Healthcare System And Professional


It is the responsibility of the health care professionals to serve quality care and efficient services to the patients as per their requirements to overcome their health issues (Aveyard, 2014). This study aims at understanding the moral ethics and principles of Healthcare which helps the health care professionals to improve the standard of Healthcare system and deliver quality care and efficient services after acknowledging the actual health needs and preferences of the patients. The study also focuses on responsibilities of the health care professionals as well as legal framework through which the service providers can improve the Healthcare system for delivering quality service to the patients. In this case, Lisa Dent is a 32 years old patient with full time pregnancy, and it is not possible for her to continue her job for eight hours. She agrees for inhalational anaesthesia instead of an anaesthetic by intravenous transfusion, but the anaesthetist is unwilling to administer the anaesthetic in this manner because this carries a 50% risk of gastric inhalation, which is potentially fatal for Ms Dent. The health care professionals try to maximise the interest of the patient and they decide to have the anaesthetic administered intravenously. In this context, the legal and moral ethics in the Healthcare can be evaluated by applying the case study of the patient and the study also aims at discussing the professional responsibilities in the Healthcare for delivering quality care to the patient, Lisa Dent. Furthermore, this study highlights how healthcare dissertation help can support professionals in understanding their responsibilities for delivering quality care to the patient.

It is important in the Healthcare to maintain all the ethics and laws and professionalism to make effective decision-making behaviour in the Healthcare institutions (Cameron et al., 2014). In this present case, the care professionals take the decision of having the anaesthetic administered intravenously which is against the priority of the patient Ms. Dent where she prefers inhalational anaesthesia as she has the phobia of needles. As per the moral ethics, the health care professionals need to be trustworthy and appreciate the patient’s safety first as well as create values for the patients by understanding their needs and preferences. The care professionals need to understand the needs and personal preferences of the patient so that the service providers can acknowledge the situation of the patient (Glasby, 2017). However, in this present case, though the care professionals understand the preferences of the patient during her pregnancy that she is comfortable with inhalational anaesthesia, the MDT decides that they have anaesthetic administered intravenously. Hereby, the ethical principle of health care that are autonomy, patient centric care and patient empowerment are violated as the care professionals fail to treat the patients by acknowledging her actual preferences about anaesthesia (Bernal et al., 2017). The Healthcare ethics include trustworthiness, autonomy, transparency and accountability as well as respect for patient’s preferences, which lead the care professionals to meet the needs and preferences of the patients successfully (Dickinson & O'Flynn, 2016). In addition to these, Health and Safety Regulation 1981 as well as Health and Safety Act 2012 are helpful to improve the Healthcare where the health care service providers can deliver high quality service as well as efficient treatment as per the needs and preferences of the patient (Bernal et al., 2017). Moreover, Care Quality Commission (CQC) is concerned about maintaining the quality of the Healthcare. Hereby, rules, ethics and laws in the Healthcare are beneficial to maintain the care standard as well as deliver high quality care service to the patient as per their understanding of health issues as well as by considering the needs and preferences of the patient (Dickinson & O'Flynn, 2016). In this case of Ms. Dent, the main moral dilemma is that the care professionals fail to respect the preferences of the patient and decide to have intravenous anaesthesia which is against the preferences of Ms. Dent as she has the phobia of needles and in this context, the rules, legislation and moral principles further provides an opportunity to the care givers to resolve the moral dilemma and further.


Discoursing moral principles and theories that stimulate and inform current Healthcare practice

