communication and the non-verbal cues will mean that the leader may be given the illegal content (Bach and Grant, 2015). Therefore, decisions will be made based on incorrect information. The actions conducted based on these decisions will harm the people in the care organization. The consequences may be worst even to the management. The leader should also train in non-verbal communication. Written communication is vital on occasions where verbal communication may be unsuitable. The inability of the leader to employ effective non-verbal communication will be a weakness that will hinder self and others' development. For those seeking guidance in this area, education dissertation help can offer valuable insights into improving communication strategies. It is necessary that the manager should understand that members of the time and individuals in the care organizations have diversities.


Diversities affect the use and understanding of non-verbal communication. The practical training that can turn this weakness to the strength is creating an environment that will allow these leaders to understand the role of diversity in broadcasting. Since communication is two-way traffic, the managers should also understand their workers in case they use non-verbal cues (Reece and Reece, 2016). Misunderstandings among team members will thwart both the development of self and others in the team. The team is made up of people that should attain a common goal. Thus, they should have a common language that enables them to air out their opinions and seek clarifications on the same platform. In case there is misunderstanding various parties will be affected.

Good listening skill is the interpersonal skill that allows a leader to listen to the team members. The leader should listen to both the verbal and non-verbal communication to address issues in the organization (Hargie, 2016). In the team, members usually have different ideas. It is crucial for these ideas to be heard in case they are reliable; they should be considered in the final decision. Useful understanding and decision-making have a foundation in good listening skills. Excellent listening skills will enable the manager to read out behavioral change among the group members. Based on the switch, the leader will develop a strategy that will contain the situation. For a leader to show commitment to the group, it is crucial that he/she should understand what the group members are saying either through talking or in silence. Every form of communication should be heard, and reactions should be made at the required time. The group may develop crisis just because of the ignorance or poor listening skills that made some of their concerns not to be addressed. The crisis may be detrimental to both the team and the organization. The magnitude of the effects of poor listening skills may spill to other sections that rely on this process (DeVito, 2019, p.18). The spill may be beyond the ability of the management or the team to handle due to the overwhelming reactions that may be associated with this condition. The organization can build this skill by assigning leadership positions to good listeners who can read and quickly digest the information. Having good listeners serving as the leader will exempt the organization from issues related to communication.

Working in a team means that there is a high vulnerability of problems emerging. However, the team and its members should be able to contain these situations. Within the care organizations, there are problem-solving skills. However, the occurrence of constant problems indicates that the people in charge of the organizations exhibit low problem-solving skills (DuBrin and Geerinck, 2015). Due to the low skills, they are unable to handle these issues at the infancy stages. Later on, these issues either grow or pile to become a considerable threat to the well-being of either the team, organization or both. The fact that there is a higher tendency of having more problems raising at the care organizations the leaders should have adequate skills to handle these matters (Anderson, 2016). Working in a full environment is a prerequisite to the crisis. Therefore, early and enough preparation will be required to contain the situation. The volatility of the environment should necessitate the availability of problem-solving skills bot only among the leaders but also among the members too. Presence of this skill among all these members is because problems can arise from a different dimension. As a result of that, the availability of the members with adequate skills will enable elimination of the problem in time without causing alarm. Training the workers on the importance of problem-solving skills will be essential to build strength in this skill. The organization through workshops and conferences should equip their workers with problem-solving skills (Morrison, 2016). The training should expose the team members to the conditions that require them to display these skills. The evaluation should be conducted based on their ability to handle these cases. In this case, the evaluation can be performed based on the skills displayed in handling the scenario. Trusting a person with the responsibility of managing a team means that the person has exceptional skills. The care organizations should insist on having such leaders to avoid inadequate self and others developed in the group.

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Negotiation skill is also present in the care organization. However, building its strength is vital to enable the stabilization of existing and future relationships. Negotiation skills allow the various groups and members to discuss issues and have an agreement. These skills are essential to the organization since it grants mutual understanding and peace which is crucial to the care organizations. The conditions of the people in these institutions require high understanding which can only be achieved when there is an agreement. Some of the members may be non-accommodative the situation that may affect negotiation (Beenen and Riggio, 2017). Negotiations skills allow leaders to discuss with others or the workers to have a common ground. Attaining common ground may entail reducing some demands which may be a problem with some of the members. In a situation that there is a threat to negotiation leaders and other members should be briefed on the importance of having peace in the organization. This briefing may make others change their hard lines checking the stances will allow the members to reach into a decision that accommodates each other interests. It may be hard to find a choice that is appropriate to the entire team. However, in case negotiation fails and intervention is reinstated majority interests will be considered. The leader should be keen to understand group dynamics that may exist in the group and affect its operation. The ability of the leader to single out these issues will affect service delivery to these care organizations. The leader should identify these issues and look into the mechanisms of containing them without affect service delivery. In care organizations, any form of disruption interferes with the calmness that the residents want. In this case, the ability of the leader to contain the negotiation failures without exposing to the people in this facility will be necessary.

