Obesity Trends in Childhoods

Overview of the national problem

According to the health survey for England 2019, obesity has been increasing across the age groups from childhood up to the age of 75 years. In reception, the obesity prevalence has risen from 9.7 % in 2019 to 9.9% in 2020. It has also risen in year 6 from 20.2% in 2019 to 21% in 2020. To add, girls have a less prevalence in both ages. In year 6, 18.4% of girls were obese compared to 23.6 % boys. In reception, 9.7 % of girls compared to 10.1% boys (Programme et al., 2021). Also, the obesity prevalence has been on the rise among the children aged 10 to 11 years (Conolly and Davies, 2018). To add, the study revealed that the children who reside in least deprived areas are less likely to be obese than those who lived in the less deprived regions. For those researching related topics, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights into understanding these trends and addressing the underlying causes of obesity.

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Reception Year in Slough (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021) Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Year 6 in Slough (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021)

Be your best

The evaluation plan will target a group of 0-11 years obese children as well as their parents. Its design is to conducted research in the primary schools in Slough whose prevalence of child obesity is high. It will be conducted for a period of 12 weeks where the participants will be required to participate in activities and exercise sessions, make a supermarket visit and four healthy eating sessions. Maintained or reduced BMI at 6 months is the primary aim of the plan while the secondary aims include better vegetable and fruit consumption at 12 weeks and better self-esteem. Also, the level of physical activity at 12 weeks could have increased while the sedentary time reduced.



Compared to England, the health of individuals in Slough are varied. About 84.9% of the children are from high income families while the rest are from low-income families (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021). To add, the life expectancy for the people in the region is less than the England average. Approximately 26.2% of the children in year 6 are obese, which is more than the average for England (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021). A research conducted on school food in 2015 showed that that there was an increase in the uptake of school meals from 32% in the previous year to 49%. Also, it showed that 39 % of packed lunches were balanced and healthy while 86% of school meals complied with guidelines (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021).

Key inequalities

Levels of childhood obesity is lower in less deprived areas than in higher deprived areas. Also, the proportion of students eligible for free meals is associated with the levels of childhood obesity (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021). The adults that have disabilities are less physically active, hence they are more likely to be obese than the general population. To add, there is a variation in the child obesity preference with the ethic group. Children from the back and Asian groups are more likely to be obese than the white (Childhood obesity - Slough Borough Council, 2021).

Effects of obesity

Childhood obesity could have several effects to the children. First, the obese children are more likely to develop high cholesterol as well as hypertension (Bilton and Waters, 2017). They are hence at risk of developing cardiovascular disease which could be fatal. Also, they are prone to gastro oesophageal reflux, gallstones and fatty liver diseases. They may also develop breathing problems like sleep apnoea, and asthma. Type two diabetes, insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance are other health conditions that are associated with child obesity (Sun et al., 2020).

Approach framework

Establishing senior level advocacy is the first whole systems approach framework. Building a narrative which is a local picture about why the minimizing the obesity in the society matters. To add, agreeing in a shared vision as well as bringing the stakeholders together would be effective and is a priority. Also, there is need to action planning and managing the system network by continuing to develop the system network. Reflecting and refreshing is also very key which involves the use of knowledge acquired to improve, and to use it for the future.

Public health

According to the world health organization, public health is the science and art of evading diseases, promoting health and prolonging life by using of planned efforts in the society. The key pillars in the public health include health services which involves the provision of services and audits, and public health advice to strategic commissioning and support service planning. To add, the protection of health is another pillar that involves managing and investigating environmental and infectious risks to health. Improvement of health through programs meant to prevent diseases as well as the promotion of health. Influencing lifestyles and supporting as well as inspiring communities in order to promote healthy living are also key pillars.

Rolling out

Rolling out be your best intervention will be instrumental in reducing the number of child obese cases in Slough. Over the years, child obesity has been a priority in the region. Research has shown that one in every five children are either overweight or obese by the time they are 5 years. This figure gradually increases and by the time they are 10 to 11 years, the rate changes to one in three children. Obese and overweight children are more likely to grow to adulthood with the obesity (Conolly and Davies, 2018). However, on average, Slough children are below the England average.

Current government guidance

Currently, the government is guiding people on the physical exercises they should be doing. Also, it is encouraging the businesses to include their calorie information so that the citizens can make informed decisions. To add it is advocating for improved labelling as well as giving its citizens advice on physical activity and healthy diet.


During the evaluation plan, the variables that will be of interest will be the physical exercise, the vegetable, and food and fruit intake. This will be compared against the body mass index and the total cholesterol every week. The findings will show the relationship between the variables which will be key in coming up with recommendations. The BMI will be calculated by taking the weight of the child in kilograms and dividing it with their height in metres squared..

Government policy

The government has its policy on obesity in Slough and generally in England. It seeks to guide people on the physical activities that they could be undertaking so as to reduce the obesity rates. Also, to encourage businesses to indicate the calorie information on their foods so that the consumers could make informed decisions and healthy choices. To add, the labelling on the drinks and food to be improved for healthy choices. Advising the people on physical activities and a healthy diet (Lake, Henderson, and Townshend, 2017).