Moral principles of Healthcare are also effective for the Healthcare professionals to maintain professionalism as well as mange the activities in the Healthcare successfully (Bernal et al., 2017). Respecting individual’s choice is one of the important moral principles where the health care service providers need to respect the patient’s preferences as well as help them to overcome their present health issues by cooperation and communication so that the service providers can provide efficient treatment to the patients (Bernal et al., 2017). Maintaining privacy and maximising the rights of the patients are also the principle of the Healthcare service providers where the service providers need to understand the needs and preferences of the patients through communication and the service providers also ensure that they maintain privacy for protecting the information of the patients (O'Driscoll, 2018). It is effective for the care professionals to maintain the standard of the Healthcare where they try to build trust and loyalty among the patients and let them feel comfortable to discuss their problems and health issues with the care professionals which is necessary for the service providers to understand the actual health needs and preferences of the patients (Dickinson & O'Flynn, 2016). In the present case study, through communication and cooperation, the care professionals come to know that the patient Ms. Dent is not comfortable with anaesthesia through injecting the medicine in her body as she has phobia of needles. In this regard, the care professionals try to understand her needs and preferences and they find that she prefers inhalational anaesthesia, but the anaesthetist is unwilling to administer the anaesthetic in this manner because this carries a 50% risk of gastric inhalation, which is potentially fatal for Ms. Dent. However, the care professionals and anaesthetist decide to have the anaesthetic administered intravenously and thus the patient’s preferences are not be maximised. In this regard, there exists conflicts between the care professionals planning and the preferences of the patients and the care givers could not empower Ms. Dent in the decision-making practice which worsen the case for her as she has the phobia of needles and she is not comfortable with intravenous anaesthesia.

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Enhancing communication, understanding each other’s perspectives as well as internal cooperation are other ethical concepts in health care setting for managing the moral principles of the Healthcare professionals where the care professionals are trying to develop effective culture where the patients can feel safe and overcome their current health issues (Sanderson, Allen & Osipovic, 2017). Apart from that, the carers recognise the values of the patient and they aim at maximising the values of the patient in the Healthcare through improving engagement with them and providing them the best possible treatment and care. The care professionals try to provide support and care to the patients which is necessary to meet the needs and preferences of the patients (Dickinson & O'Flynn, 2016). In this present case also, the medical care team decide to have the anaesthetic administered intravenously for Ms. Dent which did not match her preferences for which the dilemma arise, and, in this regard, the above-mentioned moral principles need to be followed by the care givers so that it is easy to imporve the health care practice for Ms. Dent.

Acknowledging professional responsibilities of the registered healthcare professional

Maintaining professional responsibilities in the Healthcare system is also one of the success factors where the care professionals can conduct their duties and responsibilities and follow the NMC code of conduct to serve better care and support the patients where the patients can overcome their health situations and stay better life further (Bowling, 2014). In this regard, the main responsibility of the Healthcare professional is to maximise patient’s care through managing health and safety as well as providing the best possible Healthcare service to the patients after acknowledging their actual needs and preferences (Dickinson & O'Flynn, 2016). In this present case, Ms. Dent communicates with the health care professionals and she expresses that she has the phobia of needles and it is hard for her to get anaesthesia through needles. In this regard, the Healthcare professionals try to understand the perspective of the patient and aim at maximising the interest of Ms. Dent so that during pregnancy she feels comfortable with the doctors and nurses and cooperate with them to treat her better. As per the NMC code of conduct, there are four factors such as people, effective, safety and trust through which it is posisbel for the care givers to maintain professionalism and serve the best care to the patients. Maintaining client’s autonomy is also the responsibility of the professionals where the requirements of the clients as per the client’s wishes must be fulfilled by the Healthcare professionals (Sanderson, Allen, & Osipovic, 2017). Autonomy in this regard is mainly the freedom of making effective decision through self-determination where the care professionals respect the patient’s rights to make choices about health care service (Sanderson, Allen, & Osipovic, 2017).

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For example, the requirements of Ms. Dent need to be also maximised by the medical team where they decide to have the anaesthetic administered intravenously which is against the preference of Ms. Dent as she prefers inhalational anaesthesia due to her phobia of needles. Enhancing communication with the patients and their families, friends and near and dear ones is also the responsibility of the care professionals without which it is difficult for the care service providers to understand the actual needs and preferences of the patient. A requirement to act in accordance with the client’s wishes as well as to act in the best interests of the client are also the responsibilities of the Healthcare professionals which are helpful for them to serve the patients with best treatment and care by focusing on their actual wishes and preferences (Sanderson, Allen, & Osipovic, 2017). The health care professionals display respect, integrity and responsibility towards the colleagues as well as the patients so that the service providers and users can be cooperative in the Healthcare institutions (Green & Thorogood, 2018). As per the NMC code of conduct, building trust, respecting the patients, valuing the dignity and value of the patients and listening their preferences are important and in this present case also, these responsibilities and principles of professionalism are beneficial to treat Ms. Dent as per her preferences of inhalational anaesthesia due to her phobia of needles and hereby, the code pf conduct helps to maximise professionals responsibilities and maximise patient care through successful empowerment of the Ms. dent in the decision making practice.

