Human Rights and Responsibilities in Health and Social Care


Reflective assessment in health and social care is effective to review the learning process and identify the learning activities for own skill developmental and knowledge improvement. Through this reflective assessment, it is possible to discuss clear understanding about the Human rights and responsibilities, which is the main topic of the learning (Nagy et al., 2020). I choose this topic to learn about the rights of the care workers, patients, social workers and other service providers and the health and social care sector. The reflective practice provides a scope to me to review own learning activities and share experience in working in the health and social care sector where in this study, Gibb's reflective model is utilised for sharing own activities and knowledge. Secondly, the study also provides a scope to share own skill, professional experience and discipline to serve the patient the best quality care and on the other hand, there would be in depth discussion on understanding of Human rights and responsibilities in professional field and develop further action plan for future personal and professional development. For those seeking in-depth analysis and assistance, healthcare dissertation help can further support the exploration of complex topics such as these.

Reflection through reflective model

Gibbs reflective model includes six steps, through which it is possible to demonstrate own understanding and learning activities in the personal and professional field (Godden et al., 2019). Through the steps, it is possible for me to discuss over my experience on learning about human rights and responsibilities.



The learning activities that I have focused is human rights and responsibilities and it is very interesting learning topic, that improve personal knowledge and professional skill set to work as a co-worker in the health care settings. I try to improve my knowledge about meeting the rights of the individuals through respect and dignity, fairness, accountability and equal treatment. The learning activities are helpful to create values for the individuals by working ethically and following the legal rules of managing human rights (Kurtz, 2019).


I feel that, the learning session on human rights and responsibilities is appropriate for me to improve my knowledge and skill set to work with others at the institution. Through the learning sessions, I also gather vast experience by working with the individuals across diverse society. I come to know that, it is important to manage equality and diversity in the institution so that the individuals can feel comfortable and valued. Moreover, I feel that, in the health care settings, respect others, maintaining dignity and transparency are also important to work under professional practice and maximise the organisational values.


Through the learning sessions on human right and responsibility, I am successful to improve my understanding about the process of working in health care settings by meeting the rights of the human being. The learning sessions increased knowledge, understanding and it further provide me the ability to meet my duties to respect, protect and promote human rights, including by addressing inequalities.

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Through the human rights learning and activities, I try to gather vast experience by working with others, where I treat the individual equally and provide them the scope to access the best quality care. I try to respect each patient and maintain dignity towards them irrespective of their disabilities, diversity in economic class, social status, language and culture. I also focus on working cooperatively by empowering the individuals, so that they care share their personal preferences and actual requirements, so that effective care plan can be developed and it would be possible for me to meet their rights and improve their satisfaction. Hence, the learning activities on human rights are advantageous for me to improve my professional skill set to work cooperatively by maintaining the ethical structure.


As per the analysis, it can be concluded that, the human rights learning activities are helpful for me to create values for otters and improve my working practice in the health care settings. I try to develop my skill and professional knowledge to work with others and the learning activities on human rights further provide me a scope to meet the rights of the individuals, who are engaged with the organisation.

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Action plan

I would like to improve my working practice and professional skills set as per the human rights learning, where the major activities are improving communication and cooperation skills, developing patient centred care through empowerment, enhancing critical analytical skill enhancement with professional skill development and improving the leadership skill, so that it would be possible for me to meet the rights of the individuals by working ethically.

Relating to professional experience

Human rights and responsibilities are important in the health and social care sector, where it is possible to explore the rights of the patients, care workers and other service providers. The rights of the human being must be accomplished irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, economic class and nationality (Goetghebeur et al., 2017). As per the human rights and responsibilities, the major factors such as resect, protect and fulfil the human rights are important which provide me a scope to analyse the needs and preferences o the individuals and develop good care plan to protect their interest and fulfil their requirements with respect. In the professional field, the knowledge about Human rights and responsibilities is effective for me to explore the activities for creating values for the individuals, irrespective of their culture and economic background (Goetghebeur et al., 2017). The human rights values are fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy that underpin the public service ethos. In working in the health and social care sector, it is my responsibility to learn more about the Human rights and responsibilities and create values for the individuals with effective care and equal treatment (Lee et al., 2019). The learning experience of mine is good where I got effective assistance from the senior management team and gain personal experience through working with others. Hence, the learning of Human rights and responsibilities is helpful to gather more professional experience, where I try to improve my personal and professional skill to protect the individual rights in the health and social care sector.

The real values of Human rights and responsibilities are developed through continuous learning process and experience gathering activities (Goetghebeur et al., 2017). In the UK, the guidelines of National Health Service or NHS are effective for me to gain deep insights about Human rights and responsibilities that further provide me a scope to understand the practice of maximising the rights of the individuals in the care home (Lee et al., 2019). As a worker in the health and social care sector, it is my duty to maximise human rights as the individuals have the right to fulfil their needs and personal preferences under suitable circumstances. Hence, the earning process is effective for me to improve my understanding about Human rights and responsibilities and this further provides me a scope to treat the patients fairly and create values for them through partnership working practice and developing good fare plan. The practice of Human rights and responsibilities through managing fairness and equality further help me to improve my understanding about treating each patient equally irrespective of their differences in culture and economic class or any disability. I always try to follow the gaudiness of NHS and the Human rights and responsibilities practice ion order to manage the patient and create values for them. I face the issue of lack of communication and cooperation in the learning prices, where I would like to improve my interactive skill, so that I can be empowered more in the organisations for gaining more experience by working with other health care providers and the service user groups.