From the examination of the available interpersonal skills within the theoretical framework, it can be argued that the availability alone is not relevant. These skills should be strong and building their strength requires different techniques. Successful building of the interpersonal skills will impact the personal and group members’ development which is important in the leadership and management of the care organizations.

Blog on Change Management

Most people are scared of change since it presents a new environment. The unique situation may be strange to these individuals. Therefore, they may be reluctant to take in something new because of the phobia. West et al. 2007 argue that change is delicate which requires caring. Active caring for change needs compassionate leaders who can stimulate innovation or create an environment that favors innovation. Unfortunately, finding compassionate leaders may not be easy. The incidents that change implementation has failed is a clear indicator of the demand of such leaders.

In the article, ‘CARING TO CHANGE- how compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care’ Michael West and his colleagues explain that innovation is the best remedy to the rapid changes experienced in health care (West, Eckert, Collins and Chowla, 2017). However, innovation brings about several shifts which may require the same adjustments or replacement of various conditions. The process of reacting to these changes may require resources that some of the organizations may be unwilling to channel towards change. In most cases, change is perceived to be an option in a situation where there is a problem that needs to be solved. In healthcare when the patients complain about the quality of the healthcare services, the healthcare facility may decide to make shifts. In this case, they believe that the change will alter service delivery and that the normal situation will be satisfactory to the patients. Compassionate leaders understand that individuals want to be part of something successful. Therefore, in such a scenario the workers at the healthcare will want to be part of the solution to this problem.

Change communication is crucial to change management. Most people are affected by the change. Due to the impact, it is vital that change should be communicated. Communication allows those to be affected to be ready to respond to the change. Communication is also essential to the people who will be in charge of different roles in change implementation. Based on contact, the people involved may decline or support change. For example, having inadequate information about the change may make people involved to reject taking part due to scarce information. At the same time, change is gradual which means that individuals affected should get information in time. Accessing this information in time will enable them to evaluate the change. Also, it will allow them to relate the switch to the current situation. Compassionate leadership motivates the staff to take part in change by reinforcing altruism among the workers. Altruism enables active learning in a case where there is risk-taking. Change is a risk-taking process that requires that the organization either takes a risk and come out successful or develop fear and retain the crisis. Learning enables the staff to be introduced to change gradually. Through learning, the staff is briefed on what to expect and possibly how to interact with changes. The learning process is essential since change creates a new environment.

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Compassion leadership grants psychological safety that most people require in the process of working on implementing change. Psychological safety will enable the staff to communicate their errors and concerns (Ali and Terry, 2017). The communication will allow the leader to brief the team in areas that they have doubts in also these errors may be solved once spotted. The response to the concerns of the staff during the change process increases their anxiety to be part of the change. In addition to that, it also increases their confidence which is vital in the team participation in change deployment. Change is a process that entails various activities. These activities should be coordinated failure to do so may thwart the objective of implementing chance. The demand requires excellent management skills in ensuring that every action is conducted as needed. Similarly, each activity of change should be governed appropriately. In care organizations, there are people in need of compassion since most of them are taken in these places for treatment (West and Chowla, 2017, p.239). Therefore, creating such an environment will be vital since it will grant these only safeties and will make them feel comfortable. The primary purpose of the change is bringing a solution. In this scenario, the creation of a compassionate environment will be the ultimate goal of the change. The team and people in the care organizations should be ensured of their well-being.

Kotter 2002 indicates that there are eight steps in ensuring that change is successful. These steps depend on each other meaning that failure or omission of one stage will affect the entire process. The duration that most changes take makes it challenging to make such a mistake. The leader should direct the eight steps proper scrutiny should be conducted to avoid cases of failures or omissions (North and Kumta, 2018). The organization should be keen on whom to assign the responsibility of leadership. Not any leader will enable effective implementation of change (Bradley, 2016). Therefore, the organization should go for a competent leader who can care for the change. At the same time, they should be patient enough to enable the transition to attain their maturity. Most of the compassionate leaders are usually optimistic that change will result in the solution required (Stanton, 2018). Therefore, they value sacrificing time and other resources to ensuring that the eight steps of the process are conducted appropriately.

In conclusion, most of the organizations tend to be anxious to make changes in their operations. The anxiety shows the value that is attached to change which requires people with skills in guiding this process. Organizations prefer having compassionate leaders since they have features that can facilitate change implementation. In addition to that, most of these leaders are kind and confident about the whole process. The feeling and the value that these people attach to change makes it a compulsory achievement. Hence, most of the organizations will want to have such leaders since they show certain levels of commitment and dedication to their work.