Signifying an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the healthcare professional

Legal responsibilities in the Healthcare practice is also important where the Healthcare service providers are responsible for managing the rules and legislative structure of the Healthcare so that it is easy to maximise the values and interest of the patients by delivering them quality care and supports as per their health needs and preferences (Glasby, & Dickinson, 2014). In this regard, the health care professionals are responsible for maintaining Health and Safety at the Healthcare institutions so that the patient Ms. Dent feel safe and secured. On the other hand, Data Protection Act 1998 must be maintained by the Healthcare professionals where they can protect the privacy of the patients by keeping the records safe and secured (Sanderson, Allen, & Osipovic, 2017). In case of Ms. Dent, the care professionals need to ensure Dent that the collected information will be kept safe and secured with the database of the institution and empower the patient in the decision-making practice.

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In this present case also, the medical team and service providers are responsible for managing the legal responsibilities and keep the records of the patient Ms. Dent safe which is also helpful to improve the trustworthiness and loyalty among the patient and other health care professionals. It is also the responsibility of the care professionals to work cooperatively so that it is easy to deliver high quality health care service to the patient after proper diagnosis and understanding the actual needs and preferences of the patient (Bernal et al., 2017). As per the legal and ethical principle of the health care service, the care professionals are bound to maintain transparency and accountability at the health care centre as well as enhance patient empowerment (O'Driscoll, 2018). Both of the principles are not applied in case of the treatment of Ms. Dent as she was not empowered properly and though she expressed her phobia for anaesthesia, the doctors use injection which is against the legal and ethical principles of health care context. Hereby, legal and ethical principle provides a scope to the care professionals to improve the care plan for Ms. Dent where she can be empowered properly in the decision-making practice of her anaesthesia and help her to overcome the situation.

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It can be concluded that, the legal responsibilities and professionalism in the Healthcare are beneficial for the Healthcare professionals to maximise the care of the patients and create values for them by delivering quality care and support as per the needs and preferences of the patients which is the main aim of the health care professionals. The care professionals in the present case are also concerned about the personal preferences of Ms. Dent where they decide to have the anaesthetic administered intravenously as she has the phobia of injection for at the time of anaesthesia, they use injection where they fail to empower the patient in the care plan and decision making practice which is one of the main moral dilemma where there is lack of patient empowerment. The doctors and nurses need to take care of the personal preferences of the patient, Ms. Dent and cooperate with her to stay safe and secure during her pregnancy. Hereby, through managing legal responsibilities and moral ethics in the Healthcare, the medical team and care professionals are able to meet the patient’s requirements and deliver high quality health care services successfully.

Take a deeper dive into Healthcare Influences Physical Care Need with our additional resources.


  • Aveyard, H., (2014). Doing a literature review in Healthcare: A practical guide. London: McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Bernal, J.A.L., Lu, C.Y., Gasparrini, A., Cummins, S., Wharham, J.F. & Soumerai, S.B., (2017). Association between the 2012 Healthcare Act and specialist visits and hospitalisations in England: A controlled interrupted time series analysis. PLoS medicine, 14(11), pp.1002427.
  • Bowling, A., (2014). Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. London: McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. & Coomber, C., (2014). Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between Healthcare services: a review of research literature. Health & social care in the community, 22(3), pp.225-233.
  • Dickinson, H. & O'Flynn, J., (2016). Evaluating Outcomes in Healthcare 2e. London: Policy Press.
  • Glasby, J. & Dickinson, H., (2014). Partnership working in Healthcare: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?. London: Policy Press.
  • Glasby, J., (2017). Understanding Healthcare. London: Policy Press.
  • Green, J. & Thorogood, N., (2018). Qualitative methods for health research. London: Sage.
  • O'Driscoll, M., (2018). The UK Healthcare Act (2012) and new public management–more of the wrong medicine?. Sanderson, M., Allen, P. & Osipovic, D., (2017). The regulation of competition in the National Health Service (NHS): what difference has the Healthcare Act 2012 made?. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 12(1), pp.1-19.

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