The be your best evaluation plan will be instrumental in creating awareness as well as in assisting the reduction of childhood obesity in Slough. For the 12 weeks period that it will be conducted, it will help in promoting healthy eating and physical exercise which are some of the key factors that reduce child obesity. The four healthy eating sessions will be an example of how they should be eating for the rest of their lives so that they can remain healthy. The outcome of the evaluation will be instrumental in decision making as well as in policy making pertaining obesity in Slough. Better vegetable and fruit consumption as well as increasing the level of physical activity will be encouraged

Healthy living

Working with the local government, I have witnessed the challenges that we are facing in minimizing and eventually eradicating childhood obesity. I would highly recommend and support the introduction of be your best in Slough. The evaluation plan would be important in encouraging the residents the need to adopt healthy eating. The plan could be rolled out in primary schools that have a high prevalence to obesity. Order Now The evaluation plan will be targeting children below 11 years as well as their parents. Data will be taken after every 1 week since it will be essential for the future. The evaluation plan will help to reduce the diseases that are associated with obesity including type 2 diabetes and asthma. Also, it tries to minimize the risk factors that lead to child obesity hence promoting health. There is a need for the schools to continue raising awareness on the need of physical activity as well as the healthy eating by engaging with parents and providing healthy food at schools. Also, incorporating measures that would combat obesity into the strategic planning of slough would be a milestone in eradicating child obesity. Conducting public campaigns and making information on obesity accessed by all would be key. In conclusion, I believe that the evaluation plan will help solve the obesity issue in Slough.

Dig deeper into Obesity in People with Learning and Intellectual Disabilities with our selection of articles.


Agha, M. and Agha, R., 2017. The rising prevalence of obesity: part A: impact on public health. International journal of surgery. Oncology, 2(7), p.e17.

Bann, D., Johnson, W., Li, L., Kuh, D. and Hardy, R., 2018. Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood and adolescent body-mass index, weight, and height from 1953 to 2015: an analysis of four longitudinal, observational, British birth cohort studies. The Lancet Public Health, 3(4), pp. e194-e203.

Bilton, H. and Waters, J., 2017. Why take young children outside? A critical consideration of the professed aims for outdoor learning in the early years by teachers from England and Wales. Social Sciences, 6(1), p.1.

Conolly, A. and Davies, B., 2018. Health survey for England 2017: adult and child overweight and obesity. NHS Digital, 1, pp.1-30.

Conolly, A., Craig, S. and Gebert, S., 2019. Health Survey for England 2018 Overweight and Obesity in Adults and Children. NatCen Social Research, Health and Social Care Information Centre: London, UK.

Conolly, A., Craig, S. and Gebert, S., 2019. Health Survey for England 2018 Overweight and Obesity in Adults and Children. NatCen Social Research, Health and Social Care Information Centre: London, UK.

Conolly, A., Saunders, C. and Neave, A., 2017. Health Survey for England 2016: Adult overweight and obesity. Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Fingertips.phe.org.uk. 2021. E06000039. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2021].

Kinge, J.M. and Morris, S., 2018. The impact of childhood obesity on health and health service use. Health services research, 53(3), pp.1621-1643.

Lake, A.A., Henderson, E.J. and Townshend, T.G., 2017. Exploring planners’ and public health practitioners’ views on addressing obesity: lessons from local government in England. Cities & health, 1(2), pp.185-193.

Lake, A.A., Henderson, E.J. and Townshend, T.G., 2017. Exploring planners’ and public health practitioners’ views on addressing obesity: lessons from local government in England. Cities & health, 1(2), pp.185-193.

Marteau, T.M., White, M., Rutter, H., Petticrew, M., Mytton, O.T., McGowan, J.G. and Aldridge, R.W., 2019. Increasing healthy life expectancy equitably in England by 5 years by 2035: could it be achieved? The Lancet, 393(10191), pp.2571-2573.

Miethe, S., Guarino, M., Alhamdan, F., Simon, H.U., Renz, H., Dufour, J.F., Potaczek, D.P. and Garn, H., 2018. Effects of obesity on asthma: immunometabolism links. Polish archives of internal medicine, 128(7-8), pp.469-477.

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Rudolf, M., Perera, R., Swanston, D., Burberry, J., Roberts, K. and Jebb, S., 2019. Observational analysis of disparities in obesity in children in the UK: Has Leeds bucked the trend? Paediatric obesity, 14(9), p.e12529.

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Sun, Y., Hu, X., Huang, Y. and On Chan, T., 2020. Spatial Patterns of Childhood Obesity Prevalence in Relation to Socioeconomic Factors across England. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), p.599.

Venturelli, F., Ferrari, F., Broccoli, S., Bonvicini, L., Mancuso, P., Bargellini, A. and Giorgi Rossi, P., 2019. The effect of Public Health/Paediatric Obesity interventions on socioeconomic inequalities in childhood obesity: A scoping review. Obesity Reviews, 20(12), pp.1720-1739.

Wang, Y., Min, J., Khuri, J. and Li, M., 2017. A systematic examination of the association between parental and child obesity across countries. Advances in Nutrition, 8(3), pp.436-448.

Wilfley, D.E., Hayes, J.F., Balantekin, K.N., Van Buren, D.J. and Epstein, L.H., 2018. Behavioural interventions for obesity in children and adults: Evidence base, novel approaches, and translation into practice. American Psychologist, 73(8), p.981.

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