development or project

Innovation provides new ideas that aim at improving organizational performance. Improved performance means that there will be a minimal problem. Decision-making process is vital in both problem-solving and organization development. Decision making allows the organization to have decisions that will address the issues and the organization goals (Noe et al., 2017). Therefore, most organizations are keen to who they assign the responsibility of making decisions. Most leaders are entrusted with the duty of making decisions. The impact of their choices requires them to consider various aspects and the consequences of their decisions (Hornstein, 2015, p.293). Most of the compassionate leaders act based on four elements which are also crucial in problem-solving and decision-making. The four factors that the compassionate leaders use are; attend, understand, empathize and help. Deployment of these aspects also assists in making decisions consider the nature of the situation (Matos Marques Simoes. and Esposito, 2014). In various circumstances when all the avenues to problem-solving are exhausted organization relies on new ideas generated from the members. Innovation is believed to be the ultimate solution to these issues (Matzler et al., 2015, p.318). Therefore, the organization in these situations does not prepare for any failure in case a new idea is presented. At the organizational levels, various interactions depend on each other. The availability of such an environment will mean that the chances of having problems are high. At the same time, appropriate decisions should be made considering the nature of the situation that exists.

Most organizations work on ensuring that they improve service delivery. These organizations may support any activity that will guarantee them superb service delivery. Change may be implemented if an organization is not satisfied with its current performance (Chang, 2016). Decision-making is an important strategy not only in the change implementation process but also in running important affairs of the organization. Most of the firms with good decisions tend to be successful. This is because these institutions lean on these decisions which capture the exact demand of the company (Carnall, 2018). The essence of good decisions makes most of the organizations to focus on having the right team. Firms will aim at having a team that has skills in decision-making. The demand has made such persons scarce. However, for the companies that have such people have ensured that they retain them. Their value and demand cause efforts to maintain these individuals.

Innovative presents new ideas that may require an organization to readjust its current situation. The efforts that are integrated to enable innovation make most people aspects a lot from the ideas presented. For instance, at the organizational level, firms may aim at improving their competitive advantage. Due to the need, a plan may be adopted from another organization rebranded and used in such a case. The approach that most leaders take where the request of making changes puts pressure on change due to high expectations which may not be easily achieved (Kasemsap, 2017, p.87). Most of these innovations aim at giving answers to the questions that may be hard to answer. Adoption of these changes observed in other organizations or new ones is not easy. The difficultness of the approval or establishment of innovation is caused by the fact that all these two processes present something new (Martín-de Castro, 2015, p.145). The newness may be disturbing to the organization or to the team assigned with that responsibility. With such adverse reactions, innovation in most institutions has faced challenges. Some of the people who have been designated with several roles of ensuring that innovation is incorporated have shown discontent. Having such leaders have affected changes in the victim organization. On the other hand, others have dragged their fate due to inabilities that their leaders possess. Availability of the leader with both decision-making and problem-solving is essential. The relevance of such a leader is that the leader can identify a problem and based on his skills and the decisions made can fix these problems. Michael West and his colleagues acquire that compassionate leaders create an enabling environment that can sustain innovation (Rosemann and vom Brocke, 2015, p.120). At the organizational level, the creation of self-belonging is vital since it gives people identities and realization of their positions. Therefore, making a change will be comfortable and efficient since they understand their position. For the worker to take part effectively in innovation it is essential that the employees feel part of it. Any form of marginalization will be a threat to change since the available conditions will be affected. The impact is due to partial participation if it requires the presence of many people.

Innovation requires that the reasons for the change to be evaluated it will be critical in the selection and working of the innovation selected. Every innovation may not result in the outcome required because of the different approach (Goffin and Mitchell, 2016). To determine the best change is it essential that its components are exposed to facilitate selection of a constant innovation that addresses the exact issue. Going for the wrong innovation is the start of the failure of the project. This is because since the outcome of the improper implementation of change will not reflect the objective of having such a reaction (Doppelt, 2017). Considering whole the processes incurred and the duration that is taken to ensure that these ideas are adopted well making the mistake of taking a wrong innovation may not be acceptable. The realization of the fact that you had a wrong reaction may not be noted early. The understanding of this decision during the late stages of the innovation process is dangerous (Hayes, 2018). In this scenario, the effect may be intense which means that abundant resources may be used. Excessive allocation and utilization of these resources may paralyze other operations.

In conclusion, decision-making and problem-solving are the two most important virtues for a person that can direct change. Most of the organizations will focus on employing people with these two skills. However, companies that have successfully got or have these people have worked tirelessly to keep their followers. Most of the compassionate leaders in most cases have succeeded in executing their roles effectively.

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  • Matos Marques Simoes, P. and Esposito, M., 2014. Improving change management: How communication nature influences resistance to change. Journal of Management Development, 33(4), pp.324-341. Matzler, K., Veider, V., Hautz, J. and Stadler, C., 2015. The impact of family ownership, management, and governance on innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(3), pp.319-333.
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  • West, M., Eckert, R., Collins, B. and Chowla, R., 2017. Caring to change. How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care. The King’s fund.
  • West, M.S. and Chowla, R., 2017. Compassionate leadership for compassionate health care. Compassion: concepts, research and applications. London: Routledge, pp.237-57.

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