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Reason of learning human rights in professional field

The major reason of learning human rights in professional field is to maximise own practice of health and social care service, so that the care givers can provide the best quality care by maintain the practice of human rights and responsibilities (Mantzourani et al., 2019). It is the responsibility of the health care management team in the health and social care sector to create values for all the individuals, working in the institution, through maximising their rights. By discussing the factors of ethical, legal, social and organisational, it is possible to demonstrate the reasons of learning human rights and responsibilities.


Ethical considerations must be promoted in the health care where I try to follow the human rights principles and also the guidelines of NHS to create values for the individuals. As a care worker, it is important to learn the ethical practice of human rights and responsibilities (Kwon et al., 2017). In this regard, equality and diversity must be managed well, so that it would be possible for me to treat all the patients equally irrespective of the diversity in culture, economic class, gender, ethnicity n disabilities. Each patient must be treated fairly and with the same importance, so that they can feel comfortable in the institution (Terry and Newham, 2020). Moreover, I also come to known that, managing transparency and accountability as well as respect and integrity are also necessary to ensure human rights and responsibilities. On the other hand, dignity of the patients as well as empowerment of the individuals in the care plan is mandatory to meet the human rights of the individuals in the health care settings.


Social practice is another factor for which the learning of human rights and responsibilities is important (Duffy and Kelly, 2019). I try to develop my understanding on human rights through this learning session to create social values for the individuals. The learning and developmental activities are important to treat each individuals fairly in the society and retain them for the best quality care, so that it would be possible to maximise the standard of living of the individuals. Hence, for social value creation and maximising the wellbeing of the individuals across the social communities, it is important to learn and develop knowledge about human rights and responsibilities (Duffy and Kelly, 2019).

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Legal practice further ensures that the care givers follow all the legislative structure and rules in order to ensure human rights and responsibility (Matiti, 2020). It is the responsibility of the care worker to implement the legislation of Human Rights Act 1998, to protect the interest of the individuals. I also try to manage the act and provide the best quality care that can maximise the patient satisfaction and meet their rights. It also improve my understanding through this learning of human rights, that it is necessary to implement Equality Act 2010 for treating each patient equally and providing them equal scope to access the best quality care in the society. Additionally, the knowledge about legislative structure of Data Protection Act 1998 and Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974 are also beneficial to maximise patient care (Matiti, 2020). I try to maintain patient confidentiality and security at the workplace through this legislation, so that the patients can feel comfortable to share their medical history and personal preferences. It is also under human rights and responsibility, so that the patients can feel secured and protected in the health care settings.


The human rights and responsibility learning activities are important to manage the organisational practice fairly (Bradby et al., 2020). It is essential for me to develop own skill and professional practice in order to meet the organisational objectives to patient care. The practice of human rights and responsibility further provides a scope to create good organisational culture, where the individuals are treated fairly and they can work under safe environment with respect and dignity. The service users are also treated with transparency and accountability under such practice, where I as a co-worker in the health care setting can deliver the best quality care by managing the patients with respect and dignity, and it further provides me an opportunity to empower the individuals and develop person centred care in the health care institution.


In the professional practice, the learning and activities of human rights and responsibility are crucial for managing the patient care and maximise the aim of the health and social care institutions (BIELEFELDT et al., 2017). I try to develop my professional skill set through this learning session, where managing patient rights as well as the rights of the individuals in the care settings further help me to treat my colleagues and also the patients with maintaining transparency and accountability. The learning of human rights further provides me a scope to improve my understanding about managing fairness and meet the rights of the individuals by equal empowerment, good internal communication and bonding.

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Reconstructing understanding for future practice


The learning session and activities on human rights and responsibilities are hereby beneficial for me to improve my personal knowledge as well as develop professional skill set in order to maximise my responsibility as a worker in health and social care settings. I try to improve my knowledge on human rights as well as gather experience by working professionally with the health care team and the individuals or user group. I try to interact with the social communities and treat them fairly in order to maximise their rights to the public services. Fair treatment and providing equal scope to all the individuals in the society is the main changes that I have adopted for improving my performance and creating values for the individuals in the society. It also helps me to create values for the society, where I always focus on meeting the rights of the individuals by providing them the best quality care, equal treatment irrespective of their differences in economic class, cultural values, ethnicity and disabilities. I also improve my understanding about equality and diversity management through the legislative structure and non-discrimination policies. Hence, the learning about human right is beneficial for me to work with others efficiently in near future and fulfil my job responsibility. It would be beneficial for me to develop further action plan so that I can improve my professional practice in health care settings which would be important to meet the human rights.

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Reference List

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